2 ruf& DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Ma ‘TARIFF REFORM IS = COMING IN CANADA | (eX Double Weekly Service — aos TO THE SOUTH | Manufacturers Urged to Get To- by the splendid steamers gether for the Protection of PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE } Their Interests. Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and Seat) Mondays and Fridays at © a. ™ ee art on Thursdays at 8 A. m For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 am Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vaneu, Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way ports Ave bound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Commencing April 12 Al ‘ reek Masset and Naden Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Weadr + ne. Commencing April 9 ae RAILWAY SERVICE Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a. n Wea : Saturdays ’ 7 . Special low excursion rates to all points east via nection with the Grand Trunk Railway System, May turn limit Oct, Sist Por tickets, reser vations, ete, app! A. E. MOMASTER, General Agent Office Grd Avenue Prince Rupert = eee = = THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: | Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York——-National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Kast 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, RO ALL eh | Montreal, May 24 Important | jrevisions in the tariff were pre ldicted by Mr. BR, 8. Gourlay, | | ver and ¢ president of the Canadian Manu = i facturers’ Association, at the an nual banquet of the Montreal branch of the association last night. It was incumbent upon manufecturers, he said, to work | together to protect their interests jand those of the country in gen jeral so that when the time for re | Vision arrived they could lay their Phone 260 Trafalgar Square. }views before the government as a rs | ° a ) —— Fontes eed ae ao ad of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ° 5 NEW . AILY EDITION agape =— Tuesday, May 27, 1915. jhaving isolated delegations rec Little D ¥ at ita haha EE ed he jommending this and opposing ARE YOU GOING EAST eh e a ee oe that without serious result, The THIS SUMMER? | Magazines :t Periodicals Newspapers GOOD EXAMPLE IN boys that they have a_ better jimpending revision, he said, was |} spectal Excursions May s8th to Sep-]/ CIGARS :: TOBACCOs FRUIT . oO v . t » | : e B i S COMPOUND INTEREST. chance to get on the ball te am |foreshadowed by the West In Returning Limit October 31st | 2nd Ave. Below Kaien ig! Over a hundred years ago} %@4 the track team by refrain- dian treaty and the coming Aus Vancouver to Toronto and $92.00 | | atele,. e . nT | : ee ears J the United States government ing from such things. he | tralian treaty and the insistent vancouver to Montreal and o008.80 seized a British schooner on se Boe, over? a aa Lnaee in some sections of the voncouver to New York and mene ——_ LL SSS — dj Ss , scnoo!l a competitor, pu i ( . re ‘rease : a sturn ee8 . 7 — Sa called the Lord Ne a a so Glen cand shose on a ie coe for an increase in British | pret si chicago and ona Em ° seizure was illegal and the . nS | preference. return : ‘ . B | | count denteed that the sum of} @thletic team if he can. Then | The need of increasing thel] “See = ™ T= oF $60 noe ow ing Al eys $4,817 with 6 per cent. inter- it has told him that a .tooth- if reign trade of the a try { Other Points Correspondingly Low AND POOL ROOM oe et ; : brush will come nearer winning | SOFCIsN trade OF we COUNTY was J. @. Monae 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLES | est should be paid to the own- 7 jemphasized by Mr. Gourlay, wholT General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St 4. & ROSS, Prop. Sra Ave the fight for him than any- held that in many lines our trade Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M thing else. ; Prince Rupert Employment Bureay |) *. O. Box ? Phone 264 } LICENSED AGENTS { or )) ers. The money was paid into court, but before the claimants could be, increased with foreign could get at it a court official “A boy will not clean his countries. oo SS absconded with it. The claim- teeth just because it is good ae: r SS ants asked the government for for him, but he will do it if he Life Annuity for Amundsen what was their due, but all ap- knows it helps him to make the oo oo y oe . L U M B E R | C O A L plications were pigeon holed. team