— PREMIERS OF THE BALKANS TO HOLD CONFERENCE IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL OF VANCOUVER POLICE HERO—BREWSTER ELECTED LIBERAL LEADER ISUAL SUNDAY ROUGH HOUSE BY rows yn “uo Se SUFFRAGETTES IN HYDE PARK | is. ssissiccn snnonoe £%ytmdy ana wits an stoamer Zapora, of Tacoma, run| Family Was Out Yesterday, i. a aground at 5:40 Saturday after Enjoying the Sunshine. MILITANTS DEFIED ORDER OF POLICE CLOSING THE PARK noon north of Dead Tree P a | - AGAINST THEM—"GENERAL” FLORA DRUMMOND l witele : vib ias en aa oe |} Every peratmbulato: in tewn BETTER—HER TRIAL POSTPONED. Telands, fhe wae ne narlotte | was busy yesterday and proud ee P ” ee Mr. Everybody with his wife and ;communication with the wireless , Specia The Daily News. jed | sh the speakers, but stations at the ial _|family in their best ibs and t i ‘ pon and a : l : June 2 Defying the}much | ul inazement ehnetnaie Isiand, and managed (UCR ere ae we njoying the yo losing Hyde Park) pp, ., ‘ 1aced by disvip-|float off with the high tide at sunshine and welcoming with fo the ings, the Women's | | ined girls wicidian eheuh. olube 8 60 the sathe evening huge smiles the coming of sum Social a litical Union se ma) 2 a ot? ae enigamald er mer The wharves were crowd- ; esterday who held : ; ed with the present and the next eth the for a long time un “joo sma wie hooting eee ‘HALIBUT FISHERMEN generation of citizens, and there gg ection of male sym singing while the police _ “dl were many exeursions to Metla ih . s armed with weighty od . Se ae cher a WERE NEARLY LOST katlah, Tugwell Island, Sehwat- cubs. When the comparatively — . lans and other points rhe rip- peacefu 1-militant organiza | Borealis Experienced Extremely |pling bay was as crowded with Sans are still permitted London, June , Genera! | Rough Wetaher on Her Last boats as were the streets with i se the park, finished their|Fiora’ Drummond me of thet Rough Weather on Her Last perambulators. [t was the great- eustomal mall demonstration, | militant suffragettes underwent | Trip—Good Catch. est day ever for motor boats as the fags of the Women’s Social) a suctessful operation here this] ~ well as row boats. wd P i] Union were raised| morning A second operation | The Borealis of the Atlin Fish- foday was another gorgeously ai twelve ferent points and as|/Wwill be performed soon and it is|eries, Ltd., arrived in port Sat fine day and new styles were in- many speakers harangued = the|/ probable therefore, that her|urday evening With a cargo of|introduced in straw hats and erowds trial will be ndefinitely post-| between 50,000 and 60,000 | suits minus vests Mr. Dowling, Mobs of en and women start poned until she is well }pounds of halibut, The captain the weather sharp, promises reported unusually rough weath-|that the weather: of these two —_— er for the time of year. On one]days are samples of what we lof the days he was out it grew] shall get fer the King’s Birth- IMPRESSIVE stormy so suddenly that he had|day, which is tomorrow, and a considerable difieulty in picking holiday that will be observed all POLICE HERO IN VANCOUVER .-'." Sci. 0) “7S | The work of unloading and Sree RNY |packing the catch occupied nea BREWSTER IS CHOSEN ’ ly all of yesterday and the Gov- ~ FULLY SIXTY THOUSAND PEOPLE LINED STREETS TO CEME- ernment wharf was one of the|Qnly Liberal in Last Legistature TERY AND OVER SIX HUNDRED IN THE FUNERAL busiest places in the city, hun Now Leader of Party. PROCESSION. neds of aneceeiad Gaeneiane ell watching the operations Revelstoke June 2 H c. Special to The Daily News. Meiais, firemen and = seldiers 4 rather em) Z ineident | Brewster Was Sehosen as leader he ‘ June 2 Following |together with ten visiting con-|happened while a News re if the Provincial Liberals at the @e of the ost impressive, and tingents, marched with slow | porte was on the scene he} convention here Mr. Brewster, Wal is without a doubt the most tread behind the remains, pay-| engineer of the Borealis was get-| during the last parliament, was largely a ded, funeral ever] ting ready to siphon gasoline|the only Liberal in the house. ducted in British Columbia, |'"* their last respects to one wh from tanks on the wharf to the|He is a cannery man who makes Police stable James Archi-|died while doing his duty tank on the ship He threw one]his home in Victoria His can- bald, wh was murdered by apenas end of the rubber hose for that} mery is located on the west coast thugs last Wednesday, was laid] MINISTER RESIGNS purpose to a man on the Boreal-|of Vancouver Island at Clayo- in bis lust resting place at Mout - is who is no noviee around gas-} quot in View cemetery