LanaesT CIRCULATION y AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA in THE OFF PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1913. —————— = SENATE'S AMENDMENT TO NAVAL BILL—ROOSEVELT SAYS HE NEVER DRANK AVAL BILL SEEMS BOUND TO BE REJECTED BY THE SENATE | BRITISH PEACEMAKER |Sir Edward Grey Trying to Un- | tangle the Balkan Snari. Speciai to The Daily News. London, May 28.—Sir Edward LEADER ROSS SAYS THE SENATE IS NOT JUSTIFIED IN GiV- ; s . ’ i ING ASSENT UNTIL BILL HAS BEEN SUBMIT- Grey is struggling to bring order TED TO THE COUNTRY. out of chaos in the Balkan tan- gle He is urging upon all the Specla rhe Datly News.) the bill in the Com-J]Allies the necessity of signing Ottawa, May 28 Phat this |mons that the Senate would de-|the peace treaty, but there are h istified im Giving | sty | entertain a higher con-|little hopes of success so long a aval Dial until it) ee, f this chamber than toj|as Bulgaria and Greece are so has be bmitted to the coun- |}, hat they are simply the| widely estranged "a © yas the motion made | eeh f that Opposition I be-| aiiiiindiictins scaleable pon the second eve this chamber has a due COURT OF REVISION eading he naval bill, by Sen- | cons: f esponsibility not vrs oss Labaral Yeaes nin) ase ull abe oen'e| HOLDS FIRST SESSION f the ite, seconded by Sen-lof Canada and of Canada’s duty] sor B Senator Ross spokejto the Empire [| believe the rea nein som aportly before three yesS-|ymembers of thie Senate though|POMmerrow Morning Section One erday a on lw @ quarter |free as a to exercise their polit Appeals Only Wil! Be past { j this amendment,|ical sympathies at the propet Heard. , ‘ -~ 2 " ere t e eat ts 0 wl ral : . eas ev’ aos r 7 | a ; i ; aren ck aie) The first sitting of the Court Premier Borden's} pub \ und of the public of Revision for the City of Prince he senate in his To-| interest Rupert was held at the City Hall spe h Senator Ross took The debat n the Se naty it js | this een aSrore Acting Mayor Nad- “ denounce the Pre-jnot believed. will bé ng. Three |' presiding Sitting with him nt that the Liber days will probab finish the de | ware Aldermen McCaffery, Dyb- » the semtiea Would lhete. co that the bill @iti be becki=2@¥" en Sutherland. The great- —_ vista ae te 0 So the Commons probably by the! number of appeals were from tid I thie nee bf com-lend of this @eek Section One, most of the com- Lats We are here,” he said s Wilfrid Laurier on a ques plaints being that corner lots were not assessed proportionate- N i premier r anyition of provilege the House one de iit tiie Gon. |wentarde atcadidie ts ti, tata y with inside lots There were e nat. seal teietate tne a Mat aiieak shad fe also seyeral complaints of in- equalities, some of which are no _ TORS; Teee BOwSS Res ewes an Ute om to’ the! doubt well founded. No adjust- ma armony With public | Senat throw ut the Nava ments were made, the entire time " B he would resign the lead being spent in listening to the we Lougheea gave ajerehip of th mare Ger red) argun ents of the appellants. The 4 in movine the/ther was n foundation f he court adjourned at eleven o'clock ong x of the bil AS- | 8t0r) ; : this morning to resume at ten wi ppeal tothe Senate Premier Borden left yesterday) | | orrow morning at which ses- & pa In his eonclusion helfor Grand Pre, N. 8., accompany aiaen Maiibiens. Chim appeals only P & his aged mother, who is Ul.) Ji) be heard. N hstanding the threats /to he home He will return in thich have been made by the op-|the course of a week or two pero mears NW METHODIST PASTOR IS WELL QUALIFIED FOR FIELD REV. MR. RALEY, CHAIRMAN OF COAST DISTRICT, REVIEWS WORK OF RECENT CONFERENCE aT VANCOUVER. Rey. G Raley of Port Simp-|charge of the hospital at Bella fn, cha in of the coast dis-| Bella and of the summer hospi ret . , , tal at Rivers Inlet # ene Mrs. Raley! “Rev. E. A. Lamb, B, A., of the » ~ Edith Raley, returned Hamilton conference’ will have ihe . ince George this morn charge of the evangelistic work C a i tending Methodist and will make use of the mission -~ ce at Vancouver, He re- taunch Thomas Crosby. ug fat the conference was Rev Dr Chown, general sup wor the most important and successful held in revent |erintendent = of the Methodist Wears, aby two hundred min-/|church in Ganada, is to leave Im- - and lay delegates being in;mediately on a trip to BKurope in mendance Referring to Rev./conneection with Ryerson College ‘ Dimick, who is to succeed | that is to be aMliated with the ™ > a at Prince Rupert,| provincial university * or - a ey - that he was|Grey, Vancouver — ss tharge of th, en to ; take | thousand dollare wae ae a 0 1 such a new!