THE DAILY NEWS : {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. } “The News” Classified Ads. |) 0.» ee. | fhe Prince John arrived from} for SUMMER SPoRTs ' | =Une Cent A W jon== {jv EH owe nt ord ror 0 — i ’ Read Jabour Bros.’ advertise ou omer if ment, page 2. tf 5 a= } MAYOR OF USEDOM Wanted PRINCE RUPERT AGAIN whew parts LOSES HIS MEMORY | nt WITHOUT A MAYOR!" "°° Here’s The Ideal Tonic A combination of nourish- ing Canadian Barley Malt, Saazer Hops, and sparkling Mountain Water. A pure ——— Made In Smart Styles, Suitable KITCHEN HEL W ll ee ‘ V. Henderson of Viet food as well as a tonic. car ? att ae re ain” tad Wendein For Every Outdoor Makes rich. red blood. aids Enlists Under a False Name iM wre woman go do day work. Call Acting-Mayor Naden Leaves o 4, an ! easien _ . us the French Foreign Legion Blue 393 192-94 Short Business Trip—De- eft for the south this morning @ digestion of other foods, As Private. | puty To Be Appointed. le YOUR DEALER HAS THEy } - ; Stewart, one of the first Y —— a Sa | G. 1 ou Might As Well Get and wus Up the whole Berlin, June 164——An extraord For le Acting-Mayor G. R. Naden Went) residents of Prince Rupert and | THE BEST system. Pints or Quarts luke Cine of ieee of momor) 5 mcrermirmermeme | south by the Prince George this} now of Hazelton, is in town | CANADIAN CONSOLUDATED A at dealers. ‘ aie tio : alse |FOR_ SALE—Launch, 26 ft 5 ft. 6 in} morning to meet a client from| | RUBBER CO., LimiteD. ae eee . oun sunited Petes we ast “Phone England at Vancouver He will) V A. J. MeKean left here this] MONTREAL i Beaver Liquor Co., ae and character inder the} Blue 418 133tf be away for a week A spec ial! m rninge for the first time in five} LIMITED jinfluence of epileptic conditions meeting of the council has been| years He intends to pay a visit} Distributors, Prince Rupert, B.C. is reported from Usedom, in Ger- I called for this evening to appoint] jn Boston ame H many, the mayor of which town and Found an acting-mayor during Mr. Srerrrcccorocosoccsoorssccsscossen > , Naden's absence. The Borealis came into port Herr Troemel, who is aged 32, ‘ 4 . ae wha ym 4 4 ; year = had FOUND—An O44 Fellow's gold pin, * = eee : - ~ this morning after experiencing - ¥ « ou 8 year 25 cemetery. Owne have same at the ; eg t g ge tr been missing since March 28 Dally! ews Omice by paying for | this LITTLE GIRL INJURED very heavy weather. She brought LEGITIMATE 8s : . ad. 1100f a catch of some 40,000 pounds The othe ay. e ‘roe sis ' Be er Ge dhe is Sinan 0 eee LOST—-Between Merryfeld Building afd) Fell From Cliff Near the Dunn ~ sister, who is living at Bavaria Hays Cove brid gold necklace, set , ' aN received a heart-broken letter with pearls and Sarid ts. Apply Daily Residence on Seventh Street Mr. John Christiansen return : News Office 134-0f eam d yesterday from Kitsumkalum _ from her brother stating that in ec ' ’ ee POUND—Engraved silver watch on Fourth The four-year-old daughter of|where he had been investigating a condition of mental eclipse he|" ‘gyenue. Owner may have same by : : . had enlisted under a false name| SPply &t oMice of "McCaffery & Gibdons}Grant Thorburn, of the Savoy,/with Mr. J. 17 King, the possi in Paris in the French Foreign =e ems ee Oe ot sae Ver met with a painful accident yes-/ bilities for starting a brick fa See ah thet the Concer “i Legion. The posteard was dated terday. She was playing at the/tory in that neighborhood center le tek mg for, the carety \ : “eo 7 . esidence on pect t Sadia, Algeria, and did not give rear of the Dunn resi double their money 6 aa any further details For Rent Seventh street when she slip Miss Black, sister of the late tout » core re Se @ tu tas any i 8. ; n 4 tele + = The brother urged his sister able f ped over the edge of the ecliff| William David Black, of the of interest ” = ; ‘0 _ 00 it or ‘ oj] oO v7 @ ‘ rhting ews echs ‘ ats en to break the news gently to his ” Ronee stalls "See both “neatly fur and fell fourteen feet, alightin New mechanical taf went h : es wife and then make every effort nished, modern house, rent rensenabie, on her face Both the Doctors|south on the Prince George, to Such an Investment is ; , Mrs. P. R. Harris, Angle Appts. 