9, 1919 Ma) phursday COAL NOTICES, COAL NOTICES _ » Land pistrict pistrict of Omineca ' District ef yer elton mit il Non that 1, be Ne Mae — a wouice 1s, cver, B. Gy GeCUpatlon | Kechni 8 L. N. Mac i, of YS tr date intend to ap | surge cupation or ‘ ays mmisstoner Of Lands} piy ; itend to ap wie, the Ene ect for coal and pe-|for hi her of Lands PY conse 10 PU wing deseribed lands: | troleum beserih and pe wojeutn OVE “i a post planted on bank Commer g at a post ribed lands weenie 8” “gbout 1% miles Up) Grand Trunk Pa wil planted near , porcupine “I''outh thereof (Oress south & , p t 128, thence Or creek From mouth of creek hear! thence 1 : yt st 80 chains, me pacili( enee north 80 Chains,| chains 1 . ane sence cast 50 aa ale pose sith, thence south 80 wining 64 hote o; laa nce We* a0 chains to piace 0 L. N. MAC ‘ ons, mene ‘raining 640 acres more axed tt. nyt 1 hese gencemen® Stake 4 la M : rn ' . MACKEC WIE. j N. Mackechs . see th, 1919 r wcCRADY, ¢ , Agen Pub, A 14. 1048 . per FW: March (8th, 1043. 18—May 12, 1019 ayaked ale y. Ww. ¢ j. N. Mackec , May 19, 1013 ae ee pul AP eS: » on tla I District of Haz i “ pistrict—Distret of ieee given that I, L. N. Mae neca Cant va ‘ B, ¢ oct tt 0 sccupation en that I, L, N, Mac a tat , ; late intend to ap Notice . B. G, occupation py i ner f Lands pechme no , date intend to a} ; : : | for al and pe surgeon : mmissioner of Lands eum « described lands t for coal and, pe Ome a t post planted near ' f wing described lands;|U'4 : k I 128, thence south| roleurn OY , post planted near old)” net bal chains, thence | gnmencrne x Paciie mile post 135,) hr y 4 e west 80 chains to] amp, rane * ins, thence west 80; blac mi ment, containing 640) gpence § a0 chains, thence east; *°re® © qpains, wenn’ , commencement, con \. MACKECHNIE gy chains 1 Pe more Or 1688. : rw RADY, C. E., Agent ining O40 © N, MACKECHNIE ew a h 17th, 1948 | I CRADY, ©, E., Agent Ma kechnie, N, W. ¢ Mareh 19th, 1913 rub. Af ‘, 1913-—Mey 12, 1043 ed and Ne Mack N. BG ; . L Al May 12, 10913 - pub. A eens m 1 Land District—District of — a Hiazelton mineca LS District District of Z Not ‘ given that I, L. N. Mac riven thet J, L. N. Mee-| surgeus 76 ver, B. C., mab | 5 . sfler date intend to ap ver, B, C., GCCUPAION! niy w the « mmissione f Land sfler date intend W 4b: | for license 1 ect f . wal and pe- | 5 ‘ ‘ am 5 — troleum ove lowing described lands: | i wine ‘Geacribed ‘ands Grand’ ti € at & post planted near) : . ar srand Trunk Pa mile post 128, thence! at post planted near Old) north « : thence east 80 chains, | Pacihe mile post 135.) thence hains, thence west 86 ains, thence east 80) chains to pla - -comimencement, con ih 80 chains, thence taining 640 4 more of less. k ace of Commmene ement, .. MACKECHNIE LN. MACKECHNIE Staked and’ Geog tot a ae | y. MeCRADY, C. E., Agent L. N. Mackechnie, 8. W. ¢.” 4 A ve 1913 Pub. Ag i4 2 May 12%, 10143 | 1 May 12, 1913. a thai le dis ( s « District—District of b Lang Deiey eee lazelton. Notice ereby given that I, L. N. Mat given that I, L. N. Mac h , of Van iver, B. C., occupation ver, B. C., Gecupation | surg ‘ ia alter date intend Ww ap sfier date intend to ap pi i t { Commissioner of Lands mmissioner Of Lands; prospect for coal and pe pect for coal and pe troleun lowing described lands wing deseribed lauds Commie & post planted near 4 post planted near old} Grand 11 mile post 128, thence k pacific mile post 135,;/ north & thence west 80 chains, bains, thence east 80 | thence hains, thence east 8v/ ih 80 chains, thence | chains f commencement, con wai 5 baibs place of commencement, | taining 640 acres more or less qouning 640 acres more or less. L. N. MACKECHNIE L. N. MACKECHNIE Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent per F. W. MeCRADY, C. E., Agent Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 suked and dated March 100h, 4913. L. N, Mackechnie, 5 Cc Ly. Macke 5. W. C. