i913 THE DAILY NEWS Tues — ee : Oo NO) r coal NOTICES | AL, NOTION pistrict of } Omineca La ~~ La ! | gine’ Hla ct, b. N. Meee] Notice herel L j ‘ occupaviod | Keehnt« of Va Va . jtend Ww ap | surgeon, ¢ eer. A r of Landsipiy Ww th . al and pe-jfor leense to 5 . , pros} y described lands: | troleum ov } , “ er the planted on bank Commencing «a | Anted neat rt peng Abe ot ay miles UP) Grand Trunk ia post 1 tt ‘ en upl MyOUnereot (Grand) south 80 cha 60° chant g hore Hrouth of ereek near) thence north ot Doe » porth 80 chains,| chains t pia : " Te |, pos tnence south 80) taining 640 a f ’ west 80 ce hains wo pae = ' i ECHNE . tt g 640 acres 0 er ft \ } ) Agont oe ofl “ Staked and da ‘ imu " ie . ao (ACKECHNIE L. N, Mackect i ” . DY, G B. Agent Pub, Apr. 14 19. 1019 : farch 18th, 1013, 4 and date guied* ‘. W. ft ‘ , kK ; 2 013 x ea i ay 1%, 1 Omineca La f Notice is hereby 5 ' L. N. Mat - t—Distriet of Kechnic f Va pation a 4 iA ‘ surgeon ‘ } i ) , hat I, L. N. M@@-|piy to ‘the : i ee hot Bb. Cy GCCUpBHOR Tor icons and pe my : ‘ niend t0 @b | trojeum ov “ bed lands an a ner of Lands Commencing a planted neat ® mal and Pe l Grand Trunk h south Pp | g described lands: / 89 chains, the ‘ hain thence ; planted near Old) horth 80 Cha west chains « F i ce mile post 135,) piace of mn nt ( . . thence west 80 . & more eg oe sins, thenee east ACKECHNIE nee : nmencement, con Per F. W \ c.f Agent I jess. Staked and dated Ma 17th, 1913, MACKECHNIE L. N. Mackechn YW. ¢ w apy, &. B., Agent Pub. Apr. 14, 19 fay 12, 1943 arch «10th, 19493 sake’ oe obit ‘. B. ¢ - |, §. Meckecn™ lay 1013 pub Ap ’ Umineca La } District of — hiag ; _ : District of Notice is beret give hat I, L. N. Mac yminecs LA Kechnhiie, of Va ve b. G., occupation hat I, L. N, Mac surgeon, ¢ ‘ ‘ la niend to ap Nol B. C., occupstion| ply to the h mmissioner of Lands ject b he ‘ intend to ap-|for license ww 5 I t for coal and pe we 5 ioner of Lands trqye um over th wig described lands uv r coal and pe ommencing at i post planted near B ice Proll « described lands;| Grand Trunk Pa mile post 128, thence ne 8 8 { planted near oldjnorth & hains, th © east 80 chains, ‘ 4 mile post 135,| thence south & ha thence west 80 thence east 80/| chains | pia tnmencement, con chains, thence] taining 640 acres more r less commencement, I N. MACKECHNIE ' sere e or less Per F. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent qowning 4 \ MACKECHNIE Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 W ADY, ©. E., Agent L. N, Mackechnie, 8. W. ¢ ied : urch 19th, 10143 Pub. Ap i4, 1913 -—-May 12, 1913 panes Ww b A, Bach May 12, 1019 Mage pub. Ap . i ee ee ee Omineca Land ict——District of District of Hazelton mines +” , Notice is hereby en that li, 1 N. Mac ha L. N. Mac Kechnie, of auc » B. U., occupation = \ j b a occupation | SUrseen, © Gays a! ae ee ve face 4 ate imtend Ww ap ply Ww Une ale Commissioner a Lands spe’ 7 ner of Lands for license to prospect for coal and troleum over the following described lands coal and pe scribed lands Commencing @| & post planted hear as | WANTS JIM JEFFRIES AS BOXING PARTNER Gunboat Smith Wire an tnvita- tion to ex-Champion Who Couldn't Come Gack. Fourth of July it is possible the winner of the Smith-Willard fight may be matehed with Luther Me Carty. CONTRACT FOR LIFE Newsy Lalonde Enters tronciad Agreement Which Has No Time Limit May 8 ‘Newsy” La- figured at the head news yesterday signed a contract day morning that will great deal more to him than any George Ken Ottawa, londe again of the Newsy lacrosse vester- mean a eontract Con Jones, ( planted near old| Grand Trunk Paciile mile post 128, thence Di RIEDMANN IN A CHILLY ATMOSPHERI nedy or any other sports pro , : 0 su ct is t a wes 80 