Wednesday, Ma ; THE DAILY NEWS Mi ee ee eae we a ver. Ux ; | : ee MISSING! | T —_ = = —_—$ AUSTRIA NOW > —— j eran Following ia the lis ! ly, which > ~~ : oIRt. wanted for folding in bindery. | AP , | ~~ ao. ih Raley. Mre.| the sar ‘ =—_s lConfict Between Servia and Bul- BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wants position, nk pee eee "et Raley, Miss Edith Raley, Gordon ue gg cr “y ' garia Over Spoils of War | store or office, References furnished i] il Mr Large Mr | saree 8 saree ~ 9 Inevitable | Phone Black 38¢ we \ norther oatenneteatetti WANTED—At once, first class chef. Apply J. Sydney Smith of the Atlin} phoma: vo 4 = - rhomp eliminating Colonge, Germany. May 21 Contra! Hotel, 122-24 | misheries, Ltd., returned this|). 0 Wing and wife, A. Lindsay, south of Ikeda Ww { Spence, H. MeDon A Serbo-Bulgarian conflict is in- | WANTED—Bookkeeping and stenography ; morning from a business trip to Lassie, lof repairs t ha “D ; y © CS - ; »atly eve s A , lal ards, C. Under SY | © o | ©] on ; evitable should Servia persist in Box 11,"News Omer’ veer i22 te Vancouver. rel ; . - “Birch J . : i int i the _—— her demands for a revision of the ——— oe worry oo : '- | sumed oe —- . ; Werner, leader = of the he A. L. Stevens, H. W. Hows ante-bellum treaty existing be- ‘ Geo. : r — oO ae TA R tween those countries with re- For Sale Westholme orchestra, returned | ! I . rt =. ings, B Repairing Prince Albert gard to a division of spoils of this morning from a ten days| Fanning, es Bowser, | re ob ;war, and if Servia does not sub- trip to the lower coast cities ji Deane, D = wwe . Faylor,| When the | = ’ » _ 4 . ar “g FOR SALE—Pu bred White Wyandotte iOtto Strom, ’ crore 5. W & mit for reasonable arbitration poultry, fomnae Regal strain: also Peer i “Walter 1 Auld. J. Sid I put on th i ST Y | a R Ol es the question of the disposal of ro ineubator and breeder; | reasonable. Miss Lang, matron of the hos ona "J ; U-lwas fi i districts left open by the same PRY wren wre verre sigs [pital at Port Simpson, is in the] "° Smith, J. Ellis, 7 hs Pay | jured that treaty, according to a despatch pon tain one: *: ee city today en route to Essington| “ “ Arnott and > ; mowert |} Some of het received by the Cologne “Gazette” $1,500 amproventonts; revenue. 932 per|to re-open the summer hospital \ Wil is and e G. Thon jly sprung a ‘today from its Sofia correspon- month: price 8,000; cash 01 stat there for the cannery season as, G. Herman, \ B. Harper pairs ma i ident, who says he reached this bays ‘Cove Ave. — omretintt a! Capt mi phatier, Jas. 5. Rankin hatin _ | conclusion after interviewing A. G. Lothgren, a young man Mrs. K. T. Abbott, Geo. Werner Col. Roy and M | several Bulgarian ministers and " who recently arrived from Chica R. Kearley, Mt J reer, Mr. Green toria. aré }the various party leaders at the Lost and Found go, windy city, has taken the po wood Go. L Patterson, Mrs. D P. Inn Cures Coughs | Bulgarian capital. Continuing the sitton of hight clerk af the G. T an : | . a Marg ue }correspondent says: P. Inn. alliano, Joseph viek H “ ari , . FOUND-——An Odd Fellow’s ld pin, at the s > Comstack ‘ ' ‘ Bulgaria will not hesitate to|" "cemetery. Owner can pave seine at the —_—— Smith, I mate G. Alexa Mathieu's Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Oi) }eonclude an alliance with Aus-| Daily News OMce by paying ter one The Missionary Society of the o, Mrs. Ja — H,. Gomozzi i : tria-Hungary if such a step is Presbyterian church are eiving| ©. Hansen, A. Dahl, Alice Silver is a Tonic an t ¢ sb} ‘ J é . : great d no only stops * cough inecessary to achieve her end. ° a tea at the home of Mrs. Neher, A. P. meee, See ©. Ore, Mrs. & but enables the system to throw it off. |Anti-Servian feeling in Bulgaria For Rent { 1138 Second avenue West, tomor K. Fooss Miss Husick, F. } There should be a bottle of it in every home. jis running hngh and is increas- { row, Thursday afternoon from 3 Whittaker, A . Parkin, H. 8 |} ing hourly, and war, if it comes “Sitio 6. All are welcome. Silver ogg 2 a her ar ° i > or’ > ot ’ » Smith re. I Jen Large size bottle 35¢ Sold everywhere. will be bitter. LARGE bright front room, furnished or) collection 424 | Wife, lip Lot unfurnished, f nt. Sixth avenue, e Gil — . s 04 and I 8 | opposite "Destine ” Rink “ADD . Bos son, Mr Gilinan, M M. Wat ' m }. L. MATEIRG CO, ep, - SHERBROOKE | F. H. Mobley, of Stewart & | No. 207. 