— = TO-NIGRT == ANOTHER POPULAR CHORUS ©’ NEST AT THE Westholme : Opera : House 1 -AND— THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY “The Girl and The Hero” : et z Will Pay For the Stove for a Gurney-Oxford range It will not take lon conomizer will do it. to pay for itself. The This device saves 1 ton of coal in every 6 ordinarily consumed, enabling the thrifty house- wife to have a thoroughly efficient sange with exclusive features at practically no co:t. The dividends represented by the /»wer con- sumption of fuel will pay back the origiuai invest- ment in a very short time. Pages written about the Economizer could not tell of its real value to the household as has been proven by the most scientific tests. You owe it to yourself to investigate the Econ- omizer before concluding your purchase of your new range. There are other vital points known only in this Gurney-Oxford, such as the Divided Flue, the New Special Grate and the Broiler attachment. All these scientific improvements lead the housewife to perfection in the art of cooking. Her uniformly heated oven works with her and ey ives her the baking results she is striving for — tt delicious biscuits, flaky wholesome pastry and evenly baked bread. The bright and shining appearance of this stove with its nickel trimmings and polished top which requires no black lead c s the heart of every good housekeeper. She realizes that the Gurney- Oxford can fulfil here every necu. Fred Stork 2nd Ave. CCOCCOOCCOCOOOOOOD eee ee eee ee eeenerene 0. se ciiassn: ¢ ¢ 0 0 0 ¢ 0 0 0 t q SMITH & KILLAS Ice Cream Parlor ‘ Ice cream supplied for excursion and packed in ice. Also put up in bricks “Take home a brick and try it.” Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh. Try our chocolate and be convinced. Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here to stay and our aim is to please our patrons. DROP IN AND SEE US. Phone Orderg Delivered. Phone 17 picnic parties for family use. Smith Block 531 Third Avenue READY MIXED PAINTS Made in England. Best in the world, Lowest in Price. HALL’S DISTEMPER Ranges, Stoves, Ete. Our Prices Are j.owest in Wown. Read The Daily News fH DAILY NEWS EE ==Qne Cent A Word For Each {nsertion= FUTURE KING TO PICK Wales Given a Free Prince of Hand, Subject to Certain Conventionalities. London, June 17.—As_ it is considered advisable that the Prince of Wales should marry as soon as possible after he reaches the age of 21, the list of eligible princesses in Europe is being carefully examined. It is laid | down, of eourse, as absolutely necessary that His Royal- High- ness should marry a Protestant princess and this narrows the! fleld of selection considerably. During the next year or two OUT HIS OWN BRIDE + Protestant courts of Europe in turn. It is more than probable, however, judging from matters as they stand at present, Royal Highness will ultimately }own age, wed a British prince ess nearly his thus following the ex- ical lample of his father. He paid a ie |visit to Germany quite recently 2 ——_s—>_ and it is intended that he shal! ee ee pay another during the summer, leaving London probably the last week in July and remaining away three weeks. Subject to certain necessary limitations, His Royal Highness is to be given a completely free hand in the choice of a bride CANADIAN NORTHERN Has Over Four Thousand Six Hundred Miles in Operation. Winnipeg, June 17.—The con- struction department of the Can- adian Northern will hand over to the operating department aun- other 200 miles of new line, which will be put under operation | this month. It is also stated that 400 miles of grade is ready for the steel) and that track laying is being rushed with all possible expedi-| tion. Under the increased train serv-| ice announced in the summer time card the company now has miles of Western | of 4,691 nm a grand total line in operation Canada. CHURCH FOR GRANBY tiun of Fine Edifice. Rev. Father Bunoz has re- turned from his trip Bay and states that while there | he decided upon the site for the! erection of a Roman Catholic church. It is to be built and completed during the summer from plans already prepared, the work to be done by day labor. Father Bunoz left for Vancouver this morning. to Granby} Cholera Among Troops. London, June 17.