THE DAILY NEWS Friday, Ma 194 TTA Double Weekly Service Schl TO THE SOUTH \¢ by the splendid steamers ZONE PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor Mondays aa Fridays at 6 — ee For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A u For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 a ™ Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert |. THE DAILY NEWS -° THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by ) THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | countless herds of cattle, horses | and sheep Some of these dis-|} tricts best known and in which eettlements have been estab lished are Chileotin, Nechaco, Blackwater, Bulkley, Ootsa, Kis piox, Skeena, Naas and Peace fiver valleys, and they are esti mated to inelude some 11,000, 000 acres. That this is a con servative estimate is clear from Ru BL Se hae DAILY EDITION ~-_ Friday, May 23, 1913.| on SATURDAY 18 THE general holiday, and that is an the fact that the late Dr. Dawson | aditn betvies Bese e flor PAY WE CELEBRATE. important point. People are and Professor Macoun credited) Maton Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way 7) — Notwithstanding the official gregarious, and especially so that portion of the Peace River| pouse, See" Nene Werbor, fegumencing April eeve, Prin : ir . PA Pes . | » « rince Rupert \ proclamation of the city coun- " their moments of recreation. valley Iving within British Go-| Commencing mepert on Wedn “il th FE ire D t 1 When they are on pleasure bent lumbia with 10,000,000 acres of i RAILWAY SERVICE cil that, Empire ay falling on they desire to meet and mix wheat land. Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, ; astbound 10 an a Saturday, Monday is declared with others on the same er-| i acai heli lal Reduced rates between Prince Rupert a : : : tot icketa on sale Ms 2? to M ‘ = SN a civic holiday, our list of rand; to join with them and Ran Himself to Death owe eran Feo ety Por tickets, reservations, ete al enjoy the holiday together i However, the matter is now} satisfactorily settled by those | | all of the leading business con- | Spokane, Wash. May “0 — | i Ralph Bishop, aged eight, is dead| ltoday at the home of his father inear Othello, Wh., following a long chase after a young rabbit A. €. MOMASTER, General Agent Office Grd Avenue Prince Rupert cerns’ who announce that they will close om Saturday, added to which are the five banks most interested, the merchants, and all the government offices, bankers and tradesmen who certainly represents a public yesterday announced their in-| Death was caused by exhaustion CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Little’s NEWS Age sentiment that is worthy of the| tention of closing up business | and the failure of the boy's heart || ARE YOU GOING EAST *Seney council's consideration. In and taking their holiday on to subside to normal action af THIS SUMMER? Siienines 3: Poricdicas : passing the resolution to make Saturday. This means that the ter the severe strain. Special Excursions May 28th to Sep CIGARS :: Se Monday a holiday the council day will be a general holiday Bre , tember a - " ~ % TOBACCO FRUITS apprehended no harm being for all, and it is hoped that we ; Return -e-—-s an = n ve. Below Kalen talan aun, as the people could either have fine weather and that it Vancouver Professor Honored vereturn Nad eeryrr $92.00 4 Club take an additional holiday or will be thoroughly enjoyed. Of Tn necognition of his works of Vancouver to Mon rea anc quenee choose between the national course, the civie holiday will research, Professor Charles Hill- Vancouver to New York and 9100.80 || SS holiday and the civie holiday. also be observed—by the civic Tout, of Abbotsford, has been vancouver to Chicago and : Now they know it did work employees—and probably there elected a fellow of the Royal So yea tb’ ete Paul’ and’ $72.60 Empress Bowling Alleys 5 | slight harm, in that it per- will be no particular objection olety of Caneda, which is the Cobar points Correspondingly =~ AND POOL ROOM plexed the minds of the people raised to their taking advan- highest honor that a scholar can ther 4. @. MonAB 4 ALLEYS 18 Tamme \ as to which day was to be the tage of the city’s proclamation. receive in the Dontinion of Can- General Agent ‘Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St HM. E. ROSE, Prop. Sra Ave . ada. The election was made |] Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M. yreen Lie Employment Bureay }) ron aa ae 3 