THE DAILY NEWS SMITH & KILLAS Ice Cream Parlor excursion and bricks picnic parties for family Ice cream supplied for packed in ice. Also put up-in “Take home a brick and try it.” ——— use | ~~ | } store or office, References furnished 9 WE WwW oN Phone Black 334, 122-27 Ms § ’ ) aas River is ulker of Naa WANTED—At once, first class chef. Apply “= \ registered at the G. T. P. Inn Central Hotel 122-24 | WANTED—Bookkeeping and stenography ; | . Read Jabour Bros. advertise neatly done; during evenings Apply Box 41, News Office 122-24 e Laies Xpresstons ment, page 2. “ : rt. | WANTED—Transfer wagon, about 7 | . . as top, 10% ft. long Would also buy| E. S. Busby, Dominion tnspee horse around 1,200 Ibs, 6 to 8 years in ewe er tor : tt t} together with harness complete, at| or of customs, left for the soutn bargain. Chas, M. Wilson, Delkatlah THE MOST SELECT IN WEDDING GIFTS AND on the Princess May last night Queen Charlotte Islands, B. ‘ 122-23 Star Ty “py " Pome me rms mere ee BRIDAL JEWELLERY may be selected from our new sum- ad “* q —— mer booklet, which has already been mailed to our many The Princess May, of the ( - For Sale British Columbia patrons. This is one of the most inter- R. coast fleet, arrived from th ! esting summer publications we have issued, and it should en shortly before midnight | eames b i “Very > er . , u ast night. FOR SALE—Pure bred White Wyandotte be in the hands of every wedding gift buyer in the prov poultry, fainous Rega! strain, alac Peer ince. ess incubator and breeder; reasonable BLUE BIRD JEWELLERY Miss Schafer, who has been in Apply Swift, 6165 Taylor room _ - 25 ® . . te 7 or several weeks, :e This pretty novelty owes its origin to Maeterlinck’s = - aoe a on the Prin. |FPOR SALE—Lot 26, Block 34, Sec. 7, with story of the blue bird. It is considered a symbol of hap- ee ee wee 7 s $1,500 improvements; revenue $32 per ta . : ; . cess May last night. month; price $2,000; cash $1,200. For piness and good luck. We supply it in Brooches, Pend- : few days only. Charles Monroe, 1124 | ants and Scarf Pins. This jewellery is made from gen- \ , atin, Hays Cove Avé 117tf ; : : . ‘ross y or pedes ane . uine cloisonne enamel on sterling silver. Write for this = Rew Severe . oo FOR SALE—Half price, equity in a Gerard 6 has been laid across Third ave Heintzman piano, quick sale Pp. A summe i é i » quick , ver booklet. nue at the corner of Second Harris, News office 1ise Bi GS S ° e street, the principal thorough-|¢@ “_ l Tenry (TRS ons, Limited pare te the @: 5.’ P, wuaet. i Lost and Found {| JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS The Venture, of the Union|®* ~* Geo. rerey Steamship Co., arrived from the] POUND—aAn Odd Fellow’s gold pin, at the -s » Managing Dicocter VANCOUVER, B.C . th at . ye] +k this morning cemetery Owner can have same at the 4) souln al ¥ O CIOS us m e. Daily News OfMce by paying tor this She left before noon for Granby ad 10tr =o ee and is expected to leave here for a oe: ae oo ee the south at 4 o’elock Wednes- { =iday afternoon. For Rent { —_ = dusidlennamiiat — = . “Would Strassburg’s hat Fitz-| wext furnished front bed room with sit aurice? No. but it would look ting room joined by archway, for twe aoe | AUP ’ young men; downtown; modern house Has s the Largest Circulation in in Northern British Columbia =| Sweet on MeMaster but he would] Feasonable terms. Meals if desired - Ssiget Hel-gerson for wearing it Box 24, News Office 123-26 = was one of the local gags pulled|@~= e 7 J ‘nile Bostonians i meyot by the Juvenil« wanes Miscellaneous t == / last night. { — enieem —_— er ® ‘ork was startes oday on a] WILL the party who picked up a pair of = Work tarted tod | = new building west of the post eee = atlas tation . = wn ee gs | Office, to be occupied as a news office, Westholme Theatre i23 => stand by Mr. Little. The gradual - = — ap | Cxtension of the business dis-|IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION Prince Rupert's Artistic Jo Printing Establishment Bel trict of the city has made it FOR THE ISSUE OF A. DUPLICATE — -_——= ——— necessary to open a more cen- AND 4, BLOCK 3, SECTION 6, CITY OF = a " PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 Se | tral stand. Notice is hereby ‘given that it is my in = = neo * — tention to issue at the expiration of one | month after the first publication hereof 4 . Good Moral Record. duplicate of the certificate of tithe to the jabove mentioned lands in the name of Al In the police court this mor bert A. Dick, which certificate of title was - - ine before Magistrate Carss one or as se a at i9it, at eens was assessed the usua H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar ss Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ | fine, not a bad showing to follow May 13th, 1913 or @ ews two public holidays, during which| ‘-~May 1@—June £6, 1019 no court was held. SALE BY ORDER OF COURT OF ONE —— —E HALF INTEREST IN Lor 34, BLOCK 22 ss = SECTION 5, PRINCE RUPERT By order of His Honor Judge ft McB Young, local judge of the Supreme Court f British Columbia, the half interest of Hugh Gallagher, deceased, in an agreement of sale to Lot 34, Block 22, Section 5, in the City of Prince Rupert, will be sold on or after the 17th day of June, 1913 Ad dress offers to Michael Gallagher, adminis Many happy Mothers trator, care Williams & Manson, Prince Rupert, B. C, Ww May 19 June 9,1913 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE . 9 Skeena Land District—District of Coast are using ys p Range V Take notice that The Prince Kupert Hydro-Electric Co., Limited, of Prince C., intends to apply for permis 40 acres of land near the Hoesall River, bounded as follows Commencing at a post planted on the north end of Lake Madeleine near the out let, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains to point of commencement, con taining 40 acres more or less Rupert, B. sion to purchase in the nursery not merely because they themselves were washed with it, when infants, but also because ex- nein ec sen perience has shown that no __'tt shy o6.Yolsiuy 211019 other soap will help the skin «ENGINEERING so much—make it so white, (7°50 "Sizcned tor examination A. FARROW, 654 4th Ave, East Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Silversides Bros. The so smooth—be so pleasant to use—and cost as little. Baby's Own Soap its best for Baby and best for you. Imitations and sub. .tutes are made as a possible; Baby's Own is as good as possible. ALBERT SOAPS LTD., Mfrs., MONTREAL S483 GRANBY BAY “THE SMELTER TOWN’”’ Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “Ye Olde Reliable” LOTS FOR SALE--$100 and Up. 2nd Street Phone 186 Green TERMS ay STOCK OF SEEDS One Quarter Cash—Balance 6, 12 and 18 Months Sa a sicsed’ CONTINENTAL TRUST CO., LTD. SELLING AGENTS AND TRUSTEES PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ) FLOWER SEEDS | Mail orders Promptly attended to “The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertio Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh. | c : : ws Try our chocolate and be convinced. } — 0 4 Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here | } to stay and oyr aim is to please our patrons. Wanted DROP IN AND SEE US. {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. {| Phone Orders Delivered. Smith Block | oN | GIRL wanted for folding in bindery, AP Phone 17 631 Third Avenue ew apring seyies in tenres eee raincoats. Wallace's. iistf | BOOKKEEP ER, experienced, wants position, PATSIE HENRY as Chambertin, the ‘stewed’ stew ard, in “The Prineess Chic” at the Westholme tonight NEW MUNICIPAL READING ROOM FORMALLY OPENED Continued from Page 1. times He hoped that later or we should have a library equipped with the best literature of the world, but this was a good starter and he would feel hon ored in declaring it open Principal Brady of the high school said that in the absence of Rev. F. W. Kerr, who had done so much for this reading room he was asked to say a few words He said that not all the literature in the room was in the English language, so that the cosmopol tan character of the city was we!l and those the mm could read the news country in their It was one of the most cosmopolitan reading rooms he had been in for He then spoke of the good work done by Mr. Basso-Bert to make the opening a and expressed the hope that in the near future it would grow into library keeping with the magnificent prestige of Prince Rupert Rev. Warren McLeod regretted that it had been impossible for Bishop Du Vernet to present to deliver the words he had pared for the occasion For years the city had badly needed such a place of gathering as this This was one of the stepping stones to the type of public li- brary the cily ought to have, and he felt sure everyone fee! grateful for the privileges the committee had placed before them. Also, the committee of the council were to be congratulated on such a room as this-—well lo- eated, well furnished and so well equipped with newspapers. Generally a reading room regarded as a place for working men, but in this city he hoped this would not be the case He desired to see the merchants and the professional men using this room and mingling together in hearty fellowship Possibly the reading room might not Ve so quiet every evening as the smok- ing room gave an opportunity for men to gather together to dis cuss the news of the day and de- bate public questions, and the next thing necessary would be a public hall for the purpose, Such represented, using reading rot of their own language. native years. success a mn must magazines and was beginnings as this were an up- lift for the intelligence and a looking forward to the future. Recreation grounds were an absolute necessity and we must have them. The city couneil had an excellent scheme and they nad confidence in their mayor that he would return with suffleient funds to allow of this scheme be ing carried out and reereation grounds provided for the ehildren and also for the grown-ups. He was speaking the vyoice of all present that they were glad this day had arrived with a free read ing room as a starter, Alderman Naden then on behalf the council formally declared reading room open, of the The Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.'s trawler George E. Foster arrived in port this af ternoon about 2 o'clock with 60,- 000 pounds of halibut Many things are well done that ‘PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. are not worth doing, “PRINCESS CHIC? AT | Theatre in the southern metro polis said: It was a decidedly apprecia tive audience that greeted = the Juvenile