6th an — — . ' acecamnat e remain 0 . .c — = to rescue him from his predica-| Pulton. eee = oe * ‘4 t = 2 Re es a i d ; ‘a bh ine , f ‘aan PRINCE RUPERT ‘ ment. On receipt of the news!FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house; ove] '@Ce Has Had to be stiene WO | deceaser » the rome ) e TA j = the wife fainted, and is danget hk — Apply 108 Sth Ave yer: | oF three places But the little) parents at Fergus, Ontario REAL ESTATE = $ ’ ’ re eBric 133 ; ‘ . ously ill. girt is healthy and today there is Many of “comfortably fired” holg- — . . FOR RENT—Nicel furnished four room)... © sea oO 0 slete ‘ “ a f oan = It appears that Mayor Troem- modern eparument in Merryfeld Bidg.|CVery promise f complete re-| Mr. R. V. Rees of England oe 1 peer fe se = el once before disappeared from] "°F *Ppointment phone 453 133-35) covery. iwho has been in this country for from rent property, y ; ay Usedom and recovered his mem-|/s — } some months investigating the} aan "sale in a a. ? ory in a Paris Hospital several ENGINEERING Eulogy of King Alfonso. |state of the fishing industry, |$ gradually increase your noid } = months later. : : . Madrid, June 10.—During the|jef this morning on the Prince| Were is a good start that you } = Si tis ia Engineers, Stationary and Mar-|course of a debate in the Cham-| George. He is bound on a re can handie with little cast } A. FARROW. government's policy, the Repub |will probably return here in a ey ph $800 cash ; ) 2 oa lician Senator Senor Azcarate,|fow months. ; ) SHOVEL AND STUMP 654 4th Ave. East idelivered an enthusiastic eulogy renin lia aeaanpstintetaitatitaaltaaiitiaat 7 ba ] sintiietieen ¢ : = of King Alfonso. He said that} $16,000,000 _ ? Ss I irst Princip es George Dillon of McDougall’s| phone 300 P. O. Box 1635/during a recent interview the . ; ; , ‘ ; —? Camp Receives Severe In- King manifested most libera Fifteen million dollars is the ; ; ae he G. T. P. will get from eor e ee = juries to Head. | sentiments—indeed much more um the GT. I : Be ¥ ; . A kitch ae ' f fi e : the Dominion Government to} ; = itchen range was originally thought of for : a liberal than anybody could imag proceed with the good work that] PRINCE RUPERT ; _— cooking purposes. The fuel was placed in the While George Dates, of Me Arohi — This was greeted with concerns our Prince Ruperties. | Agent for Fort Fraser Lot 3 Dougall’s camp was attaching a Suite 1, Federal Block thunderous applause a : $ a lig 1 Yrafts wer : ‘ ; 2% his is certain we will all get a sas te 5 ad fire pot and lighted. Drafts were turned on and ehain around a stump for the PRINCE RUPERT, B. €. ' w. W.’s. Co slice of it. Come to the Mechan ™ : ; add Deafte we i it . @@ the fire burned up. Drafts were checked as soon steam shovel to pull it, the shovel] = - on es nein ia scat didn’ iy teadenendl Gianna cae I K ; Cs ‘ aterson, . June ‘ @= as the fire was well under way. swung around, unnoticed by him W J JEPHSON rhirty a) 6th Week 7 dots the school house and get your ; ' e’lig Ss A ? ers, . . ° oJ = ‘ f ‘ and jammed his head against oT 1s pickets, gathered in front of share. Thursday, Friday and | eeceeeseccooocooooocoscorcosorors 2: From the time the first kitchen range was the stump. He was taken to the Barrister and Solicitor = aoiil doghens sidiine iiaheidiond Saturday will experience a “Mas-| made