: THE DAILY NEWS SS THE DAILY NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i until lumber can be obtained from the coast. UL CL Se has TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattis Mondays and Fridays at © A. m sg For Stewart on Thursdays at 8A mM For Granby Bay on Gaturdays at 12 Pm Steamers Prince John and Prince Albers Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver ana ; yueen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports Leave Prir a Sound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly Service to Masset Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at « p y RAILWAY GERVICE Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a Wed ; Saturdays ’ ~~) SPECIAL LOW EXOURGION RATES to a)! points . r. L. Garr returned yesterday from Hagelton and will put a few men at work Monday morning on the lower end of the townsile opening up a few places where the water is being held back by rfuse left by the grading gangs Within a short time, after some of the timber has been cut off, ithree permanent ditches will he put in to drain the townsite SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:| Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. W eekly, | $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year.| Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. | | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—-50 cents per inch. Contract) rates on application. . arnatiin | HEAD OFFICE | Chettleburgh & Sinclair, who : 7 di , ’rinc 3. C. le » 98, | a ar ast Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ( leiephone conduct a harness and farm ma- routes In connection with the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY syeres a — . . | chinery business in Hazelton, gsth to Sept. 90th, Returninglimit Oct. sist ™, ye i have opened a branch store in Por through tickets, reservation, etc., apy t | . 7” 7" DAILY EDITION. aes yae Monday, June 9, 1913. | Telkwa, opposite The Tribune rs A. €. momasven, as Agent ‘ pam aera —? es ' office, and will carry a complete hone 260 | WHO REALLY OWNS THE latter, but the figures are not} stock of farm machinery, harness COUNTRY OF MEXICO | available. and saddlery, part of which has i es Who owns a country will! The civil warfare and already arrived Mr Chettle CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY life ’ ’ 2c . ¥ weniexing| Slaughter, as told in our tele burgh, who will have charge of | WS . re ae ae ‘ ~ oy mnt graphic despatches is going on the Telkwa branch, says he has ARE YOU GOING EAST S eney »@ ’ » . oO . a) re =? . : | today with as much vigor as every confidence in the future of THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals Newspapers live ‘ it or the oa aa own last year, or the two or three relkwa as a farming and mining |] special Brcursiepe May Seth to Sep CIGARS =: TOBACCE FRUITS its industries and enable it to years before that. Bul, un- centre. i Limit Octot 31 | ; . ; 2 . ’ , . i re v maanter o Toronto and ee i 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Cl exist? Mexico is a case in less the political atmosphere ay ‘return $92.00 | | - point. But a few days ago the clears up a little soon it is Se eee Donald Simpson left Telkwa |] Vancouver to Montreal and ee : financiers of New: York, Lon- safe to conclude that the im- " Nea aa/7; Wednesday for Hudson Bay|} vancouver to New York’ and ewe | Seer don, Paris and Berlin made an mense investments mentioned | PILE LTERS mountain to start work on the ae WEEE 9108.50 URSRIMRER venue ser, dvance to Mexico of some will not be drawing dividends | ] IW) } : a _ Veneouver to Chicago and evase Il B li a vance ‘ ae ope ; 1: -— i i ; Victory Group, of which he is Yuoanver to’ Bt. Poul’ and F ress OW In Alleys ) twenty-seven millions for rail- or even interests. There should {a : Re | ’ jowner. This property is near the return $60.00 | | AND PO \ way and other purposes. Why be some provision under inter ‘ ; Coronada Group on which work Omer Points Cormepenaingy Low | 4 ALLEYS naiey . ; 1g ‘ re se | rad : 4. @. MoNAB 12 TAB shrewd business men should national law whereby these was carried on all last winter, General Agent Cor. $rd Ave & 6th St 4. & ROSS, Prop. Sra pom l do this, when the Petek has coe een could a |when some of the richest galena|] Princess Mary, South, Saturday, 9 am ro. Bonk anonpee Som | been in a state of revolution and appoin a