wne 7 013 June 7, 19 THE DAILY NEWS en | . —— _ +pietrtet of Cassiar IE Ter: ENGAGED T0 A RIVAL gor : L. N, MaeKeehnie, of Seattle Man Wins Portiand Girl reupation surgeon, 60 tend to apply to. the f Lands to purchase . ‘nA Cassiar District, od near mile 136, Sen em : ‘ ne, containing 43.7 ina a unnae jent ’ \ MACKECHNIE ; : wecRADY, G. BE. Agen : \ March 10th, 1043 Portland, Ore., June 3.—In a ey. Ma ¢, Ne Fe neat | elopement and ro- MT IT finn al ea chee as ol cece mantic marriage last night Will TLL \ WH BTA : Curran, an engineer of the Pa- ~ re | t Coast, ’ Sia: a - emma iim cifle Telephone Company, of Se- Me a ee a eeried lattle, carried off his bride in an k an cecupation B | > ipply for’ permission to lautomobile only four days be- : = 1 eted on the fore she was to have married an- ‘Hayward, peer Palle lother man, Today Curran and the ore ence " on ween 30 chains his bride, who was Miss Beryl M. a sins, thence ast 20 | orig 19 0 ~~ aves oe ; at OF 4 ymmence | Lither pa es 41329 P dney be. Se | 40 acres more or less ; nue, lave 3 departer on 1eir at hd ff wii 2 jhoneymoon. Royal A. Fultz, ‘the ge" ned Ht June 16, 1019 lother man,” has gone into tem- P- eda |||! é | porary retirement 5 t—Distriet of Coast, Miss Litherland was being en- Margaret B, Grant, of tertained last night in honor of apply f oy her approaching marriage to . ving es ane |Fultz. While the festivities were ‘ 08 ) D e | 7 ; " it 694, Coast Digerics, lin progress, Curran drove up to Y Sate, mY || ; east 20 chains, thence | . a ithe house of Mrs. Frank Con- sag ee hate nence west 20 chains i Pee ts Sar |verse, where the party was held.) [Gg of Clean-cut Modern Manhood t bs more 5 re | By prearrangement, Miss Lither- / Ane? B. GRANT liand answered when he rang the] © 4 By mak ng shaving so easy, the Shaving with the Gillette takes ee 19—June 16, 1013 | door bell, leaped into the auto- n WH Gillette Safety Razor has done much but three refreshing minutes. You . oe. aa where oo ; & aa "thee ag HH to develop the typical man of to-day waste no time honing or stropping— trie : : ‘rs were awaiting her, anc 1e xy asi as mens tas = a" patti avete to the patel Pre of that Strong, aggressive, successful or fuming in the barber’s waiting at 1, Charles H. Ziegler, | Re ail tills aii : individual who scorns to disguise row. The Gillette makes home uh Wi, occupation gentieman Rev. Henry Marcotte, where the] § ; England, Ormission tO purchase |wedding was solemnized. ; HH his features with a beard or to appear shaving so easy and luxurious that : peg at the Meanwhile the reception guests mots } with an unkempt stubble on cheek it is no more a task, but an agree- pit de chatan pense had rported the kidnaping to the |||) or chin. able incident in the morning toilet, wes : ; 7 : thence east 40 chains to police and the entire neighbor- ’ gonth 4 ement, containing 160 hood was in excitement until a There are over 40 Gillette styles from which to choose. Standard Sets, ; é ) 1 ¢ iad ty! ‘ \RLES HENRY ZIEGLER telephone message was received like the illustration, cost $5.00—Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combi- Alexander Noble, Agent from the bride nation Sets, with brush, soap and other toilet articles, run from $6.50 up. aed or 14, 1913-—dune 9, 1049 sciatic ae From the assortment which your Hardware Dealer, Druggist or Jeweler ager i \ can show you, buy a Gillette—you'll enjoy it. s triet—District of Coast, LIBERAL TEACHER “ae A, i} aoe | siriet—t ae GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. t 1, Daniel Brenton Ket LOST EMPLOYMENT es “ HI : r ‘ occupation ranc her, r ie Dt; | N OF CANADA, LIMITED . permission to purchase _—_— f ; } Hy 463 OFFICE AND FACTORY: wine bed lands & om nas y ta post planted at th Conservative Board Dismissed) Kinase + ee Hy The New Gillette Building, t 5130, yence porth 5 a Wu : east 30 chains, thence Him for Speaking Against the oy A MONTREAL, ; ‘ thence west 30 chains to Borden Naval Bill. mimencement, containing ere | — + Vaneouver, June 2.