' 7

Monday, Ma


: ’

eee te] ree”! The News” Classified Ads. LN TS TO oe
. cad tee, * ate] MMM | Meee |

Events Keenly Contested Not- There were two church parades raincoats, ot
















So ne yesterday, the one in the morn TL ae Pio 5G ee ta
’ ing being the first annual church . Mr. and Mrs. E. ©, Gibbons left Be aos
T na parade of the Earl Grey Rifles. for Vancouver on the Prince mins Z
Phe program of sports for ebil-|iy fui) uniform and accompanied ==Qne Cent A Word For Fach Insert — pert this morning. 2
dren arranged by Chief of Police} by the bugle and drum band,
Vickers were carried out on Sat-| they paraded from their drill hall Read Jabour Bros.’ advertise : :
on Second avenue up Sixth street a 9 2 ment, page 2, tf . 18 POWDERS FoR os CENTS
= your dealer canner




urday afternoon notwithstand-
to Third avenue, then up Fulton J. L. Mathieu «

on Spe eenerereneeemrmer: ADT E soe” 4 Fifth avenue and the ANOTHER RED DEVIL Wanted CHET NEFF KNOCKED Rev. GC, R. Bing returned Sat-/%% Posed ons

ing Mayor Naden was the official) anglican Church. The Rev. KE. C. urday from annual confer ~
starter, assisted by Messrs. Tite,]Burch preached an excellent ser- FOR PRINCE RUPERT OUT MEXICAN CHAP enee Se eee oe Vemcugver MUD RIVER THE Next
: - see E NEXT

Kirkpatrick, Beatty and Chief of}mon from the text, “Thy servant BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wants position,






Police Vickers. Following are|is ready to do whatever the king store or office, References furnished _ A atu is a

the results of the various con-|shall command.” Council Will Consider the Ques-) Pore Black 394 122-27 | Finale Came Suddenly in Third F. G, Dawson returned Satur RAILWAY T

tests: In the evening the Sons of tion at Tomorrow Night's WANTED—At once, first class chef, , \pply| Round—Kegg and Williams =| day from 4 a trip to Van OWNSITE
a : 7 i ek Meeting. = a as Gave Good Preliminary. couver and Seattle. .

Boys’ race, under 6 years of ae. yg oy had ae . > an- 9 WAN TED-—Bookkeeping and stenography ; dita mt —— Plans Now Being Made to Sub.
age, 50 var T. Tite. 8. Turner,|/mual church parade in full re- . ee tae neatly done; during evenings pply 1 . Re : ”
age, 50 yards, T. Tite, 8. Turner, . F. R. Brown® of Minneapolis,| Box 41, News Omee- 192-24 rhe fifteen round fight between} H. F. MeRae left this morning divide It Ready for Lot

to attend the great Liberal con Market.

Arthur Douglas. galia to the same church and by ,
: the same route. Rev. E,. C.|Minn., special representative Of }wanrep—transter wagon, about 7 ft.| Billy Willard, champion feather
: +. a ‘ vention at Revelstoke,





