| 7S Gen =e SS S2aaaaE=E 1913. June 17 puesdas LAND pURCHASE NOTICES. d District District of Cassiar ¢ that I, L. pvr 1 sheen rrunk _ Pacific, geros more OF 1°52) N. MAGKRCHTIE, McCRADY, ©, E., Agent. ver Fated March 10th, 1013 staked ,ckecnnie, N. B. p. Apr. 14 1913—June 0, 1013. pub —, pand District—District of Coast, skeen nange V aoee that Boma Waterous Ag jake torla, B. Gy, occupation married pew, Of i nds to apply for permission to woman, vine following deser ed lands purchase the eat & post planted on. the mmencin® “Lake Hayward, near Falls south SHOT anch of the Hocsall, thence piver, & “ains, thence West 20 chains, porth *" vy 690 «chains, thence east 20 pence ore less to point of commence- bain taining 40 acres more or less pent, § EMMA WATEROUS AGNEW 4 April 13th, 1048 pap. Apr 21, 1919—June 16, 1013 pistrict—District of Coast, a Land Sreene otice that Margaret B, Grant, of Take B. C., occupation dress pert Abed ery ae to apply for permission to maker, one following described lands purcha Ng at & post planted at the Commenervner of LOt 604, Coast District, | portheast thence east @0 chains, thence Rane? .'; chains, theace west 20 chains, ee 20 chains to place of com vce nortl tencement and containing 40 acres more | a MARGARET B. GRANT April 5th, 1943 pare pr. 21, 1013—dune 16, 1043 peste apd District—District of Coast, grees Range V. that I, Charles H. Ziegler, | notice ee 0 England, occupation gentieman, : apply for ‘permission to purchase tend to oe owing described lands: 40 chains, point 0 ee more or less CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER Alexander Noble, Agent pated March Sist, 1013. pub. Apr. 14, 1013-—Jume 9, 19143. —_——_ givens Land District—District of Coast,) Range V take notice that I, Daniel Brenton Ken- my, of Terrace, B. C., occupation rancher, piend to apply for rmission to purchase we following described lands mmencing @t @ post planted at the portbeast corner of Lot 5130, thence north 4) chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 4 hbains, thence west 30 chains to point of commencement, containing 0 acres more or less. DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY Dated March 13th, 1913. pub. April 7th to Jume 9nd. Seeena Land District—District of Coast, hange V Take potice that Gertrude M. Newell, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission Ww purchase the following described lands ‘commencing at @ post planted at the portheas| rner of Lot 6142, thence west #0 chains, thence north 206 chains, thence est 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, following the meander of the Lakelse Lake, fe the point of commencement, containing 46 acres More or less GERTRUDE M. NEWELL L. H. KENNEY, Agent Dated April 16th, 1913 Pub. Apr. 21, 1913-—Jume 16, 1913 and District—District of Coast police that I, Sam Ennyu, of Bb. C., occupation lumberman, w apply for permission to purchase wing described land « 4t @ post planted at the ner of jot 1862, Range 5, mn the bank of the Ka Yex 20 chains west, thence 2) whence 20 chains east to the said Lot 182, thence south boundary ) chains to point of % 4° acres more SAM ENNYL Dated April 19th, 10143 rob. May &, 1913-——June 30, 1913 seeena Land District-—District of Coast, Khange V Take notice that Ole J. Jensen, of Kit hiiun, B. C., occupation rancher, in wads to apply for permission to purchase ie following described iantds mmencing at @ post planted about “4 mile north of the southeast corner “ T. L. No. $5946, thence easterly 40 sabes more or less to the west boundary “1. L. No. $5245, thence south 30 chains more or less to @ slough, thence westerly #* chains more or less to the east boun &ry of T. L. No. $5246, thence north 30 eins more or le@s to the point of com _aeement containing 120 acres more or OLE J. JENSEN, Locator. T. D. LAIRD, Agent Dated March @8th, 1913. Pub. Apr. 81, 1013—June 16, 1913. LAND LEASE NOTICE. Sheena Land District——District of Coast, Range IV, Take notice that Frank B, St. Amour of ihe City of Prince Rupert, in the Province British Colummia, prospector, intends to ply for permission to lease the follow- @g described land: Commencing at a St planted on the fast coast of } British Co ee. ob the shore of a small “ Hotlce was posted on the ground 10th day of May, 1013. The ap f the CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 3, SECTION 6, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 Notice is hereby given that it is my in tention to issue at the expiration of one month after the first publication hereof a duplicate of the certificate of tithe to the 4 bove mentioned lands in the name of Al bert A. Dick, which certificate of tithe was issued on the 19th December, 1911, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., as 9871 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., May 13th, 1913 w May 19—-June 16, 1913 SALE BY ORDER OF COURT OF ONE HALF INTEREST IN LOT 34, BLOCK 22, SECTION &, PRINCE RUPERT By order of His Honor Judge F. McB Young, local judge of the Supreme Court the City of Prince Rupert, will be sold on or after the 17th day of June, 10913 Ad dress offers to Michael Gallagher, adminis trator, care Williams & Manson, Prince Rupert, B. Cc. w—May 19 June 09,1913 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Hydro-Electric Co,, Limited, of Prince Rupert, B. C., intends to ap; y for permis- sion to purchase 40 acres of land near the Hocsall River, bounded as follows Commencing at @ post planted on the north end of Lake Madeleine near the out- taining 40 acres more or less : PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTARIC Cco., LIMITED Per George H. Kohi, Agent. Dated May 16th, 1913. Pub. May 26, 19413-—July 21, 1913. Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena. Take notice that Samuel R. Brown Jr., of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation engi- neer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commeneing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 2626, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or less SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR Dated April 25th, 1913 Pub. May 26, 1013—July 21, 1013 Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast, Range V Quinista, B. C to apply for permission to purchase following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 4125, thence westerly along the shore line 20 chains more or less, thence following the shore line northerly and easterly to northwest % Lot 4125, thence south 5 chains more or leas to point mtaining 12 acres more or less con ung LOUIES AURIOL the Dated May 2tst, 1913 : Pub, May 26, 1013-—July 21, 1013 ee AA eT ee TS NEW STOCK OF SEEDS We have just reeeived a ship ment of TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Mail orders Promptiy attended t 1. W. W.’s INTERFERE CALIFORNIA'S Japan Cannot Take Legal Action | Until Measure is in Force Longshoremen’s Strike But Fail. Housen, Mrs. M. Fresia. O. Jem-|tempt was made yesterday to call longshoremen ne, Mrs. A. E. Pool, M. Webb,| | wnership legislation Griffiths & Sprague on }ioading IN ppon Yusen Kaisha line, which force, accord- the Japanese foreign minister, in| oT was typical of I. FOR THE ISSUE OF A_ DUPLICATE In the meantime, he said, and more recently in the logging camp trouble, in that negotiations , ie Washington would continu AUDITORS FROM BANKS Professor Chuske Suyehiro, Kyoto University, today address- ed a meeting of the leading busi- ness men on the legal phases of To be Selected Next Month Under the New Act regar Cal nia, the new Bank Act comes into op- egards California at the beginning j;month, the Canadian June 21 to investigate the situa- of British Columbia, the half interest of | Hugh Gallagher, deceased, In an agreement) of sale to Lot 34, Block 9, Section 5, in| of auditors auth- orized by the new law. There will be forty afterwards will be approved Returning to Grimbsy Thos. Robinson, consulting di- shareholders Cold Storage Co,, left this morn- jtions for the special audit. after spending leave Victoria shortly for Grims- Take notice that The Prince Rupert by, England, but expects government, will likewise be put into effect at once. course of a year. let, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20) chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east) 20 chains to point of commencement, con- | oceupation farmer, intend | of commencement, | Silversides Bros.| SMITH & KILLAS WESTHOLME THEATRE i THE FRANK RICH PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. en. se eUENRRN , Keep Out the Weeds Weeds unchecked will ruin the crop. ) It isn’t sufficient to plough and sow well in Spring and Fall and leave the rest to nature. There are weeds to fight. There are weeds in Business, too—weeds of competition and opposition—of public indif- ference from without, and of lack of enterprise from within—weeds that unchecked seriously retard business growth. Cultivation is the only effective weed-killer. Keep cultivating and the weeds never get a chance to thrive. There is a combination plough and harrow, fertilizer and spray, for every business—an effective weed-killer that will keep out the weeds. It is Advertising It is not enough to plough and sow well with advertisements in Spring and Fall and leave the rest to human nature. Human nature and the respect your customers bear you are not proof against the Summer weeds that can thrive on rest and apathy. You must keep busy in the hot weather—yo must keep cultivating. Turn Summer dullness into activity by Su mer Advertising. Plan Summer attraction. and plant for a crop of Summer profits, and ae cultivation will keep out the weeds. Keep Cultivating Keep Advertising KEEP OUT THE WEEDS a i : ; ' Advice regarding your advertising problems js available through ——_ | tisi agency, of the Secretary of the Canadian Press Auocation, Noom 603 Lamades \ Building, Toronto. Enquiry inv ves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested, Ht if | SSS : = = - ‘GEO. D. TITE Complete Home Furnisher - Third Avenue Our large stook of furniture is selected from the best of the manufacturers’ designs See our windows for displays of BUFFETS, DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS AT OUR JUNE DISCOUNT PRICES Dining Room Furniture Arm chairs, rockers, and side chairs, all hav- Ing leather of No. 1 Grade. Special June Prices. fron beds, mattress springs, pillow sheets and blankets at Special June GEO. D. TIT The Quality Home Furnisher. th The Up-to-Dat@ House Decora-| ” tors of Prince Rupert | Ice Cream Parlor Ice cream supplied for excursion and picnic parties > °*,* Writing packed In ice. Also pul up in bricks for family use. Sign : ” “Take home a brick and try it.” Paper-Hanging Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh, Try our chocolate and be convinced. Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here Our Specialties to stay and our aim is to please our patrons. DROP IN AND SEE US. Phone Orders Delivered. Smith Biook | “Ye Olde Roliabie” Phone 17 631 Third Avenue 2nd Street Phone 156 Green