124-126 - © g@eenteess on4 © son, G. L. Hawkins, J. Hamilton,| Ven urd | ; : “ _ t P ride ' | Mobley, Ltd., left this morning! WELL furnished front bed room with sit_| Freer, who are connected with > L. Heath, T. Goldsworthy, | MeBride and I j . » | ting room joined by archway, for tw a - Mrs. Weller ané aughte eo on a business trip to Hazelton. young men: Gowateen; “modern house; the Skeena River Syndicate, ar . . and dau ' ; - | _— — reasonable terms. Meals if desired.) ),i. ed trom Vancouver this morn E. Johnston I \ Rice, W.| — —EE Ox 24, News Office 123-26 ' . ' , ° vl Stewart Mre Maaae ' \ ing and left on the morning train “ es irs. ‘ — it , — . : Parkhurst, W. G. Fortmanr I for Haysport to consider alterat i ta tdinees “iia tear Kad 9 _—IN THE ENGINEERING ions and extensions of the fish Kells M . ‘a 7 M re — . Engineers, Stationary and Mar-|ing operations carried on from eee eer ee em oo“ GOOD TERMS ; Sibbitt, A. Hoo ,. 8. Cokel \ FARM | Battiey Valley Fort George Diarice |FARM | 9) tein [Pe mi An 1 che . FARROW, ee Be eee ae Bulkley Valley Fort George District A Hodges, G. E. Gibson, Mr. Ashby 654 4th Ave. East H. Camozzi, a former resident] Go) Roy and Mise Rov peasitmnnetonns OE Prince Rupert and at one time Law-Butler Co . “oprietor of t > we ‘ Vie no «Box 1639] Fier avrived in. the ity thi=| HEMLOCK OR FIR FOR —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. 'HARRISO Ol ERS morning after several months Real Estate and Insurance NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY Limited | N W. R absence Mr. Camozzi is quite PLANKING PURPOSES Phone 60 a4 PAID UP CAPITAL 02,008,008.00 9 nections heavily interested in real estate wae 2 egies VANCOUVER, B.C. Suite 1, Federal Block in the city Letter from Section Two Contrac- PRINC : RU PERT, B. C. — : tor Asking Permission of Tew stock oF seang 222s] SAT ES Silversides Bre husband, Mr. FE. Jensen of thelthe affairs of the Ocean Falls firm of Jensen & Kissick, real]|Company were referred t i tors of P We have just received a ship- estate agents. letter from J. A. Meeker, the cor . *,° ment of ; S —— tractor for a part of the work| eign Writing.. TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS Rev. T. C. Colwell of Alberta,jin Section Two, asking that he . e e CLOVER POTATO SEEDS jhas been appointed to look after|be permitted to use hemlock Paper-Hanging Be Sus ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS Methodist home mission work at/stead of fir for the road plank Our Specialties p1cious FLOWER SEEDS Bella Coola. ing The letter read “When we tendered upon the Jas. Martindale of Butte, Mon-]|plank roadway construction in “Ye Olde Reliable” BE suspicious of that of which nobody is i Se OO SS es ae ee Mail orders Promptly attended to istered at the G. T. P. Inn. mance of the work, it was with : proud. Be suspicious of the mere low- ESTEVAN IS READY mes the expectation of ‘sneuriig 1h price argument offered in favor of an article ee m w . FOR HER MAIDEN RUN partment of Public Works at |P@"Y- ; e W me. we had ar-| d ati Victoria, is paying an oficia! |"@nsed for the lumber necessary 0 W with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. — visit to the government offices in they to take debentures in pay New Lighthouse Tender Is placed | {his city. This is Mr. Hood's first ment. In the meantime this com in Commission With Captain jyisit to Prince Rupert. pany has become unable to make PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- Barnes on Bridge. - delivery of the lumber and we are TRIAL ANNEX Better buy the thing you know and can ata i - rthu Cin a o unabie Oo make arrangements trust, than an article unbranded and un- Vancouver, May 22.—Fully of- Ae oe ceuetesen at the é. oo a sre ae Se Se yer lge sy ficered and manned, the new Do-|p p. Inn the decking in fir ment slip vouched for. minion Government lighthouse ; ey “We would respectfully re every day ! tender Estevan goes into com- . quest, therefore, that you take apply to Ha mission today. Since her arrival Mrs. Reid who —— nt several the matter up with the proper & Co,., Phone ! Avi months in the city last fall with in port two months ago from the ie atthe Shen Thom aioe authorities and-see if it will not re The branded shoe, made by a maker That in vhich much money has been yards of the Collingwood Ship-|.4 this morning on re "ein be possible to substitute hem with a reputation, is a safer shoe to invested to make or keep it good is building Company, a the — Madmen Gihte & shot viel of har lock decking, which in point of bay then the ons made in on unknown warth nove than thet om which othing By fof Magellan, the Estevan jhas| tome in, Winnipeg Sete Ore Sener es | ry by an unknown maker. or but little has been spent. overhaul, until at the present ees lock is not quite equal to fir but or a e The