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—~May 12, 1913 pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1913 aaiidiiaatliniaie natant eennenmnenamaatin Qmineca Land District—District of Omineca Land District—District of Hazellon Hazelton Sotice is bereby given that I, L. N. Mac ce is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac tehoie, of Vai iver, B. C., Gccupation of Vancouver, B. C., occupation sargeuu, ja after date intend tw aj . Gays after date intend Ww ap ww uumissiouer of Lands] Pp!) » the Chief Commissioner of Lands ie license Wo 5 spect for coal and pr for license to prospect for coal and pe qoleum oY jowing described lands troleum over the following described lands (ommenciig at & post planted near void Commencing at & ost planted near amp, Orand [Trunk racine mile post 135,/ 4 cabin pear Grand runk Pacific mile deuce north 50 chains, thence west 80] post 130, thence south 60 chains, thence gums, ence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, tence north 80 chains, a a chains to place of commencement,| hence east 50 chains to place of com owning 4 acres more or less mencement, containing 640 acres more or L. N. MACKECHNIE less Per F. W. MeGRADY, C. E., Agent L. N. MACKECHNIE Suked and deted March 19th, i913 Per F. W. MecCRADY, C. E., Agent LA. Mackechnie, 8. BE. C. Staked and dated March i7th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 14, 1013 May 12, 1918 L. N. MacKechnie, N. E. C. si Pub. Apr. 14, 109413-——May 12, 1913 mineca Land District—District of Notice is ay on thee 1, L. N. Ma Umineca Land District District of beta va iver, B, C., occupation ewe wpe ‘ after date intend S ap-| Notice S ix reby given that I, L. N. Mac mw the muissioner of Lands | *°chnie f Vancouver, B. C., occupation M hoeis prospect for coal and pe- | S¥rseon, days after date intend to ap baru. iowing described lands: | ¥’? i 3 a Saal gr # . 4 ao Dos » » ol > foense +t prospect r coal hh i ng at & Dost planted about 17 | wroleum over the following described lands south 60 chains, the nee| commencing @t @ post planted near a thence porth 80 chains,| ©2)!@ near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post ais *| 430, thence south 80 chains, thence east hains Ww place of com ‘ s pnce Uv ’ J > ‘taining 640 @cres more or 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to place of commence ment, containing 640 acres more or less L. N. MACKECHNIE Per F. W. MeCRADY, ©. E., Agent Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 L. N. MacKechnie, N. W. C. Pub. Apr. 14, 1913-—May 12, 1913 L. N. MACKECHNIE Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent Maied and dated March 19th, 1913 L 4, Mackechnie, N. BE. C. vij——May 12, 1913 | MB. Apr. 14, 1 Mimeca Land District-—Disteict of Hazelton District of Omineca Land District Muce is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Hazelton tear, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation! Notice is hereby given that I, L. N. Mac mien, 60 days after date intend Ww 4p-|Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation * he Ch mimissioner of Lands| surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap seehse lo prospect for coal atid pe-|ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands Woleum ov lowing described lands:|for license to prospect for coal and pe VenCIAg at & post plamted about 12/ troleum over the following described lands as from Grand Trumk Pacific track, Commencing @t a post planted near 4) lh i, thence south 80 Chains, thence| cabin near Grand Trunk Pacific mile post) i 80 cha thence north 80 chains,| 130, thence north 80 chains, thence east Giice West 50 chains to place of com-|80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence| pacement oWMing 640 acres more OF | west 80 chains to place of commencement, | }containing 640 acres more or less L. N. MACKECHNIE Per F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent. Staked and dated March 17th, 1913 L. N. MacKkechnie, 5. W. C. Pup, Apr. 14, 1013-——May 12, 1913 L. N. MACKECHNIE. ,, Per PF. W. MeCRADY, G. E., Agent. Suked and dated March 19th, 1913. LN. Mackechnie, N. W. C. Pub. Apr. 14, 1919-——May 12, 9943. cts “ineca Land District—Dist-iet of Hazelton, Omineca Land District—District of Motice is Hazelton | hereby given that I, L. N. Mac i, Of Vancouver, B, C., occupation Notice ts hereby given that I, L. N Mac-| Stmon, 60 days arter daie intend t ap-|Kechnie, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation) RY the Chief Commissioner of Lands|surgeon, 60 days after date intend to ap ae t rospect for coal and pe-|ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands wu over the following deseribed lands: |for license to prospect for coal and pe troleum over