/been provided for the erecti _* this, Mr. Dimick having!/the college and as soon as $50, oe study of the great} 000 more is secured the erection on, Problem, lef the college will start Ang ' the important features| Rev. M1 Raley and family me _ Conference was the ap-|leave today for Port Simpson MA ' Rev, A, M. Sanford, | . ‘'s the new principal of | THE WEATHER Heth: a. “ge Rey. - & : ae le B. A. will remain Phe weather report at 9 o'olo n Bes ‘tall as professor of Ex-|this 1 ling read Barometer Dr. 99.922; maximum temperature =" = Best, graduate of To-|55.0: iinimum temperature Hiversity, is to take/43.0; precipitation, 32 =... ee eey Empress : Theatre SS . Important Announcement ! We regret to announce to our patrons that ”” “ Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia aoe tee tonight and tomorrow night failed to arrive to~ etre ® shipment containing these pictures having gone i We are having shipment traced by wire and we have the pictures in a very few days. PRINCE RUPERT THEATRE LTD. ee HAS RETURNED FROM OLD COUNTRY TRIP A. T. Parkin Returned From Five Month’s Trip to His Former Home in Sheffield. Parkin who, left A. T. Parkin, Ward Electric Prince Rupert the latter part of December to visit his father in Sheffield, England, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. He is looking extreme- ly well after his trip and is glad to report that his father has quite reeovered from his illness. In England, business condi- tions, he says, were never better manufacturers are almost swamped with the orders that have piled up on them. The weather in the old country dur- ing February was exceptionally fine but March was wet and un- pleasant, Mr. Parkin returned via New York, Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. Mes. Parkin and lit- tle son, who also made the trip, are remianing in Vancouver for a month or two on a visit with sister. of the UO., and her “TEDDY” 1S FORGOTTEN Colonel Roosevelt Testifies That He Never Drank a High- ball. (Special to The Daily News.) Marquette, Mich., May 28.— Colonel Roosevelt was on the witness stand yesterday, in the trial of his libel suit against Edi- tor Newett. He testified that he had never drank a highball nor a cocktail; that he does not smoke but drinks beer and takes liquors only as medicine. On his way here the one time president of the United States spent two hours and forty minu- lies in Chieago, learning how hol- liow and fleeting is fame, He re- ceived his lesson at the door of the Lincoln Park animal house. | His tuter was a despised “spar- row cop,” who the colonel de- leided later on must have voted for Taft The animal house closes at 5 vk and the offleer refused to pen it as the Roosevelt party ar- few minutes after 5 Roosevelt explained who rived a o'ecloek was Yes, I've heard of you,” said the ofieer. “You ean not go in. | We close at 5 o'eloek, PREPARE FOR ELECTION (Special to Daily News.) Vancouver, May 28.—-Ac- cording to the statements of prominent of the Liberal executive today, many local Liberals and party organizers have re- ceived word from Ottawa to prepare at once for a gen- eral election. members 8 NO DISAPPOL IN “PRINCESS CHIC”? Bostonians Exceiled Themselves in A Difficult Production at the Westhoime Last Night. Since the first announcement that the during their present engagement would present Kirke La Selle and Juilan Edwards’ famous produc- tion, “The Chic,”’ the theatre going public of Prince Rupert has looked forward to its presentation with the greatest of Juvenile Bostonians Princess interest and possibly with some degree of misgiving as to the ability of a company of juveniles to handle successfully a comedy requiring the best efforts of sea- soned actors. The packed house that witnessed the presentation at the Westholme last evening was evidence thet the Bostonians in five different bills since open- ing their engagement have dem- onstrated that they do not under- take anything beyond them and it is safe to say the expectations of