ote a under = years of Bureh was again the preacher, his the Seagrave Company of Walker horse around’ 1,208 ae a eb re weight of Mexico and Arizona,
age, 50 yards, Edith Leek, Wada yatriotic sermon bei based on ville, Ont., through whom the together with ’ harness complete, atjand Chet Neff, the lightweight - F. W. Crawf 1, B.
Mussallem, Margaret Kergin. - : = oo sity chased the 1d devil bargain. Chas. M. Wilson, Delkatlah, | |», f the Pacific Coast The Princess May, from Skag-|for the Tr :
: . ‘ the words of the first epistle of city purchase ve ree Queen Charlotte Islands, B. ¢ igg-es;/ champion o 1e acifie ast, ys SKAg r i rans t I
Boys’ race, 6 and 7 years of St. Peter Chapter Il, Verse 17 fire wagon, arrived in the city on »,| Which took place in MeIntyre Hall) Wy, '5 expected about 10 o'clock] sites Company '
age, 50 yards, L. Gorden, D. Friz-| « : a Oh won | Saturday. In conversation with on Saturday night, resulted in| tonight week that his '
, Honor all men, love the brethren, |P@!Ureay. { . ; ,
zell, Fred Kergin. fear God, honor the king.” a “News” reporter this morning For Sale the latter retaining his title, Wil- ee ee ot UT, CP. Ct v
Girls’ race, 6 and 7 years of 3 m just before leaving for the south, { lard going to the mat in the third Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MeNicholl| River on the ma ;
age, 50 yards, Lizzie Ross, Fran- Mr. Brown said he was simply ‘oun t 30 were southbound passengers this| date.
cis Cummings, Vera Shockley ee stounded at the growth of the FOR SALE Fate eed White Wyencet ni ~~ oy eae a ag morning by the steamer Pr This t {
. sum r. sy y. a astounded a 1 gre ri poultry, famous Regal strain; also Peer larry Austin was the referee i eee lis townsits
vs . . ) » nity inna . ‘eo a “re "ss incubator ar breeder; reasonable.| , : I~ acta . e ) 77 ) .
0} s race, anc 9 years of Another Wreck Due to Submarine | ‘ ity since his first visit here, et coe 9 and breed are and Billy Wright acted as the} upert on Lot 877 | Pp |
» : . PE ' :
age, 75 yards, S. Hunter, H. Mines in Smyrna Bay about three years ago. While] 95s. 121-25 Jofficial timekeeper. Both men ap- y Green Bros. & B
Frizzell, Albert Wood ' here he met the first, water and ; aie ar > Brighten up! You ee ake t st ] |
ee ; ae e » we ‘ FOF. SALE—Lot 25, Block 34, Sec. 7, witn}peared in splendid condition, I can make/out shortly to lay
Girls’ race, 8 and 9 years of (Special to The Daily News.) light committee of the city coan- Sunt, price "$2,000. rsh 1,800. per} Neff a trifle finely trained andj your home more cheerful at/site. The sam:
@ : . . month; price ,000; cash . o
age, 75 yards, Annie Nearing, London, May 26.—A despatch]cil and discussed with them the tow dase Sus. Charles Monroe, 4194 looking frail in contrast to his| slight cost with wallpaper from] division according
Grace Carroll, Annie Lindquist. to Lloyd's says that forty persons|duestion of putting in another Hays Cove Ave 1170f shorter and sturdier opponent. Wallace's 113tf will be followed hy
—— into execution at W

Boys’ race, 10, 11 and 12 years| were drowned by the sinking of;}machine similar to the present |} FOR SALE—naif price, equity in 4 Gerard-| There was also a great contrast
S Heintzman plano, quick sale »

of age, 75 yards,Tom Sherman.|the steamer Nevada, which on|one but with several later im Harris, News office. iiste [in the ring methods of the two.
Willard showed some pretty foot-

Mrs. Jay H. Kugler, who has| townsite.
been in Vancouver for a number Mr. Crawford







Jack Naden, Tom Mackay. Saturday struck three mines in|provements of importance. The 2
Girls’ race, 10, 14 and 12 years|the Gulf of Smyrna. matter will be taken up by the work in the first round but was|O0f weeks, returned to the city}company w
of age, 75 yards, Georgina Hunter, sdacallcahdtdcastpabiicnaiticacattnpnigy council at its Tuesday night ses- For Rent not as quick as Neff, and he| Saturday office, a post office \
og et ge Br Halverson. OVERSEAS BONFIRE sion. { adopted the crouching, all-cover - phone and telegraph
oys’ race, years and over, deeveititienaes stvle , s » Oppone . G. A. Vidler, o e Bs N :
100 yards, Al H . 2 ~— FURNISHED cabins, $5.00 per month. Ap-| St¥le, while his lithe opponent) — a. @ ' idle r, of the I ank fud River.
y ae ex. unter, Frank|One of Chain Around the Globe Southbound Passenger List. ply 533 Eighth Ave., near Fulton. 122/stood straight and open, like the|0? Commerce staff, returned Sat
aaa William Stevens. on Acropolis Hill. Among those leaving for the/@ ~@|nglish fighters of the days long urday after spending a couple of 4. D. MePhe: fs
irls’ race, 13 years and over conastennes south on the Prince Ruper ‘ weeks’ vacation at Victori '
» Id | ; ‘ pert this past 1 ra ! ria is interested
100 yards, Elizabeth Reinbold,| Saturday was not at all a good|morning were the following: t Lost and Found i In the first round Willard met - tions in B. ¢ '
Margaret Morgan, Margaret|day for a spectacular bonfire, but |Mrs. Oakley, G. Freborg, Mr. and { the blows of Neff by his crossed Another shipment of Hintz-| Prince Rupert on Sa
man & Co.'s pianos just arrived.| ing

