THE DAILY NEWS = ————_—_— — SMITH & KILLAS Ice Cream Parlor Tee cream supplied for excursion and packed in ice. Also pul up in bricks “Take home a brick and try it.” Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh. picnic parties for family use. “The News” Classified Ads. || ==(ne Cent A Word For Each insertion== Try our chocolate and be convinced. Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date, We are here to stay and our aim is to please our patrons. ~ Baby in the House.” c -—- DROP IN AND SEE US. Last Monday, in the early Phone Orders Delivered. Smith Block morning, Howard Fairburn gave Phone 17 631 Third Avenue his neighbors the benefit of a splendid elocutionary exercise, jwith all the modern tone and | othe |gesture, says the Queen Char e e | totes News. “Hush! be still as versi es Bros. jany mouse; there’s a baby in the ort Edward | house” (and here he gave a double trill) “just what we want }ed, a little girl.” TI The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX ing to most lustily, spond to the hearty babe in the house is but he A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward lof pleasure. Most tr every day. For particulars ithe poet said: apply to Harrison, Gamble Pe s r & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. households: They are angels of guise.” “Ye Olde Reliable” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green Subscribe for the SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS who had the pyeasur friend Fairburn, ie neighbors e of listen cheered failed to re- encore A a wellspring uthfully has They are idols of hearts and of God in dis- Daily News. 8 Wanted GIRL wanted for folding in bindery. . 0? ply at News Office BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wants position, store or omice. References furnished Phone Black 334 122-27 For Sale — Wyandotte also Peer reasonable. Phone Black 121-25 FOR SALE—Pure bred White oultry, famous Regal strain; ess incubator and breeder; Apply Swift, 515 Taylor FOR SALE—Lot 25, Block 34, Sec, 7, with $1,500 improvements; revenue $32 per month; price $2,000; cash $1,200 or few days only. Charles Monroe, 1126 Hays Cove Ave, 117tf Lost and Found An Odd Fellow’s gold pin, at the Owner can have same at the paying for this 1100f FOUND— cemetery. Daily News OMece by ad. “‘THE SMELTER TOWN’”’ LOTS FOR SALE—$100 and Up. TERMS One Quarter Cash—Balance 6, 12 and 18 Months CONTINENTAL TRUST CO., LTD. SELLING AGENTS AND TRUSTEES GRANBY. BAY PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ne) eee Be Suspicious BE suspicious of that of which nobody is proud. Be suspicious of the mere low- price argument offered in favor of an. article with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. Better buy the thing you know and can trust, than an article unbranded and un- vouched for. The branded shoe, made by a maker with a reputation, is a safet shoe to buy than the one made in an unknown factory by an unknown maker. The underwear made by a firm whose name is as familiar to you as your own, is worth more to you than underwear nameless or labelled by a maker of whom you have never heard. Tea sealed in a packet bearing the name of a reputable firm is to be pre- ferred to tea of which the packer is not sufficiently proud to advertise its quality. That in vhich much money has been invested to make or keep it good is worth more than that on which nothing or but little has been spent. Peace of mind is worth something, just as quality is. Buy peace of mind. When you buy anything worth while buying, buy that of which you know— from advertisements, or from other “dependable acquaintance. Buy the article with the “money back” guar- antee—with the pledge of a known name behind it. Put your faith in the advertisements ap- pearing in good newspapers. Beware -of the article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub- licity. The commodity an advertiser backs with his own money is something worth your buying. For Rent ~-> furnished or | |LARGE bright front room, Sixth avenue, unfurnished, for rent eon Skating Rink ae 24 5 | WELL furnished front bed room with sit. ting room joined by archway, for tw« young men; downtown; modern house; reasonable Meals if desired Box 24, Newer 123-26 terms, ome. ENGINEERING Engineers, Stationary and Mar- ine, coached for examination A. FARROW, 654 4th Ave. East Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FINAL PERFORMANCE _ AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT Bostonians Willi Present ‘“Berta's Billions” as Their Fareweii. The Juvenile Bostonians scored another last night in a very funny comedy entitled “The Daughter of the Regiment.” Throughout their entire engage- ment the company has demon- strated its ability to handle a varied reportoire and there have been no disappointed audiences. The farewell bill for tonight is “Berta’s Billions,’ which is sure to draw a crowded house. At last night's performance two of the favorites were present- ed with beautiful bouquets. There will likely be more presentations tonight. The Bostonians will leave on the steamer City of Seattle about midnight for Ketchikan. DAUGHTER OF KAISER WEDS ENGLISH PRINCE Romance Was Had Effect of Es- tablishing More Friendly Re- lations of Two Countries. success Berlin,” May 26.