THE DAILY NEWS “JOYS OF A CITY GARDEN” 2 Cover Better—Wear panper—Protect—Bes ti Every can contains Full Imperial Monsen. NB matter what your painting requirements are MINERVA PAINTS Will give you absolute satisfaction, and the most economical results. Ask the Minerva’ Agency for descriptive color folders KAIEN HARDWARE co. Prince Rupert, B. C. The Latest Expressions in Jewellery ik MOST SELECT IN WEDDING GIFTS AND | BRIDAL JEWELLERY may be selected from our new sum- me which has already been mailed to our many Britis! mbia patrons. This is one of the most inter- publications we have issued, and it should hands of every wedding gift buyer in the prov- BLUE BIRD JEWELLERY | elty novelly owes its origin to Maeterlinck’s blue bird. It is considered a symbol of hap pines i good luck. We supply it in Brooches, Pend- ants scarf Pins. This from gen on sterling Write for this Senry HA ® Sone, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E Trorey, Mamaging Director VANCOUVER, B.C jewellery is made nne enamel silver - Pad ant te ws aa = , ve ~ / thoes * ° 4a = Hit] CPC e tt Se #e aA : A AMEE Ute HS Sea 9 gras eh le is “St - wai _ a’ 2 rat ams] ~ } ro ey MiP watt, | ~< . “ +. Dw eos tu SSu > 7 > SB => * : Bee he A a a £Zy, oe “THE ONIONS ARE UP” Cartoon by James Frise ENTER CITY—SHREWD The Rail- way Company are reproducing at Canadian Northern Montreal on a somewhat smaller scale a combination of the Penn- \. Oven Results From A Gurney-Oxford Range b The value of a stove to a woman is measured fr the successful results in cooking obtained fom the oven. With this primary object in view, stove experts have invented means of ab- Solute control over the distribution of heat to ‘very part of the range. Di The Gurney-Oxford is constructed with a ‘vided Flue that carries the heat to the back = the Stove through two different divisions. ig, UUs, Scientific arrangement the two back ids of the stove are given equal cooking value and the oven is thoroughly surrounded by a Steady even heat, With a Gurney- Oxford, it is never neces- ing? to open the oven door several times dur- the the baking of a pan of biscuits to turn em around next the heat. stant uits, pastry, cake, or bread all bake evenly, t evenly, and brown evenly without any atten- ‘On whatever from the ora rm A simple device aptly called the Economizer Sulates the exact temperature of the oven ¥ moving a small lever around a series of \ ; cee up to through a Gurney- Oxford range. = Fred Stork - 2nd Ave. S 2 os os 6d A IIIS CC CHG ECOOCTTCCOHCCCC CCC OC CCCCC OCC OCCCCHCC CTE OCCCeCOVVe CUHDTCODOOOTOTONTOTTOOTOOTOCOODOOOROOE = hotches, A woman soon learns the impor- & oo value of each notch, one of which im- gH low ly cheeks the hottest fire and keeps it > ——— she requires it again. & lived wonderful cooking reputation is made and sylvania tunnel under New York and the Grand Central terminal! in that city. In a modified sense they are applying to their own case the story of Mohammed and }the mountain. In their efforts to secure a transcontinental railway, Mac- kenzie & Mann started in a dozen different out-of-the-way places to build seetions of their road. Gradually these have been con- neeted up and brought into touch with the great centres of popu- lation and industry. When the Canadian Northern arrived in Montreal a year or two ago they found that the Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacific railways were there ahead of them, and had pre-empted all the good sites ifor stations and all the easy |methods of getting into and out jof the eity. Owing to the pe- leuliar way Montreal is crowded in between the mountain and the | river, it was an almost impossible | task to secure an entrance, ex- cept at enormous expense. As they could not get over the }mountain or go around it theré | was nothing left for but go under it. them to do Mackenzie & Mann, being shrewd financiers as well as good railway builders, did not intend to spend $20,000,000 in tunnel- ing the mountain and building fine terminals in the city for nothing. These two railway magnates, who have the “pain- jless extraction of money” down ito a science, conceived a plan by lwhich they would buy up thou- | sands of acres of farm land back lof the mountain and convert it jinto a model suburban residential idistriet, to be connected with the city by their railroad tunnel un- lder the mountain, This was done jwithout arousing any suspicion, land before Montrealers realized iit the Canadian Northern pos- | sessed a right of way from the |Back River into the heart of the | city. HUGE UNDERTAKING OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY TUNNELLING THROUGH THE MOUNTAIN AT MONTREAL TO SCHEME WHICH PAID FOR THE TUNNEL WORK. Their land amounted to purchases of some $8,500,000, but the whole was carried on so quietly that everything was com- pleted before the public became aware that anything of import- ance was being transacted. The company then sold the farms be- yond the mountain as building lots, acquiring sufficient revenue from this to practically pay for the building of their tunne! and their terminals in the city. At the