—A Saloniki despatch to the Times says that cholera on an active scale has broken out among the Bulgarian troops at Serres and Demirhissar. The civilian population at Serres is also affected. The Greeks are taking precautions to prevent the disease from spreading to their territories. American Currency Reform. Washington, June 17.—At a meeting of the senate banking and currency committee today Democrats and Republicans ex- pressed opposition to an effort to put through currency legisla- tion at the special session, con- fident that the introduction of a bill in the senate would lead to long debate, retard the progress of the tariff bill and keep con- gress here until November. Snow in North Carolina. June 17. snow fell in Bakersville, N. Three inches of Mitehell County today, Cattle owners in Western North Caro- lina are facing heavy losses ow- ing to the grass being covered, i lla His Instrument C., “That executor very ener- getic in carrying out the various provisions of the testator.” “He does seem to with a_ will,”Baltimore jean. is Amer Read Jabour Bros.’ advertise- the Prince will visit each of the | that His| Roman Catholics to Begin Erec-" be working | os te ee htt ie a A LOO ee “The News” Classified Ads. i i | | | | , . . 5 dav from a trip up the tine with = Wanted $19,000 WAS PAID FOR |\\" 1 "isusersw sencrat acento = “a THIRD AVENUE LOT)‘, ’°reneer Soparimenh Made In Smart T. P. ‘ Styles, Suitable KITCHEN HELP — Wanted at Vienna pee F E Cafe 138u : ar or Every Outdoor tint Government Paid Much Higher) = Fred Peterson was fined $5 this : £D—Your , tr ear . : a week One wi tn" knowledge Of cook Pricg for the Four Lots morning for drunkenness. George casion New: Sand. 67.PE hart, Ona Adjoining. Kirley, summoned on the same YOUR DEALER HAS THEy ‘ ian > —— charge, failed to appear and his You Might As Well Ges Lot 20, Block 34, Section 1, the| pail was estreated. THE BEST For Rent lot adjoining the site for the pro- a CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED Mice -ceistch cplaleliaiashipsteadiiitiaaiiesll posed new post.oMce on Third Mrs. E. H. Shockley and her RUBBER CO., LimiTeD, ; mee in| @Venue, was sold yesterday for] children left this morn'ng on the 2 MONTREAL. a aan Eaten . sooty Canearan £19,060, This is considerably Prince George. They are bouru Home Investmenc Co 143-45 lower than the price paid by the for England, where tne: will pay FOR RENT—-Purnished front room, L. Dominion government for the], yisit of considerable duration, jen Lp: “los : *hone 1 J Red + Mmsterencis: ee 130rr four adjoining lots, it being] «ctaving first at Nor ie where FOR EENT-—Nicely furnished noaee: An goenrally understood that #95,-| Mrs, Shockley'’s p*rents and many ye roome, ) Ave., 10 a me Spey ies om 1330 000 was the consideration. of her friends resid 0 FOR MENT—Two three roo meg modr _ a a . Nats, above our office, $25 eac Couk be uve i as one Mat. Also ground floor ouR LEADING RANCHER HOTEL ARRIVALS Buys 5 a omre next cur own containing ommee 4 y ores near Prince Rupert furniture, ont 30 One furnished Lee ee wee et with bath, ete, onty| Man Who Made the Rich Soil of —— $17 We also have several cabins clove) Bulkiey Valley Famous. Prince Rupert tnn. FINE LAND er. wa a | mois W. A. Williams, . MH. Rickel , a mt ; ; GOOD WA lFoR “ENT Nicely furnished front rvom, A. Mefnnes, of the famous Me-| son, N. J Ross, A. © Aldous, B TER a a modern house Sas fn Innes ranch in the Bulkley Val-| Beale, E. J. Tate. SUITABLE FOR ; jley, was shaking hands with many Hotel Premier. TR : : r W G. Ase : UCK FARMING spits old time friends at the Savoy yes- D. G, McKay, G, Asson, 1 7 d terday. and this morning left on|Jameson, Mr. and Mrs, J. ©. Lost and Foun the Prince George for Vancouver.