until the Gurney Lconomizer was invented hospital yesterday evening and |of British Columbia, Alberta and Sask on April 25, were convicted f —e at the Mechanics’ sale a tremendous amount cf heat was wasted, and absolutely wasted. This heat should be retained in the stove for the purpose for which it was created tchewan mre ; 4 . . be. it was found that not only had S 5 Clothing and shoes will be the : inlawful assemblage tonight by Pi his head suffered severe con- Notary Public = countey court jury. Many of!" ape goats 136138139 | cussions but that one of his ear|Room 11, Federal Block, Prince Rupert ,),, prisoners are members of the - drums had bursted. He is now Padusinint Worksen of the World Football Game Postponed well as could be expected. | PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. | Buys 5 acres near Prince Rupert —to cook with ae On account of bad weather the aa Puraitere, Ge . Plane Mev Baseball Challenge Accepted return match which was to have| ewe LAND The Gurney range absolutely retains the heat . ggage, ove; vy. A. Cole, of Cole's Segar| peen played between the married} with the minimum zemount of waste HOTEL ARRIVALS ing and General Cartage Store, says that the challenge to| men and single last night, was/ GOOD WATER z a ° plete Phone 1 a baseball! match issued by New! pos , Ss . ven- | FOR a postponed until Saturday even SUITABLE The Economizer enabies you to produce in a Prince Rupert Inn Office: Suite 9, Federal Block | Hazelton to Prince Rupert will be| jing next, at 8 o'clock, on Secoad TRUCK FARMING ‘ ar : $. Giraux, Geo. T. Stewart, F accepted. The team is now be- | avenue. few minutes an extreme or moderate heat in the R. Giersten, C. E. Torkelson, Mrs. ing got together. The game is duaninenine S oven whenever and as often as you desire it. What L. Beale, A. Innes, James Ruth- WENDELL R. JONES to take place on Dominion Day, rhe pulp and paper industry | ‘toa erford, Tom Wilson, 8. McNaugh- July ist. of British Columbia issued manu- | SEE EXPERT ACCOUNTANT ton, D- MeDonald and M. Des- rar ereee res stomemiencs factured products to the value of| : BOOKKEEPING AUDITING Dance Saturday at 10 P.M. Harrison, Gamble & Company Bugay. } $1,250,000 last year, and the out- this means every woman knows. COCCOCCOOCCOCE You are not fair to yourself or ; : i ‘ > rivate ons = u do not investigate on Reaaia ; rr a - Premier Hotel ee ee ee For a pleasant evening come | put this year is estimated at 83, FINANCIAL AGENTS yo & —uzer in buying a Dunean Sinclair, J. L. Coyle, vee the Prenat Ladens at ltoMcIntyre Hall. Gray's 4 piece | 250,000. Dotusen $12,000,000 : A — = new range. J. K. Gordon, 8. G. Shenstown, = mon Ss : orchestra Gents $1.00, ladies! and #15,000,000 is invested in Third Ave. W. J. O’Neiley and Geo. T. Crow. free 138 139 |the industry SSS : : : : , BOOKKEEPING TAUGHT IN 12 LESSONS stry. — At the same time you will appreciate the excep- Hote! Central RATES OOCCCCCOCOLOOEOEE LEE E IEE TTTT ITT tional value of the other exclusive features of the Mr, and Mrs. A. Smith, W. F.| Class of 4 or 2, $1.00 per lesson. $10.00 = Binnie, H. W. Ruddock, E. W.| criss of 3 105; 75 ¢ per lesson. $7.50 Borden Street Lot range—the Divided Flue, the Special Grate and Corat, 8. Hart, 8. C. Hammer and| _ per course of 12 lessons Class of 6 to 9; 60¢ j Level, beaut £6.00 unquestionably -— the Broiler attachment. H. N. Taylor. iper ‘course of 12 ‘es ‘ unquestionably So ~ Hotel Windsor . per ‘course wy 12 tens p18 re | a 250.00 Only = The Gurney-Oxford is well able to speak for H. W. Nelson, D, Mackay, S.| @OOKKEEPING OR AUDITING RATES plea C =e siitself. McNaughton and J. N. Hamilton Services = oF $9 rH The Mack Realty & Ins om U. Royal Hotel Gases 00 end Ave. & Sth 8 = Seer rocrccccccrecrcrecrre BOOKKEEPING TAUGHT IN 12 LESSONS = meee mts. R. Bees, 7. I 1—Th f the different book eoccceett > ’ 8801 ne uses © ne differen J00OKSs ee ) Fred Stork * 2nd Ave. Ferguson, E, Caselman, Mrs.