—Because a h to June 2nd PRINCESS LOUISE VICTORIA OF PRUSSIA. he was a Liberal and discussed » nave om 8i ‘id's t—pistrict of Cosst,) he daughte f the Kaiser, who was married to Prince Ernest the naval bill f1 oe wee Range V f Cumberland at Berlin Saturday week This is the latest | point of view was sufficient for at Gertrnes M. Newell, pit e take of the beautiful bride. who is now Duchess of |W. D. John, engaged as school 4 pation married apply for permission t { berland and Brunswick The latter title came as the |teacher by the school trustees of wing described lands st &@ post planted at the vedding present of her father, the Kaiser, who handed over Cache Creek, in the Cariboo dis- on een saeees he ancestral Hanover rea for his son-in-law to govern. |trict, to lose his employment. snder of the Lakelse ‘Lake rhis compact is an event of international interest, as it | The Conservative trustees dis- munpencement, containing Diiterates the a ent feud between the houses of Hohen lmissed him with payment by the . Ihe and the Guelphs day instead of by the month as | >» in eee Pe . 7 , ed ee i : EXTRUDE M. NEWELL L. H. KENNEY, Agent stipulated in the School Act. pr. 2 1d19-—-dume 16, 1013 Mr. John accepted the posit'on , PRINCESS MARY P on January 10. He arrived in Tene qi — Mal Asheroft on January 15. he Sam Enny "dnl ra ¥ upation lumbermar school was to open on January » ing ibe a and oS sty: mua 20, but owing to the severity of cc 8 oe eee SS the weather the institution re- Man h Mothers ~ the bank of ‘the Ka Yex| mained closed during that _ a com t th month, Taking tp his appoint- ; Lot 482, thence soutn| MING GEORGE LAUGHED HEAR TILY BUT QUEEN WAS ANGRY | ».6.). Mr. Jobn filled the register = catalan ews i 3 caele = Tl AND PRINCESS WAS PU NISHED--SHE IS “SWEET he was dismissed without any are using Baby’s Own Soap rice cd SIXT EEN.” ; reason. ® SAM ENNY th 1918 “a | ; ' , rink Owing, perhaps, to the former mn e nursery not merely une 1% | mdor ime } ’rincess!arch roared with laughter. Think- . s . vs . teacher there being a Conserva- beca h th msel: ‘ watt Miata ot | Mary f England niv daughter neg it too good a joke to keep he tive. he received a full month’s use t ey e ves ‘ ‘ stric istrict of Coas f King George, has proposed to|told Queen Mary She failed] ealar »* >3’ work Range V prod salary for a few days’ work. 3 sh ed ith S when u at Ole. - Jensen . t kit-|} Lord Kitchens lhe royal pro-|to see the humor of the situa- Despite the conditions laid were WwW wi it, - + — : was *spered in the park/| tion and was furious, and the : permission to purchas al was wh's| ! ' : down in the School Aet, the ° f | ] beca _ teat a : s ale aed f Winds Castle - rn s ve = mils en result of the = trustees went out of their way ants, t use ex- . f the southeast corner { long ago. Field Marshal Lord| princess’ effort to assert her}in Mr. John’s case and present- ° has sho that ‘ 246, thence ‘ tal : rallant ake roval prerogative as eeks’ "aad : ye oy * Kitchens gallantly asked the)! | prerogatiy was a weeks'|eq him with payment for the perience wn no : B68, saenes. ce : e | ess talk with her;imprisonment in her own room number of days’ worked One th ill th e . i slough rence sterly : ays ‘ hs , aasa Fathe thout the alhance Phe ee eee “8 of the trustees was favorable to soap help ; No, 35246, ) ; Sie a a a ee inal | . Seow eee cin ot Ne ee so much—make it so white, ies aining 120 acres more lhe grizzled hero of Khartun ‘ as ee me a others would not even consider E J. JENSEN, Locator home for a sp from Egypt ,was ree eutenant’s scovery Off) ihe request. th be viet Maren geen, roty, EARP: AteM | escorting the princess about th the Isle of Lemnos. 