pons OFROULATIT' % oY. sOnTHERN BRITIOH COLUMBIA tal PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1913. NEXT MAILS From Gouth Princess Mary........ Friday, p.m. Per South Prince George....... Friday, 9 a.m. ‘ PRICE FIVE CENTS ALLIES SIGNED PEACE TREATY UNDER COMPULSION JAPANESE MATTER MAKING NO. PROGRESS—SENATE STILL DEBATING THE PROGRESS OF TRACK LAYING IS REPORTED TO PARLIAMENT munisTER OF RAILWAYS SAYS LINE FROM PRINCE RUPERT 0 QUEBEC WILL BE COMPLETED NEXT YEAR— PRACTICALLY LEVEL BOTH ways. NOW TALK OF ELECTION EARLY IN SEPTEMBER Senator Bostock Yesterday Con- tinued ate on the Naval Bill in the Senate Special to The Daily News. : Ottawa, May 29--The debate Spec The Daily News. 500 miles of the main line and|°™ ~ naval bill was continued oi » Senate »sterde after- ‘law M 9—The house|/* ! es the sidings = om . enate yesterday after { A i a ' tud Cock noon, Senator Bostock speaking . . 2a. | Ee ct inciuding oen “ luncheon yes ty a Just what action the government ; ine and up t 175 miles from).. : -m” the vote of nine- is going to take in the matter is upe wv, tra was laid for the ; e the national), not known, but it is believed in tee pentire 156 miles, while the grad some circles that it il be f trans tal at the request ling was sopleted for 158 miles. % ae as me we be 10P- (rar ; ced to go to the country and that a. { Pp Graham PheljIn district F, the most westerly of itetnalihtane W inatnad meetin the election will take place early ninis iilways made a : k . : ny - K ~~ in December vase all Ipleted “ar “ac “al state he progress made f ' 8 ile f “ “ae a London, May 29—The Pall or J82 miles o main ine, iW j . ba Hse stating that the) .i.4), th eas tr : /e Mall Gazette considers that the 0 : ‘ ct ix had trertine ack at . Canadis ave » ay s f the line on Which|Ppanscona and 132 miles of sid anadian naval bill is doomed by n le dee the aetion of the Senate. It be- ip bee é as “oO nes jack ha nh laid wa oy ee lieves the Empire will suffer a ‘ pex Moncton, part of the rhe total expenditures up toldecided moral loss through its Bsiriet of D., and sixty miles|the end of December were $127,-| fajjiure. wn the veen Cochrane and/ 219.863. and the estimate ex (uebe New Brunswick grad-|penditure to complete was slight wos ht una was eon | ever 438,000.000- "Mtv bel COURT OF REVISION pleted a bridges were 9Ri completed to Quebec next year ee enna With ihe daecaptioe of saben HAD BUSY MORNING $62 Quebee district B| grade in the Rockies and in New he grading was completed for| Brunswick, it will be praetically Se mids and track faging for|e level road both ways. important Reductions on Eighth St. and First, Second and POURPARLERS NOT SUCCESSFUL IN THE CALIFORNIA QUESTION iT PURELY WIDON JOURNAL ADVISES JAPAR TO TREAT AS A BUSINESS MATTER AND CUT OUT SENTIMENT Third Ave. Corners. The second session of the court revision of ing, held this morn- Acting Mayor The confined entirely which forty was Naden presid- heard to Section One, ing appeals were from there are approxi- mately The most import- : ant reductions made this morn- Special to The Daily News. ane ares s ag m7 re ing were the east corners of the oe May 20-7 S aseiioen” himabeee mhae ‘thes intersection of Eighth street with reign off this morning gave), ime rt into ‘it sentimente « First, Second and Third avenues. Wi a sla that the efforts | ranging racial and national pride. As far as possible the court ithe foreign office in regard to|As allies of Japan and as firm|)@s made the readjustments on lhe | question had not/friends of the Uuited States the the basis of a double corner one- ie