1943 ee HELPFUL AND HARMiegs ‘ THE DAILY NEWS ~ Monday. J Se a — — ee : ES ® Ps . ae {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. oe 1 “The News” Classified Aids. 1) rie spies srs Read Jabour Bros.’ advertise FRED STORK’S HARDWARE a -- Established 1908 ————————— = == Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wanted TERRACE NOTES oc’. ‘siztsiicu'fvene eee SST last evening. POPPOOO— + + DOES Pooeon, Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle ==Qne Cent A Wo d F Fach Insertion== ment, page 2. | Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns r or For furniture, carpets and lin Rope Valves Ammunition oleums, inspect the Geo, D. Tite's : Pumps Hose Paint O = stock for quality see-t8 | It aie gee ver a® CENTS lf L. Mathieu ( Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron ———00) | “We Sell Nothing But the Best” | joe Wauted for folding in bindery. Ap i2otr TELKWA NEWS ITEMS. . | ply at News OMmce. Special to the Daily News G, a os f ' : ee ae A Eh tee thia | WANTED—Young cea for @ning Cat é- I Mr J jhapman left on the e : | partment. Apply W. J. McLean, news- Terrace, May 31 Mr and| Princess Mary last night for morning for the new store of L stand G. T. P Woart 127-120 a ; V uve : te to W J. MeArthur & Co, are opening at | WANTED Women for house worm | Mrs. W. Ford and family of) Vancouver, em route to nn ipes { at} | ES SE==Xx=xXXSSS SS Suaitinadn | three mornings a week Avy” Prince Rupert are Spending a - | | Rev. CG. EB. Batzold has been re few days at Terrace, returning} Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MeNab and ‘chilled , paren tarot to Prince Rupert on the tst|little daughter left last night on| turned to his charge at Telkwa F Sal ; the Prineess Mary for Vat se | for another year by the Metho- or e eee ‘ 2m a a en rpn-A ad ‘ alia aie le neo The . . Lover . ost" Ught a plece o * cat ie eee oe ialiicednaitin tanta | dist conference hel : in Van e . 2 Phe Provincial Government $4.50 Wicker chairs and rock when it was Gin foon > eames ver this month. Mr. Batzold is|ron SALB—Lot 95, Block 34, Sec. 7, with} Will open a Deputy Mining Re rs at G. D. Tite's June pr }2 fortune now " Ice Cream Parlor now in Prince Rupert, where he| finu, price seeps: chon #1800. Por | Corder's office at Terrace on June}™ “te ene. | That same man will supply for a couple of weeks few days only.’ Charles Monroe, 1196 ist. 1s me “etmen” aaa san at this me i ra aisha, ‘aii a ts . - Dalia ays Cove Ave | — >» Duy Ice cream supplied for excursion and _ picnic parties before returning the Valley. FOR SALE—Household furniture, all new Work -hae-been commenced on rhe Henriette, of the G. T. P.| some property now packed in ice. Also pul up in bricks for family use Rh. J. McDonell returned yes goods, reasonable, Owner leaving town : ; ; But he f p ne ; Swift $18 Taylor street, Phone Black|the new parsonage for the An-|coast fleet, arrived in port from| US Ne fears, a6 he did then, that Take home a brick and try it. jterday from Hazelton, where he] 956, ' 497-183" /glican minister at Terrace. Mes-]y\ uver at 2 o’clock this after waruse Rave reached their simi Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh jhas been spending the last three a eae ef , SOW eveyone a mm Cale eer Ben’ a 1 srs. Stuart & McKueen have the| noon with a mixed cargo of cattle n't be in the “almost” class Try our chocolate and be convinced. or four weeks contract The house is to be + brick : Have decision. Back your faith in Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here | ill at the Hazelton Hospital suf- | . . returning on the train at 1:30 : ee Made in England. Best in the world. Lowest in Price lfering from a complication of} p. m. Sunday will be glad to learn]. va ee of Telkwa was en e0 HALL’S DISTEMPER | disenave: Mr. Miller and Mr. Gale that it is proposed to have di arrival by last night's train from rge ee |came to the Valley together about lvine service on Sunday morn the interior. Ranges, Stoves, Etc. Our Prices Are Lowest in Town. | seven years ago, coming in over! 0 War ings. , : PRINCE RUPERT * | the trail from Bella Coola | The Rev. T. J. Maret + a A I Broderick, manager of} . » on | kal 1 i as 7 the loeal branch of the Union 3% wanes ene es = LV ——_—_—_—==—_ —— sumkalum,has been appointed alBank. left for the south this} nedom PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- justice of the peace for the dis-| morning on a ters team a trip TRIAL ANNEX trict. wen Messrs. Stuart & McKeen have F. P. Wilson, local representa A launch leaves the govern- a _— i