7 19013 y 27 ryesday, Ma THE DAILY NEWS ee ‘ ' : ——— ———E=—_—— LE — ae NOTICES. COAL NOTICRSs coal o “ _ = pistrict pistrict of Ominecsa La aa ; { NEWS NOTES OF ALASKA} | . ‘ c gineca Land elton , : ti, L. N. Mae Notice i@ : oe . eby & . " , GeCUPAHOD | Keehni« : ui, L, N. Mae ” POOSOSS SIO SDI SO OOP a q N ‘ date intend W @p- | surgeni ‘ ’ ‘ ‘pation 4) ys * Ommissioner Of 7 piy w t mie ! ? ih ‘ta party given by the Nome vet for eoal @8d pe-lfor lice ' an rloo o oneern rer 4 . | / ens pros wing deseribed lands: | trolewm 5 folluwine Aeaaetnes Bale tg! f Pioneers 1 ily, @ vole : if f g over 1" '"g post planted 7 commen ah post > degen mance of women was taken on the ques 4 : val 0 i miles OP) Grand 1 k ylanite wat } a sD ON mentet Grand south 8 ha ; a‘... post 128, thence| Hon of woman's suffrage for Al ‘f i oT creek = mouth of creek NAF) thence port) « ine, West 80 chains, aska, and the ote « 9 7 << ' : thence eg ! vote wa 3 to 17 a mk Pe ence worth 80 ChaiMs,| chains to piace slenemaemnane ea’ in w P nals, thence eouth oe taining 640 a i T lena memt, con-} against the suffrage bill : j mace Ww : so chains to place © N MA; P | wins, 1 wining 640 acres more Per F. W RADY" i tetes Tie ae Aut — N. MAGKEGHNIE, EN. Meckechag NE cm i088 George Black, of Skagway, | IN - — MCCRADY, CG. Bx, Pub, Apr 16 . "' 1 Co \ Neeute ‘ per aa Mean seth, 19 we. ADP. 14, 1019—May 99, 1988 ra: ve 2 eb pee a mo \roruse gaked an nN. W.C | 88@W, whieh inflicted a wound 20] GOOD FORITHE'SHOES L — j May 12, 1013. Or inches long, extending from the yb. AP ymineca Land | ri stric Pe s_tmeaca i Hane os District of shoulder joint to the sternum. | - ' OVE ' given } \ if tng | marr ; strict District of Gusbais, of Ve oo i at I . 5 wh . it k about one hundred en that I, L. N. Mac ply ' ; : la intend to ap ind ifts titches to sew up tice . B. CG. occupation); » 1 ' uuissioner of Lands 667 wa date intend to s ieee oo to prospect for coal and pe rm ree omissioner ¢ ands _ . wing described la < . ; : j ——— ” ta "a ‘ok be Commencing at & t see nea rhe freight rates of the Alas | ee ' ‘ ving described lands Grand Trunk post 128, thence south} ka Northern railroad have been — Mt post planted near old) °° chains, then east 80 chains, thence } i a BF a @@'= —& at é , Peciie mile post 1356,)0rth 50 chains, thence west 80 chains to it from 20 cents to 12 cents a} emp, oran ‘ins, thence west 80 place f mimencement, containing 640 pound The eut was author “dl 4 tb ) Chains, thence east) *°res More or | Fane ere et bal commencement, con ; rw i . ‘A MACKECHNIE by Colone Swanitz the new heath chain ; e or less, er cCURADY, C. E., Agent cn , ‘ ong 0" © \. MACKECHNIE, Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 manager of the road —_ : CRADY, 6. E., Agent L. N, Mackechnie, N. W. C ea i ‘ed March 10th, 1948, Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1019 —_= sak ¥ ¢ N. E. C. saa It is reported that John W . am ; May 12, 4 ” eet rroyv, at present “lite ; ’ pub. Af we Ominece Land Districe—Disteies of + i Zs en “2 ; of the ay _ Hazelton vuneau npire, is to be given a istrict—Distriet of Notice — we ' j - ven L. N. M kechnic of Vancouver ’ ot - copupation fat b under Democratic rule in| <_? given that I, L. N. Mac E ‘ after’ late intend fo s tt SY . — " ° i t ‘ p i" ile if Washingtor not ver, B Gey occupation Chief mmissioner of Lands .