2 F . rik DAILY NEWS Saturday, May ‘YOUNG GIRL KILLED | AND EATEN BY BEAR | (ettQGu Double Weekly Service at be TO THE SOUTH | | woay of Runaway Found After a by the splendid steamers “TRUNK Search of Several Days in PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Re >seobant California Mountains. ade Leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria ang s r °F ; Mondays and Fridays at 6 a. m wattle rruckee, | ‘al. May 27.—-After| For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A. m a week's search, the body of Miss For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 12 p.m Vinnie Colt, eighteen years old, | Steamers Prince John and Pripc . ind Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Van was found late yesterday in a ra Queen Charlotte Isianda, Calling at Way Port vine in the Sierra Nevada, twen hound Saturdays at & FP. M Also Weekly tv miles from Truckee, “She had! Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesda j RAILWAY SERViCE been killed and partially devour ed by a bear. Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, easthound The girl ran away from het Saturdays SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES i) 4!) home here on Wednesday of last week, Six days later a pet dog routes In commection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 6 YSTem that had accompanied her re esth to Sept. 30th Returninglimit Oct. Bist turned alone Since her disap-| For through tickets, reservation, et pearance three large posses, each THE DAILY ‘News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States ahd Mexico: Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, Weekly, | $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ©. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Ry © Albert | | | | ay A. €. MoMASTER, General Office Grd Avenue Prince Rupert Agent Trafalgar Square. led by one of her brothers, has iii Subscribers will greatly oblige by eo ee dae Phone 98 in se ae a er oe! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ° e's b ¢ A case of non- delivery « or inattention on the part o e News carriers over a large section of the moun one, ——ooeoeeooeeeeeeeeeeee—e———e—eEoEoEeoeoE=S®swQ0@“lOLla SSS aS tains. ARE YOU GOING EAST . my 4 SENC) DAILY EDITION aie Saturday, May 31, 1913. There were bear’ tracks all THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Period) Newenss SE ets on 2 around the spot where the body Special Breucsens Hey 0m to Sep- T/ CIGARS =: ToRAc; Js a was fo i, i t had bee d aK € ~ ictob Sis I$ MR. JUSTICE CRAIG gaiety of so Wonderful a pio- ged ie taseee dhamiiion “Mise , ‘oll Vancouver t0 toronto a sich es 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Olu» A WARM neer city as was Dawson in its ran away from home because of Vancouver to Montreal’ na — The Toronto Globe said rec- giddy youth, and the judge its a disagreement with her mother, |} vancouver to New ¥ork’ and ee : at yp ao an th i just as much in his element who is 75 years of ge. vancouver to Chicago and =i B li the new presicent © * there as he would be anywhere coal hiiee tai eee vee o ame pire Club of Toronto, “will ‘ene tenet ie, anait POPULAR WITH WOMEN Vee, eee oe owling Alleys find the atmosphere of the club} A®4 the Empire Club is a staid , Other Points’ Gorreapondingiy’ Low AND POOL ROOM i i i j j . ae , 4. @. MonNAB 4 ALLEYS wT much warmer than the atmos-| 4nd dignified institution which Rome, May 27.—Women thr Guieet heen Gok ee ate 6 et ef ABLES - : ETTE IN A CHARA E 3 jeneral Agen r. 3rd Ave & 6th Sti) ROBB, Prop ora A phere of the last club of which] could not have for its president ENGLISH SUFFRAG STEMSTIO POS oughout Italy are raising funds|f Princess Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M. Prince La nupert Employment Buren he was a member, the Zero a man of more gracious digni-]|Miss Elsie Mackenzie, the Suffragette leader, who is visiting in |¢op q testimonial to Minister of |" | aseaueee hae ne 264 Club of Dawson. If they can ; oe Toronto. The picture shows her in the garden admiring i ‘ eee listen ; ty in bearing and