THE DAILY NEWS SMITH & KI Ice Cream Parior Tee cream supplied for excursion and packed in ice. Also pul up Mm bricks “Take home a brick and try it.” Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh. Try our chocolate and be convinced. Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here to stay and our aim is to please our patrons. Phone Orders Delivered. Phone 17 picnic parties for family use Smith Block 631 Third Avenue “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotei in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, . - Vancouver, B.C. a The Latest Expressions in Jewellery THE MOST SELECT IN WEDDING GIFTS AND BRIDAL JEWELLERY may be selected from our new sum- mer booklet, which has already been mailed to our many British Columbia patrons. This is one of the most inter- | esting summer publications we have issued, and it should be in the hands of every wedding gift buyer in the prov- ince. BLUE BIRD JEWELLERY This pretty novelty owes its origin to Maeterlinck’s story of the blue bird. It is considered a symbol of hap- piness and good luck. We supply it in Brooches, Pend- j ants and Scarf Pins. This jewellery is made from gen- j uine cloisonne enamel! on sterling silver. Write for this | | summer booklet. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited |); JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS | Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C 7 N | Read The Daily News And Get All the News | | itinerary as now mapped out will u 3 | BILL eae Te maps = NEWS NOTES FROM — Om ewe eeu” S54" 18 QUEEN CHARLOTTE | Lands to Be Surveyed Into Strips and Alternate Strips Thrown Open. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wants position, store or office, References furnished Phone Black 334 122-27 a to pro Washington, May 26 In j bill introduced in the Senate jday Senator Key Pittman |poses that the great Alaska coal fields shall be surveyed immedi For Sale | FOR SALE—Pure bred White Wyandotte ,oultry, famous Regal strain; also Peer ess incubator and breeder; reasonable. Apply Swift, 515 Taylor Phone Black | ately into strips of a length and 121-25 | width to be determined by the} ron SALE—Lot 25, Block 34, Sec. 7, with | ane — . .. _ $1,500 improvements; revenue §32 per secretary of the interior and num- month; price $9,000; cash $1,200. For bered, and when this is completed few days only. Charles Monroe, 1124 Hays Cove Ave 117 j the even numbered strips shall still be withheld from the public and the odd numbered strips ithrown open to settlement. The odd numbered strips are |to be subdivided into claims of } 160 acres each and can be settled }upon only in person. Lost and Found FOUND—An Odd Fellow’s gold fin, at the cemetery. Owner can have same at the Daily News OMce by paying for th ad. 110 | The measure is one of the most istriking attempts yet made to- oS fe P For Rent j ward bringing Alaska out of the j}hole, and apparently meets both | » serve sts ¢ anti-|LARGE bright front room, furnished or | the conservationists and or unfurnished, for rent Sixth avenue, conservationists half way on the opposite Skating Rink. Apply Box Alaska problem. No, 297. 124-126 By retaining in possession of | WELL furnished front bed room with sit_ , ting room joined by archway, for two the government each alternating young men; downtown; modern house stp . ’ > : lene ° reasonable terms Meals if desired strip in the coal fields Senator Box 24, News Office 193-96. Pittman believes that two desir-|. 1 7 nia FOR RENT—-One front room suitable for able ends will be accomplished, we 7 sinete room, both neatly fur , . , » 3 ag nished, modern house, rent reasonable while in throwing open to s¢ ttle Mrs. P. R. Harris, Angle Appts., 6th and ment the remaining areas on a Fulton. basis similar to that obtaining in all other sections of the country Alaska at last will have an op- portunity to develop. Silversides Bros. The Up-to-Date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties Vast Wilds of Alaska. Speaking of jaunts for business men, the exeursion planned by the Alaska bureau of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce is a rather ambitious undertaking. The cover distances aggregating 8, 000 miles, or one-third the cir- cumference of the earth. The figures give to the unthinking and uninformed an idea of the “Ye Olde Reliable” vast expanse of Alaska. 2nd Street Phone 156 Green The looking glass reveals our defects to ourselves. The wine glass discloses them to others. Subscribe for the Daily News. Port Edward GRANBY “THE SMELTER TOWN’’ TERMS One Quarter Cash—Balance 6, 12 and CONTINENTAL TRUST C SELLING AGENTS AND TRUSTEES LOTS FOR SALE—$100 and Up. PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For particulars apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. BAY — The steamer northbound, arrived at o'clock+ last night. She about midnight after waiting for = City of Seattle, seven cleared the Juvenile Bostonians, who went to Kitchikan after a sue- cessful engagement of eight nights in Prince Rupert. 