* © —_ ie = sfter date intend to ap i prospect for coal and pe ue manigerone sal ae troleum over the f wing described lands Over two hundred met as nae | — ) et 0 O4 i Co em dl 08 a 2 om ‘ Sere Ey far lice lowing deseribed lands |Grand Trunk 4 acini “mil post 188, thence employed al the shipyards al = at i os hear 01d | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, Whitet = sins, tegues, cent 96] chance f'"),c° pains, tusnce, west, 96) \Y bitehore: “= eile, “ chains t place f commencement, con ® . . ih 80 Chains, thence! tsining 640 acres more OF less. =— 1 pee “ coma ement, L. N. MACKECHNIE From Whitehorse to Dawson nore oF ie ; ” gasining 04° i, Ne MACKECHNIE Staked ‘and ‘dated Maren {71h, 1812, | i) Seven days is considered good = per F. W. McCRADY, C, E., Agent L. N, Mackechnie, 8, W. Cc. — , time for an automobil ; , onal ‘ rr) | guned and dated Neree cpm fie. Pub. Apr. 14, 1919-—May 12, 1943 ea DO YOU KNOW YOUR WINTER GIRL ? ‘ z= “4, 194 May 12, 1913 —____—— 4 dary dn th 1! Dist ,| Now she has dispensed with her furs and has a most bewitching —_ ub. Ap ae 2 s iatric eames 4 Land District—District of Umineca Se” District of Court at Valdez gave Mrs. Reed,| slenderness. Ss P Hazelton of Notice is hereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-| widow of J. E. Reed, a judgment - — <<: , iven that Il, L. N. Mac Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., cecupation o ‘ ot nD iver, B. C., Occupation] surgeon, « days after daic iutend w ap-|®#4inst the Copper River and oo. | = let Cc Sioa aor ot ‘Land for it ones to ‘Dt spect for ci a i ‘pe Northwestern Railway aan, ron —_= minissione 0 ands 0 icense oO prospec or i et prospect for coal and pe-| troleum over the following described lands;| *20,000, Reed, ar employee = of STEWART NOTES BELLA COOLA NOTES 2 " iowing described lands Commencing at @ ost planted near the con \ “ led Ie ) st 6 post planted near old/ Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence pan as = Killet Jan oa k Pacific mile post 135,/n0rth 80 chains, thence West 80 chains,j/uary 1, 1912 —_ chains, thence east 80/ thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 There are more agricultural ith 80 chains, thence| chains tw piace of commencement, con —__—_—___— tine: than i6 os The Cariboo Observer says:| = S T. f lace of commencement, | tainir 640 acres more or le experts in Stewa ian in 1e acres more OF less, om LN. MACKECHNIE Yukon Pioneer Is Dead. . le of the Fr: Valley. and|J- D. MeLean, divisional warden —_ ave One on oO Coal L. \. MACKECHNIE. Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent Sam teen ilins ‘ » ancl Be Teer Oey) eee l foe this Are raneine disteiet. hae , per F. W. MeCRADY, &. B., Agent Staked and dated March i7th, i¥13 aines Mamliiot one OF th) they are very, very free with iain oS ” Ne tea or: ir by ‘ —= s e suked and dated March 19th, 1913. . ; MecKochale, S. &. Cc 49, 1049 pioneers of the Yukon, died re-| epjticism and advic resigned and is succeeded here in very . Fa ’ t } . 7 . | 5 ‘ ‘ © : . > = . foe Memes -May 12, 1013. Sree ee See ae cently in Fairbanks. He sue es e by P. Sharkey. Mr. McLean, we| gm " a cumbed after a protracted siege | understand, will be appointed to] ~ wineca Land District—Distriet of Camtnecs Lend Bioetet—Distsies of ‘f cancer, The death was quiet ls smi * Ta a the district extending from Bella ad The Economizer will do it. a ton. azeilun . » itter ree * announces oO ‘ 1 — oaih ap —_ y given that I, L. N. Mac- Notice is hereby given inet i, L. N. Mac-}and occurred at St. Matthew's tt ? travettin a: blic "th ie Coola to Blackwater. es While the cost of living has undoubtedly been ae of V uver, B. C,, Gecupation| Kechnhie, of Vancouver, Bb. U., occupation on . ~an . ‘ 1@ “avell e yubdDTIC é 2 e . ae a Mier’ date iitend to ap-| surgeon, 60 days after daie intend to ap-4 !ospital, where he had been con Forks Hotel will shortly be re- tele = growing greater, at the same time it is true ~_ mmissioner of Lands|ply the Chief Commissioner of Lands) jjned for the past two weeks. Mr : j ac Wheeler & Rot so », . 