arms, swung a body blow and



Sherman, the spectacular part was not in|Mrs. G. A. MeNicholl, D. Me
rites ri —— ee eee ; - ™*~ | POUND—An Odd Fellow’s gold pin, at the
Sack race, William Stevens,/the minds of the members of the} Pherson, W. McKean, R. D. Wat- cemetery. Owner can bare A} at the/then clinched He got in two or|If you want the best at moderate
Tom Sherman, Tom Mackay. Overseas Club, who had fixed alson, Mr. Cartwright, W. C. But-| Dally News omece by paying (08 this} three good blows to the body, but}Prices and easy terms call at
Bicycle race, Tom Moorhouse,} huge one and applied the torch]ler, W. G. Gillett, Mr. and Mrs. ——— meee | When he tried for the head was|Wark's 122 ° ”
Douglas Stork. to it. It was to be in line and a/FE. C. Gibbons, H. F. McRae, Angus a si cleverly countered. cnemmenione
Girls’ three legged race, Isabel} link i h ; se Med Roe: : IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION os Sa . P. F. Godenratt
_G e lege ace, Isabel/link in the chain of Overseas|Stewart, Mrs. A. Guttstein, O.| FOR THE ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE The second round opened with . F. Godenrath, proprietor and
Kelly and Pear! Latulippe, Hilda| Clubs all over the world who were|Vansickle, Mrs. Garden, M. G6.) (eee eee ee eee eon oe or{a rapid interchange of blows and/e@itor of the Portland Canal The Up-to-Dat
, . : : : : pay ] Ze . ’ . , -LO ate
Halverson and Annie Lindquist,| celebrating the day in just the|McLeod, J. Hollberg, Chet Neff, PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 toward the middle of the round| Miner, published at Stewart, was :
Gertie Grove and Annie Kelly. same way. In the next edition of} William Miller, EK. Bessett, G. t oo , oo. Ceres ton oP onei Willard began to erouch§ still} 4m arrival by the Prince Rupert tore of Pr
vn! . : . . ? nti to issue at the ex on of one .
Boys’ three legged race, Sher-|the London Daily Mail that ar-|McIsaac, J. Chambers, Mark month efter the frst peblication herect 8 more and was apparently afraid|0® Saturday morning. ° *,¢
duplicate of the certificate of title to the! ,f the straight hitting of Neff aie ° ign Writing..

man and Mazzie, R. N. Me iv , ». [\Creelms 4 - .
hn ie McRae and| rives here there will be a full ac-|Creelman, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, aniee taamenea taal te te teens oF A _
. Dahurst. count of these bonfires through-|S. Sayer, H. B. Pope, D. H. Neff,| bert A. Dick, which certificate of title was}who seemed to fight entirely for Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Smith and P ‘
Boys’ three legged race, 13 and| out the British Empire, including|W. Lewis, Ed. Hogan, ©. 0. Day, | ‘A3Ue0 (on de, 13mm December, 19tt, the head, very rarely landing on|son Walter of New Hazelton came aper-Hanging














