anoest CIROULATION ww THE orry AND NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMAIA _ vol rv, NO 126 TOMMY BURNS SU ee ee PRINCE RUPER fe FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS NG PASTOR OR FOR CRIMINAL LIBEL ROASTED WIFE TO PROVE HER INNOCENCE—NANAIMO STRIKE ENDS | IN VICTORY FOR MEN GOING gNG TO LONDON TO OFFER CITY TREASURY CERTIFICATES mayor PATTULLO WIRES FROM MONTREAL THAT BANK OF MONTREAL ADVISES THAT HE AND CITY SOLIC- ITOR OFFER CERTIFICATES. On Wednesday Acting-Mayor Naden received @ telegram from Mayor Pat dated Montreal, equesting that certain financial wiaws be passed to assist him in bis work raising funds. In consequence of this the council held a special meeting last night for this purpose, Which opened wiih the reading of Mr. Pattullo’s jelegral is follows: Montreal, Que., May 27. cling Mayor, Prince Rupert, B. C., Bank thinks it necessary to fi- na porarily by treasury eertifical and advise us to go to Lond Therefore pass bylaw mi authorizing issue of treasur) tificates under Act of ii2 for all debentures author ed by bylaw not already covered by former treasury certificate by lay. Send to government copies f iws and ask for immediate conse stating this course ¢ i y Bank of Montrea Ask Williams to carefully draw jbylaw f wing bylaw 109. Cable me care Bank, London, when by law passed and again when gov ernmen isent given Also pass es ition authorizing me to sell certificates and cable when passed. Forward me London cer- tifled copy bylaw and resolution Leave for Lond in few days Will wire date sailing r. Db. Pattullo Acting-Mayor Naden wade a brief explanation of the telegram, siating that he had had bylaws drafted for the consideration of the council in accordance there with, at the same time express ing the hope that it would not be necessary for the mayor to dispose of treasury certilicates [It was wise, however, in his opin ion to give the mayor the author ity asked for as it was absolutely Continued on Page 4. WCARAGUA CANAL AS ASHES OF LATE POET A RIVAL TO PANAMA SCATTERED TO WINDS Muraguan Minister Declares It Joaquin Miller’s Dust Thrown on Likely to Be Built After All by the United States. Wa gio May 28. An the great Atlantic Paciti wilerway, making a ship route} beiween the eastern and western @asts of the United States, two thousand miles shorter than through the Panama Canal, will be built i by the United States is the opinion of Dr. Salvador Vastril retiring Nicaraguan | | a Funeral Pyre Built with His Own Hands. May 26. Oakland, Cal., The ashes of the late Joaquin Miller, poet of the Sierras, were scat tered today among the flames of a funeral pyre built by the poet's own hands The ceremony was held at the Miller home, “The Heights, surrounded by the picturesque hills of Oakland lub of San Fran the rites by The cisco Was Bohemian | in charge of witnessed more including the daughter old which than poet's were 500 persons, and many widow Juanita, and time friends. rhe impressive Col. John P mounted the This,” said Col short but their conclusion Irish of steps of the Irish, services were Al Oakland pyre. “is not lan oceasion for mourning but for In a statement last night, Dr. (asirillo said he believed that a canal treaty would be negotiated between the United States and Nicaragua, and that a _ canal Would be constructed across his country, The canad trealy, whieh is an Mheritance from the Taft ad-| Ministration, was negotiated ly Minister Weilzel last winter and | has received the approval of the Nearaguan government. By terms Nicaragua for $3,000,000 would grant the United Blales the exe lusive right to con- struct a canal across Nicaragua by way of the San Juan River and Lake Nicaragua. agu its DECLARES A GENERAL ELECTION IS REMOTE No Matter What Course Senate May Take in Regard to the Present Naval Bill. Vancouver, (May 30,.—MI “teen, member of parliament for Kootenay, while in town yester “4 declared that the probability of g * general eleetion was very remote io matter what course the senate t may take in regard to bs haval bill, He said it was ViOUs that if Borden went to - _ try and was returned, he ‘0 Undertaking that the _— Would not be pursued by ae - ite An election was ex dete improbable before re Ubon took place, same THE “WEATHER . The we ather ‘een at 5 o'clock lis horning read: Barometet W432; maximum temperature, Minimum temperature, 48 Precipitation, 26, th — nent Agent Hoskins of Aight’, ' came to the city by last hing rain to meet Mrs, Hos | children, who are ex beet me * from the south tomorrow “PDing, rejoicing. We are here not to | mourn the death of Joaquin Mil- ler, but to rejoice that through his genius he still lives.” Col. [rish then applied a toreh ito oil soaked faggots on the pyre. As the flames shot up he took the copper urn which the poet's ashes had been