ASK FOR COMPLETE LITERATURE AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF PORT EDWARD, B.C. Prince Rupert’s Industrial Annex THE DAILY NEWS ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== RECEIVED SAD NEWS ON HIS WAY HERE) | Deedes 7 Mr. Olier Besner, of the Knox This industrial addition to Prince Rupert comes now at Motel, Metiies of Death of Hie a time when opportunity is greatest. Prince Rupert and the Father While on Train. entire great Northern British Columbia country are on the a eve of a tremendous movement Values will go up remark- Mr. Oliier Besner has by pay ably during the present year and the years immediately fol- ing a visit to his old home at lowing. Port Edward prices are low now. This is the time Quebec and left his father, who to buy. is 68 years of age and for some time in poor health nh appar- Call On or Write To ently an improved condition When nearing Vancouver on the train he was apprised by wire of HARRISON, GAMBLE & 00. | 32505: date set for the funeral. It was 9 ” too late to get back to Quebec in Third Avenue Opposite Post Office time for the funeral, so Mr. Bes ner will reach here on Saturday morning. The late Mr. Besner was a life long resident of the town of St Clet, near Montrea About two years ago he paid a visit to Prince Rupert, spending several months here A family of eight children survive——four daughters and fouw DAI LW sons Mr. Olier Besner is the only member of the family living ae | 3 | oa ©] R A | | ©) WU Mm in the west, his iD and broth : ers all being ; Quebec, the OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK greater number residing in Que . bee City. = ‘A Remarkable Expression _ of a Accident a hikan. : : Ketchikan, May 10.—Edward Public Confidence tenson, an old time resident of is shown in the statement of this company for the fiscal cede 3 Pea Pa year ending Mareh 3ist, 1913. As compared with one : : ; year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- Benson was seen ¢t4 fall by the teresting: crew of the United States surveys Assets March 31st, 1913 - boat McArthur and a small boat —— aon aad « “ gittzen immediately put out and in a few owing a ne = - = 'y aS ac so aboar« e This Remarkable Gain Is Positive at of the teen der tebe = pol bongs ag Convenience and Practicability of the C. H. . Plan not he dd of hai failui Nearly One-Quarter Million Dollars Loaned 4 Contract paetiver OS Gres OF RAAF .fasure Holders at 5% Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Year before he hit the water If You Desire a Home of Your Own—If You Would Be ae - Independent of a Landlord—Investigate This Plan Ltd. WEDDED IN SEATTLE The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. ae oe ee eee te ome y, G. T. P. dry dock under J. H eee eee. Canada’s Old Reliable” Pillsbury for the past seven : Home Oflice Pacific Bidg., Second Floor months, and Miss Stauffer, of VANCOUVER, B. C. Washington, D.C., were united ir Prince Rupert Office Federal Bidg. marriage at Seattle on Monday May 12th Mr. Walker, who is a well known and popular engin eer in this city, has recently built a home for himself and bride on Sixth Avenue,! Mr wejand Mrs. Walker are expected here from the south on Saturday morning. MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR & COD- LIVER OIL Cures Coughs Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oil is a great Tonic and not only stops a cough but enables the throw it off. There should bea bottle of it in every home. Large size bottle 35¢. Sold everywhere. J. - MATHIRU CO., Prep., sy stem to SHERBROOKE REV Services a.m. and -Church Services - ~ PIRST FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ices every Sunday in the Church Hall at 11 a.m. and Empress Theatre at 7 Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. w. KERR, M.A., ) Dm. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 83RD AVE., NEAR OTH 8T. every Sunday at 1) 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Bible Class 2.30 p.m REV. W.H.McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor Pastor am. and School at a4. m. ice in Wednesda Read The Daily News ' REV. C. R. SING, B.D. the THE SALVATION ARMY THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at li 7.