DEMAND i ment slip for Port Edward been awarded the contract for tive for McLennan, McFeeley & | | every das For ebtionlingd the buildings at Terrace for the}©0.. Ltd .of Vancouver, left Sat OYALRESERVE | : ra ; y . provincial government urday evening on a business trip | 6 i apply to Harrison, Gamble to the Queen Charlotte Islands. | Fase WHISKY 1 & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. ne ed " : Cheap Fares to Dawson. AGES EAR THE QUALIT y HOME FURNISHER | eee eee eee As one result of competition ' G, D. Tite’s stock f house Y $ on the Upper Yukon this sun urniture is up-to-date in hand ‘6 » i —— ——__—_—_ —_— mer, Captain Sid Savtiiaton is some designs 128-tf | qouapanreen wid Our June Special 10 Per Cent Discount FOR CASH § advertising in the Dawson Dail | "OF CANADA. News that passengers will be car Miss Orme, who has been a i OF CANADA. Our large stock complete with many good articles for the home, and for price and cial trend! Unah-slese to ‘WK guest of her brother, ©. H. Orme, | RecommeNnDed FOR 2 quality we are now prepared to ask our many patrons to inspect our beautiful and hand- — oe. LOS One seven whee lett ile mit some designs in all grades of home furnishings. BUFFETS, DINING TABLES, DINNER | horse on the steamer Evelyn for] oo. nas re THE INVALID WAGONS, CHINA CL TS, DINING LEATHER SEAT CHAIRS in golden, fumed, early | AND | $25, just half the price previons-|'"* °°" mer home im Vancouver. | The Home English and mahogany finishes. lly charged by the White Pass eget Tre Connoisseur | Company wo Np ts : ee Mr and Mrs. W Ford, off] i } pany. The ame steame | Tne PuBuic Chiffoniers ie | fj will give the same proportion of Fourth avenue east, returned last} whe nalwel Dressers 60 Wickers Rockers and Chairs 5° | | {reduction from Whitehorse to] ening after spending a few) FAR want the best Se Dawson, making the cost of the}|?*** al ‘Llerrace at down river trip only $15. Here ae Aes. any tofore it has been $30 Miss J. G. Seott left this morn UNSURPASSED. | Owned and operated by the st os ; ing for Vaneouver to make at F \f Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on Southbound Passenger List. rangements, if possible, for the DISTRIBUTORS |q the American and European plan. Rk Lat lease of the corner of Second|®rinee Rupert Importing Co., Ltd | Excellently furnished with . avenue and Sixth street to the PRINCE RUPERT. Bé | . ! rw artis st o — if modern i i Pe nam tate ee forthe south on the Prince Ru Gonsiabie 1 ics ae A EReISEMNG ee pert this morning: W.H. Green-[)) eit li a es ee 'N) Engineers, Stationa ind Ma The appointments and service wood, L. Freer, Mr. and Mrs 7 es y - nig . in charge of a ine, coached for examinat are equal to any hotel on the Jackson, Miss Cotter, R. Kearle men momen Savior from Masel . : ; . ‘}ton, charged with stealing 815 A. FARROW coast. Miss T. B. Womer, J. Spence, © He tet : ‘ bef ud 654 4th Ave. East Re. Peterson, C. a. McLean, L y A. ait oa bn wtore Judgre ‘ ch : . . 0 r s a rnoor ern tae aera Eg a River, Miss J. G. Scott, Miss eee Phone 300 P. O. Box 1635 D ce = for iis Acheson, F. A. Sinels ; . es , week. Just what you re- Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day ents SS Spee. G. Ul. W. V. Doughty, managing di ee ae ae ee L Griffin, M. L. Harby. Mrs. Seeley, rector of the B. C. Fisheries. and W ROGERS of- door comfort. Price. . ee ee Master Seeley, Miss Orme, E. T George L. Clayt “ loft oe o- as ° Thomas, Miss Nelson, Mrs. Me- night vis the “a aaa "aon = Architect Master, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gol- ooh - a me = =. ves 2 cieeal B lison, Mrs. MeDonald. nn ee oem _ PRT B c potineniamen » NCk PK e Coiling 1 Schrieber’s Trip. A. Hood, auditor from the pro- vineial publie works department WwW. L. JEPHSON A large and good selection in mahogany Gold ‘ " , . ¥ ys gry ts ’ 7 ae ” ’ ee left for the southern parts of the ; ‘ y. en, Quarter Cut Oak, Servian Wax Fin- Collingwood Schreibe , : i t i : Ope . a) J gwood Schreiber, chief = ar . ‘ ’ . arrister and 8 shes, also Imitation Surfaced Oak and Fir al THE SPECIAL JUNE 10% CASH PRICES. SERIOUS WASHOUTS government engineer of the se “ anes agg bins of peat ih c en bia, Alberta and steamer Prince John on Saturday Pitism GolUmdi ” ve ON KOOTENAY CENTRAI Grand Trunk Pacific Railway] eyening. } , Saskaichewa IRON BEDS Company, has left Vancouver for . Notary Public All sizes, frofm $4.50 to $20, nae Edmonton, and thence will pro- eS ; at June Discount prices. Waldo Bridge and Part of Track) eecd by train to ralthaad: aad Mrs. F. T. Saunders of the Room 11, Federal Block BRASS BEDS Washed Away by the then inspect the route as far as Marine Station, Digby, will be at Prince ups A = Floods. Fort George. He is accompanied mome Wednesday, June 4th. Frem 8 -. . , cai ”* aniedi rt, » rill leave » . beautiful aaieaton eee. 4 ne w Special to The Daily News.) by Mr. B. B. Kelliher, chief engi 94a ' ? o we < from the Cash prices. rt 7] Winnipeg, June 2.