» : 2, 1949. Monday, June THE DAILY NEWS 6 LAND PUR ASE NOTICES. | rand District pistriet of Ca r minecs ! 4 onnt t tee Mackechnie, of rake notice Li" gecupation surgeon, 60 pence, nate wend to apply to. the fier ioner of Lands to purchase et | mot «916A,, Cassiar District, rveyed situated near mile 136, see punk pacine, containing 43.7 ran S eae eres mo toy MACKECHNIE oF. W, Met RADY, ©. E., Agent re and dated March 10th, 1013 sake ackecnnie, N. B c p. Apr. 14 4919-——June 9, 1013 j f an + pietriet—Distriet of Coast, range V Emma Waterous Ag nh. C., oceupation married apply for permission to wing described lands: 1¢ & post planted om the Lake Hayward, pear Falls f the Hocsall, thener hains, thence east 20 Sy es Rone. THE PRICE or HOMAGE s Apr 1013 pated APT 1013-——dume 16, 1013 eee | NCE when King Edward VII. paid a visit to Sheffield, etric € of Ce t . . ‘ a a oa all the fires in factories and plants were allowed to thence West 20 chains, “" pot ; - morgeres Boreas die out NX te I lin S tals . i prince KUPC!” 0 apply for permission to - Not a whee in Sheffield turned a. ‘nowing described Jamas: | four hours. @,The primary object of this was to lift the | t Lot 006, Canes OS pall of smoke that hovers over that wonderful steel-produc- ) thence west 20 chains ing city, and to ensure, 2s far as man was able, a bright day 2 no beineag 40 ecres more and a blue sky for an auspicious occasion, @,It was lee MARGARET B. GRANT I Sheffield’s expression of respect. pated Apt th, 1013 pub. Ap 1913-—June 16, 1913 . is wait UT the action was unique—it was unprecedented—it gens Land District — District of Coast,| was unthought of that those hundreds of mighty A SUFFRAGETTE OUTRAGE AT FULHAM, ENG cee that I, Charles H. Ziegler, | ; furnaces, rag night and day, and those seething . , r i vod a, EDEIaN, ee eee ts purchase | boilers, with quiverin r valves, should ever be allowed to The pavilion — oe bowling green at FuJham, England, destroyed by fire. Suffragettes pe rollowing 1e0cr bee er esd at the cool. @, This extinguishing of fires cost Sheffield hundreds met oh proeest corner of Lot 38, thence Borie) of thousands of dollars—the price of the effort to get back per — —_—_—— Ss i aoe, atone again to high-power e‘liciency. FUR SEALS CAUGHT |e token at the treetieg| eee commene , jlegally taken a 1e yreeding Te eT aE Teco | OME business men i1 Canada pay an unwitting homage NEAR BELLA BELLA) crounds and sealed and certified | Mote! and @tare with Meremandize eset March 919t, 1918. ¢ pe, oe —-? z ; ; ai. Completely Destroyed. apr. 14, 1013—June @, 1043 | not to a king, but to a superstition—the superstition - by a government official. Mr. as ———_______—_ -| that hot weather justifies letting the fires of business Mad to Plead They Were Killed | W hiteside showed the skins to Fire destroyed the hotel and pou ee energy go out. They stop Advertising in the Summer " on Kah jthe customs officials and after @) store at Chicken Lake last Mon- rate that 1, Daniel Brenton Ken. | = _ 2 paying —— to tradition, custom, supersti- aT, . oe rrp of the roe set day. Broughton & MeNeil, who ‘hel eae purchase — acy have a owed CUmmSe to become their dull’ If you were out in a boat in|4own by the convention aforesaid| owned the premises, had a large ie » season. @,You know how dull it can be when you don’t the pursuit of your business and|it was allowed that he could plead) stock on hand and the loss was f Lot 6490, thence ports advertise. Do you know how brisk it can be made by len acquatic carnivorous mam | that he had acted in self de-|complete, only a few articles be- me A Advertising? Do you realize how much momentum you mal of the family Phocidae, Cal- a nian oie te.8 jing saved. The fire started in 0 Tes OO EL BRENTON KENNEY now lose in the Summer that must be regained in the Fall ? lorhinus Alascanus, jpocked its | t i. okine will bo Geumeme ily hanes of Se hotel and DAN NTON KENNE yy 7 , Ss to London to be properly treat-| spread so rapidly that there was pt Dee ie | Inose above the side of your boat|ed and cured. no chance to save anything in the to climb rT store, which was a part of the a DON’T LET YOUR ADVERTISING FIRES DIE pevelpenpealep ie rnge gem land | pesiee. 