rile DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Ma — ——— —— aii — 3 GRAND Double Weekly Service GRAND stb TO THE SOUTH Sa \C by the splendid steamers TNSLBOM pRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. ‘eel | Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and 6 Mondays and Fridays at © A. Mm aT For Stewart on Thuredays at 8 A. m For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 2PM Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vanc . Queen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports le ee THE DAILY NEWS a LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA pint Published Daily and Weekly by THE, PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. at SUBSCRIPTTON™ ROPES To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 56¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year ——Weelels-$2:60 per year, strictly in advance, ‘PRANSIENA) DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract on at ___rates on application. | bound Saturdays at 8 P. M, Also Weekly Service to v4 . OFF CE i Harbor leaving Prince Rupert n Wednesdays at « pass HEAD ICE RAILWAY SERVICE Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 am. w Saturdays ] . and SPECIAL LOW EXOURSION RATES §) 4)) ; routes Im commection with the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTE ™ i Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ork—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New gath to Sept. 90th. Returninglimit Oct. 41st fork City. For through tickets, reservation, et a A. E. McMASTER, @ ; Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert. = Mattle—Puget Sound News Co. Phone 260 London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. ( , . Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY - ’ ARE YOU GOING EAST Little’s NEWS Agency THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals Newspaper THE TRIPLE TRAGEDY AT STRATFORD, ONT. Ve » 28, 1913 MQ DAILY EDITION | ase pae Wednesday, May 28, Special Excursions May 28th to Sep- 1) CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS -sieiel dicittesdadisatlcalinass a Ei Knox Church and the steeple which was demolished, and which _ Returning Limit October 31st 2nd Ave. Below Kalen tal voor WHAT WILL HAPPEN ed in Great Britain, so would killed the fire chief, police chief and a policeman in its fall, oe & weet oe $92.00 stand Olup TO THE SENATE it be here, that the tendency after it had been struek by lightning. The pieture in the oo enue Ole $105.00 Vancouver to New York and of men holding hereditary po- tograpl t r the light } ‘la wir . raph showing the lightning aging wn sitions would) be toward a erapn s 8 pte wt return $108.50 oval is an actual pho Vancouver to Chicago and around the steeple in a former storm. The steeple steod alec _ return to St. Paul and wae | Empress Bowling Alleys | $ | Our despatches today state >» ame . r Sena- ; that the amendment of Sena Conservative frame of mind ' tor Ross, the Liberal leader, As an alternative, the First and was much exposed. lt Lad frequently been precicted that ancouver a | enee AND P RO i to the effect that the Senate Minister might declare for an lightning would strike it some day, but nobody dre amed it Other ro —_ Low 6 aaaave 00 ne i would not feel justified in elected Senate, similar to that would be with suci fatal results. The lizhtning set fire to Generel Agent Cor. rd Ave & 6th St H. & ROBB, Prop. anaes | \ giving assent to the Naval Bill in the United States, though ' the fite fighter Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M. fringes. Rugert Employment Bureau ; : ed ov ort e ors. . o 4 until it has been submitted to] probably elected directly by ; it and it topp! LICENSED aaente } ‘the people, will undoubtedly the people, rather than by the = : i SO ; If it does, what will Provincial Legislatures. Ritchie and Rivers Matched. an —— carry. 8, i sini , Mr. Borden do? No more At present the House of Com- FAN F ’ weet L U M B E R — serious problem will present mons is the more’ important Seattie, May 21.—Willie Rit- C O A L je itself in all probability during body, because it is directly the chie lightweight champion of the his term or terms of office choice of the majority of the ST BONE OF CONTENTION ©: and Joe Rivers, the Mex- O A L than the solution of this re- electors, but if it should hap ] LL | ie an have been matched to fight New Wellington Coal. Best on the curring difficulty. And the Sen- pen that the Senate were also in Sen Francieéo on the Fourth Gans ae te ee the it ccecpla Une aimeel (°| APPLICATION MADE BY CHICAGO CREDITORS FOR LEAVE TO| 0! July, Ritchie's | manager qn- and Phone 116 Rogers & Black " through political glasses, and tainly come to pass that the APPEAL WHICH SAVE BoIsION. SAME JUDGE WHO nounced here tonight, Complete Line of so invite attention from the Senate would be the more im- Pine i NS | — —— BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES CARTAG . government. portant, and positions therein Victoria, May 23—Application | i iat 4 ite baile te = LINDSAY GE and The Premier would have a] the most desirable. The House ~~ pplication | allaire ¢ 7 WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited STORAGE ated|Was made by Mr. 8. A. Arnold on | pany. variety of remedies open. He of Commons would be reieg Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, 'n could make the position of to the second place, holding|behalf of the Crane Company, (S| DEMAND Rovat Reserve shase 10 G. T. P. Transfer Agents | Orders promptiy filled = Prices reasonable Senator hereditary, which much the same relation to the lereditors of the Ocean Falls Co., | Opposing the application that Mr My Wi “ would be a permanent solution Senate as does the House of Limited, in supreme court cham-|Justice Gregory grant the appeal ; HISKY. UNION SS. COMPANY OF B. [ Ltd °” OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® * of a kind, for as it has happen- Representatives in Washington. - ; Bd / <— . j : . " . " PE wishing . ibers this morning before Mr said that the Crane Company and ; AGE & YEARS The Twin Screw Steamer yp ra BY SMITH & MALLETT == /Justice Gregory for leave to ap-|the other United States, con- jpeal. The matter was referred|cerns having claims against the ‘ to Mr. Justice Murphy, against|Ocean Falls Company were but VERN MENT 99 THIRD AVE whose decision it is ‘intended to|small creditors, and it was prac- ANADA i- 7 = , a8 . Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and take action. The application was|tically an effort to blackmail, Tro Sheet Metal W 4 opposed by Sir Charles Hibbert|this Mr. Arnold took strong ob- te Office: rd cao, x ; Tupper, on behalf of the deben- |jJjection, and a wordy dispute en-| HE INVALI Arrives from Vancouver Every Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. Tth and “th Sts Y THE GREAT ture holders and Mr. D. Armour|sued, in which Mr. Arnold de- THe Home MONDAY NIGHT for the Ocean Falls Pepper jones that the boot was on the tne pane diteiiiiie e | Limited. : lother foot. HE PUBLIC Mr. Justicé Murphy on May 8| As the case was very much in- who nafural a oe ae River Points «*Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E.F 0C ul a e dismissed an application by the|volved and had appeared before want the besf. ee (SCAN DINANIAN SoctrTy ' Crane Company, which has its|Mr. Justice Murphy, who had full Ace, Purity ” : headquarters in Chicago, under|knowledge of the facts, his lord- ano MeLLOwNass Galle for Vancouver | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7 , ne a the winding-up act, to close the | ship referred the matter to him. | UNSURPASSED. WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. p.m. in the hal! at 319 3rd Ave i Now Going On At es DISTRIBUTORS BIG PARTY OF LAND SEEKERS nivpacr nopent. nc. | Rogers Steamsh e PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ogers eamship Agency | D. C. STUART q | Jabour Bros., Third Avenue ink | ces | Phone 116 T | 908 2nd Ave. = =i= Phone 80 OO eee ite le MOR ia rae = PRINCE RUPERT. B. © | Wonderful Bargains Georgetown ala im White Wear, Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses, Boys’ Suits SS So wHo WiLL START vem Ties oF ©. 6 . &. Manson, 8 co A — ae inne IMMIGRATION , > & and Blouses and Men's Boots and Hats. — _ ee een Sa wmill C . Ltd. 2y W. E. Williams, 6. A, bb This Sale Will The B. C. Land & Colonization, States. These men who are with aaa | WILLIAMS & MANSON M F. Y Co., of Spokane, owners of over|him all have plenty of money and Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Save one or oO a hundred thousand acres of|they are looking for a new coun- ANNEX | Box 286 y u land in the Babine district, andj try to get into. | Lumber Melgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8 © mostly along the lake shore, sent J. B. Sargeant, the senior and | in the first colonization party|member of the party is one of ° S JABOUR BROS this week. They arrived here on|the most enthusiastic. He is an Mouldings | P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPBR o> Wednesday night and after get-|jold farmer himself and he has Owned and operated by th i . { © ting their supplies and outfits in| seen new countries grow. He has Grand Trunk peste Railway a | JOHN E. DAVEY The House of Good Values shape they started out the Ba-| faith in the northern part of Bri- the American and European plan A large stock of dry finish- TEACHER OF SINGING “ bine trail Thursday afternoon|tish Columbia. ‘He bas four sons Excellently furnished, with ne Ra ood = a ae Ras ae qe. FOXON, BAQ., A.R.A.M., 10N., aNG e for the new land. There are 12]{all in the business and they are steam heat, electric light, and all wate ro eclne. aa / in the party and of this numberjall looking for a new country to modern conveniences, being abso- Ss 4 several will remain on the land| get into. lutely first-class in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. and get busy this spring elear- The party consisted of the fol- . Call HAYNER BROS. ; F ; , bef rdering. ing. Other parties will also be| lowing gentlemen: Lauchlin Me- The appointments and service wey ae UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY brought in shortly. Lean, Robt. A, Hopkins, J. B. are equal to any hotel on the —— Funeral Directors : Lauchlin McLean, head of the| Sargeant, Geo. A. Griffith, Benj. coast. é Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. & THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 [f|company, states that this first|F. Bresnahan, John Becker, F. ae | ch laa at ba tial det i is ‘ — of Row advance eng, te ane Geo. Poep- ee, Saher ene mnreenrniapetinniin EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. | ers’ Supplies ee ass guard. They have had reports|ping, J. B. Cole, John Harris and Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. aoe Supplies Acending, A ui on the district which were very|Jesse Coulter. The last three Rates: wot le $3.50 per day. ee ee Tinware 8 favorable, but they are now go-|named will remain in New Hazel- i iia te ire ec he : E. L. FISHER Graniteware ing in to see for themselves. Hejton for some _ time.—-Omineca Advertise in | Funeral Director and Embaimer RGES REASONABLE Phone 366 ithe best farmers in the Western| —the Daily News. said that if the country was as| Herald, CHA MONARCH MALLEABLE The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory | good as he believed it to be, his sill entieetiensigilill , G. A. Sweet, Manager. | ond Gh, exp. Ont Ane. Range.” lcompany would send in many of The paper that prints the facts ily ews OPEN DAY AND NIGHT | i And It Was the Best Story Scoop Ever Wrote GET A WIGGLE Ort Xou- TM DUB - Hun 7- wHYy S$c00P -YOULL. HoLDInG THE PRESSES NOw- i GAT THESE. ‘Yo cur war oa . PuT YOUR WHOLE HEART INTO FLOop sroRiEes- THOUSAND wWoRp STORY THE STORY- 4 sop in EvEeRY /( A Down Th ABour A LIMNE.—AND WRiTE MW BoY Para AS You NEVER WROTE BEFORE be GRAPH - THe- VTS ONCE (IN @ LIFE TIME /; RRECTED DEATH THAT A STORY Like THIS y . LIST \S "twee Cows 1S GIVEN TO @, | Ho} Drawn for. The Daily News % :