sealed and gave them to the fire. Instantly a jealous wind whipped the from the flames and bore away. ashes them ciTyY alos WIDOW Of Brave Constable Murdered While on Duty. Vancouver, May 30. The city has granted to the widow of Con- Archibald, murdered while the sum of $2,000, Arch- ibald was on duty three nights ago on the outs kirts of the city and failed to report at he adquart- ers at the usual time, As he had not returned home a search was made and his badly beaten body was found in the brush, Burglars that same night had broken into an adjoining mill and looted the stable on duty, safe, EASTERN JOURNALIST To Join Staff of the Prince Rup- ert Daily News. Mr. P. P. Acland, a graduate of the University of ‘Toronto, will arrive in Prince Rupert in the eourse of a few days to join the reportorial staff of the Daily News. Mr Acland comes to Prince Rupert very highly re- commended, having had consid erable journalistic experience on some of the large metropolitan dailes in the east, my ADVERTISING FOR PRINCE RUPERT § | Eminent Writers Left for South thig Morning Enthusiastic over City’s Future SAVED PAY ROLL BY A DASH UNDER FIRE Four Masked Bandits Killed One Man and Wounded Three Others in the Scuffie. La Salle, Ill, May 30 Four masked bandits last night heidup a party of men carrying the semi monthly pay roll of the Iinois Zim Company. \ desperate fight ensued in the course of which one of the party was shot dead and the three others were severely wounded One of the wounded men saved the money amounting to $6,000 by a wild dash under fire. ESCORTED BY AIRSHIPS King and Queen Return From Royal Wedding in Berlin London, May 30.—The king and queen arrived yesterday from the celebration in Berlin of the nuptials of the Hanoverian Prince, the Duke of Cumberland with a daughter of the German Emperor. The British royal yacht was escorted by aeroplanes all the way from Germany to this port, NANAIMO STRIKE OVER Western Fuel Company Agrees to Grant Increase in Wages. Nanaimo, May 30.—The coal strike at last ended and all the men are cheerfully going back to work. The Western Fuel Com- pany has agreed to grant the in- the colliers demanded. is crease LINER ON THE ROCKS The Thousand ‘Passengers and Crew Reached Shore Safely. Queenstown, May The Haverford, which sailed Wednesday from Liverpool for Philadelphia with over a thousand passengers aboard, went ashore on the rocks westward of Corks Head yester- day afternoon during a dense fog. Before dusk all the passen gers and their luggage had been brought ashore. There are fifteen feet of water in the hold of the steamer. Southbound Passenger List. The passenger list southbound by the s.s. Prince George was a comparatively light one, Follow ing is a list of the saloon pas sengers: A. M, Ireland, 30, American liner Wright, H. Gillingham, H. Porier, W. J, Strayer, Miss Washburn, ©, 8 Wright, F. De benham, A. P. Rose, A. Lefevrer, P. Robinsen, Mrs, Campbell, Mas ter Campbell, F, Schaefer, Geo Pepping, FP. Mansell, F. J, Com eau, H. A. Polly, H. Draper, G Herman, Wm, Mitehell, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Parker, A. L, Stevens, M. G, MeDonald, F. A, Rice and J. BR, O, Youngsen, Cy Warman, general assistant} Grand Trunk Railway, and Fred Schaefer, of San Francisco, left for the south this morning on the ss Prince George after spending nearly a week 1 the city and district gathering data for newspaper and magazine ar ticles which will place’ Prince Rupert before the eyes of hun- dreds of thousands of readers throughout the United States and Canada Mr. Warman, in talking with a News” representative this morn ing said, he felt absolutely cer- tain, fre nformation obtaimed from various officials of the G. T. P., that the last spike between Edmontor and Prince Rupert will be driven in the fall of 1914 rhis means a continuous line of steel fre Prince Rupert to Win- nipeg and Fort William by the end of next year. BASEBALL. Northwestern Vancouver 3, Spokane Victoria 1, Tacoma 0. Portland 3, Seattle 4. Coast San Franciseo 5, Portland 3. Oakland 1, Sacramento 0 Los Angeles 3, Venice 0. American Louis 3, Cleveland 6. New York 5, Philadelphia 6. Boston 2, Washington 5 Detroit 2, Chicago 3. National Pittsburg 5. New York 7. Louis 10. rain. 6. St Chicago 4, Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 13, St. Boston-Brooklyn BOSTONIANS LEAVE PLEASANT MEMORIES Final Performance Was Fitting Climax to Their Eight Nights’ Engagement. Westholme Theatre was doors last night of the of the The of- The crowded to the for the final performance eight nights’ engagement Juvenile Bostonians. fering Berta’s Billions,” a amusing comedy, presented such animation as to keep audience interested pment Vera Lockhart played the role usually taken by Thom Hellen ig a most acceptable manner. During iy every was very with the every large mie the member performance near- of the company were presented with beautiful boquets. The sensation was the song by the second act entitled of Honolulu” which was most pleasingly rendered, the sweet- ness of the song being enhanced the extremely pretty setting. The final performance was such as to leave behind pleasant memories of the Bostonians’ vis- it SET FIRE T0 WIFE T0 PROVE HER INNOCENCE Bride of a Month Is Dead and Suspicious Husband Is Held of the evening Thom Hellen in “The Rose by for Murder. Winnipeg, May 20.