tune 13 1915 ies . frida - THE DAILY NEWS 3 ee ee ——— ——$$<$$<$< nae ACHASE NOTICES, yaNp PuRCH ———— amen ene jetriet District of Cassiar, I h L B winece van rr 1. N, Mackechnie, i n t e eller Ox = rake nowlce Hat veupation surgeon, 60 j vancouvely Bo "intend tO SDpIy 80 the } : fys, ariel ae or of Lands to purehase ’ shat me 015 A, Cassiar Distriely coveyed, LO’ Situated near mile 13q LOCAL BUSINESS MAN sume River, Paeine containing 49.7) MAKES A COMPLAINT W and t . ; a are OT 8 MACRO, hen Summer Me oop ¥, W, MECRADY, ©, Kus Manas a ; ; i | oded und dated march $008, ah i'To the Editor of the Daily News: 5 etan’ \ ack nine June 9, 1043 kip. Apr. 14 1049 se Dear Sir,—May I be permitted) to Ss t e win 5s — —_—< |} to occupy a iittle of your valu-| na Gand District oo“ of Coast, able space in an endeavor to) «kee ‘ e . at Y nme Waterous Ag bring before the notice of the} roxe © * © geeupation married : . e reasons f s , . aichy tor pe Se public some of the reason that voman, ICO wing described lands the business men of this city r ’ ; o , » ] ot ake hp I find it so hard to exist under} | | woul “of the Hoesall, thenee resent conditions Business | ry § thene west 20 chains , | ive ve « i . ab ‘ hains, thence east 20 men are up against high rents * i " .: to point of commence ned ante Mabebence rates, GO! Most of us can remember the school lesson in the al g 40 acres more 0 pas 7 : y } ; petit iA. WATEROUS AGNEW earry larger stocks than in any law of accumulated motion—momentum. pated April | ty 1088 ae 58, 1098 other town in Canada of its size.} pub. APM * The prairie towns have the} If ; sient — : a ou exert a pou ress aga ma advantage of the farming dis-| y : _ nd of p — unst wd nin pees Last Disirict—Distee ot coast tetete to Grew trade from, Mere! | a swing, you'll start him moving slowly “to and vee that a * 2 S| B. Cy geeupation gree. we are almost solely dependent fro.” If you continue to exert a pound of pres- yer , apply for permissio ) : @ lat ¢ make ene* cuowing = @eseribed lands on our city population te draw sure i i i ying mak } me 7 1 poe pignted or viet upon. A certain class of our - agninet him every time the Swi R es & | q oa aed " at 20 * chains, thence community are sure of getting wip, you il soon have him going so high that he ti 2) chains, tne er ee of com: what trade there is to be had in| almost turns the whole circle. If you stop push- nenCe ee and ntaining 40 acres more . the city as they are lucky enough} g ‘ : . mence tit - m ’ | : |ARGARET B, GRANT a to be in trades and professions Ing, the momentum will die out and the swing pated ADEN, nS jane 16, 1013 CANA not affected by the departmental come to rest at “dead centre. oub. Al DIAN BEAVERS FOR DUBLIN stores But what of the unfor a In excha 1s. the Ganadian ¢ ; ‘ tunate merehants who carry ill se onsite C 8, anadiar iovernment has s i six as guess Land District —pistriot of Coast.) aieia: Poet aoe trang ee, Pus. ty [stotks of goods supplied by Winning trade follows the same natural laws. ; ela ey £0 ‘ j ‘ oronto 00 0 7 Te oh those stores? do , are? Take notl jee | ome. H. tiegier, wh cently brought from Algonquin Park. The - “ tores? How they fare Lo spply for ‘permease to purchase ely time catching the agile little animals, rm vaeaal on ee wh - ar 4 or Advertisements are the force behind the swing of } mefrollowing described We 5 ind larg nding nets had to be employed to carry the |... +. ee ee i i i mime ¢ at & post planted at the ' al ! are in ebeniiiden - ' sme corner of Lot 28, sBence | perth geling es to the express wagon, which was to take |. |" businesses and profes public favor. Fach new advertisement increases wr caine, thence west 26, ceMhsins to) them to the train sions which — have to patron the momentum. Finally, the accumulated force bh 4 1 e . = | mmencement, containing 160 ze locally, and wh« n return i i indi | FS wp nil anaes tt ie. bel anne of these numerous impulses swings indifference to HARLES HENRY ZIEGL reocccce th b of : t. Aleoaneet Nobie, Agent out for most of their goods, e uying poin ted Mar ist, , i el REPORT ON ALASKA MINING helping iv build up eastern . Ea stores at the expense of Prince ss j gens band District—Distriet