May 28, 1013, wednesda3 THE DAILY NEWS ; ——_—_—_—_——— . : ‘ oan QOAl NOTICES. COAL NOTICH - ~ yetrict— District of Omineca La tens ; 1 ‘ He on j ° i : «ne oi pao that i, Lb. N. hee Noties r hat } i i b on ‘ e BB. C, occupation! Keen ‘ _ 1, L. N. Mae be | j i vancouver date intend to ap: | surg : Bs pet a 7 i | b | ©) y .% | | oe Ls ‘ joner of Lands piy 1 a wing described lands: | troteum . ; post planted on bank Comme g & deseribed lands a " weet. for coal afd pe-| For hic for cont “talk ne | a . A | A ; MEMORANDUM goleumgencinf at & Vet 4% miles up| Grand T: Pacific mile nose eee eee " ; m0 en" : oe thereof Grand) south & } ‘ 1 me . Gane vif thence wee Sven Cree ° ° cLoce ¢ eek mouth of creek near) thence 1 . ' ‘thene . os 7. vow Prac! ice north 80 ehains, | chains w pla f commencement sone . pile | ns, thence south | taining 640 « ° less 7s mm. ress we west “= chains to place of) \. MACKECHNIE e ar a e 10n Oo epains the vining 640 acres more) Per F. ¥ iCCRADY, . I Agent a MACKECHNIE CN Me b Hid March $7th, 1049 P bli Co fid yt Wess L, N 2 . mie, N _ hy Nig MA es| Fuk Mackechnie, Kc Oe ublic Confidence Pert ued March $8th, 1019 guaked x, W.C ‘ | Cc que Mackormyia—May 12, 10489 is shown in the statement of this company for the fiscal ub. Al ae ~| Omineca Land | ~—Dieeies a year ending March 31st, 1913. As eompared with one | Ha i year ¢ : " f . y ime a strict——Distriet of | Notice x mh that I, L. N, Mac A ten ago, the following figures are exe eptionally in sane uric | Kechnic . Ve er, B. C., ocgupatlon teresting: en that 1, L. N. Mac. | Dives ster’ date iihtend W ap-| Assets March 31st, 1913 - = 915.72 t ‘ : occupatiol ner } ands su ; ry Be Ga oes apation | Por ic . E et Assets March 31st, 1912 <- = 111,268.60 an imissioner of Lands | 'oleum k ribed lands Showing a netgainof = = = 847.12 for coal t ya- | er e at a t p , T c : j ivi i ct for coal and Be: | os ud TrUnh poste ioe, ee ae rhis Remarkable Gain Is Positive Byidence of the role , post planted near old zo one ut Ast 80 ‘chains, thefice Convenience and Practicability of tae ©, H. I. C, Plan gmunenes k cifé mile post 1356,) oe , © west 80 chains to ran Facine tile post 195, Dlace 0 ~ ment centee bae Reecty One-Quarter Million Dollars Loaned to Contract ea, “ou ain, aging, thence east) 8cFes mor lolders at 6% Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Year coat to pla ——a | Per F. W. MCCRADY TE igent If You Desire a Home of Your Own—If You Would Be iaining 040 8 N. MACKECHNIE, prahed end ch 17th, 1948. Independent of a Landlord—Investigate This Plan Now CRADY, G. E., Agent = ' WwW. C ° I P 9 Pub I i 1913 siaked ® NE. C. ome ’ LN etd, 19td——May 99, 0049 i = “Canada’s Old Reliable” pub. ™ ac Omibeca Land District—District of : * Sa syd Distriet—District of Notice is hereby given that f, L. N. Me Home Office FMS aeons Selene 2 iser mineca izellOD sn a. N. Mac- | Keetmie vroby eiven thet 1, i. B. Mee. ALL WHITES IN UNIFORMS BUT NO VOTES VANCOUVER, B. 0. ven tha »> be NF surgeon, ¢ ‘ t ate a - y : : potice is hereby BreeO a Gus vecupation ply to ‘the Chier ite intend o ats| The immense parade of over thirty thousand women suffragists in New York city, As the column Prince Rupert Office Federal Bidg. echule er date t © ap-|F.5 . . , : . ree Lys ar eneesloner . of Lands les ores tel ile clon a coal oat ee passed the great public library on Fifth Avenue, where the reviewing stand was placed be- Fy icens prospect for coal and pe-| Commencing at 4 post planted near tween the two couchant lions flanking the entrance to the building. | ) : wing described lands: | Grand