the following describe d lands Commencing at & post planted near & from Grand Trunk Pacific track, 1 Trunk Pacific mile post 7%, thence north 80 chal bic ir ; ms, thence | cabin near Grand ye 80 chains, thence, south 80’ chains, 130, thence north 80 chains, thence west West 50 chains to place of com-|80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | bu. ot, containing 640 acres more Or| east 80 chains to place of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less L. N. MACKECHNIE. L. N Per F . MACKECHNIE. . Sued “TF W. MCCRADY, €. E., Agent. Per F. W. MCCRADY, C. E., Agent. aud dated March (9th, 1943. ; rf sues ing at & post planted about 12 Staked and dated March 17th, 1043 ‘. MacKechnie, 8, W L. N. Mackeehnie, S. EB. C Mb. Apr. 14, 1913—May 12, 1913, Pub, Apr. 14, 1913-——May 12, 1013. ean — Omineca Land District—District of District—District of No Hazelton, hes 's hereby given that I, L. N. Mac Omineca Land Hazelton Natice is herebyeg¢iver that I, L N. Mac Sargecn’ t Vancouver, B. €., cecupation . ie. of Vancouver, B, C., occupation a Gays after’ dale intend A “ war n. 60 days after date intend to ap | license : ef Commissioner of Lands | ply to the Chief Commissioner of Lande Bleu over.) oepect for coal and pe-jfor license to prospect for coal and pe er the following deseriLed lands: | troleum over the following described lands Commencing at & post plant on bank of miles up the tains POCO’ 4t & post planted about 12 ile from “Grand ; Trunk Pacific track,| poreupine Creek about 1% 137 »| Porcupine r . West io 8 thence north 80 ehains, thence se trom mouth thereof (Grand runk eas, thence south 80 chains,| Pacific Railway crosses mouth of creek oa 50 chains to place of com-|near mile post 133), thence south | 80 less, » Containing 640 geres more Or| chains, thence west 80 chains, thence thence east 80 chains to ») chains, north 80 cha containing 640 L. N. MACKECHNIE e of commencement, Per PF. W. MeCRADY, G. EB pence or lee8 {ited and’ dated March foth, ibis |e? MO? OF UT . MACKECHNIE Pub, Ape rcanle, 8. B.C. per F. W. McCRADY, © E., Agent 14, 1019-—May 12, 1913, Staked and dated Mareh 18th, — ~ N. Mackechnie, N 4 L. N 0 p Mineca Lana District—Distriet of a Hazelton, eiven that I, L. N. Mac uver, B, C., oceupatior E. C ; Apr. 14, 1913-——-May 12, 1913 Notice 18 by le, of Va ais! ‘nt sieanada mn, 60 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, © th ood) Sfter date intend ap tre icetase ' spect” fas teen a" UM o: ihe eee or coal an 8 " . Commene! ‘Mowing described lands: | Omineca Land District—Distric a ot eee Oreupir . & post piansed on bank Take notice that I, L. N macnes on, 60 the reek, ~ Creek ‘abou 1% miles up| Vancouver, c,, occupation a . the Trung Pago ‘he mouth thereof (Grand| days after dat intend to apply > ie Mk near; Rallway crosses mouth of | chief Commissioner of Lands to bY strict | W chains i mile post), thence north| surveyed Lot 9154, Cassar pe 36. | Mth bO py ee, east BO chains, thence|Skeena River, situate d near mile 43.7 Meee oF ‘comin cgence West 80 chains tol} Grand Trunk | Pacific, contatning "3 More oy sement, containing 640 jacres more or lt " N. MACKECHNIE : . E., Agent Per } LN. MACKECHNIB, | per F. W. MeCRADY, | ; j HMaked and ding ge RADY. C. B.. Agent Staked and dated March 10th, 1913 Pun Mackeochnia He sth, 1913 L. N. Mat Kec nie, N E. fe sess ' : ’ Apr. t4, 19 sm : 8 Apr 019-——May ta, 1048 Pub I OMine¢ _ atric of Coast Not elegy i DI + ict--Distetet of | Skeena Land Digtrtes: District tehnige 8, by ef - | ene henge f Keetini, of wive n that I, L. N. Mac , ! AKE novi ‘ that ue ~ yin *, & a. oceupation | Prince upe RB Ree oo , pul a : d lands tends chase the following descr bed lands’ N Commencing @t 4 post pat ‘ter date intend fo ap “OMMissioner of Lands pect for coal and pe north 2 following deseribed lands; |B. corner of T.L. ras. chains more oF \! @ post planted on bank| chains; thence east of John Me 2 up| less, to the west boundary th ' mouth thereof (Grand | Kechney’s pre-emplon Sonn M kechmey’s lway crosses mouth of | chains, more or less to —- | 5: thence tile post), thence south| 5.W. corner; thence east # st 33. chains east 80 ‘chains, thence | south 20 chains; thence Wer) to oe | then © west 80 chains to/ more or lt “ = one ae 0 chains, more| ement u ; $0045; rence 0 ° 4 -s 1, containing 