chains - i mile post 135,)™ —, ‘ ry: chains thence east 5 \ moter ever offered him, To get sof, thence east so; _ { os coment. cos This sat ‘ if he fa ous German scientist in the sue Pe #0 chains, thence} halls to place Go eT e . ia ed in Tot tak dads te i ight to the point, ““Newsy” was sce of commencement, | URE O40 sore - \. MACKECHNII : # : ; Oa ct ee a ey married yesterday at Montreal © OF lees 5 : : of the h ed berculosis eure nio his To- . : F 7 re Per FP. W. MeCRADY, U. E., Agent ! i MACKECHNIE . ws as . » bo ant E., Agent Staked and dated March i7th, 1913 matic His last appearance here was like the weleom Newsy” was joined in the bonds arch 19th, 1043. >. Becuscan, 5. & © 13 ne of eat viet the conqu the dread white p Se of matrimony with Miss —Tona { Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, i¥1 - 1 qu I i i ad wh piag 3 é i I fi M { at a May 12, 1913 tid * time the sphere f the rece on was cold and c1 eal This sore on-Letters, 0 Mon rea . = a ; for t tl , : St. Agnes church, by Rev. Father ‘ s ar ed by the fact that in the meantime grave doubts Omineca Land District-.-District of 4 , Brophy. District of Hazelton “a have beet h ipe the mer his s¢ illed diseovery by ’ u Notice is hereby given that |, I a i} i 4 ‘ { the ‘ ‘ tt ' 4 ; eunmemmentemetenmmnmmest men » that I, L. N. Mae-| poens of Vancouver, B. C., occupation Be MSGI Soe sts of the continen OT 1e 1¢ of the dor I . Bb u., eocupsation sarecon, 6U days after date intend w ap = Dy Divi ie i his new issista n the right his lewa idy ise? JACK LONDON'S. SCRAP late intend W 8P-| ply w the Chief Commissioner of Lands D ¢ \ , gal id ssioner Of Landgsifor license Ww prospect for coal and pet ’ rnot t for coal and pe-| troleum over the following described lands Butted Into Family Squabbie as wing described lands Commencing at & post planted near post planted pear old], cabia bear al Trunk Pacific mile Peacemaker with Usual j fe mile post 135,|/ post 130, thence south 80 chains, thence BILLY WEEKS MATCHED Results. thence West 80/ west 60 chains, thence north 80 chains, ih 60 Chains, WeNce| thence east 80 chains to place if Der] E se of ComMmenCeIeD, | mencement, Coataiming 640 acres MOE OT) Yancouver Middleweight Will, BURN LONDON DOWN Santa Rosa, Cal., May 8.—'‘The \. MACKEC HNIE ; L. N. MACKES apa Meet Romeo Hagen at Jars of a Family Squabble,” or RADY, ©. EL, Agent Per PF. W. MeCRADY, ¢ , Agent ——_- ; pe Re saline : , Wel arch 190m, 41943. Staked and dated March {7th, 194 Steveston. Is a Peacemaker Always el- . 8 G L. N. Mackechnie, N. E |Elaborate Plan Discovered by)... 9» May 12, 1913 Pub. Apr. 14, 1013-——May 12, 191 me 7 ssiineateataniiie tana . | Weeks Va ver and Police to Fire Lumber Yards This may be the title of the t-District of Sarg } P Hager f Sea vere and Cut Wires. next bit of fiction by Jack London, 1 that I, L. N, Mac Omineca Land District—Distt : “a - , |noted author and traveler, who, 5. GC, GeCUpaon) Notice is her ay coven it ati, i ’ z London, May 8.—According tO) vith John Burns of San Fran- jate intend to 4) ee Se a ’ % decis il Steves ; Swrns > 1m “oe have ler f Lang es S ee 7 nten he Daily M the J rie - ave | cise », a friend, must stand trial ; . surgeon, ¢ ‘ date inten ; a erec ' n ing suffrage cing deseribed ianas:|Ply fo ‘the | Mer May 1 Weeks and Hag q . / an amazing Sulraé- here next Monday on charges of ' cense : 4 : set mdor E re . post penne sees iy nth coe tal following describe is; | ha t if OCCASIONS |* ! : Lond ah assault and battery B. H. Shep- *acific rack, : 4 | Yy < i ' ‘ ‘ ured | e oral rit in 80 chains, thence| Commencing at a p | planted no ar a) h » de sive rasuilt WW eeks | Th al i an al it w ard, an employee of the London cabin wear Grand Trunk Pacific ™® i | nlan fi setling fire to every hy t Hains.) 