of Coast, Rupert. They are the people to If you —_ Advertising, you | momentum. } . Range V. . Sibest answer the questior | e that I, Daniel Brenton Ken Even some. of our civie em | e. B. &, occupation rancher, The e| he Mine i d the Seward Peninsula thi ven i ivi ! s y for permission to purchase , , : , Peninsula third ployees are not ashamed to ad- The}moral of which is: s ree eh se ee spector f ! I tory of Ala It may be noted that the con-| mit that they draw a salary from . al @ , , ' = _— . er"of Lt 6430, thence orth) ke has just be ed. The| sumption of erude oil and naph-|the city and purchase a large Don’t stop the business swing in Summer. ence . ace | | ns, thence west 30 chains to peri d covered is th fiscal year ha has nereased markedly n| percentage of ‘their goods at » a“ f commencement, containit : , ' Pe ‘ rarat ‘ of or nen * . _ ended Juni 0 494 Phe figures | ih. sat tel! toilet Sn W0E4 ‘meee Eaton's, and fora: that the Keep adding the pounds of Advertising D NBL, BRENTON KENNEY f production, we te ire car ha 18.000.000 gallons of crude merchants help to pay their wag- pressure. th to June 20 ried y to the end of the caler ind a million and a quarter] °° Yet not one of these people} ‘ . jar vear 191414 - < of naphtha were shipped can get Yredit where they send eeu Land District—District of Coast, \rhe.total value ¢ the mineral] frot ther arts of the United their ready cash. The local mer =: I hange wodudtins fA ili +} Geet ‘ ve ‘ chant gets a call then « that Gertrude M. Newell, of| | c ska gz the ates LO aska : j ‘ » Scotia, on: paneer te vear 1941 vas £20.650,005 By It is gratifying to notice that If I could go into details and b : ; p 0 p ssiot i n ne e business men 0 ave he lowing described lands far the greater prop f this) the nepector reports the organ name the busit men who hav sate post planted ot wae gold hich metal was ned | iza f mines rescue and first had to leave town in the last 0 0 norte 90 chains, thence to the value of eal 217.000 rid eams on Douglas Island three vears, I think that the peo- i . nce ct . , ave . ‘e of our fol ae of the Lakelse Lake O00 The pr ! ppe rh ‘ has also been taken up ple who have the future ¢ f our 4 w f commencement, COntgIDINE) » wnver ha " 7 as . » of lode mine city at heart would think twice ‘4 eS ae \ yas . r f lode mines | m EKXTRUDE M. NEWELI ed s total va reach tne Considering all the conditions|?“ * nding money out of} | L. H. KENNEY, Agent ; ; : 4 me ‘ . os town that should go to help out] } : Deed AP 16th, 1013 espectable s £3. 666,984 \ he scale wages is | | : pb. Apr. 21, 1013—Jume 16, 1013 The silver | d was of re ‘ ‘ \ The miners in the wal trade Empty stores} - | ; . : } a od alte Be eas ae don’t help to advertise the pros-| Advice regnrding your advertising peotiems ie avails Orie Can s ae La strict—District of Coast.) “''** ome ; silat " ee S Cistem SY OMT erits es inion en " recognized Canadian advertising agency, or Secretary of the Can- 1 ut e thet 1, Sem Ennyt, of] pra : hine As a mat-| 83.50 to $5.00 a day and boara pe y of any town, fol boost | i adian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry | | oo : yf cermmnest a nSereness ter f fa } . fi At Nome the rates are higher : ee os | involves no obligation on your part—so write, if in oe wing scribed land ‘ . . snstadiniiie : Prince Rupert but buy i oron-| ' tneng at & post planted at the — wore ' eed aoe . |S Ze rhe! does not seem consistent | ° wxae:- f Lot 182%, Hange while i : ally 1 ON tons ‘ n ahiit predaor nates | | md > er aS eS. “Sel were hased f ' British | There . ttle f any abour ‘s back to the time hat the i ae nence 20 chains east to the | ¢ 1 The produ _ anedian Miata Sour.