2 a so smootm — so t 28th, | : Pub. Apr. 24, 1913—June 16, 1013 } grounds He is 62 years old,| — The Daily News has the larg- ; ‘ and little. . ta straight as an arrow, stern | \ town a sea has been] ast circulation in Northern B.C. aa! ee She to use cost as i } ‘ j ‘re. > ang ak % s a 3 LAND LEASE NOTICI jas an Indian chieftain. She s | discovered by Lieutenant Bako PM AdMewl ee VMpHog oes os ; * a 116, shy and a hero worshippe! pulos, of Athens, while carrying ¢ y \ ™ 7) \ ae we Baby’s Own Soap as best for Baby : | arws . . setic ~ ~~ a S ctpiet-—Distriet of Coast,| “Something Important to Say.” out observations in connection e Y ate > Se A and best for you. Range IV with his naval duties, to the east ce ~»> Ss > YRS oe . ca al There was a lull in the ¢ . the taennaanened fe imitations and sub. .tutes are made as as ‘ ral Ss Amou { . ot e 1st .e os, » ia 7 . > Rupert, in the Province] v¢é ition as they walked over the | On reefe- marked on the British made by the cottagers of 3 i ; — possible ; Baby's Own is as good Seas nbia, prospector, \atends to pt nds, and Princess ee : BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . and | Mary. with her hand on his arn Admiralty charts under the Our laces were awarded the Goid Medal at . J g at a post planted on the} 1 the aia daiilal ymid | Bame of the Pharos Bank he|the Festival of Empire and imperial Exhi- i : : Fe eT ee med . om “ er that } *s } i found, at a depth of twenty-five bition, Crystal Palace, 1011 — — . " 7 on « about five (5) miles in an| some conus ts ‘a ane ae metres, some ancient ruins which jy n from Bnd Hill, thence] eomething mportant to say : ; 7 a mig : chains, thence north | , as oe seaiahl in | were perfeetly visible, and proved Bas, Saat Mme TEN cases ef courtship between a|'ne O“seae Gaguuee © Shawl ' IN THE— Sty i arcd"ORO TRAE wna of the Tosal blood and a |W "NG peg agued bythe eee oe weit | FARM eas ox ‘ ' ' . t s § mobility that The) o-aet* Stee SOs setae tn cane FARM | Bulkley Valley Fort George District th day of April, 1913 proposal be made by the woman ry out seientifie researches on the spot. , 1913—June 30, 1913 WATER NOTICE. The embarrassment of this was —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS: ~- Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. we ® what the little princess had in \Nk B. ST, AMOUR, Locator i of lesser Se and she said so, frankly eae Echoes of Great Disaster Fr a License to Take or Pen Back Water. Sh { a reby given shat G, R. T.| ‘ nough, despite her blushes, She DAINTY HANDKIE. No. 910, 70c each 3 ¢ Rupert, B. C., will apply | wanted to become her hero's Some idea of the value of Lace 1 1-4 imehes deep NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY Li ted . store or P ac . : ’ 2 war ft m an | seek, "al wife, she said, and since she had] jewellery alone whic h was lost Buy some of this hand made Pillow Lace, 9 mi * Se aad ee aa doing so. fin the Tikanie disaater may be] RAL saya ey cr aia, | PAID UP CAPITAL #3,50,00.00 VANCOUVER, B.C. water will be stored in a| For. the first time in many|gathered from the following cole istinction 7 the possessor. at the i re iest tele math tlvears Lord Kitchener smiled Helclaims for compensation, Mrs. come time suppor nas my, 4 = OF O o 4 e| ° — ———_—— —— —_—_—_== purp, — nt, uaen for Gomestic ltook heroic pains to ¢ oneeal his| Charlotte Cardeza put in a claim nee, se unattainable on an ag . —— ; . ike ‘and use Wie nested | amazement and amust ment, how for $175,000 to cover the loss to Cre, ea cocriptive Yane = = > (4 ———* \ . | } ; a . ne dane deseribed as land| ve bevond this one manifesta her wardrobe and personal ef-|titied “An Interesting Home Study.”; this ’ \ 7" 4 side of