|Tesson 2—How a complete double entry -ar ‘Triso i or 2 bookkeeping system for small business —— Peart Morrison, “ - Hawkeratone, ean be carried on with three books at | A. Gross, A. O. Wooler?# H. Suth at a total cost for books of between i pereereretts g , . " ‘ $6.00 and $10.00 is erland, F. b. McLeod, Oliver Dav-| esson 3-—-How to open. bookkeeping sys is, Mr. Lord and Miss H. Rob- tome, for business house-or store cf any kine ertson. Lesson 4—How to install bookkeeping ort Wal system for business coneern already ESSOCCOCOOCCOCOOOOOOOCCOCOOTCODOCCOOOOOOREOROGOOREED = TT NT a ae ee ae oe doing business. Left on Prince George. Lesson 5——-How to take off trial balance. | — Lesson 6——-How to take off profit and loss) TL statement, PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- f Lesson 7—-How to clase books. Among those who left for the|Lesson s—How to make up statement of | . 20 Geor financial coadition of any firm showing south on the Prince George this everything complete | morning were H. A. Parks, J.| Lesson 9—Examination of first five ks : 7 ; sons. Stinson, H. Frickman, A, McCol-| Lesson 10—€xamination on lessons six, “ ” , y FROM HOME TO HOME. lachie, A. Cordt, A. B, Whidden, |}, ,26vem, and elgnt, | oe oe nooks F. Sparks, J. Ames, Mr. Scho-|Lesson 12-—General. review. field, Mr. Leners, BE. Croates, A. TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the & ment slip for P I every day For pa apply to Harris & Co., Phone 51 OPPO OOOO OOOO OOOO OPO OOOO OOPS HOTEL ELYSIUM SE Melean, Mis Sit, BClae ~~ Ge WESTHOLME THEATRE ooees oe Navn acs wns sal Qilversides Bros.i TO-NIGHT i. ~ eeret f » Near . Cor ©, T. The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. eee oe 7 2 oe, Sve Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, I Mookannin G. R. Naden, Miss The Up-to-Date House Decora-| THE More Buys 1142 Pender Street West - + Vancouver, B.C. Ida Roberts, H. C. James, Mr. In- we Re ? a eae nes, Miss W. EF, Thompson, Mr. e ti Phone }. H. Silverthorne, J. W. Halliday, sign Writing.. Lot Bik. See. P J. Boone, Joe OC. Stewart, T. H. . } 6 wie Johnson and R, V, Rees. -Hanging 1s (8 7 «(81,0 Paper | PRESENTS |33 a ae sateen att leat and Card of Thanks Our Specialities és - Sa andi9 46.7 «(1.0 7 ee A MIXED AFFAIR ae KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY J) \=:,stsre2re: inci wishes to ae 88 convey ‘her heartfelt gratitude to “Ye Olde Reliabie” . ’ ae ie ee nail 14 38 5 : THIRD ANENUE P.O, DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 ff/the many kind friends for theirleng street Phone 156 Green a “es a one waneing oo < zeeee Gp aaa 44.8 sympathy and assistance in con- eautiful Costumes Specia: Scener} [anne 6 Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass nection with the death of Mr. W.| _ : ; : ; LONTEST Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors . » edie andes ae EXTRA CHORUS GIRLS’ CONTEST ———EXTRA Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges D Bleck, her brother, who pase- Rupert Bakery | oF Oils Tinwave ed away in Prince Rupert on the i = jranite “ve June 5 he ¥ Gyamtoware evening of June 6th. a, tage eakery a bad ehind Ave and Priees 25¢, 50c, 75e and Boxes $1,00 ¢ R N. den Co Ltd. The ‘ Stay Satisfactor Eeonomy in house f t a rentayrant ivade ae ” Bread Seats on Sale at Orme's Srd Ave, Store ° ° a ” MONARCH MALLEABLE ” 4 , ’ UPHISHADE | delivered to @ liparte of ¥ Doors open at & Bhow start t 8.50 ate and Insurane Range. is at Geo. D. Tite's, Third ave- GARON & RASOGAZOVITCH me vo we Real Ketats nue nue. 128-tf Ph Biue 908 | Second Aven