noesT oFROULATION in THe OFTY AND NORTHERN GRITION COLUMBIA a VT 2 a WEXT MAILS Princess Mary Friday, p.m. For Prince George...... riday, 9 a.m. wr? ce Y NO. 148, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. — PRICE FIVE CENTS ESTO GERMANY WITH PEACE PLANS ne a DEATH OF EX-MAYOR JOHN LEE, NEW WESTMINSTER—FU URTHER ABOUT MARCONI SCANDAL ——— HON. WON. L. BORDEN MAY VISIT PRINCE RUPERT THIS SUMMER OF PREMIER ARE NOT YET DEFINITELY SETTLED— NUMBER OF HIS CABINET WILL CERTAINLY | TOUR THE WEST. PLANS | Spe to The Daily News Hazen, Colonel Sam Hughes and! ottawa, June 19. Premier | Robert Rogers are all expected to Bord been much pressed tour the west this summer. They . 1 political tour of the will not, however, go as a party. we ‘ especially to speak at Phe minister of militia, Hon ’ rtant points in Brit-)|>54™ Hughes, is already en route ish bia, including, of |'0 the Pacific Coast. He left Ot- nee Rupert. It is|'@wa for the west on Saturday ; that the Premier may|@ight, accompanied by General P dn " ‘ »|Sir Ian Hamilton. It is expected wy a his . — that they will visit Prince Rupert : he it oak been definitely |!" Connection with the proposed ¥ it is said, however, to drill hall be lik that after the labors of 7 - mene . ous samiee tae, Bee- WILL RACE NEXT YEAR der iy desire to take a real - as inatead of starting on a| Ulster Yacht Club Wili Try to ound of speech making. He is Capture America Cup expected return at the end of Special to Tie Daily News the " m Halifax, where he Belfast, June ‘(9—The Ulster se 1 » close of the session. Yacht Club has accepted the New Wi or not the Premier|York Yacht Club's sailing ar- goes . number of the min-|rangements and rules for the sters do 80 Hon. W. T./ Lipton challenger for the Amer- Wh I « Codere, L. P. Pel-|ica Cup. This means that a race elie r W. Grothers, Frank|for the cup wil! take place next Cochra Ww. J. Roche, J. D.j year RECENT SLUMP IN CANADIAN PACIFIC EXPLAINED BY ROSS URGE QUANTITIES OF GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN STOCK WAS THROWN ON MARKET BECAUSE OF STRAIGHTENED CONDITIONS ON CONTINENT. M i. June 16.—Mr. James,calls very extensively and as 4 Ross returned from London good many former buyers were unable to meet the demands for Fes remarked that any more money their stock was « Canadian Pacific] Those well posted in Lon- i hardly feel the pinch/don also learned that Austrian for many years to|holders of C P. R. had to unload i also expressed the con- as well So this constituted quite an extensive selling move- viet hat the stock would re- s former high level as ie present clouds hang- ment from the continent. Mr. Ross said he was not in 4 ing over various mohey markets} position to say just how much of t th d had rolled away. As/the stock was held in Austria Mr. R is reputed to be the|and Germany, but doubtless the considerable are lividual holder of C. P.|/amount was very KR. in the world, his opinion on/It was, however, 4 well known ais uny points of finance] fact that these two countries did within the empire, is of interest.| not unload because they had lost Discussing the stock market|confid@nce in the stock They posit fc. P, BR. Mr. Setnl necemniont. as much as ever, the ‘tid one of the first reasons for| splendid earniag power and pros- Me § » was unquestionably| pects of the C. P. R. system and traightened eonditions in Ger- | they would no doubt proceed to many, where the banks which had|buy the stock as soon as the teen holding large quantities ot] money stringency had become sock were Obliged to send sree acute. CARNEGIE 10 NEGOTIATE. PEACE PLANS WITH KAISER WILL TRY TO ARRANGE AGREEMENT FOR LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS AND PLAN FOR BIG THREE TO KEEP THE RING. Special to The Daily News.) new triple alliance might be London, June 19,—According | formed, composed of Great 0 general authority, Andrew! Britain, Germany and the U nited “arnegie has credentials from| States, to insure the peace of the the government of Great Britain|world. The way for the success “id the United States to the Ger-| of Carnegie's proposals was ‘Nn Kaiser to diseuss the possi-|opened, it |s reported, by King juring his recent visit to High hopes of success as the Kaiser to the plan. the If thy of a ten year agreement | George ¢ mitation of armaments. | Berlin hegotiations prove at all/are entertained, ful it is thought that ajsaid to be favor vl FOR SALE LOT 20 ; BLOCK 34 SECTION ! $19,000.00 '-3 cash, balance one and two years @t McCaffery & Gibbons === is able 7 % interes! ; some designs. MINISTER OF MARINE IS COMING TO RUPERT Will Be at Vancouver to Welcome the Australian Dreadnought New Zealand on Arrival. St. John, N. B., June 16.