50, thence south 80 chains, thence east] w ‘ ‘ tra ~ mies , pian 8 — = ranch at Glen Ellen, is the com- 0) eee, Snore or | 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence y The boxers W make 158 ge ber yard in London, also] |), z witness g 640 acres west 80 chains to place of commence ale ; telephone wires in the plaining ne : \. MACKECHNIE. ment, containing 640 ateue 2 eee 135.) pounds ringside ‘ ue _ ~ mn beer age Be London is said to have at- RAD te Se Sn Repeat Per F. W. MCCRADY, ©. E., Agent ' of the yards Ww , “|tempt to stop a row in the Shep- ee aS ie. Make i words palatable |of making it impossible to imme-| 114 home and a free-for-all fight L. N. MacKechnie, ~ Cc 4 on . Bes ios "R ? May 12, 1913, Pub. Apr. 14, 1913——May 12, 1013 when you can You may be/diately summo ” a a. resulted: , Te — ondon is fu of timber yards, —————————————— foreed t eat them some day iI —__—_—_ a Land District—District of jmany in the neighborhood of McCarty Goes to Calgary. seit, Omineca an istric dis € oO 1 . ven that I, L. N. Mac Hazelton se ee }small dwelling houses. The chief Chicago, May 8—Luther Me- ver 5b. U., Gcocupalion Notice is hereby given that mat : : me an ae . 4 s > me “ . r date een, to | Kechnie, of Vancouver, B C.. ee upation LAND PURC ASE NOTICE storage areas are a Carty, white heavyweight cham- uibissioner © ands surgeon, 60 days after Gale Ate tic 0 a ne Snel OT) Sur ‘ommercia dock 2 Sis ect for coal and pe-| ply w the Chief Commissioner of Lands nea 1a urrey Commu | pion of the world, will leave for wing described lands: |for license to prospect for coal and pe-| skeena District—District ¢ Coast, | « the largest timber dock in the Calgary tonight, where he is to post planted about 12] troleum over the following described lands that I Sam | nyu, - . rld snd in the season over aigary ° ‘ trunk Pacific track, Commencing at 4 post, planted = une i ty . WOrIG, ¢ red tl i : meet Arthur Pelkey on May 24. ith 80 chains, thencé| cabin near Grand Trun racic mile pos issih ei three hundred acres 0 and an¢ hs nol ¥ nce north 80 chains,|430, thence north 80 chains, thence east 1 laud: i ‘ rs : te thettete McCarty says he expects to dis- us to place of com-|s80 chains, thence south 80 chains ’ unMEenciNg post planted of MMi water are covered Wile SHinm. pose of Pelkey in short order and ¢ 640 acres more or] west 80 chains to place of commencement, | s thwest corner . : * 182 ‘” pee : aaa t J Ww ll { lat taining 640 acres more or less ast District, on the ban t re s 7 may mee ess illare« ater, L. N. MACKECHNIE. ve sas smi L. N. MACKECHNIE River, thence 90 ct west, thence 20 CHINA’S PROTEST - are agli McCRADY, C. E., Agent. Per F. W. McCRADY. C. s. Agent. ch sins north, thence 20 cnaine cast to oe either in San Francisco cr Los March 10th, 1013. Staked and dated March i7th, 1¥1: t ndary of sak oO 82, rence = 50 — An les ’ . . — BO 4 s to D of | Angeles. N. W. C. . N. MacKechnie, 5. W. C slong said boundary 2 hains to point o May 12, 1943. Sun Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1043 mmencement, containing 40 acres more Republic napa Follow Example of eee — or less Japan as en Lan - — ee SAM ENNYL From Stage to Peerage. Nd District—District of ‘“ Dated April ion, 1038 . : , . é heen ees a. ob t& Me tee Omineca Land, Dissict District of pub. May 5 194 June 1913 Washington. May 8 China is London, May 8.