in speech ; . Posts and relegraphs Calissano —= SSS put up in Toronto and the ; ; Mrs. Pankhurst’s picture in the “Suffragette.” — because he got Parliament to |-——— Empire Club anything more than they have in Mr. Justice} sultry than a “High Jinks” of Craig. He is learned and elo- — : remove the barrier against wom L U M B E R | the Zero Club they will have to] quent and in every way fitted CO-OPERATION AND THE FRUIT en employees SN eae C O A L sink many degrees below bed-]| by his social charm for any Cr ea ee a Mother Now, Mabel, dear, C O A L New Wellington Coal. Best on the rock and then keep going some, such high position. id ae to suit the genial judge after Also, Mr. Craig in his open- GROWING INDUSTRY CONSIDERED ans you ty aoe yen * » his many years’ experience in| ing speech as president seem- ne, OF GO Or 8. Wer wie y ye Pp g sp preside eem and Phone 116 Rogers & Black auntie? the far north. And if thef ed proud of the honor. He said eiichceth Udeaen ost Cc lete Li f ’ : 3 r “ ae z > t oone 0 or a om e e ine oO jduge remains as light of food) that the claims of the Empire] yew gyLLeTIN ISSUED BY THE PUBLICATIONS BRANCH OF |walk with you.” —Life. e as in the early days of Dawson, Club had been recognized thr- BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES ; : THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR GEN- CART and as ready to toss his muck-| oughout the country, and _ it ERAL DISTRIBUTION. . LINDSAY AGE and luks over the chandaleer and| was agreed that there should be WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited STORAGE dance the Highland fling, he en Enperfa}) suatinent in this Those who are famitier with Scotia growers through their DEMAND Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents will be teaching those young] country. There are many Ca- bucks of Toronto a few aston- nadian matters which have an ishing lessons in high life and Imperial bearing, and the Pres- high jinks. ident wants the club to have But staid Toronto has possi- them well ventilated. The mat- bly no ambition to rival the ter of the alien vote is one. > Rovat Reserve |- sr emgaagmall WrHisky. |UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C., Lid o”or tS Benner me AG E 8 YEARS The Twin Screw Steamer Guapanreen BY SMITH & MALLETT 99 IRD AVE MERRMENT “Venture Rails Mating, Stcanstting wd Sheet Metal Work the history of apple growing in|central association in 1911 were Canada are aware that single/able to take care of a crop twice handed it has been very difficult,|the usual size. yes almost impossible, to succeed Besides the other great advan- in orcharding beyond a few trees,|/(ages of sure markets and good and that only since co-operation| prices secured for fruit the bul- became a strong factor in the en-jletin cites the sayings that are ’ terprise has the industry become |effected in buying supplies. here established on a permanent and|is given a list of the “purchases prosperous basis. During thejof one society in which the man- RecomMENDED FOR Pap nee 6 last decade of the past century it| ager claims to have made a saving Tne INVALID Arrives from Vencouver Every Phone |74 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and “th Sts e was no uncommon thing in parts}of $15,000 in one year on goods MONDAY NIGHT of Ontario to see splendid or-j| which cost in the aggregate $75, pu cree chards chopped down for fire-|;000 and included packages, ne NNOISSEUR wood. Growers could get little|spraying equipment and mate- Tne Pustic eae Cap Pure Tenpaehy Tees Tee vies ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. more for their fruit than the/rials, fertilizers, drain tiles, ete. who the praey end Granby Gay Tucedays, 6 & m. Oo ts oes actual expenses ineurred in pro- Che work is issued as bulletin want the best . (BCAN DIN ANIAN ducing it and so the industry had} No. 38 of the Dairy and Cold Stor- Ace. Purity ime te Censinee | Meets every 2nd and Ath Tuesday at & little to justify its continuance.