14 years of age, William Steven e i leorge . Jeorge “Gil- H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. . : ‘ oe aal eve ra tre and te
ons + - P s} on cabled from this far distant | George Martin, George MecGil Land Registry OMce,’ Prince Rupert, B. C., the body. But this was Neff's}in by last evening train and left Our Specialties
n om Sherman. but important British port. livray, D. McDonald. May 13th, 1913 round beyond a doubt this morning for Victoria, where
Standing broad Jump, F. Dowl- ana —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— w—May 19—June 16, 1913 The third opened with a rush Walter will undergo an opera -
‘ aaa
ing, William Anderson. No doubt you may be able to The Prince Albert, of the G.'T. sim BY ORDER OF COURT OF ONS by Neff and some in-fighting in| tion “Ye Olde Reliable”
Running broad jump, William} fool a lot of people, but there is|P. coast fleet, left for the south|” HaLP INTEREST IN LOT 34, BLOCK 22,/which Willard was evidently me 2nd Street Phone 156 Gree
Anderson, Sidney Hunter, always some wise guy. Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. og a = a Rt a ». mep.|Pattled. Soon Neff was chasing Joseph D. Moore, who returned
y order o is onor Judge . . wae "
= Young, local judge of the Supreme Court the Mexican all over the ring,| here Saturday from MeGill Uni
re a eee ee eee, eee ee ne ze = lof British Columbia, the half interest o . , rea. Pe om” - can’ mela
Suh Gallagher, dnetueae, ean apreement| Hitting him at will, but Willard|Versity, Montreal, has gone to NEW T F FEDS
SAI : > —— || ==} = =) | =) ee of sale to Lot 34, Block 22, Section 5 inlkept well covered At last with|the interior to spend the summer
Nitra . of Prince ort, i > 80 on .-
oP efter the (7th day of june, 1913 ad a heavy left to the body Neff got| He is a brother of Mrs. 8. D. Mac
iress offers to Michael Gallagher, adminis a long a0 or “ one Ve . a p
trator, care Williams & Manson, Prince his long sought for opening andj donald We have just 1
Rupert, B é. pea smashed a heavy right swing to -—— ment
Ce So CURES » je ‘illar re ce Miss Mabe! Gray left this mo
the jaw Willard went down like = ” i ‘ iis morn TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS
an ox and took the count. ing for Seattle, to join her sister 5
e e LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Neff was the favorite in the|Ethel, who is to take part in the CLOVER POTATO SEED
ai betting. He left: today for Se-|#reat kermess Professor Doug-| ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS
e usp1clous Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| attle, where he has a match on|/as is arranging in that city, and FLOWER SEEDS
Range V . » § sec 8 re » ds ing
Take notice a The Prince Rupert for the 29th. v who is considered by the dani ne Mail orders Pron pt i
Hydro-Electric Co., Limited, of Prince As a preliminary Lem Kegg of professor to be one of his pro-
a a cordiess tt nares it Yond tear the Seattle and Young Williams,|™ising pupils. PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0.
Hocsall River, bounded as follows both promising boys, put up a +

nein ta st planted m the
ri end of ‘Lake Maneleine near th rattling good three round bout, |LUTHER McCARTY EXPIRES