ae oo last Wednesday at a meeting of LIOENSED a aes i the Society. eo : == - = —_—_—— — NEW LINERS LIKELY elling round the globe, will be able to go by the trans-Siberian TO CALL AT RUPERT Railway to Vladivostok and ship direct to British Columbia. — Brighten up! You can make L U M B E R : Cc O A L your home more cheerful at slight cost with wallpaper from PP ND : NO Getting Vancouver Quarters Un- til the Grand Trunk Pacite |COLLECTING A STAFF aC Wallace's. 1430f COAL Railway Is Completed. FOR THE NEW SMELTER rHE DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER New Wellington — Best on the _—_——_ ons The Duke has instituted proceedings against her for divorce, Vancouver, May 20.—Only a coal which action has set England by the ears as the hearings of 1836 THE Bank oF 1913 and ; Phone 116 Rogers & Black week ago the Hamburg-American|!mmense Amount of Ore ‘Treated the case promise some extremely racy scandals. Complete Line of BOS ae by Company’s Plant at Line, represented by the steamer Grand Forks —— BritishNo tl A erica BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES SAY’S CARTAGE and Sithonia, made its debut in Van- 3 ow eouver: the first liner of the Grand Forks, May 20—The FARMING POSSIBILITIES 6 oe sities taetina WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited STORAGE Royal Mail Steam Packet Com-|report of the Granby smelter for Casrrad ane Gvarwie Oven O7.600.006 Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents pany, the Flintshire, is on her the first week of May shows a Delia. » way, and now comes the an-/total treatment of 26,006 tons E ARE SHOWN a Orders ex rices sensei nouncement that the famous Rus-|of ore. Of this amount 23,743 OF THIS PROVING A ‘ = Men UNION $$. COMPANY OF B. ¢. Ltd ° OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone sian Volunteer fleet will have a|tons were from the company’s regular service on the Pacific|Phoenix properties, while 263 * a s louse to commence the begin-/|tons joare enna ore. The blister GOVERNMENT SCIENTISTS ae eee te ASSET Appreciate The Twin Screw Steamer ning of July. The vessels will|copper shipments for the first BRITISH COLUMBIA POSSESSES IN AGRICULTURAL TY 1 : weduebt 99 SMITH & MALLETT run between Vladivostok and|seven days of the month were AND PASTORAL LANDS. = comp ete and valuable “Vy tur THIRD AVE Vancouver, calling at Victoria. 349,000 pounds. ! ak haa ’ service rendered by the Bank en e Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and The steamers to operate on the} A number of employees of the] | Gold was the lodestone which ee Gelicate went ‘ponchos, of British North America has Sheet Metal Work ‘pun are the Sar&toff, the St.|Granby company of this city will oe ee te = cad cae icots, etc., are an as- secured and retained the Arrives from Weneouver Every Qiton: O08 me .. ue te te olumbia,; 1e » é e 0 s,sure crop. Petersburg and the Herion, and| shortly leave for the new Hidden accounts as well as the con- SAY menT the first sailing from Viadivostok|Creek plant, among whom are forests and fisheries aera ee Roughly estimated, the extent fidence of a goodly proportion will be some time between July 1|Messrs. Hamilton, Trotter and|!umbering and salmon fs one of these fertile lands, actualfy | decid dé : : "sy and 14. There will be a_ six} Whitmore of the office staff, and assumed the importance of great) inder cultivation or partiy de- oF Camacs'» pUSmRENt See Saile for Port Simpson, Nase River Pointe geyy tt atie’? of S.H. & E.F ‘ . 4 . bette? pinatotats ‘ industries. The agricultural pos- : ness men. The same service and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. Fl. . weekly service at first and if the|chief electrician Rathburn. 3 Rntked os veloped, may be set down at 3,- trade should justify * eventu-| mney: bes “te a “ a - 000,000 acres, but this figure awaits you, whether your —_——_——_- (SCAN DINANIAN Society ally a monthly one. |. he man who is only as hon-{/nored by the miner, tumberman’ i probably be tae hb co . smal It will be 7 boon to Russian} he has to be is as dist and fisherman, and for many)! | probably be found far below account be large or small. Salis for Vancouver | Meets every 2nd and 4t sday at : e 1 te ussian jest as he has to be is as dishon- ars the world at large was ig the actual quantity capable of ° p.m. in the hall at od A immigrants who, instead of trav-|est as he can be vom payday WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. ” : — ’ a , norant of their existence The Cultivation when the country has PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ccc = opening of the country by the| Deen eee ee Rs ©. MAROETTS, BANAGER a anticipation of such a result is * RGETTS, trunk line and branches of the/®" R Steamshi Ag justified from the fact that at ogers Pp | D. ©. STUART Canadian Pacific Railway, how ever. disclosed the fact that the several points in the mountains Phone 116 Accountant agricultural and pastoral lands|®Ye? [8 the most unpromising 308 2nd Ave. ot Prone 280 of British Columbia are not the ooking localities, where clearing NS ee ee PRINCE RUPERT. 