—Another leap De iver, Bc , occupation Notice is hereby given that I, L. N, Mac preparing to follow Japan in pro- from the stage into the peerage ys arler date intend to @p-|Keehnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation ; a al . Californialis to be made here soon when f Commissioner of Lands| surgeon, 60 days after date intend b LAND LEASE NOTICI testing against the California eaten aS ows A! coal one ty ply ee ed pe ; alien land bill Ownership of|Miss Etheridge, a musical com- wing described lands or Meense to prospe« re ‘ ens or . “ . > actres . »s . 2 0 é 41 a post planted about 19] troleum over the following described lands: | ~ Land District-—District of Coast,| ands in Galifornia by Chinese has edy actress, become s the bride of 7 Trun Pecine freee, Commencing t" po ne mie D st seg salle Range 1V liminished considerably within}Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Miss tce borty 80 chains, thence} cabin near Granc run acl ae - ce notice ‘ ank B. St. Amour of|* 2 we ; ” . ence south 80 ebains,|130, thence north 80 chains, thence wea eg ce in the Previncelthe last few years, but many|Etheridge today announced she 0 chains to place of com-|80 chains, thence south 80 chains, tiehie) |i 7 isn Columbia, prospector, intends to } , land owners still are|would abandon the stage after containing 640 acres more Or}east 80 chains to place of commence "| ap for permission to lease the follow-;Ghinese fan ; L. N. MACKECHNIE. containing 640 a aly Ca wees tt lescribed land there and it is with the purpose her marriage. 7 CKEC ; » enci at 4 8 ylanted on the . oti tnd hia GCRADY, C. E., Agent, Per F. W. MoCRADY, ¢ ws neem east, coast of Banks island, British ‘ of protecting them against loss mee uaree ‘9 1913. Staked and coud mare BD Sve, SUS mbia, on the shore of a simall unnamed of their property that the Chinese Flight Record Beaten. “tot ° . NN. 2 c i 9 bay and being about five (5) miles in an ; 2 : : - '01S-—-May 12, 1013. Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—-May 12, 1013 easterly direction from End Hill, thence| government is contemplating a Chartres, France, May 8.—Six Omine 7 : eae wo a at ‘cate 7... = eignty protest passengers were carried during & C twenty zu caa 3, 2 Ps q . 5s . . . ca Lang, District District of Omineca Land Diswiet District of 5 cnaia. thence south swenty, (80) aa oe 75 minute flight by the French . ae azel chains & oin rr) "O} pace ° ‘ n iat a : . . . re myety given geet. . N. mee Notice is hereby given Spat I. i Se raining one hundred and sixty (160 It was a cruel thing to Rs airman, Frangeois, in his biplane al ver, G., oeou on Vancouver, » vee eres more or less 4 aa aol . ot > = » 2 after date Intend o — of days after date intend lo ap . FRANK B. ST. AMOUR, Locator.| about a nice railroad whose chief/here this morning, beating the anise ba ly to ‘he Chief | omumlsel ner : L - 8 Dat« a the Hide Ay dori. eis aim was the speedy transporta- | world’s records both for the num- pe or coal and pe- ense to prosper ‘ I ay 5, , une 30, 3 , A cme sas . : Wing described lands fo ee eer tne Tolle wing deserts teats) tion of its passengers, but a ber carried and for the duration ‘ post planted about 12 Commencing at 4 post plant on b : . pas { ‘ned to light- } » id Trunk Pacific taek,| porcupine Creek about 11s miles up the enema: tate conversation had turnec & of the flight. ‘thence south Be Crate |ereek from mouth thereof (Grai . res ER NOTICE. ning expresses, and Wallace Ir- thence south 80 chains, | p » Railway crosses mouth f ¢ ee | ; aL ov chains to place of com- pace wile post 133),. thence south For a License to Take or Pen Back Water.) win, the author, simply could not Conaining 640 acres more orlehains, thence west 80 chatns, thence) is hereby given that 6 ae ‘a0 chains, thence east $0 chains t Av Prin e Rupert, 3. c.. wel eee help it. re. W. i URADR ee Bk place of commencement, containing © a eestor from on unnamed creek, a} On the road in question, as Mr. 4 ind ate a Mareh ith, av te gent. }acres more or aa N. MACKECHNIE um flowing im an easterly direction and/tiwin pelated the story, a train aenect i gE. Per F. W. McCRADY, ¢ E., Agent.