underwear Je by 3 firm whose — she is in oe ee A Mystery Explained. . is as herd and would give as i Ne hs ection Peace of mind is worth something, or many months service in at- ar ong a wear. EE nam you as your own, tending the aids to navigation One of the city aldermen in “If this change can be made We |_ o¢5 18, 19 and 20, Block 20, Sec j ali B reece just as quality is. Buy peace of mind. and lighthouses dotted along the|conversation with a “News” re-|would be able to save the cily a tion 8, Eleventh Avenue is worth more to you than underwear nameless or labelled by a maker of British Columbia coastline. porter this morning asked why|dollar per thousand on this lum whom you have never heard. When you buy anything worth while Captain C. Barnes, formerly|Ald. Bullock-Webster is always|ber, or approximately $555, and buying, buy that of which you know — in command of the fisheries pro-| bucking the city council. The re-jat the same time patronize home Tea sealed in a packet bearing the from advertisements, or from other yeaa cruiser Wevinaten. takes a ig being needle ts ace any|industry by buying the same loc e name of £ ndat : over his new responsibilities to-]400d reason, the Ald., who isjally and would be able to proceed es S 2 eae eee a - ee Buy the day and will officially board the|famous as a jokester, remarked/with the work jwithout further each packer is not article wi e “money back” guar- Estevan as commander of the|that it was because Ald, B-W had|delay.” 4-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. sufficiently proud to advertise its antee—with the pledge of a known new vessel. She is now loading}!ost his “doe,” On motion the letter was re quality. name behind it. supplies and equipment for the _ ferred to the Board of Works &( northern lighthouses, and after Notice to Public. with power to aet. . om any shipping bunker supplies will — re Harrison, Gamble coats P P sail within the next few days on In paying accounts due me, MILITARY EXPERTS : FINANCIAL AG on . e her maiden voyage in the Gov-|when paying other parties and _——- : Prince Ruper € e. ut your faith In the advertisements ap- ernment service. not myself, pay no cash but al-| Two Being Sent to Canada from Third Av 7 Captain Barnes is one of the}ways cheques to my order only, Woolwich Arsenal. pearing In good newspapers. Beware of the ; most capable officers in Govern- otherwise credit will not be given. enone R t article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub- Manintinate buowiedge'ol cosst-[i18-26 FM. DAVIS, | Oleiwa, May 28.—Tho.Drilis | O en ee lie War Office, at the request of the ee icl 1 . 1 waters id st record as licity. The commodity an advertiser backs skilful “aealneta con at Vast To Inspect the Militia. Minister of Militia, is sending out $8.00 twe experts from the Woolwi sh found recognition at the hands of —_— ‘, close with his own money is something worth ; a meg } y Roy, “le officer|arsenal, to investigate conditions Genin ear | the Government by the command Colonel district s-room house 00 your buying. s of the flagship of the fleet, commanding, arrived this morn-|around the Dominion arsenal at : tal $26. . - ing om the Prince George to make} Quebec. E . mouse, TAY 3, $20.00 New Building Inspector. an inspection of the Karl Grey — _ on = Y It was reported at the city|Rifles. He was met at the wharf Nations Recognize Huerta. 6-room hous $25.00 ; Santing your advertising problems és council last night that Mr. Oak-|by Captain Stork and Lieut. Me- Creek \ any good advertising uyency or the Sey lley, of the engineer's office was|Mordie in full uniform, At eight Washington, May. 24.—The |5-room house, & $15.00 Association, Room 508 Lumsden \ilaing. | too busily engaged in other work|o’clock this evening the militia|Mexican embassy tonight an Creek jlo continue as building inspector,| will assemble at the drill hall for|nounced that it had received word] 9 poom house, 4 ’ $12.50 and thereupon it was decided fojthe inspection of the colonel, from its foreign office that Kus Creek | appoint P. Lorenson to the po. Col. Roy and Miss Roy this/sia and Japan had sent letters of sition, at a @alary of 850 péPlafternoon were entertained to an|recognition of the Huerta go month, aulomobile drive around thelernment. This, the embassy said, ( Lid pe ee city. Among other points of in-|leaves only Italy, Germany and ¢. R. Naden 0., WAIAAoos ual anes It's a waste of time to tell|terest visited was the site for the|the United States of the Great ne ; dia ‘Mia your troubles. mew drill hall on Acropolis bill, | Powers to be heard from and ths Real Kstate