—Princess Vic- toria Luise of Prussia, only daughter of the German Emperor, was married to Prince Ernest August of Cumberland, with the rites of the Lutheran Chureh at 5 o'clock Saturday evening. The ceremony, whieh took place in the royal chapel of the imperial castle, seals the reconciliation between the dethroned House of Hanover and the House of Hohen- zollern. The civil ceremony was per- formed half an hour earlier in the great electors’ hall, a small room in the most ancient part of the castle. It was attended by only the immediate families of the bride and bridegroom, A state banquet s given alt the castle in the eVening. The bridal couple left immediately afterward for the Emperor's hunting seat at Hubertusstock, north of Berlin, where they will pass the first week of their honeymoon, then going for a fortnight to the Duke of Cum- berland’s hunting castle near Gmuenden. A Record to Laziness The laziest man is reported in |Arkansas, where he condueted a shoe store in a litthe town. A }woman entered his store one day jand said she wanted to buy a |pair of boots... The lazy man, j}who was sitting on a box at one lend of his establishment, looked at her, yawned wearily, and then said: “I can't wait on you today. Come in some time when I'm standing up.’-—Denver Times. — me SATURDAY LUNCHEON HAS BEEN CANCELLED Canadian Club Members Deprived of Privilege of Hearing Cy Warman. rhe announcement was made in yesterday's News” that Gy Warman was to be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be tend ered him on Saturday by the Can adian Club of this city. Late last night Mr. Warman was ad vised by Mr. Collins, of the Can adian Fish & Cold Storage Co., that on account of a strike among the fishermen it would be useless to visit/the fishing banks, which Mrk Warman had planned to do as the guest of the Can adian Fish & Cold Storage Co Under these circumstances Mr Warman felt that he could not remain in the city until Monday and decided to leave for the south on the Prince George tomorrow morning. Mr. Schaefer, who was also to have been a guest at the luncheon Saturday, will ac company Mr, Warman south to morrow. The luncheon arranged for Saturday has, in consequence, been cancelled and the members of the Canadian Club are deprived of the opportunity of hearing one of Canada’s most talented writ ers and talkers. NATURAL BEAUTIES OF NEW HONNA TRAIL Rambles Through Sylvan Giades Glorious With Flowers and the Budding Blossoms of Wild Fruits Charlotte on Several Queen resi dents availed themselves, during the last few days, to make a trip over the trail running to the Honna river This excellently constructed pathway takes one through a stretch of country, the natural beauties of which are to be compared only to the world-fanied Stanley Park, Van couver,. Oper timber, with here and there a stretch of greensward, the district offers alluring in- ducements to the tourists who eares for and appreciates the benefits to be derived from daily rambles in its sylvian glades Here one may gather the cold lady slipp e,rand dog tooth violets abound, while festooned over log and hillock blackberry and strawberry vines blossom. This highway is but one of the many of with which Graham Is- land will be interlaced, and joins that completed last year from the Honna to Yokoun Lake. EARL GREYS UNDERGO OFFICIAL INSPECTION (Continued from Page 1.) their excellent work and congral- ulating in high terms their cap- the results tain admirable attained. In the course Colonel Roy the company bad many difficulties to contend wich, removed as they were from the stimulating ef- fects of other corps within easy reach, That this and other difli- culties would be overcome in a short time he fully realized, With the drill hall they would have four companies instead of one, which would give a decided im- petus to the service. He person- ally complimented both Captain Stork and Lieutenant MeMordie, said the non-commissioned of- ficers showed a deep interest in discipline and the members of the company generally were in- telligent and quick in their work, He also complimented the bugle band and the way they had been trained by Sergeant Swift. This afternoon Colone! Roy and Miss Roy were taken on a trip around the harbor in the govern- ment boat Evelyn, after the colone! had made an inspection of the arms and clothing of the eompany and found them in a most satisfactory condition. This evening they are to be entertained with a dinner party at the Inn, to be followed by a theatre party. upon of he his address said recognized —— Port Essington Drowning. No further particulars are at hand in regard to the drowning of-w Japanese woman at Port Bs- sington, and it is still thought to be a case of suicide, An in- quest has been ordered, | WONDERFUL RECORD i IN RING OF PUGILIST KILLED AT CALGARY) Continued from Page 1 Sept. 14—Jim Barry, no deci sion, Pittsburg, six rounds Sept, 28-— J. MeFarland, knock-| out, Pittsburg, two rounds, | Oct, 12——Al Kaufman, knock out, San Franciseo, two rounds | Dec. 10— Jim Flynn, stopped to save Flyan from punishment, Los