} emptying into Goose Bay near Granby Bay : ; + the passen- WF. 14, 19 . h, 10143 rownsitt The water will be stored in &j sto yped one day and the passe i May ‘42, 1943, Staked | eng dated Mar« ch 18th, wv of 60,000 gallons capacity, built | sinh cet Minera | Aaa ——| Bub.’ as Apr aoa eae id—-May 12, 1013 r Wo be built '1.000 feet from mouth of | Bers were told that y i’ ée os Meee Land Dis tr ’ stream, and will be used for domestic rack and had to be driven . Hazelt “ District of purposes under a notice of application for on the track a . hereby given "that 1, Mec-|™= 4 license to take aad use water, posted off. ali . ’ os rewith, on the land deseribed as land : maak ‘ .e far ap 0 days erie. "ie i eeupator LAND PURCHAS! NOTICES. ‘ijoning west side of Granby Bay Town | Up the road a few miles farther nel tmissioner of Lands site ; posted on the ground the train stopped again, and once 1, Prospect for coal and pe ssiar This notice Wes oO sate i . l anation was given wen ing i wing described lands Omineca Land District Dis trtet of ee of | m the 2 ch Cay a Bae . = > | Pree the ¢ xplana ‘ 8: . oreupi oak Bast planted 08 bank| Take notice that I, ! ad » gurgeon, ik ation ecorder. at Prince Rupert, B, ¢.|that a cow was on the track. Two eek fy Ms abou miles wu . ‘ ipa — * ene ale . = . 2 2 . a ™ the mouth thetect torent See attes Bos intend to apply oS ot [ ns may pe fie wit ae. said miles, perhaps of continuous go- ‘ay crosses mouth of] Chie i issioner ands inaek Wa secorger © ' : i . - t ros 133 | Chief Comm siar District Water Rights, Parliament Builldings,|ing, and then eame another stop thence” Post), thence Rorth| Surveyed Lot 9154, Cassia le ' ale & aris | bai ast 80 chains, thence|Skeena fiver, situated wear iN i3 3] Victoria, B.C. G. R. T. SAWLE This time a passenger glanced Ties © west 80 chains toldrand Trunk Paci containing 104-10 16°22 : : , | he end of the . or jess 8M «Containing 640) acres more or less N. MACKECHNIE | een . — | Wor arily toward the end o re car. fal? PW. lich, MACKECHNIR, Per F. W, MecRADY, © E., Ag | WATER NOTICE. [ “ae Conduetor, he calle d out mye tnd lated ‘ar ob fede ‘i ptaked aad on NE. d pues For a License to Take and Use Water. lin yawnful accents could I é : echnie - @ Nb Apr _ hute Ww, ¢ be & 14, 1918 Jun 9, 1018 | oN e is hereby given- that rhe Prince speak to you a moment? . ! M t Hydro-Bleetrie Company, imited, ace : a * y 8, We _ oft ' upert. B. Ga will apply for 6 Certainly,” answered the econ Oine, at take and use 266 cubic feet per » y v1 the aisle. . ole t-Disteiet of Skeena Land District—District of M water out of Khtada River, whieh | Huetor, movin down e aisle enlite is hey ! a Range \ ‘ nena, of | how 1 a Westerly direction Wrouge Lots what is it? ie Shy 5 th . that ugelr - 1378, and empties into Skeena " f matt, N. 3 TAKE NOTICE eos in and , an ay 7” ‘ ¥ mht, ua 5. G., Sopupeetan Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation & a r- lAi ar Mile 44, @. To P, mileage, The Do you really mean to say, Re. Be late intend ft ap conde 3 apply a a a ribed land “ 1 > one SS amt spon! returned the passenger, in a voice | Hise ' loner s mse « 0 \ 1o N ire H 2 eum 0 fod coal and ne CO nencihg 8 @ post plante a at oe , generating electric power pur-|that was almost a sigh, “that we oy pitene |, wing described lands:|&. corner of T.L. 30045, then : s on the land deseribed a& Lot 1377, sf et % ee Peupine® ' 4 post planted on bank{ehains; thence’ east 13 chains, tore oF) bony Coast District have eaught up to that cow}! Trak from iy Sbout 