|Comber, J. W. Hart, Mrs. Jack] gy,,. Sd fle will be away for three or four|MeNeil, Mrs. Grace Ellsworth LOST-~Diamord ring, Finder rewarded.{weeks and then hurry back to Hotel Centra. o Box 68, Daly News. were the ranch, of which he is so justly Mattie Dunn, G. Applegarth, D Harrison, Gamble & Company OUN-A 12 liow’s gold pin, at the/.., 4 , cemetery, 0 reaee can beve same et the| Proud Quinlan. FINANCIAL AGENTS Daily News OMce by paying Doe ts Mr. MeInnes located in the Windsor Hotel. Third Ave Prince R = Bulkley Valley some sixteen or H. Anson, C. Gengiler, J. K rs upert LOST—Slilver chain purse, Saturday night — - mare « ‘ : re . — a Sees katherine Blautcr inside Finder} Seventeen years ago. At that|Singer, W Brink. please notify Box 387 142-42 | period it was probably the only se agg = po ee ENGINEERING ate Panis P » s valle ». Chisholm, iat uval, ; 7?) Fanch worthy of being so called ( hisholm i n Engineers, Stat . M F Sal in the valley, and was the Mecca/Smart, A. Larabie, B. R. Jones, ine, coached f x or e for all travellers. Whether they|Arthur Dunean, H. A. Sruce. Wil- ’ lita) asst ont wished to spend a night there or] liam Kerry, E. Johns: A. FARROW FURNISHINGS of a three: room, nes for merely to stock up on grub or Savoy Hote: 654 4th Ave. Rav Pi £0 ,. Ax . . : : o. Nehes a m4 — 136! *) feed, they made for the McInnes Fred Smith, Harry Crombe, tke FOR SAiLR—Launeh, 26 % 5 ft. 6 wlranch feeling assured of a hearty|Greenlaw, J. Fountain, A. Moe- newt reited.” Price s4s0. E88; welcome In course of time Me-|Innes, Mrs. Watson. Phone 300 Hiee 438 139 Jinnes became a_ geographical ae FOR SALE—English baby carriage, tj) point, noted on the maps, and its FILTERED WATER HARRISON W ROGERS g00d ond! tion cost $835 Will sel’. . cheap. Apply 237 8th Ave, E 143-45| fame spread beyond the confines —- ; (of the valley Royal Motel Setting an Example Architect i Mr. MelInnes is a tall, athletic for All Restaurants. Suite 1, Federal | Agents Wanted }| looking man in the fifties, with a —- PRINCE RUPERT, | Genre ail o eady smile and a hearty hand Messrs. Handasyde & Colam GEO. SAYER & CO., COGNAC. clasp. He says that practically} have received instructions from W J JEPHSON GEO. ue 4 $3 COGNAC. all the land in the valley has been | Messrs. Corley & Burgess to in ° we are open to make most liberal arrange-|(aken up, and says now that steel| stall in the Royal Hotel Pastewr Barrister and Solicitor Daa WolEe. Taste Gees eee is reaching them he expects to] filters for use in the dining rooim|of British Columbia, Au si Geo Sayer & Co., Cognac, France, with | have some neighbors who willjand bar Sparkling, colorless N oe Oe bie ‘on™ v4 baa ncagcnrn sete Yr turn up the land instead of merely | water will be heartily weleomed etary Public — e|holding it down for speculative} and no doubt these filters wil] |®eem 4% Federal Block, Prince Ruper oor rrenn bi purposes. find a place in other hotels and 0 - homes also, until such time as PACIFIC RAN FER Alaska: Excursions Departures. the city has in operation § its T 5 , mands Among those who went south| Scientific filter beds One of] Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- on the Prince George this morn-| these filters can be seen in opera- ing and Genera! Cartage 7 Days’ Outing ing were the following: P. Gij}.|tion at the office of Mr. Handa Phone 1 ingham, ©. R. Gissett, A. Gillis,| S¥de, Smith Building, Office: Suite 9, Fe : Miss Silberge, George Strachan , vs y* i Steamers “State of California” ? TT’ and “City of Seattie”’ sail from 'A. Hornik, Mrs. Lambert, Mr sco $ RESULT PULL IT IN BY THE TAIL Prince Rupert at o 2 m. on follow- land Mrs. Plato and childre M ne ing dctse:—June a duly 4th, . . ls ‘ en, MiSs Oth, 16th August Godson, W. Ellis. A. Collett and| Will Be Published on Arrival by} Pull what in by all ports of cail, and wie for family, W. Duval, Captain Roe, the British Museum. ee as Yeku Glacier, Killisnoo, Sitka, Sather ) ste hn . ———- sctiomacd putea - on Mog wen apvteinn ab a iF ather Donnelly, Afchir Me- . os we m she moraine whee epecia! Dougall, H. Arnold, C. M. Peirce, London, June 17 The trustess trains take excursion to ; Ae . . ; of White Pass and return Stes |}Mr. McArthur, Mr. Luke, J. Y¥./of the British Museum have WENDELL R. JONES inp “Round wip tokete including Rochester, George Milner, Mrs. | agreed to undertake the publiea- 3 2nd Ave mesie sud berthe $92.00. Secure A. 8. McPherson, Tony Roncorn,| tion of the natural history results |?heme 192 o r - a L. Eldred, M. Gokovich, Mrs, A. E.| of the Scott Antarctic expedition. RAGERS’ STEAMSHIP AGENCY Hoyt, D. R. Pottinger, Mr. and!Similar arrangements were made Rupert Bakery Mrs. J. C. Comber, Mr. Angle, J.|in regard to the collections | Bergman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomp-j|brought home by Scott's former . ib be enneunce tet we een s json, Mrs. Beveridge expedition in discovery work. sottelt the patronage of the public ered NEW T ee ee The publication will be carried 8 ere S eae Tonight the Frank Rich Com-|0ut at the Natural History Mu- GARON & RASOGAZOVITOH pany will offer in addition to their|seum. It is understood that on : Phone Biue 308 regular bill, “The Girl and the/|the arrival of the Terra Nova in We have just received a ship-| Hero,” one of their always popu-|this country the collections will)™™ ment of lar chorus girl contests, seven|be sent in the first place to the ANIMALS IMPOUNDED TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS big vaudeville numbers, all dif-|Natural History Museum. Pre P een tttiege e black and white tert CLOVER POTATO SEED? = ferent from the previous ones. . pounded since June. iétb, and ALFALFA = GARDEN SEEDS = Saturday they will give a popu- Senngasten, Seah Will be sold or destroyed. be sold or destruyt Al FLOWER SEEDS -_ price matinee at 3 o'clock Preserving strawberries. A | signed ey - : or ladies and children. “nf arr sands segs are Mai! orders Promptly attended tc = large shipment arriving Monday) prone nue ceeeereT - — morning. Phone your orders. — $4.50 Wicker chairs and rock-|Phone 41, Shepard & Jones, peeroeoens ers at G. D. Tite's June prices. 144-45 ; PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. j Miss iS All trimmed hats at cost M. Kuster. 142 superintendent of Express Company, this morning on N. J. Rosa, | the Canadian lreturned south the Prince George A, EK. MeMaster, general agent of the G. T. P., returned yester for SUMMER sponte FOR EVERYBODY The Up-to-Date tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties "Ye Olde Rellabie” 2nd Street CIV’ OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. Sealed tenders will be received by i Wood), city clerk, up to 12 o'clock oF Monday, 301% June, 1013, for the con struction ov 4@ bDiaeksmith and carpente; shop cn june, Dioek 30, near Fraser street, and also fup the construction of 4a pum house al #bewatlaps Plans may be seen and # obtaine * on pay went will be tender The counei! does not bi cept tie lowest or any te W. McOBORGE "Mason, * @ deposit of $5.00, whiet _itaett to ec ment on page 2 if tea-ae City Enginee: Silversides Bros. House Decora- Phone 166 Green Se eee Construction of Carpenter Shop and Pump House. A. CiNeations at «tm office of the city engineer roturned on receipt of a bona fide FROM 10 A.M. On Sa Selected Eggs , ) Phone 123 ’ At our Retail Department 3rd Ave. & 2nd St. Pure Creamery Buiter The Prince Rupert Fish & Cold Storage Co. LIMITED FRANK S, EVANS TO 10 P.M. turday 2 the. for 75 3 Ibs. for $1.10 3 duz for $1.00 Phone 123 Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S iNDUS- TRIAL ANNEX eove A launch ieaves th: CHEAP BUY? Price $750 each G. R. Naden (», id ment slip for Port Edward every day. For pai apply to Harrison, (4! ble & CGo., Phone 5t, Sra AY eeeeetee oT emaaeae ‘ 1 Are You Lovnii Then Look into Th Block 3 Half Cash Balance 6 a! Real state and Insuranes Second Avenue.