Granby Bay Town: | ' : = io “ . . jcontains over 100 striking examples of the ; “ia ,| Lior He told the princess that] feets Her inventory included @|jxce maker's art, and is sent POST FREE Ww vas posted on the grounc 7 tor} Burma ruby ring, 844,000; a pink|to any part of the world. u esi plica ‘y of April, 1913. The ap | hi appre ated the great honot . . , x , i uy e e Oc O ; ; ; i be nel in the office o the | h ferred upon him by even diamond, $20,000; hatpins, $500; . We have just received a ship- 4 ‘rince Rupert, B. ©.) She Clr atin < : 1y be Bled with she sald) oonsidering his eligibility to be-jan evening coat, $380; and a ° . ment of W r with the Comptrolier , hat he felt} white petticoat 895 The Coun- are onst erin - ' Parliament Bulldings,| come her escort, bul that ne i =. 7 mOoTH ‘ y » Imuch too o id to consider it tess of Réthes asked $10,000 for a ome =e. | eomething of the anewer hadjthe loss of property, including a H. Bi S So ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS a _ | eourred to the princess before diamond marquise ring worth from enry rks n, Ltd. NOTICE. | she put the question and she was} $1,000, some old lace, and a set FLOWER SEEDS cde of black fox and ermine furs,| 16TH OZNTURY DESIGN COLLAR $1.00 FOr & Lives |piompt with a rejoinder ; Our Catalogue iit es many handsome case models in Mahogany ' we to Take and Uso water, Pe iaugh she waived aside} The smallest claim submitted, $ in, deep en ten an Ree Ane Ne ees wth Wg rates SNES Mail orders Promptly attended to \ ; Brass cases ciel ea net be, Princ lene age objectiot say (hat) 845, was by the United States Lace for, every, purpose. ean be, opteined movements, each tested and satisfactorily regulated before leaving our rt, B. C., will apply for 4 » ah ail ceas, na }G wvernment, the value of a mail ver le oo ove email ‘ Ss to store, Should you require something of a different character to what le ahd went : ror fi hor aunt, the ¢ wh | y sale, however , is @ support ise 50 cuble feet per one lhae containing registered arti- the industry. shown in our Catalogue, write us for further information. We carry the us of Madeline Crook. married a man ma yt ot Collars, Fronts, Plastrons, Jabots, Yokes, | largest assortment of clocks in the West. Consult us in regard to our lands, and empties intojelder and had live d a pertectty | oi Fichus, Berthes, Handkerchiefs, Stocks. | Mantle Chimes in Mahogany and Oak, our extra fine designe in Marble vout “19 miles from ils) anny wedded life —— Comiecies, ¢ Woatlon uae pe Se and Onyx. Our stock of Grandfather Clocks is large, showing many real Mi . é u iy * : q . a ° shamed tele — _— hed; Queen Furious | Calgary Treasury Notes. Juaker and Peter Pan sets, ¢tc,, from 35e, masterpieces in clock manufacture. Get into communication with us and ete eee et be| Bing Laughed; ; Oe., $1.25 up to $5.00 each enjoy our efficient clock service. ling electric power pul rhus placed on the def ve,| ‘The sale of treasury bills ; . a 8 posted on the ground i eg illy been completed by the Bank Ps ’ . 2 ; ; . : ‘ ; reply to the proposa j , * | ' filed ta the bince of the “ wil that ihe princes tit the f Montreal, and the eity inform \ Wry enr. ir s ns, imi e “i rinee Wupert. eo, titer over with her fath beled by the manager of the loca! r A : e with the Comptroller branch of the bank that the , JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS vs | kine — ey 4 das i so afterward | iimoney is now available The We. 992, Gone « Cente per yard EhT wybho.BLECTAI ‘ . al ‘inotes bear interest at 5 4-4 per WRITE TO Gee. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, 8.C Kitchener told ing | ai on alee h MARE. RUPERT ARMSTRONG by Geo. M. Kohl, Agent | th naive propesal and the 1 cent for eight months. Oiney, Bucks, England 1018——June 16, 1018