THE DAILY NEWS “The News” Classified Ads. { NEW HAZELTON NOTES. | Repairing the Roads. 2 ro) | ee ee Thomas Brewer started out — }Monday morning with a gang of —_— = s 1/25 men to repair the government - = anes n or or C lroad between the old town and | Mud Creek hill. The first couple —-? a= | > jof days were spent between the = = —— 8 jold town and the Bulkley hill -—_ = ak aa = land since then they have been -— = SAYS A Col ORED MAN | Wanted NARROW ESCAPE OF working on the New Hazelton . S E LIQUOR > side of the river Considerable > = SUPPLIED TH ~—~~—~4) FIVE MEN ON A RAFT)» ', ne on the gover Ss ~ POSITION in offce or st equired by ment road in the new town, and ex ; je ; —_—_— reliable young man Box Daily ——— the men will be stat ’ r; : ndian from 111-13 ationed her —_= - fe Uatan aoe oo «| Were Imprisoned by an toe Flow | for several days eo — Sentence 7 on Fraser River and Near! . = om Suspended F. | . > 6 -— or Sale Starved to Death. Auto Stage to Alderm = a ere. em CLIC) = Sites Matbaed én Indian from iedh Geceek: Mae tbjindeec McAfee’s automobile will be| <— |. ' ie a . | ; jut on the New Hazelto de CRANCELLO a Essington, came in on Sunday : 41,800; 0778 cast be on ne “two en men, starving for want of food spa.'T'e 4 : aselton-Alder -—= - | even ais . $1,600; 9775 cash, b ce one, ni ‘a mere-Telkwa run within the next = —— <= i § ‘ain Oo enjoy the Address Mrs. Call Walact Ser 731 ane & most frozen to death, were|few day The at i “ = | a A ’ 0. 3 ’ ‘ ays auto will make | . . Ve 0 or : = awn | Sights and lights of the big city ancouver 111-13 imprisoned in an ice flow which three return trips a week con , ; . einedae ion eae ors . ; eting =—= = ne a the wharf! yesterday! Cquecline ‘cagian, Vasive 2D. nigh speed, broke away and carried them|Mecting with trains from Prince —<_ ne jafternoon enjoying the balmy| frst class shape. Apply P. 0 Box 1509.;}down the Fraser until it lodge Rupert at this point and return <= = breezes that were blowing over| Prince Rupert soit ieee C i : ’ it lodged ing from the valley will get the |the harbor, Silas says he got ac-| meres against a rock in midstream.|passengers here < ‘ , te a There the = starving , | passengers Here in time for the —= = (duainted with a “half nigger ‘| ee ae re. ae Mr. M ' . Afee = The New Gurney - Oxford a |who invited him to go to the lat- For Rent bebo up without means of e8-|states that he will give ; a —_ ter’s place on Comox The col bo until yesterday, when they cla sins 7 : that A a oe . _ ’ , ol- were ‘Neoovare , Peckiaen lass service ane 1a 1e scher —_= Range Has Solved The — }ored friend was most hospitable,| FURNISHED room to Phone 15 discovered and rescued./ uo will be kept to the letter «sn a Silas says, and invited him t wver te [sane Sane Seeeeey aed coy Seeee —_ “Hel Problem” ao a for and will probably ree has a — limbibe some fire water out of a|COMPORTABLY furnished front roon | . probably recover P = |bottle. Silas became drunk ye oon adjoining; reasonat terms. 691 They had been engaged in con Married Men Defeated. ° i é 1 i ve es atl l ' , TT —_= a lwas taken in by the police. This 119-15 West, ape ” istruction work at Tete Jaune There was a lot of excitement = Everywhere women are coping with the same -— morning before Magistrat ‘Cares | TWO i Cache and were coming down the|0D the ball grounds on Sunday ; ; Magistrate Carss nicely furnished single rooms to/,, ° = difficulty — the securing of domestic help. he pleaded guilty and told hi rent, ; Apply a anmit, Avenue, near|river*on a raft when engulfed in afternoon, when the married men — , 7% s orden *hone Black 148 100-14 the ice fl layed the ‘s : ai’ ie oe ai steel i ow. playeu le singies A big crowd 4 A Gurney-Oxford with its wonderful devices = - a : : Parte te ; uspended gathered to witness the sport i ; to give the Indian an op- : T . for the saving of time and labor enables you to be gap [Portunity of locating the man Lost and Found | Children's dresses, Wallace’s,] The #ame was all in favor of the = independent, if from necessity or choice you are _ who supplied the booze. aa oe cee 9 without a servant. = | ee WAS FINED F seek bab Wall be Ghsned he Seh- aos FOUND—An Odd Fellow'’s gold pin, at the OR USING went bad and he passed the bat = The Divided Flue distributes the heat eveniy ‘SUNDAY EXCURSION Dally “News Omce by paying for. this OBSCENE LANGUAGE tors ao fast as they stepped to en throughout the oven, and by means of the Econo- = BY PRINCESS MARY - 110tr | the plate. He exchanged places > . . | ee ee 5 vie F © mizer the temperature is determined, kept constant = ns oh re ee oe Bae . : ¢ ’ | ) E y . i re = or changed as desired. It is easily controlled ba == - ENGINEERING Jack Frost Will Soon Learn to|{P™ that on they managed to a . . 4 | “Paternal Order of of Eagles Will) |; ‘ Keep Cool—Fined $10.00 hold their own, but the single @ little lever working around six notches. =—_ Celebrate Third Anniversary Engineers, Stationary and Mar-| and Costs : men had got a lead and wet =- , : ine, coached for examinatio . . os aihiege Dough and batter-mixtures will always be —_= ne Sueureton. ‘ I wns w, eae aad ae tee, es te cee ; : oe ; a Ow, 1 stand the pace The ‘ ‘or light, thoroughly cook “ is | Jack Frost the ‘ . pact le final scor &@ light, ghly ed, and nicely browned. - The citizens of Prince Rupert 654 Ath Ave. East! . nted to | oie man Wwholwas 43-8 in favor of the youl . ‘ ee 0 ee . f va es This stove saves you the dreaded black leading 3 |W!!! have an opportunity next I Se ee ee <= : . ‘. 3 . was this 0 g : “@ process for it has an unchanging polished top. = Sunday of oy the various} Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 = 1is morning ordered — by : ; =~ —— |canneries on the Skeena, of en- | Magistrate Carss to pay a fine of uto Stage to Old Tow es If you must do your own work you owe it to © [joying a pleasant sail on @ com HARRISON W. ROGERS |*: and $2 costs for using ob Gordon W ; has | a am : . “ a si > - ” > oD- 20rdo son has e , a yourseY and to your family to spend less time in the =e fortable steamer and of witness scene language on the streets.jold town several cane te ye i r 4 ’ ere f 8 ee « kitchen. od ing the beautiful scenery of the Architect The evidence of the constable|getting his automobile i he = N a 9 [Lower Skeena. The Fraternal Suite 1, Federal Bloc} who made the arrest on Sunday}for the run be tw ve ee me 6 the . = ; . ore +k nds oO ’ twee ere an . —_ ene ooo need a drudge with a Gurney- gem [Order of Eagles, in order to cele PRINCE RUPERT. B. C evening was corroborated byjold iown. The machine is be ~ =- NC e . : i. é 2 1s ing “sa ord range. -- brate the third anniversary of that of another constable and b¥{ thoroughly overhauled and it will aa = the formation of the local lodge . me of the fire laddies. It is not} be the reliable stage line between 7 = have arranged an excursion via LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. to be inferred that Jack was sojthe two towns again this year wy the Princess Mary ag » Prine a hot that the fire department was — za Fred Stork - 2nd Ave. © [iter at 8:30 in the morni required to cool him off. aa tupert at 8:30 in the morning |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, . : LO COC iim off Another Ore Shipment. and returning to the city at 6:30 Take not nenpe } : ‘ ake notice that I, Daniel Brenton Ker Duke H is rece > is c ° i Bort Maataiten ttl be Gan of the ney. of Terrace, B. ¢.. occupation rancher, | COOK STILL IN JAIL ware a aves instru a se og = aaah ; it. end to app or permission to purchase ratee el - ‘ inman, owner == -—_ “ws en ae = 2 2 &@ & & j ntere sting points visited The the fouc wing described lands | of the Erie mine. to make other Port Simpson band will accom-|n riheast ¢ —? ror 4 Pstsb, thea at _the| One Suretor Appears for Former i st eas wtheast co ro ot 5130, thence north carioag 5 ) : of » ore ' pany the excursion. se Soria. Sees, east 30 chains, A+. Head of Bankers’ Trust Co. ' ' Dr - cre Y ~ , c south 40 chains, thence west 30 chains t Gave ike came GOwr ro t An excellent outing is assured|the point of commencement, containing —o Harris mines on Tue ta hel —_—_— and it is likely that the excursion|‘*" ““® "OiNret BRENTON KENNEY Victoria, May 10.