90, 1013. priday May JASE NOTICES, LAND puRCcI trict-—District of Cassiar. pand Dist". N. MacKeehnie, of axe note? that vcupation surgeon, 60 vencoure” date ‘mtend vo ue ay? sioner of Lands to purchase gue! © ego A, Cassiar District, gorveyed i. situated = ne mile 136, goes ink Pacific, containing 43. d eas me more OF I MACKECHNIE mecRADY, ©, E., Ament. quiet ind dated were e™ 1013. ~wechnie, N. B. &. § Mackeo1a—dune 9, 1049 ru —~ and District—District of Comat, aeons | nange V ice that Bmma Waterous Ag make Tours, B. Cy Occupation tnarried we, of yeni w apply for permission to mye following described lands: a at & post planted on the commene'h® “ake Hayward, near Falls ga SHOT neh of the Mocsall, thence per, § rs, thence West 20 chains, port 20 20 chains, thence east 20 ms lao vy less to point of commence- cauins Maining 40 acres more OF less. gant, contain WATEROUS AGNEW, ath, 1013 pared 1$19-—dume 46, 1019. __ eens Land pistric}—District of Coust, . Grant, of ¢ notice that Margaret .. arom lb of 1, B. Cy ecoupatio ee hupds to apply for permission to se the following described lantis porchas? ving at & post planted at the comumencrner of Lot 694, Coast District, pertees thence east , thence g6 chains, thence west 20 chains, ce north 90 chains to place of com- pencement and containing 40 acres more or less MARGARET B. GRANT ii Sth, 1013 Dated Apr 1019-—Jume 16, 1013. soutb pub. Apr. 21, —_—— 4 District—District of Coast, Sirens Lan Range V take notice that en, England, 1, Charles H. Ziegler, of occupation gen in, end 00 apply for rmission to purchase 5 following described lands: commencing at & post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 29, thence north 4h chains, thence west 40 ¢ ins, thence puth 40 chains, thence east 4 chains to pont of commencement, containing eres more or Jess CHARLES AENRY LIBOLER. Alerander Nebie, Agent. Moreh Sigt, 1013. eS 14, {its June 0, 1913. fieens Land District—District of Coast, Range V take notice that I, Daniel Brenton Ken- of Terrace, B. C., occupation rancher, teod to apply for permission to purchase = following described lands: commencing 8t @ post planted at the pribeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north 4 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence jooth 40 chains, thence west 30 ns to te point of commencement, containing #20 acres more or less. DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY. Dated March 13 1913. Pub. April 7th to June nd. fens Land District——District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of Yemouth, Nova Scotla, occupation married fouan, intends to apply for rmission to the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the poribeast corner of Lot 6442, thence west #0 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence tsi 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, following the meander of the Lakeise Lake, ® We polnt of commencement, containing #@ acres more or less GERTRUDE M. NEWELL. L. H. KENNEY, Agent. Dated April 16th, 1043. Pub. Apr. 21, 1013-——Jume 16, 1913. Sea Land Take notice District—District of Coast that I, Sam Enonyu, of mr LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Sheena Land pistric: District of Cos Range V , rs Take = hwotice Hydro-Flectri Limit Kupert, B. ¢ te ‘*Dp I ; sion to purchase 4 ‘ "OF na. Hocsall Hive I led aa f io Commencing at a oo iat ted r lanted o yl end of Lake Madeteins tear she out , thence south ¢ hains, thence chains, thence » th 20 chains thence ewe 20 chains to ; 0 n f ex . "RINCR RUPERT YORo. co. Lumiere HYDRO -RLECTRI Per George Dated May tam 1913." Pub, May ¢ 191 J i ; ' hat The Prince Ruper permis Kohl, Agent uly 21 1913 Cassiar Land District Take notice ’ north point of mmencement : acres more or te SAMUEL ROLLING BROWN JR Tt 19143 containing Dated April 26th $ Pub. May 26, 1949 July 21, 1049 Skeena Land Commencing at fd near the Wa the | | »| thence enst | ——_= District of Skeena. | — POR THE CERTIFI AND 4 PRINCE Notice is hereby tention to issue at month after the duplicate f the above menti bert A issued 0 10°36 ISSUE DUPLICAT ATE OF TITLE FOR LOTS BLOCK 3, SECTION 6, RUPERT, MAP 923 OF A the certificate ned lands in the name of Al the 19th oclock A. M., as 987 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar Land Kegistry OMce, Prince Rupert, B. | May 13th, 1913 w—-May 19—June 16, December, 1911, 1913. SALE BY ORDER OF COURT OF ONE SECTION 5, PRINCE By order of His Young, local judge of British RUPERT Honor Judge F Columbia, the hal of sale to Lot 34, the City of Prince or after the 17th day of June, 1913 Ad dress offers to Michael Gallagher, adminis Block 22, Section 5, trator, care Williams & Manson, Princ Rupert, B. C we—-May 19 June 9,1913 IN THE MATTER OF AN > APPLICATION