—A Galli- cian living here who has only been a month married got some jealous suspicions in his head regarding the conduct of his wife. He accused her of infidelity and in order to prove her guilt or in- noneence last night he adopted an old Saxon custom of trial by fire. He tied his wife to a post and then deliberately set fire to her, believing that if innocent she would come out of the flames unscathed. The result of the trial by fire is that the bride of a month is dead and her hus- band is in custody on the charge of murder, TOMMY BURNS BRINGS CRIMINAL LIBEL SUIT Against Pastor Who Said He Was Nothing Less Than a Murderer May trainer 30, Tommy and manage! is laying a libel against Calgary, Burns, the of Pugilist Pelkey, charge of criminal one of the city clergyman, The Sunday following the fatal fight between McCarty and Pelkey this clergyman is reported § to have stated in the course of his ser- mon that Burns was nothing less than a murderer for the part he had played in Me- Carty’s death, and that Burns should be driven ignominiously more or from the eountry Notice to Public. In paying aecounts due me, when paying other parties and not myself, pay no cash but al- ways cheques to my order only, otherwise credit will not be given. This means just what it says, 119.25 PF, M. DAVIS. CANADIAN CLUB IS AGAIN DISAPPOINTED Wright and Debenham, of Scott Expedition, Cannot Attend Luncheon. Among those taking departure by the steamer Prince George for the south this morning were ©. S. Wright and F. Debenham, members of the Scott Antarctic Expedition who have been guests of the former's brother, Mr. A. EK. Wright, for the past ten days. Their departure ended the ar- rangements that had been made by the Canadian Club for a com- plimentary luncheon to be ten- dered them on June 7th. The members of the Club sincerely regret that they are thus deprived of the opportunity of hearing some very interesting stories of the expedition told by two men who played conspicuous parts in it. Mr. Wright yesterday received a telegram which made it impera- tive for him to leave at once for San Francisco on business. CHANGES ARE SLIGHT IN SECTIONS 5 AND 6 Court of Revision Held its Third Session This Morning— Few Appeals. The time of Court of Revision was taken up this morning in hearing appeals from Seetions Five and Six, which were not very numeroug. The alterations in assessment made this morning did not amount to more than $7,000. Acting-Mayor Naden told the “News” that as far as the court could see the total redue- tion in the assessment of the city will not exceed $250,000 ITALIANS DEFEATED Retreated With Four Mundred Killed and Many Wounded London, May 30.—The Italian suffered a hands of the beating a re- army at Tripoli were defeat at the Turks yesterday, treat with four hundred killed and many wounded. The battle took place before Derna. Thirty Lasecar colonials were among the killed. se- STEFFENSSON STARTED Left Ottawa Last Night to Join His Vessel! at Victoria. Ottawa, May 30.—Arctic Ex- plorer Steffensson, who is to ex- plore a million square miles of Arctic territory for the Canadian Government, left here last night for Victories, where he will join his ship Karluk and im a few days start on his great exploration, He expects to return in 1916. Charged With Conspiracy to De- fraud in Bankers’ Trust Case Seattle, May 30.—-K. R. Moore was arrested here yesterday on a warrant from Victoria charging conspiracy to defraud in con- nection with a transaction with the Bankers’ Trust Company. Habeas corpus proceedings were at once instituted with the re- sult of his release on a $1000 bond. The hearing of the case will take place on June 7th. Cold at Ketchikan. The steamer Spokane, south- bound, arrived about five o'clock yesterday afternoon and left for Seattle before six. The captain reported that the weather at Ketchikan yesterday morning was cold and stormy, and said it was a, pleasure to be in Prince Rup ert. MEXICAN ELECTION Mexico City, May 30.