7 n spect for coal and pe-|for license to prospect for coal and pe "7 ; opened with accommodation for Robinson, pOSIeE S oe r) there are some inventions that will offset this poe lowing described lands: | troleum over the following described lands Hamilton was 60 years of age all comers have taken over the contract for -. increased cost of living, and the careful house- men ng at ost uted near old Commencing et & post planted near e . ,c le - . an OMe . J ah toda : 7 = a ’ z . commencing ote Pecine mile post i38,| cabin near Grend Trunk Pacinc mile| He went to Circle thirty years ago 4 as the construction of Mrs. Ny- ~ wife takes advantage of these inventions. 30 chains, tenes wees 80 post 130, thence south ° ae. Spans from Idaho gaard’s new residence, which was = south 80 chains, nee | we 0 chains, > DO ( . as ek s » em , , place of commencement, | thence east 60 chains t piace of com- - yfowe re the « a ae jcommenced some time ago. -“_= E On every ae ap, ie ma aan —_ 2 an acres more or less mencement, containing 640 acres more or ; }of the building of a 40 inch side- | . . . conomizer whic controls not only t rafts L. N. MACKECHNIE less You can blind some men by : ws ded : : J i MeCRADY, C. E., Agent oe N MACKECHNIE. nt. throwing gold’ dust in theii walk from Victoria street west} poreman Keough and his bridge| & but also the entire combustion or burning of staked it ot ‘ or ct vY, C. EB Agen olle g the nor side of F . ee one Tee Staked and dated Mareh {7%h, 1913 eyes. follewing the north side of Fifth) pang are engaged in making some “ss fuel to create heat. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—~May 42, 1043 L. N. Mackechnie, N. B. C : street to the townsite limit It very necessary repairs to the This E “ ill 1t f : = | Pub. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913 _ - = . ihe sani iy saat me : : is Economizer will save on of coal in Fe ats iment ee ee will prove a great boon to those lone bridge over the Bella Coola = 6th ld j i mineca Laud District—District of eee Te living in that section of the town. River. two miles from town == every that yo. wou use with the ordinary range. hiazellon. ' : . } oO ect istrict—District of : : : : sauce is bereby givem that b, LM. Mee. ceinecs Land, Deiiet ow . Pa: ¥ «= —_~=iThe Economizer is a simple device, absolute = Tr éme tana ta as Notice te Berehy gives peat, 1, AT Prospectors and mine opera Lack of material is delaying ) in its control. By merely moving the lever you pe stor teal and pe. | surgeon, 60 days after daie intend to a tors are warned that all free}the start of construction on the can obtain any degree of even heat in the oven. Wea jowing described lands ef ian = raf spect for ~ be had Eee miners’ licenses expire on the|pew bridge over the Necleets- —_= This insures the satisfaction of always having ‘4 ost planted about 12}! , Pe = ~: + Ca : : : : wen orend arma maski track, | t Meum over he, folk wing Gcseribed lends : 3ist inst. | person holding}eonnay River The necessary) e- light, delicately crusted bread and biscuits. Be) \, ihence south 80 chains, thence woo 4 ; Paka : ‘ a free miner's. license is fur- lans have arrived from Victoria Tr 2 if tt =) ‘ bent north 80 chains, | Cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile pos i pla i é fi i Be va s to place of col | ho A.