Ik 3 | CITY OF | expiration of one} Orst publication hereof a} of tithe to the! Dick, which certificate of title was atl HALF INTEREST IN LOT $4, BLOCK 22, McB of the Supreme Court > = ? interest of | Y Hugh Gallagher, deceased, in an agreement! in} Rupert, will be sold on/| e that Samuel BR. Bre A w 7 rince Rupert, B. ¢ occupation ‘engi? - att intends ¢ apply for permission to! p are ~ the f wink described lands OmmMencing at cat ; Southeast corne f ‘! mt 9 } ones eel 40 chains, thenes 40 { 7 Sion ae hae es ath 40 chains, thence 40 chains to 160) | District-—District of Coast, r Range V Fake hotice that |, Loutes Auriol, of | Qu —. B “» occupation farmer, intend | »p or permissi C i following described lands ee & post planted at the | | Cmeai lh VWI = 4 “~ - “Wy, ‘ f, HENRY 1 vou'li GET )) a 4 WET witH Valk THE DEW ) Y; f Y/) 1 , Uf VMSA LS southwest corner of Lot 4125 thence ‘ Westerly along the shore line 90 chains | /; more or le thence following the shore | /, — line northerly and easterly to northwest | f % Lot 4125, thence south 5 chains | more or less to point of commencement containing 12 acres more or less : UIES J Dated May 2ist 1913” wep hn Pub. May 26, 1913 July 21, 1013 given that it is my in-| | i eT ys THE DAILY NEWB -_ 7. ‘ vi ‘ 2 t san way YE CANT HEAR — ( Hig ROOSTERS [= ‘S CRowin loa = a. \ ——e, D Quit SEEME 7 } NATCHERAL 2 rif A” 7 Ae BN aN poet a awnet eee aap Se aeee - & - pe tea . SF s8 LFRIS -Charch Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Charch Hall at 11 am. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. Services every Sunday at 1i fem City, B. C., cccupation lumberman, Sint wo apply for rmission to purchase @& folowing described land | Gamencing at & post planted at the) WAR Wes! roer of Lot 182, Range 5,/ ‘Tap District, on the bank of the Ka Yex) ence 20 chains west, thence 20 Gm north, thence 20 chains east to the/ Beary of said Lot 18%, thence south! © sad boundary 20 chains to point of | Smmeacement, containing 40 acres more! ies : SAM ENNYU Dated April 19th, 41943. Pub. May 5, 1913-—Jume 30, 1043 am. end 730 p.m Sunday Baraca REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11. Even- fitess Land District—District of Coast, ee ee ae Tn ~ yy dy | Communion fret Sunday e Botice that Ole J. Jensen, of Kit-j| of month, at 11 « m., nk), ©, occupation rancher, tn- | and third Sunday at 8 wads \o apply for permission to purchase | a. &. During the Lenten @& folowing described lands j season there will be serv- ba mening ata yt planted about) ice im the church every - ‘mile north of the southeast corner) Jednesday at 8 Po TL. No, 93946, thence easterly 40/ Wednesday & D. @ eer or tess fo the west boundary | a » $5245, thence south 30 chains HE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL mr or less to @ slough, themce westerly t , # chains more or less to the east boun- | Coane SeEEs i TL. No, $8946, thence north 30 Sunday services at ii more or less to the point of com. | am, 8 ands’ p.m. Sun- | ‘, containing 120 acres more or day School, 1:30 . m. Week night services Mon- OLE 3. SEAGER, Lgetter. . day, jednesday, Thurs- . D. , Agent. rday. pune Mareh 28th, 10438. Cy ae Came Apr. 21, 1013-Jume 46, 10143. LAND LEASE NOTICE. a Mtena Land District District of Coast, Range IV alike ovce that Frank B. St. Amour of dane of Prince Rupert, in the Province Bris = Columbia, prospector, Intends to ¥ [OF permission to lease the follow- described land the jtieneing at a post planted on me cot of Banks Island, British Co- i ‘4 Of the shore of a small unnamed a being about fve (5) miles in an on direction from End Hill, thence | Paty 80) chains, thence north wenty coains, thence west eighty | Chains “2S. thence south twenty (20) | Semis point of commencement, and | me eres more bundred and sixty (160) FRANK B. ST, AMOUR, Locator. Pen ite 29th day of April, 1013. 1913-—June 30, 1913. WATER NOTICE. Ha License to Take or Pen Back Water. Notice is t uw 's hereby given that G. KR, T.| tor Pct, Prince Hupert, B. C., will apply feet of ase lo store or pen back 2 . quater from an unnamed creek, 4) Mptying ye {8 an easterly direction and | Towusite Ut? Goose Bay near Granby Bay | rvolr op oe Water will be stored in a) W be hue 20 @allons capacity, built | Wren, DU!t 1.000 feet trom mouth of Durposes Will be used for domestic 4 license PU’! & Botlce of application for derewith take and use water, posted | Wioning CO. “he land deseribed ‘as land tig, "® West side of Granby Bay Town. | on potice was posted on the Glcation wi ey Of April, 1013, 1 ound | The ap | ler Ren be Bled in the office of the | c rder Ob, at Prince Rupert . C Wai tons may be Med with the said | Water des or with the Comptroller Vetoria » ehts, Pariiament Bulldings, ae, a 2 oo