Wedn ° THE DAILY NEWS BODY BURIED IN SLIDE TCO Double Weekly Service PL TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and Beattis or Mondays and Fridays at 0 A. m ne For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 Am For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 412 Pm Steamers Prince John and Prince Aimer: UL aL System | |@rim Reminder of Fatal Slide at Sandon Last December. THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS | (rR cae yall | nome * | Nelson, B, C., June 8 As the cook employed at the Noble Five | — = a SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. mine at Sandon was coming down hill Friday he saw a hand stick- ing out of the slide A party of sixteen men tater made an ex | Office Srd Avenue Prince Rupert Phone 260 Weekly, 68.50 por year, sirletly in Edvance. amination and succeeded in eI rot a be > | islands, Caine at War Port” ‘Leave Prie ‘ " ; sind : 5 "ac ove r . , which prove yund Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly Service Las or aedee de cael appt eae Peay : es i ‘. ' oe “ 7 e J Coaa bouma leaving Prince Rupert on ‘Wednesdays at ’ . “ rates on application. j}to be that o ’ » td : RAILWAY SERVICE HEAD OFFICE iwho with two other men ps Train No. @ leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a. n : ine 3 . sarried away by the Noble Five Saturdays — Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. eae during the bast week SPECIAL LOW EXOURSION RATES to ai! points cast vn ee routes in connection with the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY system .. ; é; } in December. esth to Sept. $0th, Returninglimit Oct. sist =m, Me DAILY EDITION. ati D Wednesday, June 11, 1913 Neither of the other two bod For through tickets, reservation, ete., apply + upp -ceememngerrep-apergrermgrmmeneeneeeriee . ee jies have been recovered John A. &. MoMASTER, General Agent | } son's body was badly smashd jhis neck being broken and thre | | skull crushed i Guns tations Fight Pictures CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Little’s NEWS Agency POPULAR ELECTION | o 7: » m ober 8 } dollar each or more to a legiti-| boy whose mother and sister SENATOR JJ DONNELLY sulted in MeCarty’s death, can Vancouver 5 Toronto and ” nae low Kalen taland Olup mate expense fund for elec-| were subjected to forcible not be exhibited in Boston, Mayor |] y,fetun) 45° Wontreal and “aw tions. In New Brunswick, it feeding.” He easily escaped SENATOR DONNELLY AND SENATOR SMITH Fitzgerald ruled today. The return bate hee oes $106.00 - nel . : vancouver to New York an | serra is said, an appeal for contri-| suspicion where women would]Two new senators for Canada, who received their appointment |mayor said that because of the be Oh hreroerierte SSS butions has been made cong have been detected. very recently, tragic end of the fight the pic-|j Vancourer to eee Empress Bowlin All ly in the Liberal press over the | Meee dct tures would have a depressing|] Vancouver to St. Paul and g eys names of three Liberal mem- | Canada has one land fron- and perhaps an even more harm Other Points’ ‘Correspondingly Low AND POOL ROOM | bers, Hon. H. R. Emmerson, F. ead , ~ Aine 4. @ MoNAB 4 ALLEYS 12 TaBLEs | B. Carvell and Onesiphore tier and three—the north, east ful effect. General Agent Cor, Srd Ave & 6th St M. &. ROSS, Prop. 8rd Ave. | > a . | Col. A Princess Sophia south, Saturday, 9 a.m toon” Employment Bureay i le : and west—on the ocean. _ : et ae eae | For furniture, carpets and lin », Phone 264 |) Liberals are told that the party | Hughes wants 100,000 militia- 9 9 oleums, inspect the Geo. D. Tite's z ScRSNOD AGENTS expeets nothing from the “in-| men to be trained for the de- stock for quality. 686-08 fo. ea terests” and the “trusts.” The fence of the land frontier, but —_—--- correspondent adds: the Government, of which he —__—__—_-- L U M B E R “The appeal seems to be is a member, does not propose] LIBERAL LEADER SHOWS THAT PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT DEMAND C O A L meeting with a ready response. to train a man to defend Can- POLICY IS LAND FOR THE SPECULATORS BUT NONE ——EEEEE Large numbers of letters are ada on her three ocean fron- FOR BONA-FIDE SETTLERS Rovat RESERVE coming in to the Parliamentary tiers. —_—_—_——_— C O A . New Wellington Ceal. Best on the post offiice addressed to Sir oem Vaneouver, June 5.