north end of Lake Madeleine near the out


BE suspicious of that of which nobody is














. >
proud. Be suspicious of the mere low- let, thence south 20 caine, tae weveen| Referee Austin declaring it a DURING FIRST ROUND
. / ° be ee, eer = con- | draw. exmenemenmeas
price argument offered In favor of an article “PRINCE. Rl PEAT HYDRO- ELECTRIC (Continued from Page 1.)
e cO., LIMITED. —_—_— —
; UTED. eget. Kohl, Agent. [PASSENGER LIST ee lar ees ort war
with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. Dated May 160, 1099, os, 1008. FROM THE SOUTH altitude. To the spectators it
: 7 . aa looked as though his crouch was
° Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena The steamer Prince Rupert,|/Simply a fight pose. But he con- PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS-
Better buy the thing you know and can ot Treen tenant be con, ae Captain Duncan MacKenzie, .ar-| tinued to go over, his eyes rolled TRIAL ANNEX
° neer, intends to apply for permission to/ rived on time on Saturday morn-| i? his head, then he collapsed and
trust, than an article unbranded and un- epee ee eS came a ee ing with 105 saloon and 62 third] fell full length on the floor of the A launch leaves
southeast corner of Lot 2626, thence west) «14.4 ssenger The list of/ting. The referee, assuming ment slip for P
a 5, south fhains, th | Cla passengers. ve is Oo x I
vouched for. Sa an be ert 40 "chains. to saloon passengers was as follows: that he had been knocked out, every day I
— Lr ques x6 Victor Benson, David Benson, A.|8tood over him to count off the apply to Harris
inal Saou itis BROWN JR. Pearson, Gus Akerlund, A. Van|fatal seconds, It was the final & Co.. Phone 51 Ave
Pub, May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. Seiklen, Oliver Davis, H. P. Neth,|count for the young champion oor
The branded shoe, made by a maker That in vhich much money has been F. Schaefer, J. A. Campbell, Wil- —
with @ reputation, is a safer shoe to _invested to make or keep it good is Skeena Land Distriet—pisirict of Coast}jiam Taylor, Mrs. ©. F. Seott,| Arena Destroyed by Fire.


buy than the one made in an unknown worth more than that on which nothing *


an ; . .
Take notice that I, Louies Auriol, off Morris Scott, Vernon Scott, A. D. Calgar a om
Quinista, B. C., occupation farmer, intend McPhee Alex Cassawen I talgary, May 26.—The Burns
to apply for permission to purchase the | * , A : é De, *-larena, the scene of Saturday's e
©. Britt, A. ©. King- ;


factory by an unknown maker. or but little has been spent. following described lands: Schmidt, W.
Commencing at a past planted ot the Morne } ieee et tragic event when Luther Me-
y re ’ > ene or = - r & re, '. Ae ‘ 8. .
The underwear made by a firm whose P ah niheds be , see ie caenn tno thoes tan 32 chains William Larimer, W. pert. Carty lost his life, was totally :
more or less, thence following the shore is ’ + ae ” estrove “e sarly . 0, Sec-
eace mind worth something, mor ane <7°t_ ee aediticen UB, Werth. 3. Bartmce. Se. destroyed by fire at an early hour) Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 2
this morning. The origin of the tion 8, Eleventh Avenue


name is as familiar to you as your own, . hater
Sault demeiladie ther cadena just as quality is. Buy peace of mind.
nameless or labelled by a maker of
whom you have never heard. When you buy anything worth while
buying, buy that of which you know —
Tea sealed in a packet bearing the from advertisements, or from other
name of a reputable firm is to be pre- dependable acquaintance. Buy the
ferred to tea of which the packer is not article with the “money back” guar-
sufficiently proud to advertise its antee—with the pledge of a known

th 5 chain >
Re Oe mee '{ Pierson, P. F.. Parker, T. Robin-

more or less to point of commencement, a , ie . ‘ Fs
containing 12 acres more or less. son, Mrs. T. Robinson, Frank fire is a mystery. Four deaths
LOUIES AURIOL _ ’ . ene were narrowly averted. Mr
Dated May 21st, 1913. Campbell, Mrs. F. Campbell, Miss} wraciey Rens
Pub. May 26, 1913-—July 21, 1913. Wileon, P. M. Piersall. Mise E esley enson, his wife and two e
P i We ae ~ «, {children were asleep in a corner

Ewing, Mrs. T. B. White, E. B.jor the building and escaped just each

F License to Take and Use Water Raney, J. Lyon, R. Lane, Mrs. Bla, the flames commenced to lick h
ore ake rine , »*rince ") > . ¥ me nce wd p 18 months.
Notice is hereby given that The Prince Princ ©, F. Prince, EF. Ross, Mr. up a portion of the building 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and
Rupert Hydro-Electrie Com any. Limited, Browning, PD. Branch, F. Branch, witich thes ccountad. @b am
Ct y , ' ° > ec ™ » struc
of Prince Rupert, B. C., will app or a Mrs. R. W. Rogers, W. Dermith. I ‘