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. Sunday ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Holy Communion first Sunday of month, at 11 «@ m., and third Sunday at 8 During the Lenten season there will be serv- church every © So De CITADEL Granville Court Sunday s@rvices at 11 am, 3and8 p.m. Sun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon day, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Pastor ——_Oo"_AAaeVr LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land Degisied---pisteies Take notice new, of Victoria, woman, intends purchase south shore of River, north thence 20 4 branch chains, south 20 chains, that Emma Waterous occupation married ermission to the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted hear Falls Hocsall, thence west 20 chains, B. C., to apply for Lake Hayward, of the thence of Coast, Ag on the thence east 20 chains more or less to point of commence ment, containing 40 acres more or less. EMMA WATEROUS AGNEW. Dated April 13th, 1943. Pub. Apr. 214, 1913-—June 16, 1013 WATER NOTICE. For « License to Take and Use Water. Notice is here Rupert Hydro-k of Prince Kuper license Wo take by #iven that lectric Company, . me Ges i ap and use 608 C. The Prince Limited, ly for 4 by Fr. o water out of Falls Kiver, which flows in 4@ 635, and empties into from its westerly direction through Lot Range 5, Coast District, Hoesall River about 18 miles mouth. The water will be diverted at the head of falls, ar ating electric px described as Lot 635, trict This notice was lom the 14th day of lication will be jater Recorder Objections fater Recorder of vapor, Wel Vietor By Pub. Apr. 21, may be Rint KR LTD x4 will be swer purposes on Hange 5, posted on April, 1018 filed in the at Prince Rupert, fied with or with the pis, Parliament UPERT ’ opel icant W.. Agnew, iota “ay 19, used for the office gener the land Coast Dis round the @ of the c. said Bb the Comptroller Bulldings, 4 HYDAO-E LECTHMIC ee | Phone | northeast co |Skeena Land District | }north 60 chains more or less to the south 4 FOR Q O Wanted POSITION in off~e or store equirec q by eliable young ma Box vaily News tif 7 For Sale at | > wh ia SALE Eighteen Leghorn hens Ph FOR SALE Lot 10, $1,600; 8775 cash, three years, with in Address Mrs. Call Vancouver FOR SALE—Pairbanks. Morse fasoline engine, twelve b-p., first class shape. apply P. ‘ Prince Rupert ‘33 8 jon E ! tw 1 per atic cent x 1731 111-13 stationary high speed, Box 1509 soit vassal For Rent FURNISHED 112-14 COMPORTABLY bath adjoining; Fifth Ave. West 112-15 TWO nicely furnished rent Apply 860 Sum Borden. Phone Black at ¢ Walach i t furn ! rea able ne ath terms Hall ngle rooms Ww t Avenue, near i148 109-14 Lost and Found LOST—A pearl ton street or between Finder 113-14 n Fou ith ilton 1 rewa An Odd Fellow’s gold pin, at the Owner can have same at the r this Office by paying fo 110tf FOUND cemetery Daily News ad ENGINEERING Engineers, Stationary and Mar- coached for examination 4. FARROW, 454 4th Ave. East IDe, t 300 P. Box 1635 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect i, Federal RUPERT, Bloek B. Suite PRINCI PURCHASE NOTICES. Distriet—District Range V that I, Daniel Brenton Ken f Terrace, B. C., occupation rancher intend to apply for permission to purchase | the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the rner of Lot 5130, thence north chains, thence east 30 chains, thence 40 chains, thence west 30 chains to! of commencement, containing | ' | LAND of Skeena Land Coast, notice less DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY March 13th, 1913. 7th to June 2nd Dated Pub. April —District of Goast Range TAKE NOTICE that Prince Rupert, B.C intends to apply for chase the following Commencing at @ post N.W. corner of T.L. 30945, 80 chains; thence west 20 chains; Knott, of baker, Frank occupation ermission to pur described lands planted at th« thence south thence bank of the Skeena River; thence north j}easterly along the said bank of the Skeena/| | taining River to the point of commencement, con 150 acres more or less. FRANK KNOTT, {LOCAL News ITeMs. | A. business C. Flanders the city on trip is Thomas Holland, representing the Oliver lypewriter Co is in the aity on business Mrs. and Hiss Holtby left by this mo.:ning’s train for a short vis fo Hazelton. The’ Prince George has on board a fine team of horses for W. J. Crawford of Stewart R. O, Jennings, provincial gov- ernment road superintendent, left for the interior this morning ( W. Peck was among the loca people returning by the Prince George this morning Angus Stewart railway con tractor, returned this morning from a business trip south Harry SX Evans, piano tuner, is on one of his regular visits to the cits He arrived on the Prince John this afternoon. M Albert, of the Westholme Lumber Company, returned this morning from a short business trip south ( Hatrsine, representing the Western Canada Flour Mills, ar rived in the city this morning on one of his regular business trips. A Strachan of Vancouver, who arrived by the steamer Prince George this morning,.is a guest at the home of C. B. Peterson, of the Continental Trust Co John