every of the large audience were more than real- ized. The scenery was beautiful, the costumes gorgeous and the music extremely pretty, with suf- ficient humor throughout to keep even the most sedate in roars of laughter. The plot which was somewhat more than ordinarily interesting introduced several notable persons in French his- tory, the Princess Chic of Nor- mandy finally winning the love of the Duke of Burgundy. Patsy Henry as Chambertin, stewart to the Duke, was as usual the star comedian of the com- pany while Dixie White and Stub- by Myling as soldiers of fortune were exceptionally funny. In the musical numbers Thom Hellen’s rendering of “I Hear You Calling Me” was beyond question the feature of the even- ing. She responded to repeated encores. She also renderea ‘Weak as a Woman” and “Come Love, member Go Love’ in a most pleasing manner. “That's How I Need You” by Blanche Ogden in the last act was also a favorite and was again and again encored, The duett “The Story Book” by Vera Lockhart and Ina Mitchell is a very pretty song and was well rendered. The trio “A Sol- dier of Fortune” and the quar- tetie “How Are We to Know” were of a humorous’ character and brought forth hearty ap- plause. Doris Canfield in “Roll- ing” brought down the house, Beyond doubt the Juvenile Bos- tonians are living up to the repu- tation they have established and the splendid notices re- ceived elsewhere. press BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Vancouver 6, Spokane 5 Portland 5, Seattle 0. Victoria 0, Tacoma 9. American League. Washington 0-1, Philadelphia 8-7, Detroit 2, 8t. Louis 3. Others postponed, rain, National League. New York 0-2, Boston 1-5. Othere postponed, rain, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, ER LIBERALS TO PREPARE PRICE FIVE CENTS OR ELECTION MOTOR CAR RECORD Nine Hundred and Fourteen Miles in Twelve Hours. (Special to The Daily News. Brooklands, Eng., May 28.— W. G. Scott and L. C. Hernstead, driving a 15-30 horse power mo- tor car, broke the world’s record for twelve hours, covering 914 miles 640 yards. This is at the rate of 76.20 miles an hour and breaks all the world’s record for seven to twelve hours. AMERICAN VISITORS ARE OPTIMISTIC Men Pay First Visit to Prince Rupert. Messrs. H. E. Parkhurst and W. G. Fortmann of San Franci- sco, arrived in the city by the Prince George this morning and are registered at the G. T. P. Inn. Both gentlemen are interested in the fire insurance business and are en route to various points in Alaska to look over the situation in that territory. They expect to leave for Ketchikan tomorrow evening. Interviewed by a “News” reporter they said they were most favorably impressed with Prince Rupert on this, their first visit to the city. Considering the many difficult problems the city has had to grapple with they were sur- prised to see that such wonder- ful development had taken place in so short a period. They are optimistic as to the city’s magni- ficent future. CY WARMAN TO BE GUEST OF CANADIAN CLUB Eminent Writer Will Be Guest of Honor at Luncheon on Sat- urday. Cy Warman, the noted Canad- ian writer who arrived in the city on Saturday last, has been invited by the Canadian Club of this city to be the guest of honor at a luncheon at the G. T. P. Inn on Saturday of this week. Fred Schaefer, representing the News- paper Enterprise Association of San Francisco, who has the repu- tation of being a humorist of more than the average type, will also be a guest. The members of the Canadian Club will un- doubtedly enjoy a rare treat in hearing these distinguished writ- ers. Mr. Warman and Mr. Schaefer returned last evening from a trip to the end of steel, the guests of General Superintendent Mehan. Both were delighted with the magnificent scenery along the line and extremely optimistic as to the future development of the interior both from an agricul- tural and a mineral standpoint. Tomorrow they wi!!l be the guests of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd., on the trawler “James Carruthers”. Mr. Warman is particularly anxious to get first-hand information concerning the great fishing in- dustry that promises so much for Prince Rupert. They will be taken to the fishing banks where the immense quantities of hali- but are now being harvested. Raid on Opium Joint. At midnight