yesterday} Caracas, Venezuela, June 2 oline boats, asking the latter to —_—_— afte Lining the streets}! Northcote, United States} yu; it in the funnel. To the in- ONLY AVERAGE SHOOTING heach side as far as the cere *|imint nister to Venezuela, has re-/iense amusement of the specta- ee ry we crowds numbering;signed. He sails from here lO-ltors he inserted it in the smoke] Theugh Weather Was Fine Yes- fully ¢ 0 persons, while over|day, leaving his office in charge pipe from one of the stoves terday for Eari Grey Rifles. #0 of his brother officers phd bw a clerk Needless to say he looked fool- oo ish when the crowd roared There was a good turn out of -- +--+ the Ear! Grey Rifles at the ranges NOOSEVELT GETS SIX CENTS IN SO HIY DASPATCRED Soap Re oe seg DAMAGES TO HIS REPUTATION cae dg heaegaers Sgr Most of the Cases Were Ad- : 5 owever, the shoot é t — N TO Journ and me ok or oo she andes a shana AOGMENT IN THE FAMOUS LIBEL SUIT IN REFUTATIO Rex vs. Gyr This Afternoon, fo us which marksmen will THE CHARGE THAT THE BIG MOOSE GOT camemaes on connote with interest, testifies: FREQUENTLY. The June session of the county 200 500 600 ° court opened this morning before Git tale. hn ii re } TY . 2 son. a N ork newspaperman; S ds ds. ds o Special to The Daily News. son, a New ¥ bal His Honor Judge Young and] py sarmeson a he ee ee ' ' ; . “|, a forme! oOco- 7. aa ee ey Marquette, Mich. June 2.—It}Andrew A Abel, a fo lasted but a very short time, | po" wan 0° 30 a6 ae ~ expected that the libel ecase}motive fireman; Edwin Emerson, The majority of the cases were bine “te 33 rr * a deh by Colonel Roosevelt [a Cuban rough rider campaigner, ' pened Gan 6 Tie wers steutk sere bean . ee 33 38 38 = inst ar , : ditor ‘ ws am a pte: 7 . Lieut, MeMordie 80 31 23 84 Would tak: a Car bres : and A, Z, Blair, a former com- off Pte Clapperton 24 19 24 $7 a couple of weeks in mm pleas judge of Ohio, was £ ee _» | Pte. Russell 29 20 is 67 e tr oe i ate: 2 7 : th (ria but all the evidence om : ; in ote ayer or ihe ene en Sas 19 Hs it Hy Was Friday night and Satur that during this campaign est was that of Rex vs. Cyr, an Bus. Thompson 19 4 9 42 fay the ay suments of counsel}/Cuba with the rough riders,j/appeal from summary conviction | Bug. Toporten 14 12 ia 40 Were made and the case given to} Colonel Roosevelt drank only jon a charge of selling liquor the jury The jury returned al/black coffee or water and never without a license. It was ad- Verdict aw ding the plaintifY 6}liquor of any kind: that during|journed until 2 o’elock this after- feils in damages and the costs|his political campaigns the} noon. PI Cl A | Were not assessed colonel drank champagne only Nelson vs. Prince Rupert- Roose sued for 810,000] occasionally and never to excess, Skeena Transportation Co, Ad A, aga { rge A. Newett pub that while Colonel Roosevelt kept] journed to 11 a. m. Wednesday, . he Tron Age, the libel-|a large and varied supply of Kelly Carruthers Co vs : “US matter particularly eom-| wines at his home he never in-|Creech, Struck off, Piained of being that during the|dulged in them immoderately Hale vs. Chapman Adjourned *anpaig ast year, in which the | The merely nominal amount/to next court, ™ ' candidate for the|of damages was much comment Carlton vs. Union Transfer & OPERA HOUSE wre was the published|ed upon in the crowded court]/Storage Co, Struck off a stat » streets outside, Cunningham & Son vs. Me Roosevelt gets drunk|room and in the and tha ot infrequently, and !as it was proved in evidence that] Coskrie Adjourned to next ™ his hate fr : 0 it.’ [thousands of the newspaper con court, TO-NIGHT friends. know The result was that to sub-]|taining the libel had been printed Hastings vs. Chapman Ad — ile his claim that the de-Jand distributed for campaign journee te next ra be dant ‘'s In error Roosevelt purposes, and whether the 6 Gilmore vs, MeCoskrie, At brought dozens of his personal[cents worth of redress is sup journed to next court The Bonnie Banks of ends | testify——newapaper posed to represent the value of rhompson & Sons, Ltd., vs aa ‘ho had accompanied him|the ex-presidents Fe putation or]Hayner Bros, Struck off, Loch Lomond re his ‘upaign and other trips,| merely the damage done to such MeMillan vs. Hillis. Placed at ee { his cabinet, men who}a world-wide reputation — Was foot of tim ; ““! been wtih him in the Cuban} warmly debated Silversides Bros, vs. Northern B R I T I S H wa ( o Laundry Coa, Adjourned to tf ‘Nd in the interior of Africa, vy “I ton a large number THE WEATHER. a.m. Friday, . . GAZETTE lepoorten vs, Union Transfer | depositions. All of ' 4 tig *s Called by the plain rhe weather report at 5 o'clock} & ee ae