Tru acie mile post 128, thence | g a at post planted near Old) north 8 \ thence east 80 chains, rrunk Pacihe mile post 135,) thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 g ce “tens north 8, alas, “bene iainine tao acres mote aries, ISOLATION NO BAR [BRITISH SECRETARY i a eee atte, | staned “folded tae ats, Meee ; NEW HAZELTON NOTES. TO GIVE EDUCATION ACTING AS PEACEMAKER Staked 1 : , MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent L. N. Mackechnie er V 5 o & suned and dated March toth, 1943 Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-—~May $9, 1043 t 5 ee LN. Mack ig-—-May 12, 1013 A carload of lumber was re- pub. Apr. 14, 1013 ’ ’ — . : Province to Supply Teachers for|London Wewspaper Says Alien ” nsnenssneteasitiescincnsmaiintintis ‘eive W. J. MeKenzie from AS = t—Distriet of Omineca Land District—District of rf — by : a - ited - Children of Lighthouse Law Treats Japanese as K FOR COMPLETE LITERATURE AND ne ‘ Distr ict 0 Hazelton 1e Terrace milis on Monday, _— Hazelton Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac ne Keepers. Sem-iBarbarians given that l, L. N. Mac Kechnie, of Vancouver, B, C., oceupation —— ee OGRA Me Va iver, B. C., Occupation! surg jays after date intend Ww ap The first picnics of the season 9 “—_ 4 . PHOT! PHS OF ; auceter date intend to @p-|piy w the Chief Commissioner of Lands ; Victoria, May 21 Upon the| London, May 24.—Regarding a tac en sik snotty S mamissioner of Lands|for license tw prospect for coal and pe-|}took place on Sunday afternoon ; i t for cvs! and pe-| troleum over the following deseribed lands recommendation of nfluential| the controversy between the Un- \ when several small parties took oe ene : wing deseribed lands Commie ing” at &@ post planted near es lak . hae I Saal . 7 He ing at & post planted near old| Grand Trunk Pacific mile post 128, thence}|unch along the banks of the| Pat liamentary members the pro-| ited States and Japan’ the Daily ares ‘ cie mile post 135,| north 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, fe > ‘ie eg “4 one 5 a * chains, thenee om a6 Bulkley vincial government has decided Mail in an editorial says: It : oce south 80 chains, thence| chains to piace f commencement, con . Ls ° | »stablish a svsten if edues . aia -¥' 4 place of commencement, | taining 640 acres more or less . . to establish a ost eauca seems unlikely that Japan will i } L. N. MACKECHNIE W. Thompson left on Sunday's |tion. for lightkeepers’ children, 9 6 e es ore or less quumning 640 & . a . , force a rupture with so potent an i MACKECHNIE Per F. W. McCRADY, C, E., Agent. ‘i m . . aeae . as per F. W. MCCRADY, G. E., Agent.| Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 train for Lakelse Lake where he|who by reason of their location adversary over a matter of this ° , Subed and da —— vem. ivis | ; s ao monet} ae 49, 1943 will spend a few daws at the hot |away from the mainland are pre=|‘ "7 ’ Prince Rupert s ect y . & rt yr 4, 1913 4 q : . . . Tn ‘ Ay Ape 14, 1913--May 12, 1049 teks ye | springs for the benefit of his {vented from benefiting from the kind, but the Webb law treats ae -— | rheumatism. educational facilities provided in| the Japanese as if they were only Industrial Annex mineca Land District-—District of ! Omineca Land District—District of *. . . British Columbia serni-barbarians and Asiatic un- i elo | Hazelton wv Pp Notice is be “riven that I, L. N. Mac Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Mrs. Leslie Martin arrived in The system to be adopted will) desirables. The aspersion rou- ae, of VS