18 Months “Oh, papa, Mr. posed last night.” “Are you sure he loves you?” Spooner pro- 0 LTD “He said he'd die for me, °9 ° papa!” “Well, you'll both die if you PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. try to live on the salary he's getting.’—Boston Transcript. ve © Stork Block, 2nd Ave = THE HOWELL SALVAGE COMPANY of Clothing, Men’s and Youths’ Shoes ket to be converted into cash in a g shattered, cost marks forgotten, losse purchasing opportunity EGE “ ra Ve, ——_—____— EEE SALE OPENS ON SATURDAY, MAY 31st, AT 9 a. m AES CTE aD Ca mato R CON IS EMOVAL ORs ROD CAE ESD 4 Stork Block, 2nd Ave oo SALE! 9 yy es in charge. The entire $20,000 stock and Furnishings is thrown on the mar- igantic Removal Sale. Profits will be s ignored in this once-in-a-life-time ye 2 3 ~ x 7 x ee “The News” Classified Ads. ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== . Soe | capeusseennmemnsmesemntenteds The Daily News has the lare- est circulation in Northern B.C, i ’ George Larmer of Naden Har bor is a patient in the Prince Ru pert Hospital, suffering from rheumatism. The B. C, Fisheries Company sent a number of boats north to fish salmon at Langara Island on Monday. It has been estimated the time occupied in covering the distance from the Honna River to Queen Charlotte is 35 minutes. manager of the of Commerce spent last week exploring the Graham Island scenery in the vicinity of Queet Charlotte. This was the gentle man's first trip to the islands J. M. Christie, Canadian Bank Prince Rupert, The new launch slip was placed this week. It is lo- Premier Hotel wharf in position cated between the and the Government Albert Derrick has remodelled the Mary Ann and renamed it the Lydia. He started fishing on Monday for the B. C, Fisheries Company. J. Oliver, W. Dass and ©. P Gill returned to Queen Charlotte on Friday. A week was spent in cruising in the vicinity of Lyell Island. Lawrence Young arrived in Queen Charlotte on Tuesday from Vancouver. He will return to re sume studies at business coll a few weeks. With a catch of 6,000 pounds of halibut the Japanese gasoline schooner Hanako touched here Monday morning on her way to Prince Rupert from the _ west coast. They report the fishing good, and there is a ready mar- ket for all they can The industry, as it is at present, fore shadows the tremendous scope of the business following the com pletion of the G, T. P. WRESTLED WITH HIS SKULL FRACTURED Zbyszko Wrestied for Twenty-six Minutes Though Suffering All Time with Broken Head. Montreal, May 26.—Constant Le Marin practically threw away chances whatever championship he night when, according to Referee George Touhey of Boston, he so deliberately fouled Stanislaus Zbyszko that he lost the first fall and $10,000 match of what was scheduled to be a best two out of three contest. Zbyszko is at the the Hotel Dieu with a fractured skull and other injuries which may keep him from the mat for ever possessed on Saturday months. Nineteen minutes after the contest began both men went through the ropes, Zbyszko re- ceiving a bad gash over the eye. They returned to the ring, blood pouring from Zbyszko’s wound, completely covering the men and necessitating a halt. Physicians stitched up the wound and the bout was resumed. Zbyszko was on the aggressive throughout and when he obtained a_ partial crotch and reverse half nelson, Le Marin, with a vicelike grip, fouled the Pole flercely that the referee, after a warning, dis- qualified the Frenchman, Zbyszko rose to his feet but fell over in a faint and had to be carried to his dressing room, It was then discovered tiat he had been wrestling twenty-six minutes with a fractured skull, He was hurried to the hotel, where his condition, though serious, is not likely to prove fatal. 80 Pat and the Clock. One of the inmates of a New York insane asylum, an Irish man, was sent to an adjoining ward to find out the correct time. He returned in a moment and an nounced: “Twinty minutes t’ twelve.” “Pat, are you sure that clock is right?" he was asked. “Roight, is it?” he replied, “D'ye think it wud be in this place if it wuz roight?’'