--A bill authorizing a presidential elec- tion on October 26th, has been approved, taking any future policy senate before regarding the the government. jectures, the prevailing country at present, either Lougheed that the government has a mandate from the country for its naval policy. CARELESS CITIZENS Chief Vickers Is s Is Getting After | Citizens Responsible for Depos- iting Rubbish on Plank Roadways. ceived a number lately from mobile drivers in regard to amount of rubbish including nails of Moore Bros. stepped on a nail trated the animal's accident. told the “News” this roadways. plaints on the sidewalks have been instructed action against those careless in this respect. Masset et Leader Changes Hands James Cullins, who concerning to who are Mr. set has been sold of Vancouver. Leader Frank Traynor Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. is awaiting the final move of the action of What it will be is still the subject of many con- opinion seeming to be that Premier Bor- den is not disposed to go to the upon the naval bill or any other ques- The debate! WILL BE PROSECUTED Chief of Police Vickers has re- ef complaints teamsters and auto- the ecartage horses which pene- hoof some for some time through a similar Chief of Police Vickers morning that it is his intention to prose- cute citizens who are responsible for leaving such rubbish on the There are also com- goods left and the police take has had charge of the Masset Leader for some months, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince John, Cullins reports that the Mas- to Cleaners. BORDEN’S CABINET AWAITING RESULT OF DEBATE IN SENATE NO IMMEDIATE ACTION EXPECTED REGARDING FUTURE POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT—NO MANDATE FROM PEOPLE FOR NAVAL BILL. $+ Ottawa, May 30.—The cabinet]is not expected to be long and a vote is expected early next week, if not before. Reading Room Popular. After the council meeting last night City Clerk Woods paid his first visit to the city reading rooms, smoked a pipe there and played a game of checkers. He found it, as everyone does, a tion. very convenient and comfortably The Liberals of the Senate|fitted up place. A large number yesterday devoted the discussion | have used it during the week, of the naval bill very largely to|although its opening may not be a repudiation of the contention|generally known. The notice of government leader Senator| given by the committee and post- ed on the door is wrong in one instance. The closing hour is eleven instead of ten. KAISER MAKES JOB FOR NEW SON-IN-LAW ‘Remodels German Map and Cre- Please Daughter. Berlin, May 26.—The Kaiser is exceedingly anxious that his new son-in-law, Prince Ernest Au- gustus of Cumberland, should not remain idle. The Kaiser's favorite motto is “Idleness is the broken glass and other material| mother of all mischief,’ and he deposited on streets. Yesterday|wants his daughter's husband to afternoon on Borden street one|keep out of mischief. He, therefore, has decided to give Prince Ernest occupation and on the day of his marriage handed him titles as the Duke of three or four inches. Moore . Bros. already have two valuable Brunswick and Grand Duke of horses that have been laid of |/unebure. The Prince will have a very re- sponsible job amongst the princes of the. German Empire and will be considered the equal in rank of the Kings of Saxony and the Prince Regent of Bavaria. He will have to reign over a new state that the Kaiser is now shaping out by the simple pro- cess of turning a considerable .|portion of the Province of Han- over, which belongs to Prussia, into. the new Grand Duchy of Luneburg. Great dissatisfaction is ex- pressed everywhere in Germany at the Kaiser’s remodeling of the map of Germany, but the Emper- or is absolutely master in these matters and will receive no ad- vice. His daughter had asked him to create this new grand duchy for the sake of her husband. That was enough for William I. Cy Warman left this mo the great disappointment of the eon tomorrow and to listen this morning expressed his stay for the luncheon, and the following from “Songs Sometimes, on the Sometimes, by The Come seurry i Like the face While I am flickir From the end Life's spring with Life's But And the A rustle of silk ar Then gray are the Like the ash Like the Ash of My Good Cigar pleasure of meeting him at the Canadian Club lunch- tainment of Daily News readers: Then a face o'er my summer the buds they burst so early roses fade se soon! 3 rning on the Prince George, to the many who hoped to have to his breezy talk. He himself regrets that he was unable to as a kind of solacing sop left of Cy Warman" for the enter- birdless barrens, a southern sea ghosts of the days that have vanished ng back to me, memory flashes, of a falling star, 1¢ the fading ashes of my good cigar. its buds of promise, with rose of June; id laces, The wind of a passing car, onee glad faces, of my good cigar. nY WARMAN, ? iB ‘ i 4 7 = e si sagan, noe pest od ae Seenethcl un: ae ee a OR SMe wn id } ai i] ; eae ie ee ee eee wot sa game RNR ami ad ws sain Se ee es