ver, B. C., occupation | of Vancouver, B. C. occupation | | Saturday night and spent a|be on the lines of the Trinity] ses them to fury, and in their an- sys after date intend Ww ap-|* days after date intend w ap. | town Saturday nt ‘ SI i : ; ‘ a This industrial addition to Prince Rupert comes now at wmissioner of Lands| pl Chief Commissioner of Lands] fay avs » gues Mrs. Kerr|Light Service, in foree on the} ger they may drive their govern- P spect for cual and pe: | for to prospect, for coal and pe-|°W days the guest of Soe ir 4 : 4 time when opportunity is test. Pri Rupert and th ¢ wing described lands: | troleum over the following described lands:| before continuing to her home at jceoasts of Great Britain, and will|ment to perilous lengths. The a e en opportunity is greatest. rince Rupert an e post ted wear oid Commencing at & post planted near = ate 4] YT ffect wit 1 ale re > « 3 j iti i Mt 8 post planted sear old! | Commener Orend trunk "Pecta imi Decker Lake has oh oe . a | a” it a coe of - rc on a entire great Northern British Columbia country are on the hains, thene west 80/| post 130, thence south 80 chains, thence eachers | nake periodical| close personal interes or our- : a chains, thence west 86} post 130, thence cove ‘worth eo’ cheime ‘coment. ie anetnen Gane an ape ye tog hr: Hi eve of a tremendous movement. Values will go up remark place of commencement,| thence east 80 chains to place of com Norman McLeod was in town) é a- es. 1 stres £ ably during the present year and the years immediately fol- acres more or less | mencement, containing 640 acres more OF]... the week end when his new/|tions in elementary and advanced|to find our American — kinsmen sows Port Ed d ; i This is the ti L. N. MACKECHNIE less a pie: , . tdw: w , W. MeCRADY C. E., Agent L. N. MACKECHNIE driving team arrived They are |courses in a serious conflict with our owing - BES Prices; SFE wy ae is is the time te ‘ 1 i F. W. McCRADY, &. E., Agent . | f : ‘ r ‘ > s . — 4 ‘ aes “ht . ra sto Staked ‘and dated Merch 17th, ibis, one of the classy outfits of the} a os ‘ ee - a og ae upon an aa al in to buy. 4, 1953—-May 12, 1013 L. N. Mackechnie, N © north and Mr. MeLeod is cutting |@lly taken up and brought to the| which the Americans would com- b. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913 . - MCh | : 8 1 enencbatiapetsite ee = _|quite a dash around the con-|otice of the Hon. Dr. Young,}mand the sympathies of Western Call On or Write To pee 8 aes eT struction camps. He also has a| Minister of education, by Mr. G.|Camada and Australia. Jotice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac-| omineca Leng, Dieses District of new buggy and harness. |H. Barnard, M. P.; Mr. H. Shep- “Tt may be taken for granted _ on ane Z “Sheena > =. Notice is bereby given wr i, L. N Mac 3 ae lherd, M. P.; Mr. H. C. Clements,|that Sir Edward Grey, whose - - one ' ’ hechuie f Vancouver, B. C., occupation . 7 . 4 : ‘ B iceuse pect for ‘coal and pe- surge n, ¢ tay after date intend to ap Bob Heddle was in town last M P.; Mr. R. F. Green, M. P., and] peacemaking has been less ama- 9 ® we. : wing described lasts ' : I om to 1 1 ; ect for a ‘al cok be week with a number of horses | “aptain yer monerteen, agentiteuriah May wecretary Parue Third A wamencing at & post planted about 12/ troleum over the following described lands:|¢,, his livery stable to be started of marine and fisheries will use all legitimate means to venue | a aod Trunk Pactik eee | Commencing 0+ & post plaated near aj * 4 alt . he d 4 4 ts the se ee eae eine | cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post} most likely at Fort Fraser. He : gat: sop retige es ee bring the disputants to an un- Be casi 50" chains to place of com”! £3" .Aine "ence north 80 chains, thence | also had a number of rigs, har- Subscribe for the Daily News. | derstanding. penn ining 640 acres More OF) 4s go chains to place of commen €-| ness, saddles, ete., necessary for) cm — — = | 40 acres more r i685 " o P< r eT ee N. MACKECHNIE Ment, COMMING iON. MACKECHNIE. | a good livery. He brought up a I Per F. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent taied aod dated March 10th, 1913. LA. Mackechnie, N. EB. C. Pu. Apr. 14, 1913——May 12, 1913 | 7 | Staked 77 died Maren 1'74h ri. fancy driving horse for a couple L. N. MacKechnie, N. W. C of the boys at Telkwa. | | Pub, Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1043 “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Omineca Land District—Disteict of Refore the new sidewalks were Hazelton. Omineca Land District-——District of . : by given that 1, L. N. Mac Hazelton “i laid on Pugsley street a fire was 1 ver, B. G., occupation) Notice ts hereby given that I, L. N. Mac paper yee - » > s after date intend t ap-|Kechnie, of Order, B. C.; occupation started on the east side to burn wumissioner of Lands| surgeon, 60 days after date intend to 4p-/up all the brush and accummu- spect for coal and pe-|piy tw the Chief Commissioner of Lands hank end 6 lowing described lauds:|for license to prospect for coal and be lation between the bank and Co- &@ post planted about 12) troleum over the following described lands . Par ‘s xe. There are rand Trumk Pacific track,| Commencing at a post planted near & hen &Zackon's stor There ar 1ce south 80 Chains, thence! cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post) several lots there where the thence north 80 chains,| 130, thence north 80 chains, thence east ence West S/ chains to place of com-|s9 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence brush piles were big and num- C Betcement, coutaiuing 640 scres more or| west 80 chains to place of commencement,| aroys and a great danger from Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, a. N. M containing 640 acres ote oe EC NIE f snes L. N. MACKECHNIE. L. N. MACKECHNIE ire. Pende sured Sf WW, QUCERADY, . E.. Agent per F. W. McCRADY. c. E.. Agent se hah 2 r Street West * Vancouver, B.C. lked and dated March 19th, 1913. Staked and dated March 17th, 1913. . a 7 a Nn. w. oe 919 L. N. MacKechnie, 5. ¥: se 4018 Rev. Father Godfrey, for the Phone 8500. we. id, 1013 ay 12, 1913. > ! . 4, 1013-—-Ma ’ . . . —.. le a . __}|Roman Catholic Church, has sel- Omineca Land District—Distict of ected lots one and two in block Hazelton, Omineca Land District—District of 79 and states that he will com- y given that I, L. N. Mac Hazelton. aes uver, B. C., occupation) Notice is hereby given en 1, L. yee mence the erection of a church atter date intend to 4 Kechnie, of Vancouver, ce, occ c ; Commissioner of Tents surgeon, 0 days after daie intend to ap-}upon the property within the spect for coal and pe-|ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands next few weeks. Woleum over the followin Or pect f al and pe the follo # described lands:|for license to prospect for cosa 4 one! € 4| & post planted about 12 trol um over the f* lowing Gqscribed lands: . . . stom Grand = Tru Pacific track Commencing at & post planted he ( . ; fe Me 1374, thence north : e ; Pacife mile post} H. S, Clements, M.P., has se- . eee” os : en 80 chains, thence| cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific m I 3 Biot’ chains, thence south 80" chains, 130, thence north 80 chains, thence west) 44 an a ypropriation for al Has the La gest Circulation in Northern Bratish Columbia met 8! chains to place of com-|80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | © : I | i caniendoatenmmemeentinemnbidiatdn Ebtweni, containing 640 acres more or|easi $0 chains to place of commencement, | ost office building in New Haz- : ae nein 8 sy a L. N. MACKECHNIE. containing 640 ac ree nS CRECHNIE elton of $7000. The site select- Stated snd Ning GRADY, G. B.. Agent. per F. W. MeCRADY, C. B. Agent-| 4 for this building is at the Maked and dated March 10th, 1913. Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 * 5 ; : Peb, agackechnie, 8. W. C. L. N. Mackeehnie, 8. B.C. 1414 corner of Kelly Street and Ninth til oe eh. eae ae 5% — — Avenue, The plans for the build- Owin ae ‘ : ing and construction will not \e : he ; : , 4 Land, Disertes District of Omineca Land, District District o likely be announced until Mr. bone’ . bereby given that I, L. N. Mae- Notice is hereby given feat 11 $A. Clements returns from Ottawa. » sucouver, . C., Gecupation P », of Vancouver, . GC, oO es Simeon, 60 days after’ date intend © a. om $0 days after date intend to ap-/Omineca Herald, ‘ ——— Yb ‘the Chiet Commisst of Lands - Ol over of Lands , the Chief Commissioner . to prospeet for coal and ply to the Chiefospect for coal and be ca aioe Comer, (ee following described lands: | troleum over the following described lands — ducing a @ post planted about 12| "Commencing at 4 post plant on bank of 1 aND PURCHASE NOTICES Be 37, Cand Tru Pacific track,| porcupine Creek about 1 miles Up 74, thence north 80 chains, thence|ereek from mouth thereof (Grand runk Renee ca thence south 80 chains, er ee crosses Pouth of arene - hains to place of com . ile st 433), thence 80 : - pacement, ining 640 ores more or iilles the Kee west 80 eneins, Lg |Skeena Land Digestes—Diateiet of Coast, P “th 80 chains,, thence east 80 cha 0 A Per L. N. MACKECHNIE ace - Chaumencement, containing 640 Take notice that Emma Waterous Ag- Stakes “| § WW. MCCRADY, CG. E., Agent.|acres more or less 7 new, of Victoria, B. C., occupation married [Med and dated Mareh {0th, i943. N. MACKECHNIE woman, intends ‘to apply for permission to Pup fackechnie, §. BG, per F, W. McCRADY, © B.. Agent purchase the following descr a . 14, 1913-—Ma . 3 take< d dated March 18th, unmencing at @ st planted on en y 12, 1043 stake A ene eonnie, N. EC south shore of Lake Srayward. near Falls Omi ere re re Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1043 River, & branch of the Hocsall, thence 4 uneca Land Districet—~District of , In wth 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, Notice Hazelton, jthenee south Ld chains, tages east 20 : Krenn). , by given that I, L. N. Mac chains more or less to point of commence- ales \ al ve a : — : ; less irge, Kneouver, B, C,, cupati ’ F TICES. ment, containing 40 acres more or less. pyre .00 days after’ date tiktend & ap. LAND PURCHASE NOTICI + aprhMMA, WATEROUS AGNEW. e ates resstons TP licens. ; Commissioner of Lands Dated Apr th, 1 c Woleum over vn! pect for coal and pe istrict of Cassiar Pub, Apr. 21, 1013-——Jdune 46, 1013. e Comme te jy following deseribed lands: | Omineca Land District Dist sKechnie, of _—_ in ewe er Porcun, ? 