and helps his team to n I ” a a has voted to The claimants died, but their win the victory,” says the see- a so Pthe a Sa mee a ‘hs representatives and heirs have retary. THE DUKE ASKS A DIVORCE FOR THIS pene a i508 wooden (90680) C O A L New Wellington Coal. Best on the kept the claims constantly be- In like manner the trainers Reproduction of the picture taken at Murren, Switzerland, of the ' . Coast _ the re she ee . a soe ie ean — Duchess of Westminster, ski-ing with Prince Antonio Bib- —and Phone 116 Rogers & Black getting satistactory answers 0 e boys é jad ¢ estion, sO. f stris obiems Thie ; a : cas at : but never any money. The in- poor ventilation, sleeping un- alae et aaa or ae ee ee Ps acclbngg ieee: 1636 THE BANK oF 1913 Complete Line of ee a terest is to be compounded der unhealthy conditions, in- inst the Duche The Prince is not the man nam , : ~ t chess. ‘ e is no : t 1amed as ¢co- BUILDERS SUPPLIES ; according to the practice in frequent bathing, improper respondent, however—the Duke of Alba is the man in the BritishNorthAmerica LINDSAY STORAGA such cases, and the claim now eating, all help to keep a boy case. The affair is the talk of England today. Latest des- WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited amounts to $14,634,408, which} down in the athletic contests. patches say that the two little daughters of the Weetmin- wae eee Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents sum, it is now alleged, the heirs The boys cut out the things sters have tried but failed to make a reconcilliation between Capital ano SURPLUS OvER $7,600,000 of the owners of the schooner that are hurting. their parents, and the case must go on. ’ ——— ace _ Orders promptiy filled. Prices reasonable are likely to receive. No boy has ever been ordered ; or UNION Ss. COMPANY OF B C es B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone ®, There’ is now sitting at to do a thing, says the secre-| WESTMINSTER GIRLS Mary Constance Grosvenor. three ASe . B . M a e9 er Washington a joint British and] tary of the league. He is told FAIL TO RECONCILE years old, will divide their en- rvice Dusiness ivien | American arbitration court for the right way and the wrong DUKE AND DUCHESS) cacing presence oliiieh ” thant Appreciate The Twin Screw Steamer the purpose of settling these way to make good in athletics. eemneermnnent mother and father. A boy came 99 SMITH & MALLETT century old war claims. He oes the rest himself. Tbe Duke of Alba, Famous for His | ‘0 bless the Westminsters in The complete and valuable OV nture i, — “om idcdiuail a boys quit the cigarette and seize Gallantries, Will Testify 1904, but the heir to the dukedom service rendered by the Bank |] Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Vas Heny Count the toothbrush as soon as they for the Duchess lived only a few years. f British North Americ h — AMONG THE BOYS. grasp the idea that this is the es thd ‘teteie’ tall: thi - Matic re . 4 4 a ; ates anttnai, tn Chea Quite et > a i Whenever we get that city way “to help the team win. London, May 14,.—Little Lady|names as co-respondent the cee ee ae See ee MONDAY NIGHT recreation ground we shall be The idea is proving a win-|Ursula Mary Oliva Grosvenor is|Duke of Alba, a descendent of accounts as well as the con- able to adopt a new.idea that ner. It is a good suggestion]|a child so charming that one |King James II, of England. The fidence of a goodly proportion "ea is bringing great results in the| for all institutions where boys|would suppose, she could re-|Duke of Alba, famous for his of Canada’s prominent busi- Salle for Port Simpson, Nass River Pointe «ey i alla’? of S.H. & E.F New York schools. The Public| abide. It is a might good sug-|concile her parents, however|gallantries, will testify for the ness men. ‘The same service ond Goemty Gey Come, 8 6 @ School Athletic League there| gestion for parents, even if|much they are at variance. Yet|Duchess of Westminster er dena nati Seite (Boawpmanian Sociery is winning boys away from to-| parents are not supposed to}Lady Ursula’s father and mo-/announced, ons te i er a - ie Rielle. 