THER DAILY NEWS Friday THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To $2.00 per year. rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—Natidnal Newspaper York City. Seattle—Puget Sound Hews Co. DA ILY EDITION. Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, afi Friday, June 13, 1913. Ss GREAT EXCITEMENT OVER AUSTRALIAN ELECTION There is a piquancy to Aus- tralian elections which is for- tunately lacking in those of Canada, For the past week the results of an election have been differently reported each day. Once the Liberals are sup- posed to have overthrown the Labor Government, and then the Labor Government is re- ported to have vanquished its foes once again. At the pres- ent time, although the election was held a week ago, the result is still in doubt, says the Van- couver Sun. To vote’ in does not need there at the time. cable from any part of the world will do the work, and apparently returns are still coming in. Whichever’ side wins, the majority will be in- finitely smal!, and cau hard- ly be considered a good work- ing strength. This condition seems to exist throughou! the Australian States. In New Zea- land there is a majority of one, while in New South Wales it depends entirely on the speak- Australia one to be living A letter or er, who is independent. "he government is always in dan- ger of being defeated in the house, which lends still an- other touch of interest to the daily proceedings. One would imagine that the most important quality of an Australian legislator is good health. It is necessary that he be on hand every day, no ex- cuse being made for anything so trivial as pneumonia or ap- pendicitis. It all adds to the excitement, but the pretrdier must be in a condition of ner- vous apprehension every day LE ee — in advance. Weekly, Daily, $8.00 per year. Contract Telephone 98. Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New —————_—_——— until the members are all in their seats. GOOD WISHES FOR STEFANSSON The Ottawa Citizen says: “All Canadians must give their good wishes to Villhjalmur Stefansson as he starts out on his expedition of discovery lo the far Canadian north, It a quest in which all are inter- ested. To know what lies in the great unexplored area at the top of the American map will surely be worth while, even though no great new re- sources be discovered. It is quite probable, however, that Stefansson may contribute very substantially, not only to the knowledge of Canada re- garding that territory, but the national wealth as well. The northward sweep of the wheat-wave in the West may signify that even the Arctic may not be as forbidding and impossible as has been sup- posed.” is to neraian contemporary has a big headline this morn- ing “The member who gets re- sults returns home.” This supposed to refer to H. 8. Cle- the member for this constituency. But “home,” not Prince Rupert, the metrop- olis of Northern’ British Go- lumbia, nor is it Aivansh, the coming metropolis of the Naas Valley. “Home” in this case means Vancouver, hundreds of miles away from this consti- tuency, where the gentleman has not only his family, but his business and everything in life in which he is interested Our is ments, is of Boots days. Extra Reductions quick. Third Avenue SPECIAL : SALE In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we are offering exceptional bargains during the next few Remember we have shoes to fit men, women, boys, girls and babies, and there are bargains for al! . As we intend to go out of Men's Boots entirely we are offering extra special bargains to move the JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. & Shoes in Men’s Boots sloek Prince Rupert GOVERMENT RNMENT AID TO FARMERS TO BUILD UP THE PROVINCE FRED T. CONGDON, FORMER LIBERAL MEMBER OF PARLIA- MENT FOR YUKON, MAKES SOME EXXCELLENT SUG- GESTIONS ON SUBJECT. well known the former and afte member of that constituency, to the editor of Sun relative to agriculture in this provinee, of which letter the following are in- teresting excerpts: To the Editor of The Sun I am sure you will not resent criticism of your editorial of Friday entitled “British Colum- bia’s destiny.” You are, I think, too helpless regarding agricul ture, and despair In British Coiumbia fully one-quarter of million of square miles of land more or less suited to agricultural pur- poses. It is certain that the