end of the tunnel, which will be on Legauchetiere street, the railway will build an immense station and hotel somewhat on the plan of the Grand Central terminal in New York. Actual work on the been in progress months, and today 7,300 feet of the tunnel con- structed. There remain 7,700 feet to be dug It is expected that this will be completed in November this year, and the tun- nel be ready for use very shortly thereafter. The present tunnel heading is 14 feet wide by 9 feet high, but gangs are being put to work in a half dozen places widening this out to the requisite width and cementing the walls. When completed the Canadian Northern will. have the easiest, shortest and most direct entrance to the city of Montreal. BIG SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING AT ZURICH One Thousand Canadians and Americans Will Attend World’s Sunday School Convention. tunnel has for there some are Nearly one thousand Canadians and Americans will flock to Zurich shortly for the world’s seventh Sunday school conven- tion, which is to be held on Jyly 8-15. From every province in the Dominien the visitors will go, and some of the Canadians will be important figures in the gath- erings. Hon. Mr. Justice Maclaren will answer the roll call for Canada, and Rey, J. C. Robertson and Rey. SMITH & KILLAS Ice cream supplied for exe packed In ice. Also pul up “Take home a brick and try Our candies are all home Phone Orders Delivered. Phone 17 Ice Cream Parlor Try our chocolate and be convinced, Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date, to stay and our aim is to please our patrons, pienie parties for family use. ursion and in brieks it.” made and absolutely fresh, We are here Smith Block 631 Third Avenue 7 E. W. Halpenny, Toronto, and Principal E. J. Rexford, Montreal, will attend conferences between the American and British section of the lesson committee. The majority of the Ganadians sailing will go aboard the Scotia on June 24 from Montreal, and others will leave by other boats. The great theme of the con- vention will be “The Sunday School and the Great Commis- sion,” and for eight days Sunday schoo) specialists from all parts of the world will give their thought to the consideration of the problem of “the Sunday school conquest of the world.” The convention will be held in the stately Tonhalle, which is one of the finest buildings in Switzerland, suitable for the pur- pose. English Hand Made La made by the cottagers of Our laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and imperial Exhi- bition, Crystal Palace, 1911 DAINTY HANDKIE. No. 910, 70c each Lace 1 1-4 imches deep Buy some of this hand made Pillow Lace, it LASTS many times longer than any ma chine made variety, and imparts quite an air of distinction to the possessor, at the same time supporting the village lace makers, bringing them many little com forts otherwise unattainable on an ag ricultural man’s wage. Write for the ab- sorbing and descriptive little treatise en titled “An Interesting Home Study.”; this contains over 100 striking examples of the lace maker's art, and is sent POST FREE to any part of the world. 16TH CENTURY DESIGN COLLAR $1.00 3 in. deep Lace for every purpose ean be obtained ane within reach of the most modest purse ver the industry. Collars, Fronts, Plastrons, Jabots, Yokes, Fichus, Berthes, Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Camisoles, Chemise Sets, Tea Cloths, Tab- le centres, D’Oylies, Mats, Medallions, Quaker and Peter Pan sets, ete., from 35c, 60c., $1.25 up to $5.00 each. Pinay agit Rs Sarat 5 hu Ll Tt . No. 112, Price 15 cents per yard WRITE TO MRS. RUPERT ARMSTRONG sale, however email, is a support to/ }) Fashion-Craft Versus Custom Tailor— Points in Favor of > avor of buying Fashion-Craft No time lost trying on and getting fitted— No money lost on misfitted attempts. No temper lost wearing what does not suit. Positive satisfaction or don’t keep any e purchase; what tailor offers that ? rices lower than the tailor’s, Why ?—because quantity sold is greater. Shops of q - & L Scheinman & Gutstein Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. | 20-13 “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West : - Phone 8500. Vancouver, B.C. : ASK FOR COMPLETE LITERATURE AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF PORT EDWARD, B.C. Prince Rupert’s Industrial Annex This industrial addition to Prince Rupert comes now at a time when opportunity is greatest. Prince Rupert and the entire great Northern British Columbia country are on the eve of a tremendous movement. Values wil! go up remark- ably during the present year and the years immediately fol- lowing. Port Edward prices are low now. This is the time to buy. Call On or Write To HARRISON, GAMBLE & C0. Third Avenue Opposite Post Office Olney, Bucks, England Carefully Find It Through a News Want Ad. Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley —IN THE— Nechaco Valley Fort George District NN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. FARM LANDS NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. ai’ hw ee L if | j mH ee ae a ee einai eet al