4 istrict of Coast, OUT THIS SUMMER. over and get inside, what would A pretty girl may be the apple|same building. A warehouse a of a young man’s eye and the|few yards away was also burned, take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of iyou do it? If you shoot it you} varmovii, NoYa Scotia, occupation married lemon of his purse. but the bunkhouse was saved. coma, wiends to apply for permission to ;are, according to the provisions ‘ yorcnase Live wing described lands | : — : —=_ = 4 Comme at @ post planted at the of a solemn convention held in = ‘ t of Lot 6142, thence west ‘ 50 cums, thence north 20 chains, thence July, 1941, liable to bring down east ? itis thence south 20 chains following ihe meander of the Lakelse Lake on your head the wrath of the 1 7 \ pout of commencement, containing >. ‘ ' ‘ Bik @ acres @ r less ; : Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Can- President of the United States a mae n JinnEY Agent adian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room His Britannic Majesty, His Maj- | baled AD tb. 1913 en 603 Lumsden Building, Toronte. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so As) Pub, Apr. 2 1913—June 16, 1013 write, if interested esty the Emperor of Japan and ii 2 TH His Majesty the Emperor ofall Hh a strict—District of Cgast ; : that 1, Sam Ennyu, of the Russians. I . occupation lumberman my : apt r permission to purchase Mr. Robert Whiteside, the well a wing described land i ¢ at @& post planted at the Kl vn cannery man, while out In eS f Lot 182, Kenge & | : the bank of the Ka Yex a boat near Bella Bella had such ar chains west, thence 2? = ; re thence 20 chains east to the an experience He did not shoot} ” : a .. ee ot = — ———————— the Callorhinus Alascanus, but / i he clubbed it on the nose till it} ae : ‘i? emet otajning 40 acres more . — SAM ENNYt IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION LONG LOST VERSES The invitation stated that the was hors de combat and when A DUPLICATI me he treated lk bated Ag th. 1043 FOR THE ISSUE OF AT ate » ak Ma 1913-—-June 30, 1013 EI rari. ATE OF riTLs FOR LOTS OF THE BIBLE FOUND Unionists were desirious that Mr ae came al “ : SS AND 4 ock 5 ‘ 6, Cl oO} i 1 same way e then sksin- PRINCE RUPERT, MAP #2 Birrell! should see what they are . al ‘ i | Seems Land bistrt 1 ‘District of Coast ‘ e is hereby given that it is my u ' ie od a ned the = salted the skins nge te i ssue at the expiration of one - doing to defend their rights and took them Vanecouve!l Tame that O} , 0 j pont ter the first publication hereof ¢ +. am a Ole 3. Jengen, of mus- | anth after tee oret Publication hereof a Transtation of Manuscript Found The drills are likely, however Here he found that he had en- = a r permission to purchase 4! = mentioned lands a — = Al in Egypt Reveals New to be well watched by secret serv- countered trouble because the We wing described lands Der A a, ert aioe 1011 ~— Words of Christ. . - — f rece » animal with the long name is a bait ¢ e at ; — preneee about i n - 7 4 * 4 » & we men in view Oo recent re- 1 a le iong iam é . ‘ t th o . so P or rit ‘ a> wi - 7 : \ eane, themes ennteriy 7 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar London, May 17 Some long |ports that the Ulster movement fur seal and no citizen of the SIR ALAN AYLESWORTH AS A FAN ig : aes Je the west boundary Land Rometry One Prince Rupert, B. « missing verses of the New Testa- ‘is very much larger and more|United States or subject of