G. R. T. SAWLE, | WATER NOTICE. For - * License to Take and Use Water. Notice s Uber by hereby given that The Prince Prince hin eetrle Company, Limited, Neense y,, Per B. C., will apply for a ‘tong p, AS® Qnd use 50 cuble feet per | Which how, {6h Out Of Madeline Creek, | ‘hrou gh, * ih ah @asterly direction Hoesai) 09 lands, and empties into Mouth on yp. Sbout 19 miles from its © diver S0Uth bank. The water will Wile fron *t wanamed falls about one fd top NOU Of creek, and will be Poses fo, °DOrOUing electric power pur * Mdius" ofl Thi “the i.) W8S posted on the ground ieation wi "AY Of May, 1049, The ap- | Wiler hi, be filed in’ the oMfee of the | wiblect ler at Prince Rupert, B. { Hr Reco hy be Med with the sald Vio Water piel OF With the Comptroller tora yy, 8D, =~Parliament PRIN, ‘ AUPEAT HYDRO-RLEO TRUE by Geo, HM. Kohl, Agen » 1918——June 16, Pub. y my a 1913, | Engineers, Buildings PrinceRupert Fire Alarm System CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 12--5th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 136th St. and 3rd Ave Box 148th St. and Srd Ave. Box 15——Junction of ist, 2nd and rd Aves Box 16—-ist Ave, between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Bou 17-——-ist Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) CIROUIT NO. 2. Box 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd St. (Post OMice.) Box 23-—ird Ave. and MeBride 5t Box 24--ist Ave. and McBride 51. Box 26--2nd Ave. and @nd St. Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and 6th St. Box 27-0. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. Box 31-5th Ave. and Fulton 51. Box 32—-Borden and Taylor St. Box 347th Ave. and Fulton St. Box 360th Ave. and Comox Ave, Box 378th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 386th Ave. and Thompson St. CIROUIT NO. 4. Box 444th Ave. and Emmerson PL. Box 425th Ave. and McBride St Box 435th Ave, and Green St Box 446th Ave and Basi! St. Box 45—-7th Ave. and Eberte. Box 141-7th Ave. and Young St, OO Ooo ENGINEERING Stationary and ine, coached for examination A, FARROW, 654 4th Ave « Phone 300 P.O Architect Suite 1, Federal PRINCE RUPERT, TRY A NEWS WANT AD Bloek B,C, Mar. Fast SSX ancient encyclopedia a large and Box 1635 “tte takes HARRISON W. ROGERS Pa gets up at 4.30 a.m. to cut the grass INTERNATIONAL RULES FOR SQUARED CIRCLE Scheme By Which Boxing the World Over Will Be Under Competent Control. Famous Railway King Tells of the Dominion’s Importance. D. C., May 26. this morning Perplexities of Skagway Editor Filling His Paper. sane Washington, In an interview James J. Hill, last of the great railway kings of America, in speaking of Canada, said: “We fail to give due attention Canada. It is our second largest trade customer. Our business with it is nearly twice as much as our trade with ali the countries south of the Rio Grande Next Monday the Daily Alaskan | again be tele- | graphic news of the world, for an| will able to print Not American May 27 only for an well uncertain time at least, the gov-| New York, ernment cable having been re-/is a movement paired this afternoon. Our association under scissors are operated under pri- vate ownership and therefore we addition, for have been able to prepare a fair | international control ‘of boxing } to | Boxing way, but, in plans sample of grapevined news, /are now being carefully perfect- : . though not as fresh and unread/ed. Every coutry that now main- clear to Cape Horn as real news ought to be. tains boxing—America, England, Our relations with one single country to the north are of more value to us than of al! the coun- tries of Central and South Amer- ica, including even Cuba. “Why.should there be diserim- France and Australia—and sev- eral that are preparing to foster the sport are on record with a heavy approval of some scheme During the past week when no boats arrived to bring outside papers, there were times when we found it necessary to take a few , “ms fr , , by which boxers and boxing con- late items from the Bible about} Dy) i ; & Be | sete dagiem houses eaainst the movements of the children | tests throughout the world will ace Gains?" ° = t s : of Israel. This was brand new/be under the supervision of an|~ ’ international board of control. Although the details have not been as vet decided on, there is stuff to many of our readers, who had never heard anything about the exodus, and thus the absence Wicked Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pa., May 26. der a bill approved by Governor —Un- of the eable news was not so|small doubt of the formation of tt noticeable. Just as we had|a board composed of one or two| Tener today ten verses 0 . reached the final passages in an/representatives from each coun- Bible must be read daily, without comment, in the public