Bostonians last night at lthe Imperial when they present led “The Princess Chi the fan ous production of Kirke La Sell and Julian Edwards, in a manner that excelled all expectations The name of the play itself is a sufficient recommendation to draw capacity houses lo any theatre and those who failed to see the youngsters last night missed a treat Gorgeous cos tumes, delightfully tuneful music sparkling comedy and beautiful scenery added to the clever pet formance of the youthful artists who seem right at home in a pieces that has previously been put only by seasoned and star actors The most remarkable and pleas ing feature of the presentatior is the efficient manner in which these young ladies portray the male characters and sing the dificult score With an interesting plot which is unfolded in music and rhyme WESTHOLME TONIGHT, Famous Production Will be tien! sented With Gorgeous Cos. tumes, Tuneful Music The Vancouver World of May (Sth, in its eriticism of the ‘Prin cess Chie,’ as played by the Ju venile Bostonians at the Linperial intermingled with a pleasing vein LEET THE PERFECT 5} 10 FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK YOUR DEALER Get this Book Before buying a TYPEWRITER Save $60 $75 All Mates $30—$75 Learn how any part, One yea an "wre CANADIAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Department 15 543 Hastings West ~ Vancouver, Bo of humor, many historic person ages are introduced, such as Louis XI of France and Charles the Bold of Burgundy lo win the love of the duke, leaving titles out of the question, the princess disguises herself first as an en voy and again as a peasant maid In the first disguise she wins the admiration of the duk by her clever sword play, and in the second he falls a victim to het exquisite beauty and simple loveliness {t is hard to express just how efficiently Miss Thom Hellen per formed in the role of the Prin cess Chit She has a magnificent voice and her rendering of I Hear You Calling Me complet y captivated the audience and she was recalled many times Her two other solos Weak as a Womart and Love and Wa were rendered equally we Billie’ O'Nei as Charles th Bold, won the audience with he cleve acting and sweet rich voice, while Vera Lockha tak ne the part of Francis, got all out of the part that there was it As King Louis and Pommard Doris Canfield was a star iler clear, rich contralto voice was a feature of the evening Although her part was not heavy, Stubby Myling, the dimin utive soldier of fortune, Brabeau scored as big a hit as did her comrade, Dixie White as Brevot Patsy Henry as Chamberlain steward to the duke, was the life of the company and produced many a laugh with her comical peeches Daisy Henry, Ruth Fritz and Ina Mitchell all had important roles and were de- cidedly well placed. THIRD AVE. BUSINESS BLOCK Will Be Completed About the End of June. Good progress is being made on the erection of the new block for the Prince Rupert Tent and al The Awning Co, Third avenue, most opposite Second street. on building will contain two stores and an office on the ground floor front, with a large store room al the rear. On the first floor up there will be one residence apart ment and work shops for the Tent and Awning Co. The building which will cost in the neighbor hood of $5,000, is owned by the Prince Rupert Tent and Awning Co. Mr. MeLachlan of Victoria is the owner of the lots eceu Tent to The central store will be pied by the Prince Rupert and Awning Co., who expect move in about the end of June. Notice to Public. paying accounts due when paying other parties and not myself, pay no cash but al ways cheques to my order only, otherwise credit will not be given This means just what it says 119-25 FF, M. DAVIS. In after some society buds beeome years wall flowers. RELIEVES INSOMNIA MATHIBUS NERVINE POWDERS For Headache and Cee ee Ogee Mgt Cee ee 18 POWDERS FOR 26 CENTS if your dealer ewnnot supply 3 ou the L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, squids box postpaid on reeeipt of Sess. ALMOST We've all met the man most” bought a piece of when it was cheap that fortune now who “al- real estate 6 worth a That same man time “almost” determ some property now is tikely at thie ned t buy But he fears, as he did then, that valves have reached their limit Don't be in the “almost lass Have decision Back your faith the future of Prince Rupert by ree estate purchases wit! your means and you will come WINNER Look these up Lote 17 and 18, Bik. 32, Se. & $860 each, cash $370 each, de Govt. Lots 19 and 20, Bik. 32, Se. 8 $860 each, cash $372.50 each, da to Govt. Lote 24 and 22, same diock, with 72 ft. frontage 71th Ave. and 9703 ft. on Kent St., $2,500, cas $1,076, bal. to Gov' George Leek PRINCE RUPERT Branch Offices in Every Part « United Kingdor Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch i ment siip every da) I apply to | & Co., Ph \ Oe For Sale qe Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, Sec tion 8, Eleventh Avenue $600.00 each 4<3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. Harrison, Gamble & Compan FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupef To Rent _—— $8.00 Cabin, close i) 5 eg house, nea 05.0 a 0,00 5-room hous ru $2 6-room hot $25.00 Creek Creek nen cna rn oa G. R. Naden Co. Lid. and Insure Real state