the The former Minister of Justice,with Lady Aylesw th atchi Ti 245 sence South 30 chains s 1 ‘ e Tormer 2 ste § "e,Wi sady Aylesworth, W ‘ning Bury : a slough, thence westerly w--May i1@—June 16, 191 ment are included in the manu-/| formidable than the authorities other powers named has any the International Leafs of Toront win a game © chains & r less to the east bout i i llihaieliaaeasaiiitiins a J c . ‘ ie i all | > oro ’ " ary of No. 35246, ‘hence north 30 | ~ ; : aout ie eoagemamgner —— of the gospels discovered | thought it was, right to have a seal skin in his] os mh less to the point of com- | SAl BY ORDER 0 COUR Uv v in “zvpl, six vears ago and pur- italning 120 acres more or HALP INTEREST IN LOT 34, BLOCK 82 i a . . : , i — — ak tee terete cate eee sattntincstia Hl een SECTION 5, PRINCE RUPERT chased by Charles L. Freer, of ‘ ‘LE J. JENSEN, Locator By order of His Honor Judge F. Mel etre . accor , a | SEN kD Apeat. | yoke cal judge of the Supreme Court De it, Mich., according to a Dated . r . Dated March 28th, 1013 jumbia, the half interest of | Study made of the Freer manu- f Br i i Pub. Apr. 21, 1913-——Jume 16, 1013 . I ’ Hu Gallagher, deceased, in an agreement . a “ ce aoe oat et 34, Block 2%, Section &, in| Seript by the Times A fac | the City of Prince R ipert, will pes i D\simile of the manuscripts has| ’ or after the 17th day une a LAND LEASE NOTICE. are . mere to Michael Gallagher, adminis- | been presented to the British | ee - — —— pean 7 Williams & Manson, Prince) Museum by the University of! iupe . ome la . = District of Coast, w--May 19-—— June 9,10913 Michigan, to which Mr. Freer as-| (an V E —* —_ signed the task of publication, abe that Frank B. St. Amour of : : . . are 70 tin - S of nee Rupert, in the Province LAND PURCHASE NOTICE and, according to the Times,| pply fo mbia, prospector, intends to there have been found in the} wi , Lissiul m to jease the follow : ’ Me descrit land Skeena Land District sproertes of Coast,| gospel of St. Mark several verses -— g at a pest planted on the Range ie ; {Hi coast of Banks Island, British Co rake notice that The Prince Rupert | Wii h eceur in no other known | _ ‘ u shore of a small unnamed Hydro-Electri Co Limited, f Prince manuseript of the New Testa-| - aad being about five (5) miles if 80) Rupert, B. ¢ intends to apply for permis-| on cs n from End Hill, thence | sion to purchase 40 acres of land near the |rnent, although they were known aty 80) chains, thence north) jocsall River, bounded as follows 0 8 srome 1otes um | vaaty (2 cums, thence west eighty coavmencing at & post planted on the to St. Jerome, who quotes them | chains ins, thenee south twenty 20 north end of Lake Madeleine near the out in part. | cont ' : f commencement, 404 jet thence chains, thence west 20 a i ’ a ; oes hundred and sixty (160) | chains, ther sO chains, thence east In the Freer manuscript, after ! ? wore r less 20 chains to fp f commencement, Con the massage in which it is said} iets FRANK B. ST, AMOUR, Locator. | taining 40 acres more or less i 4 S Mae gee tte feeeeke’ init ning 4) OUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC | that Jesus upbraided his disciples ow May 5, 1013-—Jume 30, 1913 co.. LIMITED : Bal sein : \ se } 7 - - : Per George H. Kohl, Agent for their _— lief, the text con- Dated May 16th, 19135 tinues as ollows: WATER NOTICE. i ub. May 26, 1913——July @1, 1913 : \ For a License to Tak , And they excused themselves, e to Ta Bac 7 = eee on Not pintiaiyn eae skeena.| Saying that this age of lawless-| gitice is hereby given that G. Rh. T.|Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena at — to : Kupert, B. C., will apply rake notice that Samuel A. Brown Jt ness and unbelief is under Satan, ee! 7 Store or pen back 200 acre of Prince Rupert B. ¢., oceupation evé'-|who through the agency of un-| Streay anal from an unnamed creek, 4 peer, intends to apply for perthiss: m t . ' flowing in an easterly direction and purchase the following de seribed lends nai! lean spirits suffers not the true | T itto Goose Bay neaP Granby Bay reinmencing @t & post planted at the) 0. ae @ pe et . ¢ water will be stored ip &| southeast corner of Lot 2626, thence west power of God to be apprehended © be | ; ye Sallons capacity, built) 40 chains, thence south se cane, the = For this cause, said they une) ire : 099 feet from mouth of east hains, thence north 40 chains & 7 en bu veng d, Will be used for domesti« = f commencement, containing 160) ¢ hrist, reveal now at once Thy} i licens, Uber & Motiee of application for res more OF leas | rightec ‘ were with take and use Water, posted , SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR righte use a5 Mjoining the land deseribed as land Dated April 25th, 1013 yo And Christ said unto them the sil vest © o 7 y Town 1 uly 2 91 ‘ — 7 oo Cammy Say toe Pub. May 5 1019-—suly oe _ | limit of years of powers of Satan m the was posted on the ground | ~ ee ; is not fulfilled, but it draweth Diica lay of April, 194%. The ap-|Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Wailer hs. be fied in the office of the Range V near the text here as elsewhere ' . it Prince Rupert, Bb. ¢ Tak not that I Louies swuriol M eorrt \ e ! t tice ' 5 0 ipt Wat inay be filed ith the said 4 sist K yecupation farmer, intend : , all t Water nee oF with ‘tne Compirolle Geeppiy. for permission to purchase th For the sake of those that Anheuser-Busch imports more Saazer than other brewers Victoria ghis ariiament = Bulidings he te described lan ; : . 7 Ie: . , 104-40. folcommencing at & planted at the} have sinne d was [ given up unto “ s this exclusive Saazer Hop flavor that | j their ' o ; 6. BR, T. SAWLE sonthwest. corner of Lot 4125, thenee) death, that they may return unto westerly along the shore line ? haines ° more or less, thence following the shore) the truth and sin no more, but WATER NOTICE. line porte rly and easterly \ nor wees may inherit the spiritual and in 4 o 412 rence s . For at more or less to point of ¢ mmencement,|corruptible glory of righteousness ‘conse to Take and Use Water containing 12 acres more or jess heaven.” Notice , ; LOUIES AURIO! in heaven, ‘ bert x reby given that The Prince Dated May 2 y Absolutely ALONE at the t ee Huy : ye Company, Limited Pub. May 26, 1913-——July 21, 1? tise | “ C., wil ly fo . , Lovtie ty tue hageyaGtg WH, APH, for 8 UNIONISTS OF ULSTER of the world’s bottled beers. The supreme quality and purity rong 88. a “Saateely direction Budweiser come from our brewing and fi choicest iyo 8h Pie NEW STOCK OF SEEDS SEND CHEEKY NOTE) | Buswsise: cone fom ot roe a te ene and fines bout 13 miles from © diveries ith bank The water will Mile : at Vanathed falls about on We have just reeelve da st'D- | Invited the Irish Secretary to in the wo: Id d our out ‘ tes | sting electric power pur ment of Witness Their Clubs Drilling ae put is the greatest. * rad , bart exch e Mn i \ wie r page with rimoTHy GRAIN SEEDS : & Snsin ow. Bottled only at the home plant in St. Louis e 1 sled on the grout sondoen ay 2 “ Le Dies Ay s ATO SEEDS » may, 21 Cheeky Anh B hB Mihaly led ah mee of th a aLre PRADEN SEEDS |i* the epithet applied to the ac euser-Duscnh orewery my er at Prince Rupert, Bb. tion of the Ulster t Ss Water | ny be ee e sak € nionists who t Louis. 2 Water hich” with Rae Eeatnte th ; FLOWER SEEDS had invited the Irish secretary Pai ! Parliament Buildings. yaoi; orders Promptly attend dtOlMp. Augustine Birrell, to wil PRINCE RUPERT IMP. CO., Distributors, Ch ¥ PEAT HYDRO-BLECTAK | ness the Unionist clubs drilling Prince Rupert, B. C. Pub, May ot Geo, H. Kobi, Agent PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Empire day. | 1013-—June 16, 191 |