60 Cacaten it bacco and other’ insanitary show quite so great an inter-|ther, the Duke and Duchess of| An interesting point is that the aseeee ae aa ~ or tthe bel ot » aon A practices, not by preaching or est in boys as the school Westminster, will either bring) highest court in the Empire has WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. &. | warning, but by showing the people do. counter suits for divorcee or ajjust decided that the hearing of PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH a” me legal separation will be sought | divorce cases in secret is umaw- ETTS ; The Duke and Duchess are liv-|ful. Therefore the proceedings °. Gane MARACER Rogers Steamship Agency i D. C. STUART ing apart now. Under the agree-|will be heard by the public to the Phone 116 Accountant ' ment they reached, Lady Ursulallast sentence, and some of bine ona ara os scat DO NO FORGE and her still smaller sister, Lady |evidence may even be published. Se a Re a i elie ee a ee sa dle | iim © ¢ sn moo oon oooweet ll | PAIGE RUPERT. INN || Georgetown = THE GREAT NEW GOLD STREAM IS | thie same creek. Recently, how- rs aes. @. o> & DISCOVERED IN NORTH 4 . ae jever, it became known that Brown ” WILLIAMS & MANSON | é St R had taken gold to the value of Solic! Etc ock edu Tributary of Hootalinqua River,|#!.50 to the pan from gravel re / cing @ in Which Top Gravel Runs taken from a hole about eight ANNEX Lumber on as as Melgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8. © $9 to the Pan. feet deep and before reaching . bedrock. This word reached | and vieioe , Another gold bearing creek|town about a week ago, and ° ans Now Going On At has been discovered and is being|Within a few hours stampeding Mouldings P.O, BOX % PRINCE RUPER arties were getting away for the Owned and ted by th > cy e located, and this time it looks as|P@?™! opere ° JOHN E. DAVE scene of the strike. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on : ion ene > SIN : Jabour Bros., Third Avenue though a genuine strike had been Although a number of local the American and European Tos A eran Steet oo i. TEACHER OF SINGING made, The new creek, which has|imen have gone to the scene of} Bxcellently furnished, with — Sie Delivery sdee ab ek, Oenen, 400. 62.4%. 168. OF been given the name “Meander” |the new strike, the majority who steam heat, electric light, and all made at short notice. eens . by Assistant Gold Commissioner| have gone are men who were on modern conveniences, being abso- Wonderful Bargains R. C,. Miller, empties into the'the way in from the outside to lutely first-class in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. in White Wear, Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses, Boys’ Suits Hootalinqua River near Masof's|their homes*in the Lower Yukon The appointments and service Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. - ; . ‘ Landing, which is twenty miles|country, Fairbanks, Ruby and the ° UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALME and Blouses mae Men's Boots and Hats. shove the Hootalinqua post. Slated’ oh it Gham heave thelr ot — to any hotel on the dis Funeral Dire — ome This Sale Will For the past five years an eld-|stampede habit and anyone of OFFICE: Sed Ave, none Oth Oe erly couple, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.| whom is ready at a moment's no- | | | | Save Money For You Brown, have conducted a sort of|tice to run down any sort of a — EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. roadhouse at Mason's Landing, | report pertaining to a new strike. Rates: $1 te $3.50 per day, Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. | the former prospecting at odd Experienced placer men assert oh sonsrnninmnstnginiliennnniapergsntinanmnipiiantinnaates . times in that locality. While the|that if such a good showing is a s ABOUR BROS old man never recorded a loeation| made in the gravel,as has been Advertise in | J 'e until this week, it was known by|reported from the scene of the é other miners in the Livingstone|strike not less than 820 pans G. A. Swect, Manager. The Daily News ' The House of Good Values country that he was getting a|should be found on bedrock when E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT little gold, but no one interferred it is reached.-Whitehorse Star. It Was the Seventh Inning, and the Bases Were Filled SCOOP-IM GOING To LETES ; Se + = THIS YOu ScooP? SAN BOARDING HOUSE ON FIRE P-SAY “Nou OFF FoR THE Game 2 =| | TOuR BOARDING House, Boss -TELU’EM TO Keer We ; % ON FIRB ~- You Fire BURNING FOR. 4 COUPLE. BETTER Rust over. () ; Hours -~r% RY Susy - THERE. AND save ‘ Drawn for The Daily News by p NEXT TIME? ‘\ DONT BE |) So Bizzy!) Sed ; © wr -wrvi serio 200