Angeles, sixteen rounds 1913 Jan, 1—Al Palzer, stopped t save Palzer from punishment Los Angeles, eighteen rounds May 24 \ Pelkey, knocked out by, Calgary, one round Me-| Carty died a few minutes after) being knocked out, Every effort has been made to locate MeCarty’s family, but without success. His father, a| physician, living in Dayton, Ohio but has not been heard of since} the big flood. McCarty had achieved some} financial success during the last] year On thé oceasion of his} fieht in Calgary two years ago, | when he was an unknown team ster, he fought for a purse of} $25. During the past twelve months he had earned about 820, and had a fat bank sunt in a Los His match which cost acce Angeles 000 to banking lose, his credit house share, win of the was little or him his life, of $5,000 in excess OPENING NEW BRA NCHES Local Manager of C. H. |. G. Left for Interior Yesterday Morning Mr Alexander Steven, local manager of the Canadian Home Investment Company, left yester day morning for the Hazelton district for the purpose of open ing offices and establishing re sident agents throughout North ern B. C.. This has been made necessary on account of the phe nomenal increase = in business and enquiries received daily at the company’s local offices and also at Vancouver It will also facilitate business considerably and make it more convenient to contract holders and enquirers districts that since 3ist March fiscal year, the assets show a net gain of $345,647 over that of the pre- and this is only the the Company's resident in these Mr. Steven 3ist March, i913, the reports i912, to Company s ceding year third year since inception. It is also interesting ‘to know that quite a number of local people are now receiving the benefits from the plan and system of this Company MAJOR GIBSON HAS RETURNED Prince Rupert | Looks Better Than Ever to Him. During a trip of nearly six months through the westérn, states I saw no place that looks better to me than Prince Rupert, taking all southern and eastern things into consideration,” said Major Gibson when seen by a “News” reporter this morning The genial major, who is one of the early pioneers of Prince Ru pert and who has a firm confi- dence that the city has a bright future before it, returned to the city yesterday morning on the steamer Prince George. While there a slight uneasiness in some quarters of the United States on account of the tariff changes, Major Gibson reports business conditions in the as very satisfactory He says he has had a most delightful holi- day but is glad t6 be back in Prince Rupert onee more, He spent the midwinter months in Louisiana and Florida, where he enjoyed almost perfect weather. A few of the principal points visited were San Francisco, San Diego; Los Angeles, New Orleans, Jacksonville, Prineeton, N. J.; New York and Chicago. The major has a host of friends in Prince Rupert who had been looking forward to his return for some time, ROAD ARGUND ISLAND is east Railway Company ‘Agrees to Con- tribute Fifty Thousand for It. . Good news was received by Mr William Manson, M. P. P., ves terday in a letter he received from Mr, Donaldson, general manager of the Grand Trunk Pa- cite, This stated that the com pany was agreeable to paying $5,000 per mile toward the cost of constructing a road around Kaien Island, The length of the road ten miles and the esti mated eost is $15,000 per mile, so that the railway is paying one third of the cost, The basis upon which the provincial government was proceeding is that the com- is pany should bear one-half the expense and the province the other, 18 — FOR 26 cENT it your deal 8 aaeten u Co stpaid bos Seu Get this Book’ Before buying . TYPEWRITER Save $650 $75 All Makes $30-_$75 Learn how made t Fit type, witt any part amine bef are chin clear offer Write P CANADIAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Department 15 643 Hastings West - Vancouver, & © eereee ALMOST We've all met the man who “al- most” bought a piece of real estate when it was cheap that is worth a fortune now. That same man is likely at this time “almost” determined to buy some property now But he fears, as he did then, that values have reached their limit Don't be in the “almost” class Have decision. Back your faith in the future of Prince Rupert by real estate purchases within your means and you will come | WINNER Look these up: Lote 17 and 18, Bik. 32, Sec. 8 $860 each, cash $970 cach, be Govt. Lots 18 and 20, Bik. 32, Se. 8 $860 each, cash $372.50 each, bal to Govt. Lote 21 and 22, same biock, with 72 ft. frontage on 11th Ave and ; 103 ft. on Ment St., $2,500, cas $1,076, bai. to Govt George ~ Leek PRINCE RUPERT Branch Offices in Every Part of (ne United Kingdom NEW STOCK OF SED We have just rece ment of TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS — eeens Mail orders Pr« PRINCE RUPERT FEED 0 For Sale Lot 5 $9000 1,000 cash 1, Block 1 Terms or 7.000 years; cash, over 9 Harrison, Gamble & Compaby FINANCIAL AGEN!® Prince Rupert Third Ave. To Rent SE $8.00 Cabin, close in 5-room house, tal .. 5-room house, || $25.00 $20.00 é6-room house Creek §-room house Oreek house, “ Creek $25.00 $15.00 $12.50 G. R. Naden Co., Lid. Real state and Insurance