—Franklin C.} the 1 pt "J yah . : NIEL EI I I r ni Re e miners on 1e rie tunne will be well patronized Dated March 13th, 1913 Cook, one of the aceused in thi se ’ Pub. April 7th to June 2nd lanker Dounh 4 contract start work mining = —~ a ot te ees sankers is ise, having been] Phare ; , Seven Per Cent. the Limit. won unable to arrange for 85.000 bail rhet pe about twenty tons Skeena Land District—District of Goast ad sacked and about ten more tons ASK FOR COMPLETE LITERATURE Ottawa, May 8.—An amendinent wef in addition to the $8,000 already fio be t AND ea! Nl) TAKE NOTICE that Frank Knott, of /Pul up oF re Pacem o be mined. The ore should all submitted by the H W Base |! 1 @ previous char - su ’ ‘ on [.| Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation baker, | ; a be ready for shipment early next White, enacting that not more intends to apply for Zermissicn to pur in custody The two others asso week Ominesa Hereid a chase ne followitr sscribed | : ciatec , . CE erald, PHOTOGRAPHS OF than 7 per cent. interest on loans % ommencing at : Gascrine’ tenes va _ fans him, namely, Messrs Ei : I . corner oO co Q ne ‘ ne an¢ : ‘Co or ceil should be recoverable by banks,|80 chains; thence Ag Se ry chenes lei sare and KE . UNwanee, Quite an Acquisition. was adopted in committee on the Sort 60 chains more or less to the south are at liberty on the $8,000 bail ated kik dethendns bank of ine Skeena River: thence porth- each fixed by County Court Judge John Hetherington left on the d } é , § ee , , EE taining 150° point of commencement, con- | Lampman on Wednesday rhursday train for Prince Rupert in 50 acres more or less. ’ It is expected ths N ’ where he will be e ; The City of Seattle southbou FRANK KNOTT, expected that Mr. Cook e connected with e e estund ae ' ix i ~ ve Dated Feb. 94, hag: LENHART, Agent will be able to secure the two ee.| tte Union Bank of Canada. Jobn 9 ; te clock this] pup March 17 to May ae curities of $2,500 required today, has been in Old Hazelton since P morning, nearly twelve hours yn f his f is | f the bank opened tl eg rince ’ late Amon ‘ one o s friends having left for .™ openet rere, and he ; al g those taking pas- ’ u Skeena Land District— : C Vancouver t ake » arrange.| "85 One f the 0 ar pert § sage from Prince Rupert were: a vt sploertes of Coast, pe 7 “A . make the arrange Sted ¢ he ne popular ° Mrs. Ask, Miss De Lorme, J Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of | U°"!S- oday one suretor for}: * men in that town, He Industrial Annex = : » mi sorme, J.| Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married] Mr. Cook appeared and it is prob took a leading part in all the Smith, J. Henderson, M. Avery, | ¥omae. intends to apply for permission to} ahjn {hs I ~“Tathletic H. F. Baker and Mrs. Juercio percsese See peerwae described lands: able that his bail will be satis-]@thletic movements and his place ea ; ad ‘ an , northeast corner of Lee bidh, thence west factorily arranged before the day will be very hard to fill. At the This industrial addition to Prince Rupert comes now at H. H. Cowl th letee ee oe e out. same time Prince Rupert gains ; » . 2 » Oo > ‘ ence sou 20 a time when opportunity is greatest. Prince Rupert and the {{|M owley, of the B. C.|following the meander of the Lakelse Lake, the best short distance runner - . ; p e Magazine, is leaving on the Ven-|% the point of commencement, containing PRAISES WORK OF MISSION that ever drew breatt heir entire great Northern British Columbia country are on the ture this afternoon for Granby Pa OFS ERTAUDE M ae burg. Jol ll ae ane , 8 % anby 2UDE M,. NEWELL. shia ‘s. John will also be quite an eve of a tremendous movement. V Bay L. H. KENNE . Values will go up remark- }}| #5: Dated A ' NEY, Agenty JAnd 6 ao 2 pril 16th,’ 1913. n s Enthusiastic as to acquisition to the Union Bank we during the present year and the years immediately fol- } —— > oe Sey Serene Sm yee Future of the Naas Valley. staf there.