640) %. posts the point of commencement, | 0 containing 90 acres more ' ay a H. D, LENHART Dated Feb, 24, 1018 Pub. Maren 17 to May 1%-—18 ek about 1% miles W. Metin AN ee i gona, | L 4nd dared Mae Yeo: By Agent Fun, Meliechaie, Nye gee 1048, 4, 1015-—May 19, 1048, Sup Per ¥ ENE Agent | felt kindly > cane oa —— = Pa and Ma and the chil THE DAILY NEWS 1} il \ iren return from the first famil —-— - — THE EVENING OF THE FIRST SUMMER DAY } ran y outing of the year. } 7, Wh | aye \ ae : AVistees \ 6 8 Otte ‘i ; ny wat wn sé 0 3 Bowe ees . ° WAS wi’: BurigD wees ‘ “ me 7" 4. Frist WELSH WON ON POINTS | English Champion Almost Put Scaler Away in Fifteenth Edmonton, May 26. die’ Welsh, English champion lightweight, won a popular devi- Saturday sion by a targe margin night over Kid Sealer in a t5 reund bout Till the fourteenth round the boys were strong, but in this period Welsh scored his first knockdown, and in the fif- teenth had Scaler going when the saved him. A few seconds gong more would have given the Pus- lish champion a knockout RAILROADS FOR ALASKA President Wilson Feels Kindly Toward Project. Washington, (May 26.—Presi- dent Wilson told Senators Cham- and Jones today that he toward the proposal for the government construction of railroads in Alaska, berlain ’ The two senators sought the President's views on securing Alaskan legislation during the present session. Mr. Wilson ex- pressed his hope that a bill inieht be passed, but made it clear that in view of the urgency for tariff and curreney reform he would be unable as yet to recommead act- ion, intimating that if the Alas- kan question could be disposed of without interfering with those two subjects he would lend his support to a bill within the rear future, ——EE__ LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Waterous Ag- new, of Victoria, B. C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deser lands: Commencing at @ st planted on the south shore Of Lake Hayward, near Falls River, & branch of the Hocsall, thence north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence east 20 chains more or less to point of commence- ment, containing 40 acres more or less. E A WATEROUS AGNEW. Dated April 13th, 1013. Pub, Apr. 24, 1943—June 16, 10413. Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast, Take notice that Margaret B. Grant, of prince Rupert, B. CC, occupation dress- maker, intends to apply for permission to purehase the following described lands: commencing at @ pes planted at the northeast corner of Lot 604, Coast District, range 5, thence east 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains to place of com- mencement and containing 40 acres more or less 7 MARGARET B, GRANT. Dated April 5th, 1013, Pub. Apr. &t, 10138-—June 16, 1013. Skeena Land Digeries—--pistriet of Coast, Range V. rake notice that I, Charles H. Ziegler, of London, England, coousesion gentieman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deser lands: commencing @t & post planted at the northeast corher Of Lot 20, thence north | chains, thenee west 40 chains, thence ‘vutn 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160, 9 ‘. Pub, Apr, 14, itt 9, 1019, BOY DIES WHEN HIS BASEBALL TEAM LOSES rred. | Physician Declares He Died of a giayer of White was Swindied Broken Heart and Dis- appointment. St. Paul, Minn., May 24—Wil- lie Lizvier, aged 14 years, cham- pion pitcher of the St. Paul grad- ed schools, died today when told that his team had lost the pen- nant. Physicians say death was due to a broken heart, Willie had pitehed a no-run, two-hit game for the Baker schoo! team Wednesday, his third consecutive victory, and was to have pitched the final game “for the pennant yesterday afternoon. He worried over the pennant race and as he complained of a head- ache yesterday morning his par- ents compelled him to remain in bed. When some of his playmates came to see him today he was still in bed and had not heard how the game came out. When they told him the seore and that the pitcher who took his place had lost the game he said: “If I had pitehed we would have won the pennant; but it’s too late now. We've lost.” He buried his face in the pil- low and when his friends went to comfort him he was dead. PLANTING APPLE TREES North Coast Land Co. Demon- strating Skeena River Land. The North Coast Land