license to take and use 50 cubic feet per ture 4s covered by insurance
second of water out of Madeline Creek,}R F, Gook, J. Buchan. A. Abbott : re H 1 bl &C any
' : arrison, Gamble & Lomp




name behind it.
which flows in an easterly direction . " :
through Crown lagds, and empties intol A. Pang, W. H. Prince, FE. J. Web- ne
Hoesall River about 13 miles from its : : ie a ye Resu topsy. ! ENT
mouth on the south bank, The water wi} ber, Mr, Pie — Carl Hartig, A, Cal M * ‘ ” \ ne , ted | FINANCIAL AG!
be diverted at unnamed falls about one] M. Ruddy, A. McDonald, Mr. Bald- “algary, May 26. dislocatec > , Rupert
mile from mouth of creek, and will be ed ow ated . : Prince I
Used for generating electric ‘power pur- win, Cy Warman, L. 8. Wilson,|"e¢k caused the death of Luther Third Ave


poses for sale, barter or exchange wWithini iy wf Smith, A. Simms, H. Foster,| McCarty during his fight with

4 radius of 100 miles.
This notice was posted on the ground] W. 8, Smith, M. O. Syverson, A. H,, 4?thur Pelkey, according to the}

vn the 16th day of May, 1913, The @ . , . for . !

plication will be filed ta the oMce of the Stewart, E. Rodseith, Mrs. E information given out this morn. | 4°

fater Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. ©.) Rodseith, Mr. Williams, Rey, ©. R,|'98 following an autopsy con oO en

Put your faith in the advertisements ap-:
pearing in good newspapers. Beware of the
article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub-


Objections may be filed with the said :
Water ecorder or with the Comptroller] Sing, A. H. Holland, F. G. Dawson,|ucted by Dr. Mosher at the re







2 2 . . of Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings.[ ¢ . ; f Cor .
° reto _— C. Croteau, D. J. McKeecher, D, K,| West of Coroner Costello,
wey oo commodity an advertiser backs sae aren UYDRO-ELECTRIC | Nowell, Mrs, Foster, W. Beverage , — a
. . noe Oe ie0 0 ‘s ; sverage C i iore $8
wit h Is OWN money is something worth vi iy on Sodas te WOE Pee ar te Gare, whe. Cabin, sloss
. » nn. Terwwureny | Strang-—At the General Hos-|5-room house : 00
our uviIng. nD 59 Kugler, W. Cain, P. F. Goden- 7 oe: Ole . at 926
y y g ENGINEERING rath, F. L. Traey, Col, GC. H. ra oe ow =— oe E - house, 1 $20.00
| Engineers, Stationary and Mar-|Tracey, F. R. Brown, M. Spear, : ; Sec oer © Ser ye — = ;
; | ine, coached for examination |C. EB, Batzold, Robert W. Lee, A.} Grant—At the General Hos-|6-reem house $26.00
Adowe your advertising is available A. FARROW, |G. A. Vidler, Iona Davis, M, ©.) Pital, on May 25th, 1913, to Mr.| Creek
rough omy a advertising agency gribee the 654 4th Ave. East] Williams, Gladys Williams, Mrs,}@9d Mrs, William Grant, a son h room house, 4 $16.00
Canadian ess Association, Koom 503 Lumsden ilding. — ——|M. €, Williams, G, H. Andrews, aw, ee - Creek
aapsey involves no obligation un your part — so write, if in- Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635|"@: Graham, ©. Lecan, John F Notice to Public. 3.room house 10.50
Christal, J. 8. Jensen, W. Bushe, In paying accounts due me, Creek ,


HARRISON W ROGERS G. Erickson, ©» A, Henson, M.|when paying other parties and
. Kaarsten G, Kaarsten, J. B.j/not myself, pay no cash but al
Architect Fournier. ways cheques to my order only, ( Ltd
: — otherwise credit will not be given ¢. R. Naden 0., t »
Buite 1, Federal Block When a man gets all he thinks|This means just what it says. Insurance
PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, he needs he has a large surplus,| 119-424 F. M. DAVIS.


Real Estate and