—Omineca Herald. owing. Port Edward prices are low , is i i } te oe a ow. : re ies hoe Pp n This is the time { WATER NOTICE. Skeena Land Diseries——pistatet of cues] Sohn W. Parr, one of the: Founder of Japan Na F ; i , one o e re- ese vy. Take notice that E fate : ‘e.@ . s ye one Z fer © License to Store or Pen Back Water. new, of Victoria, Dy ay be y: By — “on s taking up land n or lotice is hereby given t ‘ joman, intends to apply for permission wo| iM the Naas valley, is The , te To Rupert yaro-blestric “Loam Lined, purchase the following described lends: ' ek L k tot San Sate The founder of the Japanese M\of Prince Rupert, B. C., will apply for 8|,,cQummencing, at 8 post planted on the weer ike others who have|mavy was an Englishman named ' foatnat eee hon “ey ik $15,777 sere- River Se an "ies aw - gone into that district, he is very Will Adams e h w at t th a from 3 Ri ; ch © ocsall, thence ? ' AGSMS, o en , flowing in a westerly direction 4nd =a north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, optimistic as to its future. He]easter “as ¢ D , ing into Hocsall River about eighteen miles| Bence south 20 chains, thence east 20/ speaks in the | , , pifes-+ lpeh pendagd Daman ’ a Tae Ante, Hocsall River about elghtsen miles! chains more or less to point of commence- | | pes 1 the highest terms of|fleet in 1598 and was cast away im a reservoir of 4,912,582,060 cubic feet ment, conte e TE 40 acres more or less. the work that has been d . he i awa) Third Aven capacity, built or to be built at head of MMA WATEROUS AGNEW. | po j . done by|in Japan a couple of years later enue Opposite Post Office eats s wil be used for generating Dated april 13th, 043. an le ev. J. B. MeCullagh, who has|He became a Japanese noble and : 0 urposes as authorized by ~June . een doing mis ar abe a ’ ee Water Record No. 21, and under @ notice sone lissionary work there|constructor of » mi . SSS nanan of epplication for & “license to take and) oo. tand D for many years. Through the as-|tycoon, but ie. aoe ~ i = Ss 0 rew on the land| Skeena Lan istrict—Distric : anan a . ; ever GuOwed 10 _— es Lot 695, Range 8, Coast Dis- Take not! panne Vv. strict of Coast,/sistance of the reverend gentle-|return to England He died notice that Ole J. Jer me , ‘ Re ee This notice was posted on the _ round sumkalum, B. C., cccipsicn tanter, ia the Indian settlers havejabout twenty years afterward on the 14th day of April, 1913. tends to apply for permissio -lbuilt comfortable 1 . ; 7 i m to purchase t 1iomes forfvery inge avi alf Riication will be filed in the once” of th he the following described lands themselves the : gentously leeving Seis bis raver Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. Commencing at 4 post planted about es that would be a credit}property to his wife and family water ‘Recorder or "with the the said Chairma ore Pay for airman OLE J, JENSEN, Locator. Order-in-Council Appointing M r. WATER NOTICE. Dated March LAID, Agent} Qutelius G > 28th, lots. us General Manager Ott ; NEWS Pub apr St, 101b—dune 16, 1913 Tabled | ae ee Benen. Seees For a License to Take and Use Water. ; : a n Commons. Cochrane, minister of railways Notice is hereby given that The Prince|Skeena Land District—Di Coas aa has given notice of amend Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited, ao « %) Ottawa, May 8.