—Serious|neer of the Grand Trunk Pacific) @! * 88d 4:15 p. m. 128 or a e TT ' washouts, due to high water,jand Mr. J. W. Stewart, of Messrs. W. E. De vide , criss j}are reported along Crow's Nest| Foley, Welch & Stewart, railway s ' De tae wom, representing Baby Cribs drop down / Pass, on the Kootenay Central, | contractors. Smith, davidson & Wright of . i ' = sn Sqvere Comgse af the Waldo bridge has been swept a Vancouver, left for the south this Lot 7, Block 1, Se une Speci ice ‘ ’ Se . r after one o s regular e Special prices. away and the track is washed out Last Year's Saimon Pack. SAUTE: Gree ous at Ris, tegeeee jin many places The lumber ee business trips to Prince Rupert : ‘i and the interior ° mills along the line are forced In res - ponse to an inquiry re- Mattresses and Springs out of commision. salted t ibast ‘iiabe ene ah’ te. teal: Vaal tan ee ke eS cele Sons an Pood aki tiee Connmnpte for the ee een enninee total value of the salmon packed Si ae . ee ere ~ ame? Terms $1,000 cash; ba ' ‘elebrate sizes . J ~ o edle C “ne@eland, 5 . erms §$ stock. The comfort sleep mattress. . a meet ‘'HAYSPORT COMPANY aeg. Sos C. coast in @ year,fand Mrs. Carr-Ellison, who ar years; or 67,00", | ; Our Special No, 1 Pure Cotton Felt Mattress, with the “News” publishes the follow-|rived by the Rupert on Saturday cash, bal. over » yeu Imperial roll edges, in sizes 4x6 at $17.00, 3x6 at $15.00, SPEND $50,000 ing figures for 1912, just se- morning, left the same evening 3x0 at $13.50, June Special 10% off these prices for cash i cured: The total number offyie the steamer Prince John for ° | &C apy Springs, Blankets, Sheets, Pillows, Comforts and alli In Extension of Cold Storage/eases pul up on the Pacific] skidewate. They will return. to Harrison, Gamble omp Bedroom Requirements in various designs at June Prices, Plant and Additions to Coast was 5,905,120, valued at|the city on Wednesday morning FINANCIAL AGENTS Fishing Fleet. between 835,000,000 and 887. a : Rupert W. H. Greenwood and L, Freer} 990,000. This amount was di Mrs. A. FE. MeMaster left this Third Ave. ee returned last evening from vided as follows: Alaska, 4.-]morning to spend the next three Haysport, where they spent sev- 065,350 cases; Puget Sound,|months at the summer home/of eral days looking into matters| 415,425 cases; Washington, Ore-| per parents at Loon Lake, near oO en pertaining to the Skeena River|#0" 4nd Columbia River, 427,770] port Arthur, Ont. She was ae Syndicate's interests there Mr. | ©48es; British Columbia, 996,575] 6 ' , . . . 3 : ; , ’ companied by her sister, Miss Go-Carts and Baby Carriages Greenwood, before leaving for|®&ses. Last year 8 outpul for the| Nelson of Port Arthur, who has Just what the baby requires and our good line of ‘the south this morning, said that|Whole Pacifie Coast was thelpoon her guest for several weeks FURNISHED oes is to hand and only requires your selection to the company is to be reorganized] /4reest on record, baer the baby out. All at the June Reduction Cash }and that $50,000 will be spent in ———_—_—— M. L. Harby, clerk in the pro @ Roomed House with Bath by Blankets with Teddy Bear and Bow-Wow Designs | the next six months in the ex- Birth. vincial land assessment office, Room Window Shades, Curtains, Carpets, Squares, Eceaatene jtension of the cold storage plant) __ _ has resigned his position and and Floor Oileloths at June prices. at Haysport and in the securing Moxley—-At the Prince Rupert|left this morning for his home in CLOSE IN }of additional fishing boats, General Hospital, on June tat, | Victoria Mr. Harby, who has ene ds to-Mr. and Mrs. W, D, Moxley, albeen one of Prince Rupert's pop 7‘ D. | | I E There will be tonight at 8:30) daughter ular entertainers as a ventrilo Phone 20 Complete H F | seve an entertainment by the | quist, will be greatly missed in Ltd plete Home Furnisher Prince Rupert adies of the Catholic Chureh in Keonomy in house furnishing|that sphere His departure is G. R Na en 0., » ; the Catholic hall.) All weleome,jis at Geo. D, Tite's, Third ave-lalso regretted by a large number . nee Real Estate and Insuré |Admission 50 cents. 128! nue. i28-if ‘of intimate friends,