-M Sy BS nished a gun license free of cost,/and it is understood that this is = PPB gaging st to be a ’ f tis" 6 ore or} 5% oh sd —s . } . ove, . — ee ee Sl west 80 chains 10 Sines OF couunence and it is compulsory to carry althe first bridge to be constructed| > y LN. MACKECHNIE. | ment, containing ¢40, cite ering. run license in packing arms in] when materials arrive = The G -Oxford is the final result of N. MACKECHNIE. gun I when materials arrive. es e urney xfo: is e W. MeCRADY, &. E., Agent » ee , ; : i i i abel ‘tnd dated March 40th, 2bi% at oa’ OW, WEERADY, E Agent, the hills. ae = grey thought. Science has given it LAM . | « c a Hh 17th, . mn 2 ‘ Apes is, iid—-May 42, 1013, | 4b. N. MacKechnle, N.W.C. ‘a Captain O'Connor, chief offi- a Divided Flue, a new Special Grate, and a = inate | ee A 8% Tey te The Stewart Tennis Club hadleer of the steamship Venture,| €& Groiler attachment. mineca Land District—Disteict of oT it ypening game for the season|{arrived on the yacht Verada in = i . : Hazelton. a sa Omineca Land District—District of ‘a rw ~ . Th ee company with Messrs C A —_ This Gurney - Oxford rangé is primarily a ‘ given that I, L. ! Mac Hazelton 0 § ue 5 © . 4 ’ . a g/ " i leanie, of Vancouver, B. ., Occupation] Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac court weathered the winter in|Rainsford (owner) and W. and H.| Gp “© Se" of money, time, and energy. Rp ‘ after date intend W 4p-/| Kechnie, of Vancouver, B, C., occupation a " wt commissioner of Lands| surgeon, 60 days after date int nd © ap good shape, and with a few re-| Sutherland. — = been prospect for coal and pe l w wu Chief Commissioner 0 ands il “ sis 7 * * Bolen i llowimge described lands PY nena to prospect for coal and pe pairs to the netting the grounds . -—_ aiaitesciug “4 post planted “about 13 | crojeuim over. the following described lands will be in first class condition for The B. Brynildsen Company Fred Stork 2nd Av a from sad Trunk Pacific track,| Commencing at @ post planted near 4 : , a = e. be e south 80 chaing, thence | in ee Grand Trunk Peeitic mile post the enthusiasts of the raequet.jare having alterations made to «a a — Oat er oe | 130, mene o north ae in ae >a the inside appearance of their} —_ 4 ) 18, . s 8, Beicement, containing 640 acres more or| west $0 chains to place of commencement, | Sidnew Chalnisre bad: vebawnel general store, among other late | = containing 640 acres more or less Sane? ‘ ' . ations being a new light ‘3 7 gle een i. Bi. BACERCHAIB. i to town after doing development) !@hevations Deng a! Eg 3 Pe W. McCRADY, ©. E., Agent. Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agen : . : slant. | me lated eS foun, ibis. Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 | work on the Litthe Cave group, E 7 ee 2 & 2 22S Beaee ee } 4 ume, N, . & L. N. MacKechnie, 8. W. C. | site Glacier Creek H “A. Pub. Apr 3 . J 7 : opposite Glacier reek, e re . ao a ee 7 Aa Ue, Teneney 1, 1089 |ports a decided improvement in A power boat from Ocean Falls malnecs Land District—Disteiet of Seas, lthe showing called here Thursday to take out a Hasiion, “gene Omineca Land District District of ea a party of timber cruisers. ne 3, ereby given & . N. Mac- azelton. Va ever Ee My Sopupation Notice is hereby given pees. L a The face f the bie tunnel . ? 