-The ‘der Feo Bp ovens fense Caper, 2. wit apply for &| Take notice that Charles H. Ziegler,|in-council ¢ ™ order-|ment to the Railway Act, provid Heense to u end use Bos S. , y, of of Londoo. England, occupation gentleman, | 5) «) appointing Mrs. F. P.Jing that the salary of the chair ch flows in a/intend to 4 hase | {Uber fener t ? ; weaterl lsceton” anboaan Lal” abe | tae \oilowike vor emt ee to pure : elius general manager of|man shall be $12,500 per annum . Bente, “react Diswien end empiics Into Commencing at & post planted at the government railways was tabled] This is an inerease of $2,500, a ‘ , oat un : Rive 0 les from its|northeast corner of Lot 29, thence northjin the eco ‘ : ; —_ en oe mouth. The ; mmons todt airm rice Rupert's Artistic Job Printing Establishment meee of falls, WSs" wll be uted tat jenaee south 40 chaina’ thanee 2, choiee seanes Frank ta oes ae ~ vr Unaivmes Dragon and ihe pre SS —— hg electric power purposes on the land/point of ¢ MeL D v ; provides for|vious chairman of the board were = as Lot 635, Range 5, Coast Dis- | scres more or — containing 160/the abolition of the political] paid 810 000 a year ee . : ot ; j { on it police, was, posted on the ground CoA Seeey See. board of management and defines plication ‘wi! ay Of April, 1019, The ap-| Dated March Bist, 1089. oss oe duties “ the new general Southern Representation er Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C plete: me . ° nanager as being to . : F Objections may be filed with’ the said ‘ supervise} Chicago, May 13.--The Pro and direct all « ar ‘ . : — — - ar Water High Perllamont ‘Bulldings, Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast,| ojyerny ' t , lepartments of said/gressive Republican leaders in ~ Victoria ulldings, Take notice that Margaret B. Grant, of | ~ iment railways the a : rie, B.C, ate Prince. Rupert, Se ee saration iebes- ak Mishel e party convention have de UNCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEGTRIC| maker, intends 10 a ly for permission to : ‘ulelius is appointed for|cided t me th : dy Lb Ye ey eas purchase the following described lands;|@ two year term at an anual roo © urge the national com > . Ce ene ‘ ‘ i it sa e } os as ~- » an A Pub. Apr. 21, 1013—May ie, Ame nommoncing at + ot Dianted at the ary of $20,000, Under the ter nittee as a radieal reform party Range 56, theme east 20 chains 2610 . 1¢ terms|to eut down the southern repre . her f his appointme : ea e ally iNews | taut, a6, hale fi win 48 halt (nchinree nt tha Hoek ey alge | sentation. c fi , 8 to place of com arge Of the Hudsor hy mencement and containing 40 acres more} |, ‘ iPad leas. ailway when it is eo ae 1" ‘ TRY A NEWS WANT AD Dated April ry An ROARET B. GRANT | — @ completed The steamer Venture arrived a pril 6th, 1043 Perna from the soutl hort! fier 1 Pub, Apr. 24, 1043-——dume 16, 104 Ladies’ 8 / 20’ : om Gnaetty Otters 1015 1its, Wallace's, 99tf{o'eloek this afternoon. Tuesday May { a Fer i Everybody THE PERFECT SHOF FOR SUM ASK YOUR DEALER 'NEW STOCK OF SEEDS We have just hie TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDs CLOVER POTATO SEEDs ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDs FLOWER SEEDS Mail orders Pr Port Edwa TRIAL ANNEX A launch ives ment slip f every day } apply to Ha & Uo Phone i MER SPORTS PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 POPPOO+ CP Ob PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUs- rd rhe Up-to-Dat: tors of P Our Specialities “Ve Olde Reliable 2nd Street For Sal each 1-3 cash, 6, Harrison, Gamble & Co FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Delkatlah Bay The N rt of the new G. T. P. serv Va Queen { harlotte Islands April 1st The necessary the settlements on the ‘ Islands When pre-empt buying lots at the rate of 1 without advertisng or urene your life there's value &'' $200.00 $10 monthly ter acre gardens of splendid without weeds, $10.00 4 ar 4 pert prices you can mas tw this One-third Rupert rainfa CHAS. M. WIL Owner, Delkatiah, Agent, Masset Cabin, close S-room house ear bh tal 5-room house, Ta é6-room house i Creek §S-room hot \ Creek house ul Creek G. R. Naden Co, Real Kstat and Silversides Bros Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Phone 156 Gre Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, § tion 8, Eleventh Avenue $600.00 12 and 18 months. DELKATLAH OWNSITE ROBT. ENTWISTLE, To Rent e mpan Rupe! SON, 9.0.1 , QC. $8.00 $25.0 J $20,00 $25.00 $15.00 $12.50 Lid.