8. C least valuable of its assets, and and cultivation has been pro- | ; : . j : , 0 ‘ed only fit for pastorage by cxementninennenases 5 that they are not confined to a|2ounced onl; I Georg t THE GREAT ns , old timers, has been broken and e own small proportion of the total ae ae Sawmill Co. Lid. no. ’ ’ WILLIAMS & MANSON | ° ter careful personal investiga- results. AND | tion, says: | The agricuitural lands just | ll @ sd 8s: mentioned are located in East and Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. “The whole of British Colum-| West Kootenay, North and South ANNEX | = acreage. Professor Macoun, af-|Cropped with very satisfactory bia, south of 52 degrees and east Thompson valleys, Okanagan, i Melgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8 © of - are ae! 7 a see Nicola, Similkameen, Kettle River . . country u © 3,500 feet, and alvaiie o0e S« r ‘ari- 7 Now Going On At farming <0 il up to 2,500 feet, _ oe Pas pa weet. Mouldings P.O. BOX B® yams BUTE where irrigation is possible.” minster, Vancouver Island and Owned and rated b . >y Jabour Bros., Third Avenue This is a most important state-]adjacent islands in the Gulf of Grand Trunk Pacific naan JOHN E. DAVE ? ment, and its truth is being con-|Georgia. These sections of the]|# the American and European plan. A large stock of dry finish- TEACHER OF SINGIN firmed by the practical experience] province are recognized as agri- Excellently furnished, with ee Sie nde | pUPEL OF WE. FORON, MIG. A.n.A.M.. 10N., RNG of settlers who have established|cultural districts and are fairly steam heat, electric light, and all made at short notice. alee = Wonderful Bargains themselves in the country. With-| well settled, but much of the land modern conveniences, being abso- | in the boundaries thus roughly|fis still wild and untilled. North lutely first-class in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. in White Wear, Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses, Boys’ Suits defined by Professor Macoun the/of the main line of the Canadian The appointments and service Jal on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anv §M and Blouses and Men’s Boots and Hats. capabilities of the soil are prac-|Pacifie Railway, on ‘the Pacifici |, equal to any hotel on’ the ‘ —aaaee ; Punera! Dire ‘ Le : : tically unlimited. All of it that|slope, and but partially explored, This Sale Will is not too elevated to serve only|are vast areas of agricultural and om E [J Bra Ave. near seh St for grazing purposes will produce|grazing lands, Which will be OFFICE: | Save Money For You all the ordinary vegetables and{turned to profitable account ———— EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Re roots, much of it will grow cereals| when the country is a few years "Rates: ies: $1 te $3.50 per in Cor. @th St. and 2nd Ave. to perfection, while everywhere] older. i eratliceiaenieitnailiin , the hardier varieties of fruits Much of this northern region ae E. L. FISHER JABO can be successfully cultivated.|is fit for wheat growing, and all __ Advertise in : Director and Embaimer e As far north as the 55th degreejof it wifl produce crops of the iases REASONABLE it has been practically demon-|coarser cereals, roots and vege- G. A. Sweet, Manager. 2nd St., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 386 ily ews OPEN DAY AND N | The House of Good Values strated that apples will flourish,|tables, except the higher plateaux ° + while in the southern belt the which will afford pastorage to Drawn for The Daily (YOKE WHOSE CHURCH MOT (CES, SCOOP AND REWRITE "EM FoR, ME -SOmE OF'EM ARE a BIT Yoo LONG — Too@tTmMEe® wars ALY THIS “THE LADIES aip : Soccer’ MET LAST MIGHT ON THE SECOND SACK - MRS .DIORIGHT FUMBLED A THoRAGGerR, IN THE LER YT GARDEN and THREW THE PILL WILD OVER. ‘THe SUNSHINE AVENU CHurc |" , Here ‘YAR - BOSS - I REWROTE THE WHOLE_L Boncr- _ asl MIND o=. \ WANDERING