(tet Sreene See ee = so yh ae 2 ; . - . and the money paid out in wag- ——_—— ——— ry lary 20 chains i f Ve ! erals such as arbi i we t, containing 40 acres more yosut r ail ; ; 7 a i aat veer es was paid to a foreign popula-) , evh , : ge tion who sent it out as quickly . nen . . * mon awe gated @ value of $476,998 HUDSON BAY STORES son vned. We were all unani-| EghtiFtarh OF TITLE “FOR LOTS 3 Peb. May 1913—June 30, 1913 Of’ the gold ipprox ate eas ; . . AND 4, BLOCK 3, SECTION 6, CITY OF ———— oon ae al oe te . a peone Gees Vo Ge 8 oa tee in our opinions that it Was) pRinck RUPERT. MAP 923 ; ad was derives om rg reo a disgrace that the city practi- Notice is hereby given that it is my in- fem Land District—District of Coast,| . ‘ nad rt ‘ 14% Range V | placers yur and a quarter mil toria and Winnipeg. cally derived no benefit from tention to issue at the expiration of one tue nouce what Ole J, semen, of wi. | Lion f ind $86 . eat was | eetinets eh Sp Sesudare cf cas te ws Has the Largest Circalation in Northern British Columbia Take é "i le i . cious es, am So that expenditure as the cash was | duplicate o certificate of title to t amklum, b. C., occupation rancher, I) oo from copp ren After billed ee tains nore or less to the point of com lion dollars $500,000 It would also makejout if spent in town would cer- SMALE INTEREST iN LOT 34, Brock #2, pmoment, contelming 150 Scres oe The silver | juction has gone} extensive improvements in Ed-jtainly put a different aspect on SECTION 5, PRINCE RUPERT. OLE 4. {BNOER AD Agent ) up from about 50,000 ounces to} monton, he said, and would put the state of affairs. Young, ocal judge ot the supreme couri Dated March 98th, 1043. — ’ present ip f nearly half|four additional storeys on the Let the principal offenders - erie on ia, the | of ; : : : ; u magne : . ub Apr. 21, 1913-—Jume 16, 1013 la million inces. While the coy Calgary building of the company] place themselves in the shoes of} or Cale to Lot 34, Block 22, Section 5, ip Prince Rupert's Artistic Jeb Printing Establishment iper preduction took a tremend in the course of a few years. the local merehants for one | the City of Prince Rupert, will be sold > | : 3 or after the 17th day of June, 1913. Ad LAND LEASE NOTICE jous leap as between the years rhe Winnipeg estab ishment.|month and [ guarantee that they dress offers a. oo 7, oe ¢ anson, a —— 1910 and 1911 in the former, Mr. Burbridge said, would be one] will be the first to boost for pat- Sopest, BC. Sheena Land District—-pistrict of Coast,) year, 1910, the production was jof the finest establishments on ronizing the local merehants w—May 19— June 0.1013. Range IV four and % quarter million the continent, and would cost $3, I trust that some one more te City , = i. ©. OH. Amos pounds, in 1912 the production 000,000. able than myself will have a few LAND PURCHASE NOTICE a jumbia, prospector, tatends tolwas 27,267,871 pounds, enema pee words to say on this important Skeena Land District—District of Coast SW hecrted ae the follow) The Yukon basin is still the G. D. Tite’s stock of house] subject. Range V. wall ne at a post planted on the rest regional source of gok . ‘ : . [ s respectf Take notice that The Prince Rupert mr oeeat af LR Dritien ee argest regional puree f gold. furniture is up-to-date in hand Your re pectfully, | ay bth®pisctric. Co., Limited, of Prince humbia, on the shore of a sinall unnamed) with the Pacific belt coming next,| some designs. 128-tf | “A LOCAL BUSINESS MAN.”’| Rupert, B. C., intends to qe permis- ° ° Wy and being about five (5) miles in an sion to es 40 acres © near the ect our 1 aiterly direction from End Hill, thence | Hocsall River, bounded as follows Commencing at @ t planted on the ne ree ya aa oe oy ary north end of M near the out aan )) enains, thence west elghty) — lll eee = 0. e bains. themes th twent 20) | _ jet, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 fi Ou Tllust ed Cc, log casing to I ‘int. a ee nn, and chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east rom r rat ata ue satalning one hundred and sixty (160) | et oS a fs, COn- , ore r less ; . PRANK B, ST, AMOUR, Locator. | PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-BLECTRIC IT REPRESENTS THOROUGHLY OUR LARGE, WELL Pub ue 208R, day of ADD ibis CO. LIM George H. Kobi, Agent ASSORTED, QUALITY STOCKS. - ay yy une 30 ets - - = om : Dated May 16th, 1013. j i i — iy e Dated wey oe teis——duly 91, 1913. With our catalogue in hand you may sit down in the WATER NOTICE. 1 if © quiet of your home and select your wedding gifts as Fora License to Take or Pen Back Water. | , satisfactorily as though you could visit our store pergon- ally. Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena. Take notice that Samuel R. Brown Jr., Not hereby given that G. KR I : = = ——————— =a = — 5 tf Pr . ” of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation engi- ; 5 ‘ fore licens moe muperts BD. Tso kere] heer, intends to ‘apply for permission to The jewellery section of this catalogue will be of ex- feet to store or pen back 200 acre | : 2 purchase the following desc lands: ; siram fvwing iovan sastaein aipection snd Com lete ome rurnisher - r venue Teas sete at a. post planted at the ceptional interest to those who must buy wedding jewel- waiving lay Goose Bay near Oranby Bay | P southeast corner of Los 9000., Mnn whence lery. Tt shows the gem set exquisites of the day at prices a > is et | east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to within the reach of the average buyer, We emphasize the et food feet from mouth © point of comimencement, containing 160 PEARL because it is the birthday gem of June © built 4,000 feet from mouth of | | Our large stock of furniture is selected from the best of the manufacturers’ designs snd will be used for domesti See our windows for displays of acres more or less. SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR. Dated April 25th, 1913. Pub, May 26, 1913—July 21, 1943. Write for this catalogue; it will be sent free on re- quest. Henry Birks G Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C m the land deseribed as land) west side of Granby Bay Town | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. “E555 ) — uPETS, DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS lo take and use water, posted) AT OUR JUNE DISCOUNT PRICES hotice was posted on the ground | Piica 1 day of April, 1013. The ap Wate Will be fied in the oMce of the et rder at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Wrier et _ me be fled with the said t Wat der or with the Comptroller Vietorne |, Siehts, Parliament Buildings, 1 ee G. R. T. SAWLE ' Dining Room Furniture Take notice that I, Loules «uriol, of Quinista, B. C., occupation farmer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 4126, thence westerly along the shore line 20 chains more or less, thence following the shore line northerly and easterly to northwest % Lot 4125, thence south 5 chains more or less to point of commencement, containing 12 acres more or less. LOUVIES AURIOL. Dated May 2454, DRAPERIES! Lace curtains, tapes- try curtains, screens, Arm chairs, rockers, WATER NOTICE. and side chairs, all hav- | ing leather of No, 1 , ” * License to Take and Use Water. | Grade. Special June muslins, blinds, brass Dered May 5 ies Sree os. 1008. 2 napoli, s Nereby given that Ihe Prince Prices. poles, trimmings, ete. te wine rt, b ‘ whl, apply "tor A { ; “ rete ee eee nok Iron beds, mattress Go-carts and baby bug- NEW STOCK OF ws if an easterly direction j) i : wa a Se tae into | | springs, pillow sheets and gies in many good designs Thousands of readers — offer to send : Uh ou the savant 3 ie ero will || blankets at Special June and all receive June Dis- ne ; . a h range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS + or OVEROOA co 1. : sist Mtiaaet git Sout, Sie} Reduetions counts. @ have just received & Sh/P-) TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.@@ (valued by our Aa . houmh o ecreek, an will ’ i erns i send ; ace tie hartoe®oe euchange wei i TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS canals clan cok BAG 8 oman ie CLOVER POTATO SEEDS REE read our book of testimonials | hee etgcwe ERed the frond GEO. D. TITE pt me a DT a th day or May, 1018, he ap will be convi that no other firm in the world can us for ; rach Se britee hapert, Bt, Can Guiattlitineatiiiinas FLOWER SEEDS value. Money returned if you are not satisfied, | Water Nights, Parlament Buridings , Mail orders Promptly attended to Addvese far Patterns: / ) sy ents, a rr suildings PHONE 20 CURZON BROS., Glougher Syndicate, Si) AUPENY MYDRO-RLRCTMC | (Dept. ), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO, = SS SSS GEFFFS PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Please mention this Advertisement, ; Pub By Geo, H. Koni, Agent We SSS May 26, 1913-——June 16, 1915 j