schools of try to carry out and enforce the ' Pennsylvania, Teachers who vio- refreshing consignment of news|rules adopted by an international came in by freight and the paper|organization for the world-wide late the law are subject to dis- }comes out as usual. standardization of the sport. missal. To add to the complication of It does not follow that the —_— jthings, and clog the wheels of|rules and regulations would be|promoter had been suspended by jjournalism, the Canadian wire/identical in all countries. As a/America, all the other courtries in the organization would respect that suspension and refuse to recognize the offender matter of fact, that would be im- possible. But, in the main, the rules governing boxers, both in and out of the ring, would be the j}unhooked itself somewhere in the wilds of British Columbia and, | my word, there was a spoofing time to know just what to do, ye until the ban had been lifted by the nation- know. But Monday is coming|same. The rules governing bouts|al association which had iniposed and with it the news.-Skagway/|for world’s championships would|the discipline. That is the only Alaskan. be the same, and there would be|}remedy for sharp practices by boxers and others interested ‘n try represented in the organiza-|the same sport, and there is not tion of the decisions of the nat-|a shadow of doubt that such a ional organizations of all other|rule will be one of the cardinal countries in the federation. regulations of the international Thus if a boxer, manager organization. Kingsmill Now Vice Admiral. London, May 26.—The admir- alty announces the promotion of Rear Admiral C. E. Kingsmill, R. N., to be a viee admiral. strict observance by each coun- of .s OPENING OF THE CANADIAN RACING SEASON. rhe Kobert Davies string of horses in training at the Woodbine Track for the opening of the season on May 24th, From left to right, The Usher, 2 yr. old: Spring Maid, Dr. Nett and Liberty Hall, Joekey Warrington is astride Hall and Jockey Moodie on The Usher. These fi ! a CCHCOTCOCOOCCCCCOOOCCOOCCOCEOEOCTEEEEOCECOOECCECCOEE ig Be @ 6 628 8228S3aee =* Control Your Coal Expenditure In the Gurney-Oxford range you will find more exclusive features, more essential improve- ments that appeal to the thrifty housewife than have ever before been found in any one kitchen range. But most important of all is the Economizer. This ‘clever device for regulating the drafts saves 1 ton of coal in every 6 that you would burn in the ordinary range. It takes the smell of cooking out of the kitchen and sends it up the chimney. You know what that means. The Economizer enables you to absolutely control the amount of coal you wish to con- sume and stiil have a perfect heat for cooking. It will enable you to keep your fire going while you go out shopping or visit your neigh- bor, and all that is necessary for you to do on your return is to press the small lever and you are assured of a hot fire in a very few mo- ments. A Gurney -Oxford stove is sanitary—no dirt can accumulate on its beautifully smooth sur- face. Its top is polished steel which abolishes for- ever that dreadful operation — blacking the stove. OCOCCOOOOOHOOTOCOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOCCLO «Gos Of paramount interest also are the other remarkable and exclusive attachments — the Special Grate, the Divided Flue and the Broiler. G Every woman who knows owns a Gurney- Oxford. 66 <> Fred Stork’ - 2nd Ave. Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS ~C.H.1.C DAILW MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK A Remarkable Expression _ of Public Confidence is shown in the statement of this company for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1913. “As compared with one year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- teresting: Assets March 31st, 1913 - - 915.72 Assets March 31st, 1912 - - 11,268.60 Shewing a net gainof - - <= 647.12 This Remarkable Gain Is Positive Evidence of the Convenience and Practicability of the C, H. IL. C. Plan Nearly One-Quarter Million Dollars Loaned to Contract Holders at 5°: Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Year If You Desire a Home of Your Own—If You Would Be Independent of a Landlord—Investigate This Plan Now The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. “Canada’s Old Reliable” Home Office Pacifie Bidg., Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. C. Prince Rupert Office Federal Bidg. horses are likely to do big things at the coming races. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 3 Oils V arnishes HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints The Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ sf cae ee 2 ee as aa ale Rts od eo a sin ene ee cy ee eee ed Se lean