2 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Ma THE DaiLy NEws 1 CITT Double Weekly Service Londes, May &8—The King and | re anwar at nee BIA Queen held court at Buckingham ” Published Daily and Weekly by | re Te bi TO THE SOUTH THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 49,7 ; , by the splendid steamers senbsrrsm PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Palace this evening Miss Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the writer, was among those presented Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria Qnd Seat Mondays and Fridays at 9 A. m — For Stewart on Thuredays at 8 A ” ~ uw at Sy Pa A Aaa Senator MoMullen’s Estate Guelph, Ont., May 8—The will] of the late Senator James MeMu!} SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:, Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. ; a & Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance sia lin of Mount Forest, disposes of) For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 A. m ml port ‘ a . : an estate amounting to $139,202. | weeks eee Prince — and Prince Albert ‘ e € ee ri . rene 1 . With the exception of 82,000 Lo} jeoen th jotte Islands, Calite my aS ee TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract oe Ms, Calling at Way. Ports Leave . ithe Presbyterian Missionary So | pound Saturdays at 8 P.M. ¢ ommencing April {9 . rates on application. : | Masset and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert jciety and other minor bequests, | Commencing April 9. . — ithe whole is left to the family RAILWAY SERVICE HEAD OFFICE His son William is the chief train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound 10 an | Saturdays . lheneficiar Special lo e slo es t inte t Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B,C, Telephone 98. | beneficiary. nection with the Grand Trunk Ratiway "systent. ts," turn limit Oct. 94st 7 ——" " — s ‘ribe r the. Daily News For tickets, reservations, ete., a BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES a eS A 8. oom m : ASTER, Ul ettee 0 Alben never ner Agent : New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. 1836 THE BANK oF 1913 BritishNorthAmerica ARE YOU GOING EAST Little's NEWS Sra TT Yeans In Business. THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Peri Seattle—Puget Sound News Co | London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. ; CAPITAL ano SURPLUS Over $7,600,000. Special Excursions May 28th to Sep ; Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ’ tember 30th . CIGARS TOBACCO RUIT 7 . 0 ) ; case of nan-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. ae ven eres jamie jetober Bist | ane Ave. Below Kaien Island Oly sicemeenaeennanmnemnnanntaiion anenait return Posbee $82.00 | —— — , - eee ee e Vancouver to Montreal and The Convenience of a || ...°°!!. iy sew 5 $108.00 | Vancouver to New York and oo. return $108.60 i fancouver to Chicago and Joint Account veneer svzeo|' |; Empress Bowling Alleys | Vancouver to St. Paul and DAILY “EDITION aye Tuesday, May 13, 1913. BALKAN WEATHER after all their sacrifice, would be simply playing into the : return : $60.00 AND POOL RO« | : oint Account may be Other Points Correspondingly Low )M 1 NOW CLEARED UP. hands of the power wise A J int y J. @, MoNAB @ ALLEYS 12 TABLES | Europe is still heaving deep enough to remain neutral. opened in the names of two or General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St 4. E. ROSE, Prop. Sra Ave. | sid Princess May, south, Friday, 9 A. Mm. Prince Ruger Employment Bureay | sighs of relief over the pass- eae - more persons. Whichever one ; - 0. re Phone 264 > 2¢e ess NSED A ing of the Balkan war cloud. As will be seen in our pre cam most conveniently reach soe Sie re It is hard to get used to the] despatches of today, the budget 7 _ == : brought down yesterday in the ARREST OF MRS. DESPARD the bank can then deposit the —- _ —~ clear atmosphere again No , I Ce : stenin commons showed a revenue Of} aged sister of General French, who succeeded in holding up traf joint funds or withdraw the L U M B E R doubt there is a deal of bieker-| 436,000,000 and an ordinary fic in the busiest part*of London by gaining the summit h needed. It ti | ; z . or the De . : ee ee eee : eee SUNRIA cash ne ° saves time ing to go through yet over the naa a et cs . areee of the great monument near London Bridge, throw 4 teow delimitation of frontiers, and dd to the latter the $35,000,- r do ‘ ors ¢ hUeten fas Wome . and trouble. ( O A | th naticns a A age 000 which Borden putposes ing down