EEE LangesT CIROULATION in THE CITY AND NORTHERN OR(TISH COLUMBIA IV yoL SCHOOL TEACHER sti0 PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©., SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. NEXT MAILS From South Rupert Saturday, 9 For South Princess May Saturday, a.m, Prince am OTS DOWN FORMER PUPILS PRICE FIVE CENTS STUCK PARTY SCALES MOU NT McKINLEY—DOMINION DAY EXCURSION — —— -— “IS ALL ARRANGED CYCLONE IN ee bs 8 os ian i28-tf ——™ 7 | FLORIDA | €X-MAYOR LEE FUNERAL | NOT SUFFICIENTLY CLOTHED = {BASEBALL =f — RAILWAY COMMISSION MAKING : | +4 Scores of People Swept Away by | |A Large Attendance of Officials) ; WITH SACKCLOTH AND ASHES a wan | ae | Special to The Daily News. } — Special to The Daily News. a Tallahasse, Florida, June 21—| Portland 4, Spokane ?. ce Werliiaate tiene Sik! fy He mh : Vancouver 8-4, Victoria 1-3. |. tie ae eat aie CABINET MINISTERS IN MARCON! SCANDAL SEVERELY CRITI- [Scores of people are reported) neattia @ le ‘ "" ‘The funeral of the late John A.) BUILDING PAPER CLASSED AS HARDWARE BY THE CANADIAN CiZED FOAa FAILING TO EXPRESS THE REGRET killed by a cyclone According | = pe , F Lee, former mayor of this city, PACIFIC RAILWAY, AND WRAPPING PAPER : re ‘ : ‘ Coast League ‘ stands ; 7 SO GENERALLY FELT. to the report a tidal wave swept gue. was held yesterday afternoon at AS GROCERIES. Marsh Island, Florida Many Oakland 12, Sacramento 10. the Queen's Avenue Methodist . eth ceeadinittinasliatt ’ I I yur 19.—That the|sition motion were in the high-|persons have been drowned. The Venice 12, Los Angeles 4. church. There was a very large Ottawe — 8 i-jor ” if the house of com-jest degree ungenerous The| dead number over : 1 e Portiand 8, San Francisco i > 2@ : j » les aes Lee va be — prepense, then, added at i i ingenerou The r over a hundred , anci 4. |attendance, including the leading gan of the C. P. R., was again on|the witness, angrily. “It’s a mis an, 4s : *” § - 7 ’ : - 4 lisposed to press to ajcharges having been conclusively American League. civic officials, members of boards tk ‘ ; ' : take.” i: vole of censure on|disproved, the opposition should ATTEMPTED MURDER Boston 6, Philadelphia 4 of trade and other representative|'—'° *'®™ at the morning session ip tent ‘ a | h cabinet in connection |have put in the forefront of its emt New York & Washington 5 bodies from other cities. of the western freight rates en- =r. Leniges said that the 6, hi Marconi seandal ee itior an explicit finding|Man Tried to Throw a Woman| Chicago 3, Cléveland 0 ——— }quiry before the Reilway Board. Ae — cual ra rng i d today wy Alfred Lyt-jthat the cabinet ministers had from Bridge and then National League. CABINET MEETING The first part of his evidence was Setbhowast west “a ioante ons f e Unionist cabinet} been foully traduced.’ Suicided ~w York & Pitiebure 7 Ene of interest as indicating some of ; ios Arthur J. Bal ' New York % Pittsburg | Premier Borden Has Returned the Great Northern rates across : rthur . alfour, the former ee : Chieago 2. St. Louis 4. the fine distinctions made by the|the border. v om held that thei Unionist prime minister, said he Special to The Daily News. ’ from Halifax rallwave ta chessifeiad Goelmneé Mr. Carpenter, in one of Bf . ee a C Ss ; Lo ( - . ’ 3 . oy mate Attorney Gen lregarded all charges of corrup-| Tacoma, June 21 Edward PRINCE RUPERT HERE ipecial | “The D ly N ities. Building paee tet in ctatementa Sled with the beast Sir Ft s isaacs yesterday tion as absurd, but the . 