receiver. re ever found in the district was Pe on | | ore ‘ § i LICENSE ever since Dictator Porfiro that were done and order re- | uneovered. Minine engineers |— — emer saiaall Diaz was exiled, is more than stored and maintained, Mexico} have reported’ the Victory moun- A i Sat gee the ordinary newspaper reader would soon be wealthy and} jtain, and Mr. Simpson says he is r. ah ene ; able to pay dividends. satisfied that, when properly de- L U M B E R C O A na probability, however, a | veloped, it will be one of the rich- these millions were sent to The war between California lest mines in the entire district. Mexico to cover and if possi- and Japan is already on. The | _-Telkwa Tr ( : O A | ] 3 | a Tribune. New Wellington Coal. ble protect other millions these baseball team from Stanford | Se ae a Best on the countries have invested there. University has invaded the TRAGEDY DUE TO TITANIC They have, in fact, so much in- Flowery Kingdom and clashed taco hips -and Phone 116 Rogers & Black vested there that the question on the ae = the pick- | Murder and Suicide Follow Mis- Comple é Line of dininisilieanial who owns the country becomes ed nine 0 ito University at | tak : om 4 7 e of Widower. ’ a perfectly natural one. Mex- Tokyo. The honors, so far, ° owe BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AY CARTAGE and ico herself has some $800,000,- are about even. Diplomats are | Pp : . +s STORAGE 4 : ‘ aris, June! Amon h as- WESTHOLME MBER Limited 000 invested in her industries, anxiously awaiting the result ’ me ng the pas LU C0., but the United States invest- of the series. sengers of the Titanic whose Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents ments in Mexico exceed $1,- oO names were given as lost was] “™™ cialis _.._| Orders promptiy filled. Prices reasonable - i 000,000,000. There is nearly The militant suffragettes NOVEL IDEA FOR POST OFFICE Madame Bruri of Bethune Her | OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® $650,000,000 of United States course is at least consistent. husband mourne for her for UNION $5. COMPANY OF BS. Ltd capital in Mexican railways Having insulted and alienated|At the bottom is the repository for letters, which go through tne > oe | 3 a : acca ges alone, and about $225,000,000} every friend except those in| Chute, and in the centre is an automatic stamping machine. ae time — eee ~ ; oxi 5 The E ey sdiate , —— At the top is an advertising device, which rotates. This “Post day he received a letter trom fis The Twin Screw Steamer in Mexican mines. — Eng- the eer following . f Office” is to be put on the corners of all the principal streets first wife stating that she was SMITH & MALLETT lish have about $321,000,000 Mrs. Pankhurst, they continue , . very much alive, and was on her THIRD AVE in Toronto, and if a suceess, will be extended throughout On- in Mexican investments and their policy by repudiating the anti i Canads way back to explain. Greatly ex- 99 Plumbing, Heating, Steam/fitting and the French about $143,000,-] British Labor leader who came] ‘@P!@ aneé Canada. hak ter Gin Series iin tate en re Sheet Metal Work 000. Germany has probably to their rescue when their he . . i Office: Srd Ave. Workshop than either of the two was threatened Sred four bullets at his second Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sts more enacr 0 jo oN paper was tarestened. wife and killed her instantaly. ~ Ss ..S:°0©0.0 0.0 COMPLETE REPORT ON TELKWA NOTES oo he committed suicide, Arrives from Vancouver Every TECHNICAL TRAINING : MONDAY MONT —— dilate CHASE HEADACHES —— ‘Valhalla”’ of S.H. & E.F. Recommends Federal Grant of The Burns Lake Lumber Co Salis for Port Simpson, Nase River Points Meciesman Som 6 Three Millions Annually for are now turning out lumber, caanppooeseees and Granby Say Tuesdays, 8 a. m. . Period of Ten Years. supplying . much-needed com- NERVINE POWDERS os - Meets every 2nd and 4! Tuesday at & tema modity in that locality The mi p.m. in the hal! at 319 Srd Ave Ottawa, June ) the long/is located on Burns Lake where awaited report of the commis-|the main wagon road crosses : sion on technical education was : Serr O ts oes tabled in the House of Commons H. A. Grant, manager for P. Burns & Co., arrived in the val- Salle for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. @. D. C. STUART e Accountent yesterday afternoon, and is one| Burn . Rogers Steamship Agency | 200 sna ave = -- rons a of the most voluminous doeu-|!