banner one . oe for Women” ci New Wellington Coal. Best on th le pacification o 1 is- culars Sains : sai giving away to help meet an one eee ts , : PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH and Phone 116 Rogers & Ba imperial emergency which does crisis is passed. Out of the does not exist, and Canada’s F. S. LONG, Manager. Complete Line of sitlienisiniinriteatin ; tangle of bluster and intrigue national credit is reduced to DISPUTE AS T0 LOCATION OF i ' ital three millions. - et BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES LINDSAY CARTAGE a Great Britain has emerged rinses soal| me sone vars wea] RORT GEORGE STATION SETTLED | () p,DE'san®,. || musa. in | ce tte one ness throughout, coupled with the steam roller at Toronto her insistence upon the need-| prove that Canadian Toryism —-— — Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable lessness of war, was largely still puts force in the place of RAILWAY COMMISSION ORDERS THAT IT BE PLACED ON WHISKY. OFFICE —H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone instrursental in keeping Aus- reason as a principle of gov- ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND THAT ITS ORIGINAL NAME UNION 1 COMPANY OF B.C., a tria and Russia from flying at ernment. OF FORT esenes BE RETAINED. AGE & YEARS one another. “ aE emanate ——— The Twin Screw Steamer But there were other rea- In our naval policy we are Vancouver, May 10 After alconnection with the Grand Trunk GUARANTEED BY SMITH & MALLETT not even to have the company|two days’ hearing and an addi- Pacifie Railroad is to give the sons. Contrary to their cus- , J : of New Zealand. Col. Allen.|yjional two days digesting the|OW™e’s of property a_ fifty per THE GOVERNMENT | 66 99 que AvE ) oF CANADA. Venture |] Plumbing, Heating, Steamtting w tom, fear and distrust worked t Th j her minister of defence, sayS|yojuminous evidence, the Rail-|°°™'- interest in the townsites in RECOMMENDED FOR Sheet Metal Work against war. © powers ais- New Zealand will take steps to|uay ; , ; exchange for a clear deed to the] | Office: 3rd A rieshop “ust one another, eve time fe mm . . am : way Commission at Ottawa today) 3 . Ti Canadim THe INVALID Arrives from Vancouver Every a. a. un renin trus ne another, even in defend her own shores and handed down its decision in the]! perty Negotiations were op THe tiome of peace, and remain always keep her trade routes open.|now famous Fort George station ened between the Natural Re THe CONNOISSEUR MONDAY NIGHT armed to the teeth. In time of We and the Malays will have to|ease, according to a despatch to-|SUrC®s Security Company of Tne PusBuic - war their trust,.if they have go it alone on the contribution day. The application of the G Vancouver, the owners of the Cog a naturally Bails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.k any grows less. A war that nome T. P. R. to place a station on the|/°'t George townsite and the dusty | want the best. and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. _ , an) ‘ 8s. 1 i ‘ el i ei ads eastern part of the Indian Re Grand Trunk Pacific Develop 2. | es (SCANDINAMIAN Society would involve all the powers Prince Rupert is to have alserve, located at the junction of|™¢"' Company, but were never Ace, Purity | would be too dreadful to con- ao Tb. P. ore elevator of te » Sontine Se Nt, lin consummated The Indjan Re ano MELLOWNESS Galle for Vancouver Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday a . T. P. grain a njthe Fraser and Nechaco rivers, in UNSURPASSED. the hall at 4 template. The most inveterate million bushels capacity. Two|Central British Columbia, and to|*°'Y® adjoining the townsite on WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. eer . war lord would hesitete to pro- years hence all the western|name the station Prince George. the east was then purchased by DISTRIBUTORS |— voke it, knowing that the grain will not come down the|was refused. The application of the railroad from the Indians] Prinee Rupert Importing Co., Ltd . | ' ‘ ng é lakés, -Pansma: means some-ithe Natural Resources Security through the Dominion Govern- PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Rogers Steamship Agency | D. C. STUART Napoleonic conflict of a cen- : ihaiis : : : ment for $200,000. The re i | : thing.