Co., of Vancouver, has this season set out a number of apple trees on a couple of pieces of land they own in the Kitwangah district, The land was cleared over a year ago and the experiment is being made with the apple trees. If success- ful more land will be cleared and more apple trees of different var- ieties, as well as other kinds of fruits, will tried, The North Coast Land Co. own large tracts of land in that district, and they are now doing development work which will prove to the world what these lands are particularly good for. The company is working out an extensive policy for the develop- opment of the northern interior of British Columbia, Milliong for Good Roads. Chicago, May 21.—A pledge of cement makers which approxi- mates a gift of $2,700,000 in bar- rels of cement for an ocean to ocean highway is announced here today, The Association of Amer- ican Portland Cement Manufac- turers promised to give one per cent of their gross output for the next three years toward the high- way project, ‘THAW EXPOSES PLAN 10 GET HIM LIBERTY | Out of Big Sum by i Lawyers. May 25—Dr. John superintendent state asylum for the criminal first made the suggestion to Harry Thaw that he could be released by the payment of a large sum, Thaw testified today at the brib- ery trial of John Anhut here. An- hut, a young attorney, is charged with offering Dr. Russell a bribe of $20,000 for an order or certi- ficate which would result in free- ing.Thaw from further confine- ment in the asylum. Thaw was brought from Mat- teawan to testify. He was sub- jected to a rigid examination and cross-examination. Objections of counsel for the defense that Thaw legally insane, was not competent to testify, were over- ruled by the court, which, how- ever, held that his testimony) must be considered as that of an | insane person. Thaw told of several visits paid to him by Anhut at Mattea-) wan in 1912, when he declared Anhut “said he would get me dis- charged.” “I asked if Dr Russell had set- | tled on something definite,” said) Thaw, “and he (Anhut) said he, had, and I said the money was much more than I expected to pay; that I was not in a position where I could pay it.” Under cross-examination Thaw said that in all he had spent $65,000, and no more in efforts to obtain his release from Mat- teawan. This sum, he said, was exclusive of the expenses of his two trials for the killing of Stan- ford White, New York, Russell, of the former Matteawan insane, A mother was weeping, Her baby was sleeping, Its father, the villan, had from the fold, As daylight was waning She sat there complaining And wept as she saw all the vic- tuals grow cold, fled Far out on the bleachers, With joy on his features, The father was lifting his voice to the sky. The poor mother's wailing Was all unavailing, For how could he leave when the score was @ tie? A man never knows how many friends he has until they need him. The paper that prints the facts WELL SHINED SHOES OUNDATION OF GOOD APPEARANCE JN SHOE POLISH GIVES A QUICK, BRILLIANT, POLISH THAT LASTS EASY TO USE, GOOD FOR THE SHOES the Daily News. skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the aroma of freshly cut flowers. Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap” babies enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on “Baby’s Own”. een en “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West . Phone 8500. Vancouver, B.C. —" DAILY MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK A Remarkable Expression _ of Public Confidence is shown in the statement of this company for the fiseal year ending March 31st, 1913, As compared with one year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- teresting: Assets March 31st, 1913 - - 916. Assets March 31st, 1912 - <- 11 Showing anetgainof - - <= 12 This Remarkable Gain Is Positive Evidence of the Convenience and Practicability of the C, H, I. C, Plan Nearly One-Quarter Million Dollars Loaned to Contract Holders at 5% Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Vear If You Desire a Home of Your Own—lIf You Would Be Independent of a Landlord—Investigate This Plan Now Canada’s Old Reliable” Home Office Paeifie Bidg., Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. ©. Prince Rupert Office Federal Bidg. Read The Daily News ° ae a a a tie a a en 6g 1 Ld “i snag ME: AIM