4 THE DAILY NEWS EE LLL_—_—_—-S-S-S-—_ = Se : SENATE WILL DECIDE NAVAL BILL MUST GO | CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. "eM BORDEN RaVAL POLICY | LOCAL NEWS | LEMS, . TO THE PEOPLE _ tiie Dist —_ ill Close on Saturday 3 «ies ~ |, cConined tom Pas Continued from Page 1. - New spring styles in ladies a —— 7 nent "ae ea re. Wanted and to advise with you that if the|;aineoats Wallace's 1istf = wayside The great objection to t { t nd in-| - TH ; the bill is that it is a vote of ten|°™ “@/csame spirit exists up to and In Saturday being Empire Day, the following concerns in million dollate for Sianinoe SERVANT in family of two Apply £.° cluding the next election Liberal Mr and Mrs. Heward are f E PERFECT SHOE » city ; , , , ine , a0 ; Box 1680 117% : spending a few days at Hoes the city have signified their intention of closing their places with a refusal on the part of the ism will"win out in the province | i Ts — , ul or SUMMER SPORTS of business on that day: government while the bill was of British Columbia.” aes under discussion in the house to For Sale TI ‘ ! : 1e election of delegates to ©) ' =? sing ire Kelly, Douglas & Co., Ltd. Ail Government Offices designation how, when and wher: ‘ . Saturday being Empire Day J. Pi Morris & Co., Ltd ' > bjannual Liberal convention, to he lthis store will be closed WH 3 : ae eats sae + Scott, Froud & Co. the money is to be expended Wrens held at Revelstoke on the 291M.) way) Co 120-21 Stew oble ’ The H . ' . ene. | FOR SALE—Pure bred White yandotte ’ . allace Co. 20.2 F. @. Dawson mn Premier Press me liousg of Commons yes poultry, famous Regal strain; also Peer resulted in the appointment of ° . erdée co 1° ’ re ; ess ( o yreeder; pasonable . . Lynch Bros. J. A. Kirkpatrick — N ontinued the budget de Apply Swit, "sit tener. phone plack { W Peck, H. F. McRae, Neil 1M. Tarnbull of Terrace was — _ M. 8. Wallace Co Williams & MocMeekin a ~e — B, oo. a 258 121-25 MeGillvray and D. M. Moore, all 1 passenger south by the Prine: Made In Sm t ” , “ariton, N. + arguing that 10 | st O5 - Sec. 7 thle oO are vi e elewates 7 . ar Jabour Bros. McColl & Robertson failure of the reciprocity act wds|' 61.800 improvements, revenue. ¢32 pe ‘a ae Sree Pow Oe ares || George this morning b Styles, Suitable Mrs. Frizzell Stalker & Weils ; a bad thing for Canadian con jg iB ial Ti pega At) tg sida ne i i aga eee — For Every Outd E. Demers & Co. Bryant Company, Ltd. sumers. He said that during the| Hays Cove Ave ‘ + eae upon to — = was et a a Robert Williams and Willia 0 : oor Mise Barbeau Miller old p . nal erests Oo 2 Kk fe § 1 Gs . 1 Pupils of the public and high schools will be very much j} entangled with alien issues and iOS Be en Se olen 3 = a . as sy tare : — re disorderly conduct on Comox] af “~~ disappointed to learn that Monday next will not be a holi- constitutional policies.” The Daily News OMice by paying for. this 16 Dest imverests © . lave. last night, was this rn-| 7 , day for them. The School Act distinctly states that holi- Westminster Gazette points out, re ee t. inbicias ¢ what these pre-|'"8 taxed $10 and costs 100 va days proclaimed by mayors of towns and cities are not school but in a tone of perplexity, that)” — ointing out wha ese | holiday : : ceding events were, Mr. Ross said Girls { olidays. the Canadian quarrel over the Mrs. J. A. Miller left on the} . the rapidly increasing strength 1100 va naval question is one only of re Prince George this morning for| oT of the German navy forced Great methods and adds “The only Vancouve! | , Britain to withdraw her ships | — - > safe course for us to follow, » : . . from Esquimalt, Mplifax and New should the quarrel continue, is , =m Fx-Alderman Hamilton Doug : ’ Zealand rhis changed the whole . to accept Canada’s decision with las left this morning for Seattle,] ——_—- — - ———lcomplexion of affairs so far as | In t roug a ews ant » a full knowledge that the situa- ee me ; ale naval protection was concerned where his son, Prof. Douglas,| tion cannot be forced.” Lots 54 and 55, Block 34, See-] 8% i : will put on a grand childret s | T ‘ and the people of Australia, New ———_—_—___-——— tion 1, Third avenue, between], At tes entertainment in the Moore The Zealand and Canada had to seri . McBride and First streets ously consider the best way of) te on May 30th. Over two hun-|¢ meeting conditions in their own dred children will take par! \ wav—best for their own interests G : 2 500 and for the interests of the Em \. J. Beaudette, mining eng I neer returned ts the eit ist 9 pire ' : ; 7 . TERMS Sir Wilfrid Laurier brought]®Ve?'™e after spend on eS GOOD TERMS down a naval bill but this was f weeks \ 1g i ral) 4 never distussed in the last can district a d Hazelt ' paign bevend a few seurt rus . . L references to the tinp navy , Rev Mi MeLs - a ‘ : tthe manager ¢ the n -B tl ( because both sides of the house] " aw: u er Oo. had passed a unanimous reaviu Bank at Hazeltor were uT ils ' tion lavine down for all time the DY ae evel es ail rhey | Real Estate and Insurance val policy of Canada, the first} ef n the P George th | Phone 60 619 Third avenue] e¢janse of which was that con-]! ne Va ‘ tribut . Vas not the wisest |! he @ at P o6 ‘ Boo way. Mr. George Foster and Mr.)