—Toronto Globe Company, Limited, and George J Pr 9euVu, : le railway gee ie E i | a tury ago would be child’s play ve Hammond, of Vancouver, for a/°°™P@ny announced that it would as Phone 116 | am ol " ’ ; ace 8 ‘ » easte Ave. om Ph * comparéd with it. At the same Mrs. O. P. Belmont says that|station on the western part of place its station on the eastern ee Bee Ss | 808 2nd Ave one . part of the reserve, over a mile -—————-—_ | PRINCE RUPERT. B. © time, such is the terrible cost the suffragettes of Fngland are|the reserve, adjoining the Fort and a half away from the town of war in these modern days justified in blowing up people's |Geor townsite and for the sta- | | 1a} jus ple’s ge townsite an I le sta » eo t wn ——- — that nene of the great nations houses. Mrs. Belmont has a/tion to be named Fort George, of Fort George snd. that “ PRINCE RUPERT INN | rge 0 name would be changed to Prince | | Alex. @. Manson, B. A. dare indulge in it, while an im- mansion in New York. Sup-|was sueceessful. The decision} — | e portant rival is left at peace.| pose somebody should destroy|orders the Grand Trunk Pacific weorge. | Sawmill Co Lid. W. E. Williams, B.A, Lb The victor could not hope to it because women have no votes|Railway to place its station in rhe application for the regis- AND ° WILLIAMS & MANSON escape with much less damage in that state. Would Mrs. Bel-|the west part of the reserve, 300|tration of the Indian reserve as Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. | | | than the vanquished, and both,| mont approve? feet east of the townsite Prince George was last week re- NNEX : : ‘ : A umber Box 285 - —— . - =a en | lhe contest for control of what fused by Attorney-General Bow- | L Be Biock ’ Prince Rupert, 8. ! is now known as Fort George/ser of Victoria and his decision end dates back four years. George J.|Was today upheld by the Railway dinienegiaepil si Hammond, of Vancouver, secured|Commission. The victory of the|fj Mouldings P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPE 9 from the original stakers the| Hammond forces in winning both ° ? FRED STORK’S. HARDWARE [lian that is'now curses in the|the name and the station loca-|f GO%nsE snd operated by the adie B. DAVEY }|Fort George townsite. Prior to] tion brings to a close one of thel] uo ’qmerican erat. Soo A large stock of dry finish- TEACHER OF SINGING Established 1908 ~—————-- S$ ———— the crown grants being issued|™ost spectacular fights in the SEROpCen Pome. ing lumber on hand. Boat the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-|history of Western Canada. metengee Rare nye with lumber a specialty. Delivery ER 4? Ue, Gonen, ane. 108.8 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hard in C way entered a protest claiming ene ea are . tae ea! made at short notice. ee uilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery that this particular land was Railways for Alaska. “a rota oO lo , 1 " a lutely first-class in every respect. ur prices are as low as any. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle needed for railway and townsite Washington, May 8.—Respon- . ee Call on us before orderi HAYNER BROS. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns purposes. The provincial land|sibility for the conditiow of The appointments and service = | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS department at Victoria, however,|Alaska rests squarely on the are equal to any hotel on the os Funeral Directors Rope Valves Ammunition upheld the original stakers. The|shoulders of Congress and no coast. Srd Ave. near 6th St Phooe No * Pumps Hose Paint land was then sub-divided into|place else, fommer Secretary of OFFICE: building lots, streets were grad-|the Interior Walter L. Fisher as- —_—_—. EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron am alee : er La Se " 7 ; pwalks built, buildings er-|serted today before the Senate "Rates: $1 yuildings er ‘ day before e Senate _ Rae: $1 te $3.50 per day. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. ected and the rapid increase of|territories committe. Mr. Fisher population indicated the speedy|thinks the government should E. L. FISHER growth of a prosperous city. build and operate railway lines Adver tise in Funeral Director and Embaimer The general policy of the Grand|in Alaska. ——_ Trunk Pacific Development Com RT CHARGES REAS G. A. Sweet, Manager. ° gna Ot, cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 95 pany, the subsidiary company Glassware, Crockery. Wal- e ews OPEN DAY AND NIGH whieh exploits the townsites in|lace’s. 99tf ' | | Drawn for The Daily News ») Of IM A MARRIED MAN SO OF COURSE a Yow DONT INTEND XO PRINT THE STORY ~ L0-B055~SaY, THE |> \ Scoop- I CAN'T WRIT WHAT TOY RWE STORY MN FooTs ASLEEP ~ BETTER. PUT ME ON THose "HINTS "TO / GENTLE MOTHERS y Meese, i Mii OW Mt | NO- “osT