1% miles up| less, to the west boundary of fut) tt lice Was posted on the ground | » ea in 9 DROWNED AT KINGSTON trey Pacin Rai lth thereof (Grand| kechney’s pre emption Sat Mckechne ' ve 13th day of April, 1043 The ep | : . ; , W cate! 199 tle), CROS8CS Mouth of] chains, more of Hose to, yD chains; thence | plica p wilt, be filed iS eee of the | GCadet Sergeant J, W. Logie, of Mm, the; * post thence »& 5.W. corner; thence east - ; Wat ecorder & » " Wie 7 SHIN, theron woe mene, thence soum 90 chalne aa mee “ cl hy ayections may. swine Cane anid Forty yeare in use, twenty! Hamilion, who with Cadet A, L "Go eee est £0 « » or as, Wo s eo : Wat it de , 3 4 ile : a ‘ » gato * ton “yr oment containing ees 1D s0048;. thence north 20 chain: omen Water Kights, Parliament Buildings, | Ye@r® standard, preseribed and) Smith, was drowned al Kingston LN OF less 1d the Dost more. oF less Victor eee RUPERT HYDROcELEe.|hecommended by physicians, For|last week, They were brilliant oF , ACKREO jaa 90 acres mo ‘ } : . Wit da CeRADY, ¢ ee eens ENE on | rai COMPANY LTD.” Applicant Women's Allments, Dr. Martel’s| boys at the Royal Military Col _ “a Mareh Ase i. D y » Aghew, Ament he | i le, N b, 1048, Dated Feb, 24, 1913 | Pub. ADE. @Ay AVAG=May ae 1988 Fom Pills, at your druggist. | lege, Wii May 48, 1088, Pub. March 17 to May t?-—'8 i San Franc May s In| ipreparation f he twe ound bout seheduled f{ May 17, Jess Willard has han five linen at his trair quarters as sparring partner wh Gun boat Smith has fa heen obliged to content h elf with the services of mils Bob Arm strong, but even th iy the fight fans, does not expla vhat moved the ex-sail { send to Jim Jeffries this telegra James J. Jeffries, Los An |} geles—-Do you want t e north hand act as my sparring partner Answer immediately And today they are wondering what Jeffries will say For the Canada's greatest diamond and jewellery house supplies the people of all British Columbia with the finest, most fashionable lines of all home manufactured and im~ ported goods. Diamonds and Diamond Set Jewellery of highest standard of perfection. Silverware in the best qualities and most popular patterns in both sterling and plate. Cut Glass in splendid assortments cut from high grade blanks. Leather Goods showing the latest conveniences for travellers. Also ladies’ handbags, purses and novelties. Our illustrated catalogue will be sent free to any ad- dress upon request. Write for this shopper’s guide and get the benefit of our moderate prices and quality goods. All goods sent prepaid to your nearest post or express office and money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C the very of beautiful designs an ie DAILY MEMORANDUM™ OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK OWN YOUR OWN HOME BE INDEPENDENT We are loaning money from Coast to Coast in Canada | to our contract holders to ‘ ‘ BUY OR BUILD HOMES PAY OFF MORTGAGES IMPROVE REAL ESTATE 5 % Investigate the C. H. I. C. contract plan today, It will pay you. It means becoming your own landlord. The Canadian Home Investment Company, Lid. Home omen, acific Building, Vancouver Prince rt Office, Federal Sultding’ Svenings Until 9 o'Clock Ott Pee FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O”’ Liqueur Scotch Whisky Dr. Thomas, Hirwain, Glyn Neath, re- | TESTIMONIAL | ports : “Tt is, in my opinion, a good, whole- some, mild whisky, without the obnoxious | after-taste you find among nine out of twelve other brands. I have great pleasure in advising its use where required.’’ —DISTILLERS— ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited — AGENTS. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR RRR Read The Daily News And Get All the News | re lll