|age Commissioner's series and is AND MELLOWNESS p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave I s under these cireumstances|for general distribution by the UNSURPASSED. Weremmers, 6.7. & In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we - os ee hes ota ta . * ra = r = “ nt i ; : : : 1at as a last resor le CO-oper-| Publications ranch 0 le e DISTRIBUTORS are offering exceptional bargains during the next few ; : ative movement in the industry|partment of Agriculture at Ot-|Ppjnee Rupert Importing Co., Ltd | days. Remember we Liave shoes to fit men, women, boys, began. That it has succeeded and|tawa. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Rogers Steamship Agency | D. O. STUART girls and babies, and there are bargains for al! with it the connercializing of | ——____ = Phone 116 i Accountant the apple industry on a large | 908 2nd Ave. ot Prone 280 PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © PRUGE RUPERT IW || Georgetown = ————— Extra Reductions ° ? scale.there can be no manner of) in Men $ Boots doubt, as already there have been organized throughout Canada no} less than 106 cooperative societ-| As we intend to go out of Men's Boots entirely we ies and the number is constant-| ° fate y | eeiiteme BALLS are offering extra special bargains to move the stock ly increasing. AND Sawmill Co Ltd. ° i N quick. To outline in more or less de- | | a. 2 a rristers, Solicitors, tail the principles of co-opera-| tion, the more desirable methods | to adopt in putting these prinei-| ples into practice and the objects} to be gained in apple growing by | le their adoption there has been is- ANNEX || Lumber ITM Ene | 5 | Mouldings |p.0. Box = prance KUPERY sued from Ottawa a comprehen- Owned and operated by the JOHN E. DAVEY THE sive bulletin entitled “Co-opera- f Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on a NURS CP 6800 VALID tion and Fruit Growing.” It has the American and European pian. an fesgp stock “Oe —_ TEACHER OF SINGIN Third Avenue e Prince Rupert been prepared by Mr. Alex. Me- Excellently furnished, with nee & specialty. Delivery PUPIL OF WM. POON, HOG, ABRAM. ON. BN Neil, Chief of the Fruit Division steam heat, electric light, and all made at short notice. ’ who is recognized as one of the modern conveniences, being abso- foremost authorities of the day lutely first-class in every respect. Our prices are as low as any. on the subject of fruit culture, The appointments and service Call on us before ordering. HAYNER BROS. K commerce and co-operation. are equal to any hotel on the ‘ UNDERTAKERS ane meee MIR ANY In this work of 46 pages the coast. | =." e » subject is treated from praetic- OFFICE: Lae oe Ore, soar em ™ THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 ally every standpoint that inter- ests the Canadian apple grower. vigil . oe EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. - Plumbers Sepplice Bigge Gasp Not only are the essentials and “Rates: $1 ee to $3.50 per by Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. | - HARDWARE methods of co-operation clearly a . ow | = brought out but the advantages REV. DR. D. G. McQUEEN } E. L. FISHER Varnishes Se Greniteware being derived through its agenecy|Of Edmonton, Moderator of the _ Advertise in Funeral Director and Embsimer are clearly shown. Presbyterian Assembly which G. A. Sw M CHARGES REASONAB! MONARCH MALLEABLE * y Satisfactory Dealing with the labor prob- will meet in Toronto next , eet, anager’. 2nd t., cor. 2nd nee, _ Phone 366 Range.”’ lem which confronts every kind| month, with delegates from all ews —— of farming it is shown that Nova over Canada. } Scoop Wasn’t Taking Any Chances Drawn for The Daily News OH B055-TAKE @ SLANT MAS~ A FELLOW BET THE Fe ID JER DMT GAMBLE VERY > AT MY NEW FLASHER- Me THAT I Was Too BEY wird HEAVILY ON IT, MYSELF - \ L PuT EVERY CENT I SMALL TO WEAR A WAS Riatir' ALL I INVESTED was THAT HAD IN IT - THINK ITs A LOT SAFER THAN PUTTING MY MONEY im A BANK -To WAVE IT INA DI@QMOND AND WT ME ALU YHe Time “ov ARE Yoo SMALL. To WEAR A DiamMonyp SPARKLER -Saip SOME BODY WouLd BE SURE YO TAke ir Aawer . MICKEL THar YOU | GAVE ME YESTERDAY: \ Se \\ S\N 419 INTL ain ~ BALTE~ Me - ed oe