4)s after Gate intend Ww 4p-|Kechnie, of Vancouve., . &, occr ‘ J ace ol ° , : _ “Te oct ter onah ts dpe surgeon, eu arr = soak a ‘Lands | reached the 1,100 foot mark on i Mr. W. soe am oe - a i spect for coal an ye ly t the Chief Commissioner 0 us | . ‘ yy many people in lis piace, 18 ” a lowing described lanits n license to prospect for coal and pe ithe 44th. Good progress is be- . or 7 oo” , FROM HOME TO HOME. men ‘ng at & post planted about 12) troleum over the following described lands : sak - abth + ; side: thd now in the employ of the govern- thy, Orand “Trunk Pacific track,| Commencing at & post planted near 4 | ne made, although the rock Nas|iient as forest ranger and has fast sp 4, (teMee horth $0 chains, thencé| cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post become considerably harder dur- Beice ys, “hence south 80 chains,| 130, thence north 80 chains, thence west nated Bow oa lately started out to patrol the est 80 chains § 1 ci . . ‘ hence south 80 chains, e P ing 1@ 1as ew days. ’ " * a 4 Piteement Lining 640 a » oe oS to place or commencement, *ee . ountry between the Naz 0 and 540 acres more or less. — | 3lae . . Bi e lL X. MACKRCHNEE, containing - . i. nna RECHNIE. | sack ili vapour Wehiiiicenees all Blackwater Rivers. . Sid. Sykes, Manager Baked an: 5 CORA » &. EL, Agent, Per F. ~ Met owe az - ; : vi g : : s : Mack: hate, “Ww u= ane peaked sakechnie 3 EC. = oe jeate that a considerable number Frank Johnson of Sloan was in The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. ce Mee is, 1919-—-May 19, 1943. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1913 BECOMING HAT AND FASHION-|0f prominent mining men_ will|town during the week, taking back Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, - — ee . visit the camp during the coming]a load of supplies for Max Hick- ABLE CORSAGE : i supp c , Wmineca Land Distriet—Distriet of Omineca Land District—District of A summer. There is a probability|man’s read gang. 1142 Pender Street West e Vancouver, B.C. Rote Hazelton, Hazelton ss vor « . oar The lice = . . > ye » mine * terms’ 'S Dereby given that 1, L. N. Mac-| Notice is hereby fiven ihat 1, L. N. Mac.| For summer wear, Phe bo of quite a few properties chang 7 ee Phone 8500. Mtge, .) | wacouver, B. G., occupation | Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation shows an ehtire absence of|ing hands this year. Mr. R. Leese, who is engaged ; ‘tt ‘ after date intend to ap- surgeon, 60 days after date intend to 4} ah sharacteristics f the . =~ . jf ne ommissioner of Lands} ply to ‘the Chief Commissioner | Of —_ collar, characteristic ‘ as fishery officer, leaves to take ie prospec : ; »nse to prospect for coal and pe . } i? ae c— ~ f lowing gescethen tanks: hy AS, Tol owing describe d lands irewesl gowns, | H. BE, Newton, who arrived here|his station at the head of Rivers tains fp n’é 8t & post planted about 12|° Commencing at 4 post plant on Denk of — — — jlast week, has let a contract for|Inlet, where he will remain dur- Bie (37, ‘id Trunk Pacifie track, Porcupine Creek about 1% miles up = . ae Wet 0 “tha ilorth 80 chains, thence | creek from mouth thereof (Grand runs LAND PURCHASE NOTICES |70 feet of tunnelling on his Red|ing the fishing season, x Merce easy whee south BO chains,| pacific Railway crosses mouth © os 4 Reef property Riehar 2 a } » sou : | » pe ichard Olson Beteen, ,_‘hains to place of com-|near mile post 133), thence uth $0) ee prope , = e — ‘ining 640 acres more Or] chains, thence west 80 chains, thence ce : Gus Carlson and A. Peterson Mrs. Thorson comes’ from A he ° north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains tO) skeena Land District——District ‘of Coast, | é . DD y:% iLw Per § LN. MACKECHNIE place of commencement, containing 640 Range v. cen ag. |were the suecessful bidders.