2 & Post planted on b » notice that I, L. N. Mackec , | the Ubine Creek “ahou rE ail a \ rake Dove cupation surgeon, 60 Cheek f¢ piles ) ancouver, +, ae . ly to. the a . “a i " wm Ta a , alte ee thereat vend days, after date intend as te purchase gkeena Land Distriet—-District of Coast, THE MOST SELECT IN WEDDING GIFTS AND ) srosses mouth o of Commission 0 . strict, | " i : ain ‘ a vcs’ 133 tlle post), thence -Morth | Surveyed. Lot #15 4, Cassiar Dist | | Take fines, Mat Ce eoccupetion “dress: BRIDAL JEWELLERY may be selected from our new sum- hence s , He - ‘ situatec ed | ou : u . . pail 10 caine tnente Seat eee natmenee | Skene River Hecine, containing 48.7 /maker, intends 40 apply for, permission 0 mer booklet, which has already been maaled to our many MS More or lowe NeOe Containing 640)}acres more OF 105) Vy oveCHNIE |?" Commencing at & post planted at ine British Columbia patrons. This is one of the most inter- Stakes Ps W ‘i CRADY eee sod ‘i ted Merch foun. iwi SS “thease eaat So" chains, tnenes esting summer publications we have isswed, and it should X ; ‘ Y, C. B., Agent tak and date . bas i . rar » faked tn dated Mareh 18th, yy Staked and chante, N. & ger [south 0¢ caine, epennce went be suaine. be in the hands of every wedding gift bayer in the prov- Pub. ADR 44 Noha Tisve 9048 Pub, Apr. 14, 1018-—Jun jmencement and containing 40 acres more ince, ~~ : Hc ] [or lees BLUE BIRD JEWELLERY 1 , MARGARET B. GRANT 0 0 oast 1" “weed Land District—Distetet of Skeena Land District ae Danette eyes dene 16, 1918 rhis pretty novelty owes its origin to Maeterlinck’s " Hazelto ge . 0 ay, ’ . : int ge igtice is herent as {ere TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Went “ story of the blue bird. It is considered @ symbol of hap- ue, of att, L oceupation ¢o . reer va uver, B. C.. oceupation prints Rupee ac * permission to pur piness and good juck. We supply it in Broeches, Pend- k . aller . tends 0 »p 0 ae I Nett’ Chiet “Commissioner ot Tangs (chase the following eer aee ove N |Skeena Land Digsrice—-Distriet of Coast, ants and Scarf Pins. This jewellery is made from gen- eur prospect for coal and pe Commencing 4t 4 BP amet win 2 ange V. » ohed : : Comme r the following coal Ane Be gE, corner of T.L, 30045 ee eee Of Take notice that I, Charles H. Ziegler, uine cloisonne enamel on sterling silver, Write for this Pormetclne at a post planted on bank| chains; thence east ft A ie Mc /of London, Bagland, decupation gen . summer booklet. Ihe cree te Creek about 1% miles up|iess, to the west boundary south 20! intend to apply for permission to pur Trunk | the mouth thereof (Grand |kechney’s pre-emption; tetre. n chney's | ihe following : ie Near ts at Iway crosses mouth of | chains, mor oF a ot om, sins; tener Commencing at , eat Paes at tte . . . * chains ». Mile post), thene hi s.W, corner hence eas eat 33. chains,| northeast corner 0 0 . nee north t Berth ay HCG Cast BO oa mn south 20 chains; thenee W MT adary oP 1 40 ehains, thence west 40 enr. ir Ss ns, imt ( thence place ; haina thence west 80 chains to|imore or less, to the eget b chains, more} south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to TS hore. |°heement, containing 640 | peest: eee ot *V mmencement,| paint of commencement, faining 160 r leas or tessa tw y 0 e se or less ' LN. MACKEG containing 90 acres MOF Of Ul Leng, | Sakon 7 FP. W. Mes RADY SUGENE as LA att! dated March Keqh, idie M.D. LENHART, Agee Mareb 91g NW ub. Apr, 14, 4 Pub’ aet’Kechnie, N. Dated Feb, 24, 1913 AP 14, 1018 May 12, 1048, Pub. March 17 to May 12-18 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS acres more ee less. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Directors VANCOUVER, B.C a a PATSIE WENRY . he 9, 1019, With the Junevile Bostonians at the Westholme Theatre tonight,