€ Tuesday with about fifty head PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we ments ever presented to Parlia-|°' cattle for the railway con- 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS Phone 116 : ; . . . . , i ' , tractors between here and Burns it ey dealer cannot supply you, the are offering exceptional bargains during the next few ment. It embraces more than alroi . , ee ae ee I a or d R b have shoes to fit i Lake. Mr. Grant said there will] box postpaid on receipt of price ays. emember we have shoes to men, women, Dboys, thousand closely-printed pages. be plenty of beef in the country Alex. @. Manson, 8. A. e girls and babies, and there are bargains for al! The outstanding recommenda- ‘within a short time, as there is rgetown en oor” tion of the report is that a feder-|4 rive of about 250 head com-| 1836 THe sana of 1913 9 WILLIAMS & MANSON e * y > oar 2 Ba Extra Reductions in Men's Boots —{s! svat v *2.00.00 ve smaie iooaiy, 0" (MSU TS OS) a A nerieg| Sawmnill Co. Lid. | Sse" ta 1m . = annually for a_ period of ten ae ae ° @ox 286 2 years, that the money be voted telgerese ? jane Oe H. E. Wallace returne fro As we intend to go out of Men's Boots entirely we to the provinces on the basis of — metarees . Som WW Wage @ Seemese. Lumber . ; 7 : opulation and applied to the| Fraser Lake, where he has been Capivat amo SuRPiUS Oven $7,600,000. i are offering extra special bargains to move the stock porn 1B RUPERT quick . » s —, promotion of higher technieal |spending the past three months. and °.0. Bog @ — education and industrial train-|Mr. Wallace says that the mer- . OHN E DAVEY ing. lehants and farmers in that sec- Bank Money Orders Are Mouldings aco OF SINGING For the elementary schools,|tion will haul their supplies from z teaching manual training, house-|the end of steel as soon as the Safe And Convenient PUPTL, OF WM. FOXON, BHG., ARAM, LON, ENO hold science, ete. a grant of} road is accepted to 26 Mile and A large stock of dry finish- —————_——_- ——_ $350,00 a year for ten years is|the roads are in better shape. If you want to send any sum - Rt Rt °e recommended, the division among! They have been receiving their up to Fifty Dollars, to any made et chert notice. the previnces being on a similar) freight by way of the river steam- ‘ ° i. HAYNER BROS. si THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. basis. | cn Simin tie atid point in Canada, Yukon Out prices are as low es aay. UNDERTAKERS avo EMBALMER Third Avenue Prince Rupert The commission travelled all ——— excepted, or to any of the Call on us before ordering. ard Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. * ar Canada 7 ~ mune ae Broughton & MeNeil have fitted principal cities of the United and many parts of Europe, took) yp their bunkhouse at Chicken ee fvolumes of evidence, and the|Lake, the only building saved in States, buy a Money Order _ ng of ir re » . | . OFFICE: Ee le —_ : _ ir report, whi 1S | Jast week's fire, and are again do- at any Branch of the Bank on cecal oe ; in four volumes, accounts for)ing business at the old stand, : : : PRESS TRE » $30-$75 Underwood, L.C. Smith, Re $37-$57 the delay in its presentation. isupplies having been brought of Bottich wert America. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. E. L. FISHER SM Makes. ‘Write Sor heckies to cslers end save 000 |down from their Aldermere store. The cost in trifling. Funeral Director and Embaimer to $75 on any typewriter. Rebuilts have identical finish, wear like and do work equal to brand new machines. Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, 543 Hastings W., Vancouver, B.C. CHARGES REASONAB! E 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT John Wallace, of Butedale|Mr. MeNeil stated that it is} cannery, arrived in the city by! quite probable that they will re-| PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH TRY A NEWS WANT AD the Princess Beatrice om Satur-| build, but that they will carry on P. MARGETTS, MANAGER . ’ day morning. ; business in the present premises Scoop’s Line of Talk Isn’t Worth $100,000 X BEG YOUR PARDON Miss No THANK SOu-I Wont Have. GOT BAGSWIT-wHwe ™M TIME Yo SIT DOWN-BUT aS A STRANGER You -VYET I WAVE CALLED To Discuss A MATTER. OF IMPORTANCE Yo us BoTH - A FAIR ONE-I LOVE You MADUN- WHILE MOU ARE AS HOMEY As 4 MUD Fence 9 7 come, RAGATT IN SiR- bad NGUT Wet ' ' | \ |