Adjourned to 2 ™ on mes -- ' led that he was only ajthis morning read Bat ter; Dp = . a an? ~ » , p THE TRA PORT de . - sal empe ure ackets 8. ion ranstfer & one ‘ ' user of intoxicants, | 30,152; maximum fempers \ storage Placed at f of A Two-Reel Feature Enacted he meg : 2; minimum temperat en Orage aced at foot o — k 1488 Of testimony | 62 , th | list on the G. T. P } h of the inner life of|Mean temperature for th noe ven . h 4 | was laid bare of May, 48.4; highest tempera wien Oy Lid., = Hart, a Dstance of the testi-|ture during May 62, on th ith,| Adjourned to June 30th, May —— Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, ¥ kiven by Philip Roose-|lowest temperature durins Admission 100 and 160 eo YOUNR son of the colonel’s|36, on the fifth; preeipitatio! “harles Willis Thomp-|the month, 6.75 inches fo THREATENED “WITH DEATH |_ | Jews in Russian Poland Cali on| Russia for Protection. St. Petersburg, June 2 A de tachment of 300 Russian fron tier guards has been sent to the Kalisz district of Russian Poland owing to the Jewish inhabitants of the villages of that district having relations with them re- ceiving anonymous letters threatening them with death PRIZES FOR BIGGEST SINGLE TROUT CATCH Doc Evans Winner of the Hand- some Hand-made Rod Offered By Sidney Smith The handsome hand-made fly rods that have been on exhibition in the window of the Prince Rup- ert Hardware store for some time have been distributed to the win- ers. The one donated by J. Sid- ney Smith, of the Atlin Fisher- ies, for the best single catch of trout, was won by Doe Evans with a catch of 26 1-4 pounds These were taken from Boneyard creek, near Mile 21, on May 5th. O. H. Smith is the winner of the $25 hand-made fly rod pre- sented by the Prince Rupert Hardware Supply Co., Ltd., for the largest trout. It was a rain- bow trout measuring 32 inches long, 14 inches girth and weigh- ing 8 3-4 pounds. This was caught in Hays creek on, May 7th Among other competitors for the prizes were Ben Self with a 22 pound catch, and ©. J. Smith with a 16 pound catch, the lat- ter also being taken in Hays creek. WHOLE FAMILY KILLED IN THE FAMILY FEUD Young Couple and Daughter Dead—Outsiders May Be Responsible. (Special to The Daily News Greeley, Colo., June 2.—An entire family was killed in a duel between Robert Stanley, a farm- er sixty miles east of here, and his wife some time yesterday, ae- cording to information _ tele- phoned to the coroner today. According to reports the Stan- leys were a young couple and the daughter was a baby. Some of the neighbors believe the family was murdered by an outsider and the revolvers found were placed in the home as a “blind.” POET LAUREATE AUSTIN HAS ENDED HIS CAREER Became Successor to Alfred Ten- nyson After Four Years During Which Office Was Vacant. (Special to The Daily News.) London, June 2.—Alfred Aus- tin, for seventeen years the poet \ laureate of Great Britain, died yesterday at the age of 77. He was born at Headley, Leeds, educated at London University and in 1861 published a_ satire called “The Season,” which con- tained some vigorous verse of undoubted promise. For some years he was connected with the Daily Standard as leader writer and also wrote for the Quarterly Review. From 1870 to the pres- ent time he has published some half dozen volumes of poems, all displaying a deep love of nature and no littl of the true poetie feeling He was appointed laureate in 1896, after the of- fice had been vacant for four years. He will probably be buried in Westminster Abbey, war EAGLE ON FIRE Famous Rossiand Mine in a Big Blaze This Morning. (Special to The Daily News.) Nelson, June 2.-The shaft of the War Bagle mine at Rossland cau@bt first this morning and is still burning flerecely. The shaft house has been entirely destroy- ed. No lives have yet been re- ported lost, BALKAN ALLIES SQUABBLING STILL ABOUT SPOILS OF WAR CONFERENCE OF PREMIERS TO BE HELD ON THE BULGARIAN FRONTIER HAS BEEN AGREED TO—GREECE AND SERVIA ALLIED. - - + Special to The Daily News.) views on the situation. During London, June 2.—Dr. Daneff,|the comference of premiers the the Bulgarian peace envoy, left| attempt will be made to settle all for Sofia today in response to a|matters in dispute between the despatch from his povernment, | allies. the contents of which have not ——_— been given out for publication. Salonika, June 2.—A_ report It is believed to be in connection from a _ credible ar with the meeting of the premiers . +. Gale a of the Balkan allies to beheld on|*@t 4 political and commereial the Bulgarian frontier. undersLanding has been reached ——— by ihe Greeks and Servians Sofia, June 2.