—While Sir} Mr. Brewster asks what the WHISKY. | Coast Wilfrid Laurier on a printed The Budget Committee at}/Richard McBride, Attorney-Gen~ | government has done, or will do, 8 $ —and Phone 116 Rogers & Black form and marked “Free.” In Berlin reduced the Govern- jeral Bowser and other lessera) ¢,, settle the large number of im- AGE YEAR : some cases the more careful ment’s military demands by]|lights in the eee frm | migrants on the tend dine tb GUARANTEED BY Complete Line of |\-————— contributors are taking the 1,000 commissioned officers] ament were proceeding at ull} 7 . , precaution of registering the and 1,044 non-commissioned] stream at the Arena, New W est-|boats come through to this port. THE GOVERNMENT BUILDERS oe ere LINDSAY “eaeee doles.” officers. Whether this is a de-|minster, in oratorical splendor|The West, and particularly the OF CANADA. WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited |) STORAGE We congratulate our con- parture toward economy or a regarding the prosperity of Brit-| Pacific coast, will receive tre- RECOMMENDED FOR Phone 186 | G. T. P. Transfer Agents temporary, says the Toronto sign of a shortage in available}ish Columbia, they did not state mendoug numbers. Montreal, for THe INVALID | Star, on giving publicity to a aspirants, it is a hopeful sign. what the government had failed|long the front door for the im- THe Home — — - | Orders promptiy filled Prices reasonable report which reflects much oe to do to provide for the destinies }migrants, will remain so no long- | OF FICE—H. B. Rochester, Contre St. Phone credit on the Liberal party. The The natural result of thejof this province, so Mr. H. C.|er. Vancouver will be the front Tne CONNOISSEUR UNION $s. COMPANY OF B.C., Lid) _ : movement is good. The prin- education of women is seen in| Brewster, Liberal leader, steps|door. And what is the govern- Tne oe, es ‘ ciple is sound. If you betieve the decision of the Roval So-|before the light of public opin-|ment doing to provide for the wae oe Screw | in Liberalism you ought to ‘> ciety of Canada to admit themfion and gives a review of re of thousands who will ar- want the besf. = — SMITH & MALLETT willing to contribute acvcord- to membership. That Canada]ten years’ administration of the rive? Echo answers what? Will Ace, Purity THIRD AVE ing to your means to advance leads in the admission of |Conservative party. ithe immigrants be thrown on ano MeLLOWwNeEsS 99 Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and its principles. Campaign funds| women to such a society is an] [nm the ten years, says Mr.|the cities, and will slums be es- UNSURPASSED. enture Sheet Metal Work ought to come, not from the effective answer to occasional] Brewster, the government has | tablished as a result, or will DISTRIBUTORS Siew HO AP. ave n =e wealthy corporations, but from charges of reactionary ten- |practically thrown away the in- | there be lands for the now-com- Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd the whole body of the people. dencies. heritance of nature’ resources|ers? PRINCE RUPERT. B.C , Arrives from Vancouver Every ———EoE EE ee and other assets. The distribu-| There must be employment , : . : MONDAY NIGHT we le Rel tier ~ Ition of timber areas to the faith-|found. but Mr. Brewster says | ge ” ful and the disposal of the aith-| foun will be a bigger supply than CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE ee Valhalla of S.H. & EF. est agricultural lands to specu-|demand, and since no land will Gate ter Cave Giupesn, Case Cover ror (SCAMDIN ANias SoctrTY lators redounds nothing to the|be available, since it is held by sneanpovanceys and Granby Bay Tucedays, 8 & m. es credit of an administration which) the speculators, territory will be NERVINE POWDERS - | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at® © appears to have been bereft of|restricted for those who would Salles for Vancouver p.m. in the hall at 519 Srd Ave Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. foresight, states Mr. Brewster. | wish to take up agriculture 3 WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. mM. sore Disregard Consequences Reference is made to the coal | Not only that, but the Me-| areas in this province, which Mr. | D. C. STUART oO Bride administration in its wild| Brewster says should by right | it iaetans oes eagerness to humbly bow before belong to the people of British Rogers Steamship Agency | g08 2n¢ Ave. ot Phone 280 the will of railway corporations,|Columbia.. The government, he | a PERT. 8. © has seen fit to pay no attention|claims, has taken no steps to 418 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS PRINCE RU ; } ne 1 In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we to the consequences. Sir Richard | protect the populace from ex- ar rer dealer conmot supply you, ee Phone 116 ae ate an aré offering exceptional bargains during the next few has said that there must be rail-|ploitation at the hands of the big a Se vesaiot at pitas » Sem days. Remember we have shoes to fit men, women, boys, roads, and no genuine settler can| interests. | alex. m. —. oun BA, LL 8 i } , pee | w. ame, 8. A. girls and babies, and there are bargains for al! hope for any government action! Regarding the rights of work- G rg t to provide facilities for those|ers, the work of the government] 1836 THe Bank oF 1913 e€0 e own } WILLIAMS & MANSON | e ‘ ’ who would like to reap the re-|in its ten years’ existence has | e Extra Reductions in Men’s Boots {irs ie. tabors ‘teow tie eon” praviivaity naustt. Se-| BBpitishNorthAmeriea | Sawmill Co. Lid. . da Box 285 soil. Wait, patiently wait and | Bride and his crew have taken no | Helgersen Block Prince Mupert, 8 & rene not, pape Sir Richard, | steps suggested by the Liberals TT Years im Business. As we intend to go out of Men's Boots entirely we who declares that above all, first/and Socialists to protect Miners) Eapyra, ano SuRPLUS Oven $7,600,000. | ° Lumber | sal there must be railroads. Yet, de-| and others. Al! along the side of | Pp. O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT ave offering extra special bargains to move the stoek quiok. clares Mr. Brewster, Sir Ric bard | capital has been encouraged to ; has never yet explained how the|the detriment of the classes. JOHN E. DAVEY and e ° . building of these roads so heav-| The finances of the province| Bank Money Orders Are Mouldings | TEACHER OF SINGING | Puri. oF we. FOXON, BBQ, ARAM ily subsidized will be of advas-|have been in stock for railway Safe And Convenient 10N., ENG tage to the small settler who|and other work, but no thought i wishes to work the land. | has ever been turned to the fu- A large stock of dry finish- ; JABOUR BR Then again, says the Liberal!ture to attempt to realize the If you wa to cond any cums Be Ee tee eon e leader, it is more than a coinci-|conditions which will arise by up to Fifty Dollars, to any made at ohort notice. HAYNER BROS. dence that the speculators al-|extravagant expenditure. i i . SB anv EMBALMERS THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. ways seem to know where the rail- As em the attitude of the paint to. Coneds, Vehes Our prices are as low as any. eceger Directors Third Avenue Prince Rupert roads are going to be built, and| government, which has _ willy- excepted, or to any of the Call on us before ordering. Srd Ave. near 6th St Phone No. ® ae no Mane a pele out the/nilly swept along with Attorney- principal cities of the United yest country. nese lands are|General Bowser in his stand ue ae held by those who never intend| against the laws of the land. be- States, buy a Money Order — —— to cultivate themselves. Stiff}ing enforced, Mr. Brewster has at any Branch of the Bank enyrems $37-$57 prices must be paid. The land|nothing but scathing condemna- of British North America. EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. — - &. FISHER Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. is held simply to make huge/tion. He says, that the record of profits, so that the man with|the Conservative party during | small capital, wishing to be-|the past ten year is one of e iP ' s » i 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. come a bona-fide settler is shut|which even few Tories can be) PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH TRY A NEWS WANT AD i OPEN oe out, justly proud | BP. MARGETTS, MANAGER a ‘a — ae ye in colors and save $50 ypewriter. i wear like and do work equal e bal a eee Canadian Typewriter Exchange, Dept. 15, 543 Hastings W., Vancouver, B.C. baimer } Funeral Director and Em CHARGES REASONABLE The cost in trifling. Phone 366 Hop The Boss Isn’t Very Strong for Cleopatras a, —_) WHILE THIS 13 A VERY VALUABLE. OW 8055 IM A BoRN oe Har SIBERIAN ROACH HOUNDESS — MY WIFE i MONEY MAKER. - x CLEOPATRA Rit WOULDNT STAND FOR HER AROUND , TRADED YOUR MARK BACK wie SCOOP IT HAS QUNVANS BEEN MN PET THEORY HaT THe Born wm 4 chap - Just FOR PYHE Hou * Sk BECAUSE HER Name . “ov oT TE oe A BoRN mony WAS CLEOPATRA ~ SHE WeuLD ANTHONN Fen A a OR. Ceun.® Wats Wier RATHER HAVE @ CAT WITH A CLEOPATRA ! — . SAT AND MAKE MONEY OUT Man's MAME OF IT. BY S@.8 oR TRADE