%!y at Toront ENGINEERING Rerden spoke strongly agains [Bagineers, Stationary and Mar- [contributions and the house of] JUVENILE BOSTONIANS Cetianow. {ala hieste ik Qoetntnet st| MAINTAIN POPULARITY 654 4th Ave. East|Sir Wilfrid Laurier That gov aa iliac ela — ent — hased age 3 ‘rain in® | Miss Vera Lockhart’s Solos Were s ws for the purpose ¢ training Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635| >. Rea egy . : Exceptionally Pleasing—New Canadians while the Canadia Songs Tonight. ? OGERS . he eye ap aees — rhe large audience which filled feated; in British Columbia and]ip), wWesthoime Theatre a Arohi Ontario and in Quebec a NeW] con, 4 night of the Juvenile B , Suite 1, Federal Block party arose called the National-|;,njans’ engagement enjoved a Scene from “Olivette” by the Juvenile Bostonians at the Westh olme Opera House Tonigh, | PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ists, who were against any naval couple of hours of sparkling _____ —_ — policy. The members of this] ,ysical comedy of a most pleas i cecilia party raised the ery that the ob-[j,. type The bill ineluded a ‘ ahs = wees ‘ umine be ject of the “oe was to take number of particularly catchy ras senneee their sons and send them away : songs splendidly rendered and to fight for England Kighteen | ing moe were repeatedly en-| CANADIAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Nationalists were returned and eared | Department 18 a _ t - a ver Borden was so pleased that hel” wis Vera Lockhart, in the r le | on pene Se : put three of them in his cabinet of a Mexican noble, appeared to| So that when it came to Mr. Bor splendid advantage. her solo in| “ den to bring forward a naval pol-line frst act bene one of the} icy he could not carry out the], ,.; pleasing of the whole per policy of the house of COMMONS] formance. She was heartily en-| ort Wal because he had three members],,.0q of his against it Like cae his t bl Doris Canfield, Thom Hellen many another man in his troubles “ and Patsy Henry were as usual ' $- » trie ret out o e RINCE RUPERT'S INDU he tried to get out of them by]. eat favorites and received mer- P “THE SMELTER TOWN” hee i" rma an won't build a navy and then we The bill for tonight is “Oliv- ‘5 » can tell the Quebec fellows that] nite” in three acts, which will be aun their sons won't have to join the presented with many new songs ment >t ; navy and fight for England; Welang a new cast. “La Mascotte” a will just give England a cheque will be repaated at the sfturday spp’) ia ‘ for thirty-five millions.” matinee at bargain prices For & Go., Pa ’ Canada has a history and POOOOLIEEEEET OLE TEE ’ . ae an . | Saturday night an Irish comedy, Great Britain has a history. For) phe Rose of Blandeen,” has been PLOPPOLOLOLCOEE , eight or nine hundred years We] .aiected. Admirers of the Emer- have been struggling for self- ald Isle are ensured a rare treat or a e { government, the first principle of Twenty new Irish songs will be which is that there shall be no presented. Eee taxation without representation. neonate Pe ae Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, Sec~ British Toryism, like Canadian The Department of the Inter tion 8, Eleventh Avenue Toryism, always believes in the ior of the United States has re TN centralization of power. Wel. cently changed its mind on the lo quarrel with Mr. Borden and his black t : and hi j Tie tions to 160 tenes 6 ylac year question and has de se ¥ p ; ” “| cided that these animals may be| ; each departure from our political! punted at any and all times. As . system. It is a menace to self the price of the skins is now up 4<3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months he aeniinnie nnn entree a . government principles To foree this will be welcome news to the| (, Ph I a eA Mi Mp sea os a Ra cava = ets it upon the people he introduced hunters and dealers of Alaska th the closure. Then when the game started he said: “I have a pat ‘Harrison Gamble & Company m ’ | hand and you cannot draw a card] Liberalism would eut on the new FINANCIAL AGENTS | One-Quarter Cash. Bal. 6, 12 and 18 months because I am going to change the|volers'’ lists. He said he had of the game.” He intro-|tried to help the good work along | Third Ave. Prince Rupert . rules s duced closure in the middle of|by trying in Victoria to get ree the debate and thus denied the]istration papers sent here. The ' right of the people to express| Tories sent registration of births | nt . their opinions on this moment-| papers. O e ¥ ous question. Alderman Naden closed the en RE Mr. Ross spoke about forty|thusiastic meeting with a brief minutes, closing with an expres-|address on local Liberalism and $8.00 sion of satisfaction at the figure'its splendid outlook Cabin, ¢! ! §S-room h f $25.00 : N IN EN AL RUST C ce we room : | | [ O., Ltd. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY |)": soon a . THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 16524 PHONE No. 8 5-room hous Selling Agents and Trustees , ial one Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate G! } ; é ru e Glass 3.room 0 50 1 s >| 2 12 th Prince Rupert, B.C. Paina AR I)WARE Stoves. anger Creek : Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware Ltd. MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “*yz.pssee" G. R. Naden be, | Real bstate &