|Stavanger, Norway, to visit her er Vv. Met . & + 0 38 . ‘tice that Emma Waterous ‘ om . [Med and daied March (oth, ibsheee [acres more oF ese WACKECHNIE now AS Victoria, B.C. occupation married | Vork has already commenced on|brother-in-law, Captain Thor- MEMORANDUM Pub.’ ane h e, 5. B.C. Per F. W. Met RADY, os spent woman, iajonee 2 poy eer ese ®lihe contract. son, whom she meets for the first . : 'd-——-May 12, 1013, Staked and dated Marc ° purchase ve follow escribec : , aa . 5 sKechnie . ¢C ne the “** time in some thirty years, and PEN EVENINGS UNTIL i N. Mackeehnie, N. BE. C : Commencing at @ post planted on ea . t.ocK a L : a ‘4, 1913-—-May 12, 1019 south shore of Lake Hayward, near Falls : ; ill probably spend the s ae “ea Land District—Distriet of : River, @ Drench of | the Hocsall, thence George and Roy Clothier re-|W'! Prebably spen Me oe : f Notice is Hazelton, north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, lturned Stewart Tuesds here. Mrs. Thorson 1nd daugh- Keehn hereby given that I, L. N. Mac- thence south 20 chains, thence east 20 | burner oO Btlewal on uesday : . emar ression Rrmen, t) cover, Bs Gs Ooeupatior ND PURCHASE NOTICES. — | chains more or less to point of commence- | from the Indian Mines, Salmon ters booked passage direet from Weed Chet ‘Commipen per of ‘Land na ioe ment, ConA WATEROUS AGNEW. |River. They report four feet of[ Norway to Bella Coola by the ° ° leense Ol ° ands MM! NEW. ’ . Ma, peel Foe eam and pe" 2 bated april 490, "1043 we ig the fase OF the teen tanstn wae Public Confidence er the following desertbed lands ca Land District——District of Cassar Pub, Apr. 21, 1043-——June 16, 1013, ore in the face o 1e lower tun- M Porcupine at Dost planted eee: Cees notice that |, a Naskeene s Pact nel, while in the upper tunnel the me e ee abou oO » 4 , occu « ’ : > . a alker Tonk Py m the mouth thefeot Corann Leer area Hate intend. 10 apply 10 tne! ona Land Dtstrict--District of Goast,|2'ift is being pushed on to under Mr. W. T. Walker of Buenos Is shown in the statement of this company for the Ascal et hear [allway crosses mouth of | Chief Commissioner of ey Piatrict sige notice that Margaret B, Grant, of|cut the splendid showing on the Ayres, Argerttine Republic, ar- year ending March 34st, 1913. As compared with one was. thence east eh To eenee Hoth | Surveyed, Lot Yih ts ‘near mile 136,|prince Rupert, B. C., oecupation dress-| ro. 450 feet vertically above |!ived by the Camosun on Sunday year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- Dae 80 chat sae chains, thence | Skeena River, . containing 43.7| maker, intends to ap) ly for permission to i ae é Ove . ; teresting: et ot con ce west 80 chains to|Grand Trunk Pacific, purehase the following deseribed lands:|ihe tunnel morting, Mr. Walker comes to . : ® more cement, containing 640] acres more OF 15% ce ounie Commencing &t & post planted at the ae join his brother, Mr. R, Walker Assets March 31st, 1913 - - 915.72 Per Ww. wl N. MACKRCHNIE, Per F. W MeCRADY, oe Agent ins es oo" chains,” quenes who is at present engaged in aA March Stet, 1et2 eke 11,268.60 ce 4 and dated Maree teh Boa pont Staked and deve oS. south 26 chains, thence west 20 chains,| An enjoyable danee whieh was] oi oring up. 6 farm elose to _ Showing anetgainof - - = 647.12 fi . 