Wallace, one of the best known cannery men along the coast was an arrival by the | steamer Prince freorge this morning W. Giskie and Captain Ken nedy, who are interested in the whaling operations at Naden Harbor arrived on the Prince George today They will leave jfor Naden Harbor tonight on an inspection trip The Prince John arrived from ithe south about {1 o'clock this afternoon and will leave tonight for Port Simpson, Masset and Naden Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Queen Charlotte City arrived by the Prince John this afternoon |Mr. Campbell is the publisher of the Queen Charlotte’ Islander This is Mrs. Campbell's first visit to Prince Rupert in four years H. P LENHART, Agent Dated Feb. 24, 191 Pub. March 14 to May 12 pa Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Range V Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purehase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 6142, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chair thence south 20 chains, following the meander ef the Lakelse Lake, to the point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less GERTRUDE M, NEWELL. H. KENNEY, Agent. 1013. 1913-—June 16, 1913. L. Dated April 16th, Pub, Apr. 21, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that I, Charles H. Ziegler, of London, England, decupation gentieman, intend to apply for mmission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 29, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less. CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER. Alexander Nubile, Agent. Dated March Sist, 1913 Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—-June 9, 1913. Skeena Land District——-District of Coast, Take notice that Margaret B. Grant, of Prince Rupert, C,, oecupation dress- maker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 694, Coast District, Range 6, thence east 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains thence north 20 chains to place of com- mencement and Containing 40 acres more or less. MARGARET B. GRANT. Dated April 5th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 24, 1913—June 16, 1913, = WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Notice is hereby given that The Prince Rupert uygro Electric eery. Limited, of Prince Kupert, B. C., will apply for a license to store or pen back 112,777 acre feet of water from Falls River, a stream flowing in @ westerly direction and empty ing into Hoesall River about eighteen miles from its mouth The water will be stored in 4a reservoir of 4,912,582,060 cubie feet rapecity. built or to be built at head of | and will be used for generating slectei. power purposes 48 authorized by Water Record No. 21, and under 4 notice of application for 4a license to take and use Water, posted herewith, on tre land described as Lot 636, Range 6, Coast Dis trict. This notice was posted on the ground on the t4th day of April, 1013 rhe @ Gyeetun will be fied in the office of the falter Recorder at Prince Rupert c Objections may be fled with By cald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Parliament Viator: a RINCE RUPERT HYDAO-BLECTRIC ents, Bulldings, co., Lt. Wa art guew, a Pub, Apr. ae ‘\eis—may 19, 1 “TEDDY” COWPER WAS STOLEN AT DOG SHOW Little Persian Poodle is Removed from His Bench an Hour before Judging The toria Vic- some at of Rupert people. of the being one Persian poodles David H. Hays, and here, Everyone Hays’ dogs are was ‘therefore Mrs Cowper's prove prize recent dog show a case developed interest to Prince Mrs. exhibitors, her of the little white bred by Mr. well known knows that Mr pure bred and probable that ‘Teddy would winner. But just hour before the judging of this class of dogs be- gan Teddy was from his bench. How still a mystery mitted the crime had to run the gauntiet of the caretaker of this class of dogs and of the two men J. 8. was one Cow per entry it a one missing he was stolen Whoever com- is guarding each of the entrances, who must have connived at the removal of the animal Legal proceedure against the manage ment of the show is likely to be taken. Subscribe for the Daily News. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Second In Rooms, Ave. TO-NIGHT Music Refreshments Gentlemen $4.00, Admitting Ladies Good Prizes, and NEARLY A HUNDRED “The N ews” Classified Ads. |) SALOON PASSENGERS Arrived by Prince George This Morning—Also Large Number of Laborers for Interior. The steamer Prince George oT the G. T. P. coast fleet, arrived this morning sharp on time with nearly a hundred saloon pas sengers, a large number of sturdy laborers for the interior and a heavy freight cargo. Among thy: saloon passengers were the fo lowing: E. J. Haughton, G. Williams J. W. Newman, W. J. Elmendorf and wife, Mrs, Johnson, Miss EI mendorf, Pd. Kraus, John Nelson Mrs. Pool, L. Cushman, W. Edge: worth, J. W. Morris and wife Dr I H Cleaver, Grover H Smith and wife, A. ©. Flanders RK. Seebbord Jr., Mr. Hazelton and wife, Mr. Salsbury, | A. War ren Sr., F. A. Warren Jr.. Fred B. Streiff, George Newcombe, Mi Van Zanten, Carl Johnson, J. L Smith, Mr. Woodland, H. T. Web ster and wife, John Wallace A McKechnie, J. M. Fraser, ( \ Lyford, G. M. Bairne, George M raylor, E. D. Clayburn, J. F. Me Aulay, J. D. Toomey, F. Johnson J. L. MeIntosh, Mr. Lawrence, A Strachan, A. Nelson, ©. Strand Mr. Dunsford, W. 8. Henry, R. I Bullard, B, Reid, ©. T. Murray J. A. Toombs, W. ¢ Sparks and wife and two children, W H Spiller, W J. Gould rhomas Holland, Mr. Bender, M. Albert J. Kennedy, A. M. MecBorland Angus Stewart, C. W. Peck, Miss Mathewson, Mrs. Edgar, A. W Walmsley, A. Barry, Alex. MeAra, J. L. Christie, Mrs. Porteous, Mr Crawford, J. L. Barker, ¢ I Barker, H. Grizzard, H. G. O'Del CG. L, Allan, W. T. Burry, Mr. Ke liher, V. G. Bogue, J. G. MeLaren George Robinson, Mrs. Skelling Mrs. D. Donald, A. W Hughes F. W. Gay, T. G. Wall, M. G. Me Leod, Lila Barrington Annie Boyd, C, Hairsine, W. Giskie FAMOUS ENGINEER IS RETURNING TO CANADA Sir Percy Girouard, Formerly of imperial Service, Coming to Advise Dock Construction. May 10 retirement the board of great ship building firm Whitwor Sil of Pers imperial sery London, of the Girouard from the if director of the Messr « jom f th Armstrong, Co. is out. Sir Canadian by tk Perey he Dominion of certain for the construction docks and other engineering works in connection with future ship building. He will also con sult with the Dominion to the dry docks to be Halifax, Quebee and It is understood that the private tenders . for these docks having proved unsatisfac tory the Canadian government has decided to build them itself Sir Perey Girouard was born Montreal. He joined the Royal Engineers, and making railway construction a specialty, rendered splendid serviee to Great Britain in Egypt and South Africa. He built the railway which took Kitchener to Khartoum and re organized the Egyptian railways, and when Kitchener went to South Africa he immediately sent for the French-Canadian, who became commissioner of railways in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, -rebuilding what had been destroyed during the war. A few years in Nigeria and East Africa as chief of the ad ministration of those colonies followed, and Sir Perey to go into the ship building busi ness, is a return the birth and about to the suitability is ) to advise on Canadian ports of ministers in regard built at Esquimalt, resigned NOTED BANKER DIES Montreal Manager of Bank of B. N. A. Passes Away. St. Johns, N. B., Arthur P. Hazen, who last has occupied the office of manager of the Bank of British North America at Mon treal, died this morning the home of his mother, Mrs. Wil liam Hazen, here Mr. Hazen only returned to this eity from Montreal about three weeks ago with the bedy of his wife, Miss Agnes Isabel Blizard of St. John, who had died a day or two before They Will Remember It. May 10 since June important at This notice allogwether un necessary to eall attention to the whist drive and dance of the St Andrew's Society this evening, ihe popularity of these entertain ments always ensures a large sale of tickets directly after the first announcement, and no doubt the society's hall on Second ave is as nue will this evening see the | usual way crowd ip atlendance. FOR SAL $32,500 Law-Butler C, Real Estate and Insurance NEW STOCK OF SEED PRINCE RUPERT FEED 0 POPOPO— C+ + OOS Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUs.- TRIAL ANNEX A launch ment slip f every day ! apply t Ha & Co., Phons i Silversides Bros Up-t tors Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties ‘ "Ye Olde Reliable 2nd Street Phone 156 Gre For Sale Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, § tion 8, Eleventh Avenue $600.00 each 4-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 month Harrison, Gamble & Compa FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupe DELKATLAH OWNSIT The Delkatiah Bay of the new G. T. P Queen Charlotte I April ist The me the settlements on Islands When buying lots at the without advertisog tb your life there's va $200.00 $10 mont ter acre gardens of 7 without weeds, #1 ‘ ‘ ; pert prices you am «mak “ this One-third Rupe 4 CHAS. M. WILSON, Owner, Delkatiah, Q.¢. ROBT. ENTWISTY | Agent, Masset, Qc o Rent a $8.0 Cabin, eh 5 _— ho ons a 0 room hou | $20 6 or h mr Creek room h $15. Creek 3 poate houst i $128 Creek ¢. R. Naden Co., Lite Real estat and t :