—Hon J. D. Hazen, minister of marine, has arrived at his home in this city. In July he will go to the Pacific Coast, and after attend- ing business there will be in Vancouver on July 15, where he will represent the governor gen- eral and the Canadian govern- ment on the occasion of the ar- rival of the New Zealand, the dreadnought which the Anti- podean colony contributed to the defence of the Empire. After this function has been discharged Mr. Hazen will journey sorth- and the Queen Charlotte Islands in connection with some matters ward and will visit Prince Rupert affecting his department, of which he wishes to secure infor- mation at first hand. TRIAL OF ARTHUR PELKEY COMMENCES Man Who Won in Fatal Bout With McCarty Arraigned for Manslaughter ial to The Daily News. June 19—The trial or Arthur Pelkey, the pugilist who was unfortun- ate enough to give the knock-out blow that killed Luther MeCarty in the prize ring here on May 24 He charged with manslaugh- ter. In event of Pelkey’s acquittal he will fight “Gunboat™ Smith at Los Angeles on the Fourth of July, a bout for which he is now training. Spec Calgary, begins today is For furniture, carpets and lin- oleums, inspect the Geo. D. Tite's stock for quality. 128-tf EX-MAYOR JOHN LEE IN MOTOR CAR President of Provincial Conserva- tive Association Dies at Age of Forty-five. Special to The Daily News.) New Westminster, June 19. Ex-Mayor John Lee, president of the Provineial Conservative As- sociation, died suddenly in his motor car here yesterday from heart failure. The deceased was i5 years of age. He was mayor of this eity during three years, 1910, 1911 and 1912. FIGHTING IN PHILIPPINES Fourteen United States Soldiers Killed by Moros. Special to The Daily News.) Washington, June 19.-—Four- teen United States soldiers were killed during four days’ fighting recently on Jolo Island, in the Philippines. The troops were making an effort to disarm re- bellious Moros. The dead were Captain Nicholls, eleven scouts and two privates of the regular army?. COMPANY BLAMED For Death of E. W. Anderson Through Collapse of Building. (Special to The Daily News. Vancouver, June 19. — The Wineland Construction Com- pany is held responsible by the coroner's jury for the death of E. W. Anderson through the col- lapse of a building of the com- pany'’s on Pender street last week. The fall of the building, which resulted in the death of one man and the injury of five others, was due, say the jury, to negligence on the part of the construction company. G. D. Tite's stock ef heuse forniture is up-te-date mm bend- 128-tf BASEBALL. Northwestern League. Vancouver 3, Victoria 14 Seattle 7, Tacoma 2 Portland 8, Spokane Goasi League. Oakland 8, Sacramento 4. Los Angeles 10, Venice 5. San Francisco 6 0. Portiand 6. National League. Boston 3, Pittsburg 1 New York 7, Cincinnati 2. Chicago 4, Philadelphia 0. Brooklyn 8, St. Louis 1 American League. Louis 4, New York 5 Detroit 6, Boston 7. Chicago 9, Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 4, Washington 0. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT St One Man Killed and a Woman Fatally Injured Spec ial Sacra to The ento Ji Daily News. 19 One woman was two more today in an The ma- engaged who had hospital. ine mar fatally men were automobile accident chine overturned while in rushing a woman taken to killed a injured and hurt here was poison an PARIS AUTO BANDIT Has Been Caught Right in the City of Montreal Special to The Daily Montreal, June 19—One Paris gang of auto landed here couple of captured in this city News. of the bandits who about a been secretly weeks ago, has ——+ ee ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE Los Angeles Got a ® a Mild and Brief Shaking-Up Special to The Daily News. -Los Angeles, June 19—