0 I Mache 013 ee ny my > . i é 2 ' . “* ‘ _ Pub’ Apr 8. W. Cc Fub) Apr. 14, 1913-—June 9, 1013 thence oat tal oauiian o eores more #reatly appreciated by a large H ips ile rhis Remarkable Gain Is Positive Evidence of the ~ ')~ May 12, 1018 lor less number of lovers of the light or . . Convenience and Presticability of the C. B. L. C. Plas . — MARGARET B. GRANT ; . 7 Ominos . . of Coast] ed April 6 : fantastic was held at the North : Se wea La | District—Disteles of Skeena Land District, Qissrict pared ier ete it dem 46. 1013 i H tal a ~ ms oa a nt Should a bye-eleetion take ‘© Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Year Otlce is ; lavelt n of er ole 0 om esd ig . . ° “ Hrehnje 3, wiven that 2. L. Mac TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Hots, nr) | cine’ tien ion” | M place in the Skeena district, what If You Desire a Home of Your Own—If You Would Be tr’ Na Wel i “eel metse io ely r f + soe lbsion pul \ ee we ee ae "S-lever the result in other local Independent of a Landlord-—Investigate This Plan Now im the ‘ler date inten 4 tends 10 OD ee ieser ibe d . ;Angus, -. . thats nse i cet sonore “ Tonks chase the faflowing st pl ecg ‘at the , |Skeena Land Digirios District of Coast, & ilies, Bella Coola could be trusted : MOU Over py POS DOR or coal and pe Commencing & Te thence north : . | to show a Liberal P th estment Hithencing , {towing deseribed lands:|&, corner of T.L. 30049, » re Of rake notice that I, Charles H. Ziegler, | , . ' . & Liberal majority that om , ad , fhe Por abine® cht.& Dost planted on bank| chains; thenec a more elo London, Bngland, Secupation gentioman. Brighten up! You can makelwould smack of the old days be Canada's Old Reliable Taste fi * about 1 miles up| less, to the wes ence » 20/intend to apply for permit sion tO purchase) your home more cheerful at fore : : : , _ ett Pacis mouth thereof (Grand| kechney’s pre-empllow: be vc Kechuey's| the following desert lands : ore 80 Many good people were tlome Office Paeifie Bidg., Second Floor ih Dear jg !''Way crosses mouth of |chatns, more or less to Jolan il kiran, commencing at ® post planted at the) slight cost with wallpaper from|go hopelessly befogged i the VANCOUVER, B. © et : mithe post), thence south|5.W Corner; fonds, cast ne nains | nor th ast corner of Lat a ao ere Wallace's 113tf I sh ei : OR Be n ‘ 5 st 80 chains, sjsouth 20 chains , de or 7./40 chaina, ene chains ence ee ‘ steam le Mehr ’ ac . 3, thence weal te a, thence south 90 chains; 0 east boundary of (7. | 40 cnatne, las ueaee Goes ah thot is| " ' 0 he eBride machine Prince Rupert Office Federal Bidg. ement, containing 640/L. 30045; thence north #0 os nencement,|polnt of commencement, containing 160 Bella Coola Courier | . or less to the poe re or less jacres more OF leas, | Most girls’ names sound as if - Pore. w N. MACKECHNIE containing 90 acres me ,UGENE RENZ, CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER. ‘ I at at 1 Natee eth SA at M.D. LENHART, ABOOL) ok woo gest ne r Noble, Ageat.| their mothers were novel read Find it through a Daily News S MaeKern. c , : - “ . . Pub Ke mnie Nwie 10 Pub, Apr, 14, 1018-——Sume @, 1045, ers. Want Ad, Apr. 44 V1S—-May 42, 1048. Feb, 24, 1018 : ote dare 17 to May 12-18 - s 3 : - ¢