--An agreement]against the claims of Bulgaria. as to principle for a meeting of{The Bulgarian commander in- the premiers of Bulgaria, Servia,| formed the Greek commander to- Greece and Montenegro’ wasj|day that the Bulgarian troops reached yesterday by the Bul-[ would mot advance any farther garian and Servian ministers,}and that the recent movenients who met at Tsaribrod on thefof Bulgarian soldiers were not Bulgarian frontier to : ee intended in any hostile spirit. NOW EVERYTHING IS READY FOR THE MAYOR TO RAISE THE CASH BYLAWS FINALLY ADOPTED ‘AND ALSO RESOLUTION EM. POWERING MAYOR PATTULLO TO SELL THE TREASURY CERTIFICATES The city council at the special; without full power, and put the meeting on Saturday evening| motion, which was carried with formally passed the two bylaws|4idgepman Maitland voting in the for the issuance of approximate- negative. ly $1,106,437 of treasury certifi- cates, and also the resolution; This morning City Clerk Woods empowering Muyor Pattullo to|despatched certified copies of the dispose of the same as he|bylaws and the resolution to thought fit. There was no dis-|Mayor Pattuilo, and also a peti- cussion except in regard to the|tion to the lieutenant governor resolution, in regard to which|in council for permission to is- Alderman Maitland took excep-|sue the treasury certificates in- tion to the wording. He consid-|dicated in the second bylaw ered it was giving the mayor too|passed, for $735,437, consent for much power to dispose of the|/the issuing of the balance hav- certificates “as he thought fit,”"jing beem obtained already. A and that he ought to communi-|telegram was read at the meet- cate the price offered before he'ing of the council from Premier made any sale. He noticed that|MeBride stating that he had ar- the price of debentures was now/|ranged to take up the matter on 82. He would not be in favor of| Wednesday. So that, all round, selling for less than 95. the telegrams from the mayor The mayor said it was useless|have been acted upon with expe- sending a man on such a mission] dition. NEW PROV. BUILDINGS — LABOR PARTY WIN IN BUILT BY DAY LABOR = AUSTRALIA ELECTION Excavation for Permanent Bidgs. | Practically Assured of Being Re- Will Start This Week Under turned to Power, Although Road Superintendent. Nearly Whole of Press een Against Them. William Manson, M. P. P., in- —_—: terviewed by the “News” this Melbourne, June 2.—Although morning in jregard te the new]nearly the whole of the press of provincial buildings, said that|Australia is against them, the he expects to see a start made|]labor party is practically assured this week on the excavation.}of being returned to power in the ° This is to be done by day labor} federal parliament, according to under the supervision of John]{the latest returns last night. Manson, road superintendent, |The election was marred by rough weather, but that did not deter the party supporters from going to the polls. The voting was heavy, quite the heaviest known in the commonwealth, and was nearly all on strict party lines. Certain matters that have to be arranged between the city and the government have caused some littl delay, but everything is now taking shape for an im- mediate start, rhe plans have been received for the new temporary building Contrasted with Canada. on Third avenue, which is also Fremantle, W. A. June 2.— to be erected by day labor under} yo. Mp Nolan, attorney general the supervision of EB, H. Shockley. of New South Wales, returning It is to be a two storey building} oon, an extended visit to the old of even more imposing appear- country, during an interview ance than the present govern- | isieg that he wae surprised at ment offices on Second avenue.ling view of English people in re- Mr, Shockley is now busy ©M-| 2274 to the commonwealth. Their ploying men for the work, idea of the country, he said, was rhe temporary building is|an absolute misconeeption, and for the accommodation of the people judged Australia by what court room, judges’ chambers,!had been seen in Canada. Wher- registrar of court, sheriff andleyer he spoke he always made possibly for other oMlees, Sound. a point of emphasizing the faet ings were taken this morning/ithat Australia was not a replica - preparatory to the necessary ex-/of her sister dominion in consti- eavation and an early start willltution nor in ideals, Australians be made, he concluded, should make an rae effort to reassure London finan- If you require a chair or couch|eciers and aequaint the world re-upholstered, get prices at Geo.| with Australia’s democratic pol- D. Tite's, 128-tf | iey, roa ed ee Samia ee ss Ppteeeenees EI, sani: 2g een ee 4 { es ee atm a anes