—Judge GOING TO LONDON TO OFFER TREASURY CERTIFICATES Continued from Page 1 necessary to make a move in order to get money in the city ” eee beta were then intro | teeSUMMERe duced and earried to their third reading Che first of these au thorizes the issue of treasury cer tifeates to the amount of £81,712 id roughly 8371,000 the second bylaw authorizes the is sue of treasury certificates to the amount of £454,117 68 10d Made In Smart sen hee 4 7 equalling $735,437.73 Styles, Suitable Authority has already beet For Every Outd given by the lieutenant-governor Occadt oor in-eouncil for the council to i ‘asion sue and sell the certificates met YOUR DEALER HAS THEM tioned in the first bylaw, but in| You Might As Well Get regard to the second the council} THE BEST has power to issue such certifi CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED cates but cannot offer them for RUBBER CO., LimiTeD, sale without the consent of the} 2 MONTREAL. lieultenant- governor. il couneil A formal resolution was there fore introduced and passed re HELPFUL AND HARMLESS questing this consent } sa Acting-Mayor Naden then said] z that he hoped it would not be necessary to call 80 many special} meetings of the council, but if the aldermen could make it con veniant to have a meeting on Sat urday night to finally pass the bylaws one day would be saved No objection was raised and the council then adjourned to Sat urday evening. 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS As soon as these bylaws are], aan, Coen finally adopted and a copy filed| Dox postpaid ” | in the county court of Prince} Rupert, a petition will be for warded from the council to the lieulenant- governor- in- council praying for the necessary con sent to the sale of the said cer tifleates Ai the same time cer-| tifled copies of the bylaws and} OS 2S of the resolution passed by the council authorizing him to nego ied a) Get tho men whe “a tiate and sell the certificates, will! most” bought a piece of real estate be forwarded to the mayor in when it was cheap that is worth « ; London, fortune now That same man is likely at this time “almost” determined to buy some property now LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. But he fears, as he did then, the ‘ values have reached their limit Only one more day of bargai Don't be in the “almost” class ass goods at Vark's & Have decision Back your faith in m bre 5S d ; Wat : the future of Prince Rupert by estate purchases within your means Frank Hicks of Masset s - and you will come WINNER istered at the G, T. P. Inn Look these up — Lote 17 and 18, Bik. 32, Sec. 8 Charged with flehting Henry $860 each, cash $370 each, bal. t Poole was fined $10 and costs Govt. police court this morning Lots 18 and 20, Bik. 32, Sec. 8 $860 each, cash $372.50 each, be to Govt. Col, Roy and Miss Roy left on the s.s. Prince George this mort Lots 21 and 22, same diock, wilt ms j i t { 72 ft. frontage on 11! Ave and ing for their home at ictoria 403 ft. on Kent St., $2,500, cash $1,076, bal. to Govt «. G, MacLean of New Haze ton, was an arrival by last night's Sis train. Jas. KR. Stirrat, the contractor George Leek who has charge of the cement work at the G. T. P. dry dock, re PRINCE RUPERT turned last night from Seattle al after ¢ absence tt itw f Branch Offices in Every Part « ° after an absence from the ¢1 or United Kingdom several weeks Mrs. ©. Hl. Orme entertained a number of friends last evening in honor of her guest, Miss Orme, NEW STOCK OF SEEDS who leaves on Monday morning for her home at Vaneouver after|We have just a ship- spending a few months in the ment tity. ‘ung : TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS EED J. Griffin; who has been em CLOVER POTATO ian ployed on the mechanical staff |ALFALFA GARDEN S of the Omineea Herald at New FLOWER SEEDS Hazelton, for some time, was an|/ Mail orders Prom) led t arrival by last night's train Mr.| Griffin was previously on the FEED (0. mechanyal staff of the “Daily PRINCE RUPERT News.”’ Mr. C. VY. Evitt, accountant for le the Mack Realty Co., bas resign or a ed his position to ageept a sim —_— ilar one with the Georgetown saw mill. Mr. and Mrs. Evitt Lot 7, Block 1, % 1 will take up their residence at Georgetown, where Mr. Evitt en ters upon his new duties next 9 Monday. Terms $1,000 cash ) el Mrs. A. EF. MeMaster entertain Term s years; or $7,000 ed informally at the tea hour yes-|° : cash, bal, ovel terday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Gertrude Nelson of Port Arthur, who has been het ‘Harrison Gamble & Company | ’ guest for the past six weeks The | FINANCIAL AGENTS hostess received in a pretly gown . : Prince Rupert of white embroidered marquis Third Ave. : ette, while the guest of honor had| a charming froek of mauve mar quisette, with a corsage eluster) ent of violets, Mrs, Pillsbury pours al | O fea at a polished Lable, with Bat queunanaeren ee! 8 tenbure tea-cloth, and artistieal ly arranged centre-piece of| ¢, al ole $8.00 mauve sweet peas and maiden-|" oa’ Thnreas ea hair ferns, Mrs, H, B, Tremayne|’ od ' $25.00 and Mrs, A. J. Morris served the]. - ra x1, $20.00 delicious refreshments \ large | ® room hi number of friends availed them x room house, 4 $25.00 selves of the opportunity to say] Creek Bon Voyage to the hostess and)5 room house, « $15.00 her guest, who leave on Monday! Greek to spend the summer at their 3-room house, act Ha $12.60 parents’ cottage, at Loon Lake Creek ; Ontario Nearly all of the really great thoughts have alread the ught Cheer up have been forgotten, too, been Phey G. R. Naden Co., Ld. aie | | | | Real Kstate and Insul