number of persons engaged in testing and developing the value of these many miles of land is not more than person to every two square miles of such land. Many of the persons engaged are undoubtedly of the highest capacity, courage and industry. If they could all be so Mr. F. T. in Prince British Columbia, with a popula- iton of half a million and more than five times the area of agri- cultural land that Britain pos essess, the farmer should not be expected to prosper on three and find a cow if he can. Most of the farms should em- brace not less than forty aeres and the cost of the forty acres should be than three today. I praise all you say regarding mining and manufacturing de4 velopment in British Columbia, but IT reiterate, you are too des- pondent regarding agricultural prospects, Cheap lands ont quickly show that agriculture is} naturally the greatest of all in- dustries in British Columbia. Horses, cattle and sheep will in- and flourish and poultry will abound. All vege tables and fruits will be rais* of excellent quality _ in great quantity. Even will wot be lacking, each farm raising its nodicum of oats, wheat, barley and rye. Wha, sir, the fine many parts for farm tg, and why not British Columbia? Congdon, Rupert as | Yakon Commissioner that as the Liberal parliament for writes a letter the Vancouver acres Sir less acres too soon there are a crease Pigs ' one cereais so m classed, the number would still ; be grossly inadequate to even Will you permit me to remind| , f i 2 ; lal approximatels determine the | You that the late ae ake agricultural possibilities of this was not the originator of the ¢ province. But they are not allj Pression designating British Co- to be so classed lumbia “a sea of mountains, Many of them are totally with-|2Ut in using it, merel) quoted out experience as proven by the sea ge te en tenet who, s ms high prices they have paid for ms ‘a. the first to so ap 7 = - the land they occupy, prices so scribe the magnificence 6 ‘ grossly excessive as to render mountain grandeur of British Columbia, Yours, ete., FRED T. success impossible. Why cannot a scheme be work- ed out for more effective aids by loans and otherwise in clearing, draining and preparing land for CONGDON Japanese Invade Brazii. production, and why cannot land ase in British Columbia in suitable Fifteen hundred Japanese im quantity be made readily avail-|'™'e#rants were landed at Santos, able to the willing settler as in| Brazil, on May 15. They are the Alberta, Saskatchewan and Man-|vanguard of a great population itoba? If the unsettled agricul-|to be sent to South America to tural land of British Columbia|become a part of the first perm were parcelled out equally among|anent Japanese colony in Brazil the present inhabitants of the! under the Soa Palo colonization province, there would be more|agreement recently entered into than 320 acres for every man,| between Japan and Brazi rhe woman and child. In Great Bri-| first award of territory comprises tain, with her forty millions of|approximately 150,000 acres of people and comparatively smal | agricultural land area, it was all right for Joseph} _— nse Chamberlain to preach the gos For furniture, carpets and lin- pel of three acres and a cow for|oleums, inspect the Geo. D. Tite's every worker of the soil, but in | stook for quality. 128-tf His Masterpiece A certain renowned ball play had heen ap ler, Whose name pearing over certain abiened stories pertaining to the same bumped into his a short while ago “Say,” he said to his Literary Manager, “who wrote that chunk of dope T had ie your pav er?” “Rill Blank,” replied the sport ing editor, “What's the kick?’ “Oh, no kick at all,” the athlete. “I was only thirk- ing that in many ways it was the best story I have eve writfen Mollier’s for June 9th, Inst ers at G. D. Tite's June prices. Yukon is} The Twin Sorew Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every MONDAY NIGHT Gaile for Port Simpson, Naas River Points| and @ranby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. Gaile WEDNESDAYS, 2 PF. @. for Vancouver | Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Cal! on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. | ‘porting editor replied | | | $4.50 Wicker chairs and rock-| UNION S.5. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd i } a Double Weekly Servi cbs TO THE SOUTH - 4 by the splendid steamers o PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE sun “Ker Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and seatiis — Mondays and Fridays at © A. m = F For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A. m For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 42 p.m r Steamers Prince John and Prince Alber: ' Maintain Weékly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver and | yueen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Wa Ports, Leave pr aoe t \ a nound Saturdays at 8 P . Also eekly Service to Masa: Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at s py swet RAILWAY SERVICE rf rrain No. @ leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a.m. Weur a Saturdays ; and 2 SPECIAL LOW EXOURGION RATES to ai) poinis can vo ‘ routes in connection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWay SYSTEM, = t esth to Sept. 90th, Returninglimit Oct. Sist . f For through tickets, reservation, etc., apply 1 t A. &. MOMABTER, General Agent i" Office 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert Pr 4 one 260 f py CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY - ARE YOU GOING EAST || THIS SUMMER? _ |} Magazines :: Periodicnis Newspaper ; Special Excursions | May _ = Sep- ne TOBACCO FRUITS } ing Limit October at A Vancouver 0 Toronto and | ne ve. Below Kalen taland Club ‘ return videos $02.00 il bs thet Vancouver to Montreal and ie return ‘to New York and — —————— 0 e oO 0 | oo vireturn hi ago and ee a a Vancouver to c ¢ orzo ||} Empress Vanamaver to St. Paul and | Bowling Alleys S Other Points Correspondingly Low AND POOL ROOM oa J. @, MoNAB @ ALLave 12 i General Agent Cor. 8rd Ave & 6th St M. & ROSS, Prop. Sra Ave. |i) Princess Sophia south, Saturday, 9 a.m Fragen, Regen: Employment ursey | : LICENSED AaENTs } a — - = FSS, , | : ee LUMBER] coal ————EE C O A L | New Wellington Ceal. Best on the . Coast ; ~anl | Phone 116 Rogers & Black " Complete Line of ier - R } BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES ‘LINDSAY CARTAGE and ¥ . WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited |) STORAGE Phone 186 G. T. P. Transfer Agents — —— _ - | Orders promptiy filled = Prices reasonable FOR TEETHING CHILDREN 3 ane Cum, ewe . MATHIBU S + NERVINE POWDERS. SMITH & MALLETT ’ For Headache ang Neurnign THIRD AVE i el ; LM eS ae ome Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ard ‘ Sheet Meta! Work \ Office: §rd Ave. Worksbop ‘ Phone 174 Bnd Ave. bet. Tth and “th Su 18 POWDERS FOR 26 CENTS If your dealer cannot supply |**Valhalla”’ of S.H. & EF. (SCAN DIN ANIAN SoctrTt you, the J. L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends| box postpaid on receipt of price i | Meets every 2nd and 4t SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS| Bod and 4th, Tu 7 ‘ Tuesday at* Ave D. GC. STUART new || from room The above, the Detroit News, gives a very good idea of the court scene in Marquette, Mich., where Ex-President Roosevelt was suing the editor of a publication there for’ $10,- I STARTED OUT with A CAT AND iF I CAN KEEP TRADING FOR, SOME THING— Be rrer rv Run 000 damages for libel in making accusations the Colon- el’s sobriety. At the extreme left of the picture is Judge to Yes, Indeed, These Two Should Be Great Friends Accountant 808 2nd Ave. -* Prone 280 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C Alex. &@. Manson, B. A. W. & Williams, 8. A, b - & WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Box 286 Melgereen Block Prince Rupert, & © P.O. BOX @ PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING ror. OF Ww. FORON, me. 4h 4 Lon... BNO HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS and EMBALMERS Funeral Directors ard Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. % Flannigan, who is, according to his own statement, a dime Puneral ee on CHARGES REAS novel fiend. The jury looks very much interested and the | ano onan 2nd Ave. Phone 356 “eubby holes” of galleries above are filled with society wom- OPEN DAY AND NIGH! en of Marquette, . ; EX-PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT IN WITNESS BOX DESCRIBING HIS DRINKS. E. L. FISHER —————————— Drawn for The Daily News »y Hop as HE S AN EXCEPTIONALLY Fine GOAT - A COMBINATION OF— aMan -> House Per ! _ (OW Boss - L Gor A Mew PET FOR. THE OFF\CE— ou I THINK “TWo SHOULD BE es @ vars ~ wan FN ~ BAe -