last night the po- lice raided the place of King Tai off Fulton street, and arrested six Chinese, two of whom were then smoking opium, They were brought up in the police court this morning and were each fined $35 and costs, it being a second offence with most of them, Two smoking outfits were confiscated. Ordered to Leave Town. Two Indian women, Emily Ryan and Martha McKay, were brought up before magistrate Caras charged with creating a nuisance on the streets and were ordered to leave the city. The Butte and Rocher de Boule Mining Co. are now prepared to begin operations on the Highland Boy group which they purchased last winter upon the report and recommendation of P. J. Jenn- ings who was here all last year. Mr. Jennings is in town again and he will have charge of the work this year. He stated to the Herald that his company had $20,000 available for develop- ment purposes and that they were going to get busy immed- jiately. He is leaving for the mine Sunday and upon arrival will first erect a camp on _ the Highland Boy claim close to the tunnel site. A trail about a mile long has to be built to connect the Highland Boy with the Roch- er de Boule, but as there is con- siderable snow on the top of the mountain yet a snow trail will be made first to enable them to get supplies in and to get the work under way. On the property is a small basin through which the veins run, thus giving an ideal tunnel site. The company will drive several hundred feet into the vein. They will get a depth of 500 or 600 feet and the devel- opment will be in ore all the time. As soon as the necessary preliminary work is done Mr. LATE McCARTY, ARE ALSO (Special to The Daily News.) Calgary, May 28—At the trial of the prize fighters and promo- ters yesterday the crowr set aside the verdict of the coroner's jury exonerating Pelkey and those connected with the fight, on two grounds; first that Coroner Cas- tello had no right to sit as cor- oner in the case because he had attended the fight, and second, because the jury was padded by friends of Burns. Upon this rul- ing by the Court MeCarney, man- ager for the fighter MeCarty who died in the ring Saturday, and Referee Smith were taken into custody and placed upon their defence. A “HIGHBALL” HIGHLAND BOY GROUP WILL SOON BE HIVE OF INDUSTRY PROPERTY SOLD TO MINING OPERATORS OF BUTTE, MONT- ANA, WHO WILL SPEND TWENTY THOUSAND IN DEVELOPMENT Jennings states that his com- pany will install the most mod- ern machinery and develop. the mine on a large scale. He ex- pects that by this fall there will be some big doings on Rocher de Boule mountain.—Omineca Herald. Explorer Wright Invited A hearty invitation has been extended by the Vancouver Ca- nadian Club to Dr. Charles 8. Wright, of the Scott Antarctic expedition, to address the local club at whatever date will be most convenient for him, when he passes through Vancouver on his way from Prinee Rupert to his home in Toronto. Another Red Devil. The fire committee reported to the council last night in favor of purchasing another Red Devil, at a cost of $7,650, similar to the one at present in use by the fire department, and on the motion of Ald. Sutherland the report was adopted. E. F. Doyle returned this morn- ing after spending a couple of weeks in the lower coast cities. Some of his most intimate friends were surprised to see him re- turn alone. PELKEY AND TOMMY BURNS ARE COMMITTED FOR MANSLAUGHTER REFEREE SMITH AND McCARNEY THE MANAGER OF THE TO BE TRIED ON THE The cases of pugilist Pelkley, and his manager Tommy Burns, ex-champion of the world, were first heard, and after evidence both were committed for trial on the charge of manslaughter. In all probability a special ses- sion of the assize court will be ealled for the trial of these and other committments that may be made in connection with the death of MeCarty. Hard Name to Pronounce A Spaniard who spells his name Carovortte was placed in the jug last night and this morn- ing was fined $5 and costs for being drunk and disorderly. Westholme : ore Last Two Days The Famous Juvenile BOSTONIANS The New Military Musical Comedy “The Daughter of the Regiment ” TOMORROW NIGHT—LAST PERFORMANCE * Berta’s Billion” Seats on Sale at Orme's 3rd Ave. Store Doors Open 8 P, M. No Phone Orders Held After 8:15 Prices 50¢, 75c and $1.00 Curtain at 8:30