0 rott, of Portland, after ¢ . special to e Dally News. iis : Sa . : ‘ " om tees on { i as al 1, but that the tw Mygott. of Portland, after an un Ottaws Tae 24 x Pre _|stance, Mr. Lanigan testified,|said that the C. P. R. comparisons 7 ich qualified ar ‘a! cabinet ministers had been guilty|successful effort to throw Mrs WITH HEAVY CARGO > cei ao. iwae elneeed hardw nd|of rates on wrapping pape gned cabinet min'sters lof the gravest indiscretion. Ruth Allen off the Eleventh Ave Borden returned from Halifax] ™* = ol aie? Oe ee # uMiciently clothed) wy Balt ided Neith nue bridge, jump d off the low > today and a cabinet council has whon oe paper a6 groceries. aed oe paper is . : altour adaec SOILDCE ni 4 aoe _ en calle > ne sak. whe ere was a somewhat heated|shipped in carload lots to big «e with sackcloth Pre 4 oe end ; . m been called for next week, when 1 . “ 7 sieoubess keen re, {Cl the ministers expressed regret|er span, killing hinself. a ed Lt dona ea One the Ontario judgeship will be] Spell when Mr, Lanigan resented/centres, and then distr!buted. | A, re dunindng ae the at the transactions What they -- - - — Seacniinemen y e filled. the pointing out by Mr. Pitbaldo Mr. Lanigan said that this con- ' eo aareed that the leretted was the differences) MINER® TNION WIN a iil and Mr. Gowan of an alleged mis-|tention was not correct. Mr. : nial a, aa 2 arising from them . With cnc teens ont ee STUCK PARTY REACH take in the C. P. R. exhibit. Mr.|Lanigan submitted several com- ters vo 3 th one dred ¢ ‘ty- : 5 : : tt ‘ If the prime minister will find IN CROWS NEST CASE F ws _— Cowan claimed that a compari-!parisons between C. P. R. and 5 advised | os NO . nine passengers and a_ heavy hould have b ith G. N.R t ; fi ; «| ‘ . of . worde 'n which to express the son shou have een wit a ° " . rates on wire fencing whole SLO in October du oe wu eargo of freight on board the SUMMIT OF M’KINLEY United States rate known as|from Winnipeg and St. Paul, re- it « the debate on the Marconi regret we all feel, he will find no|Company ts Held Liable by Judge 4g : : | peg ; { enemies among the opposition for Death of Foreigner in Prince Rupert arrived here at 9 te No. 54. spectively, to western points for i , time. however, he{I appeal to him to accept the Its Employ o'clock this morning. Among the ye el ro pt a “That was suspended when we|distances running from 98 to i i e owevet e pes oO : < acee € . , P s a c as j ” : ¢ ‘ > : terms of the oppo-lccurse which I suggest eiinnili passengers were the following: p Th at = an wed made up our statement, said|836 miles. For four shorter / Scenial to The Dally Mews 7 weet oug t. Mr. Lanigan. “I don’t pretend to|distances the Great Northern 3 - en ag Sa so AS W. Lewis, G. H. Williams, J. L onraeei be infallible.” rates were lower, while for the Fernie, June 20.—The Crows’|Gilley, J. W. Manson, G. FE Special to The Daily News. “Nobody accused you of being|distances exceeding 400 miles % Nest Coal Company is held liable]Raley, Miss M. H. Dewdney, P.| Fairbanks, June 21.—The as-| infallible,” said Mr. Cowan. the C. P. R, rate was known to be : by Judge Thomas for the death ds r on F oe ” ; cent, of the highest peak in “Don't infer that it’s a trick| slightly lower. i er s é o ° “Hh, - > . of a foreigner named Maftichuk, ne * ag — > ae ty . a Alaska, Mount McKinley, was ’ rossme - >. oge, J. OCK, IN UEEN CHARLOTTE WATERS who was killed by a snow slidel> siani, F. Molmbers,. Mr,.and successfully accomplished for the BRIGHT PERFORMANCES ALI ARRANGEMENTS ' in December last. The Miners’) 4)... i B Philpot, H Lear. Emily} st “me or June 7th. “Arch- —— 7 Union claim this as a victory in Beaty, Mr. Sharp W ‘Wrapp E deacon Stuck and his party, ac-|Of Sunshine Girls in Contest at FOR DOMINION DAY ‘ “st case The do i. ee ' “os 1OOe zr to news recelve ay, EXPLORED INLAND WATERWAYS IN GASOLINE LAUNCH. OB- |* ‘**' © The widow, who) ctiwell, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Doyle, pie ha _ be ne ee the Westhoime. en SERVING NEW TOWNS AND EVIDENCES OF RAPID married her deceased husband's B. McPhail, B. Lea, J. Carson, ras pe Lee _ os Officers of Team Elected—Men brother, has her claim allowed, : ; - “a s jsummit at a height of 26,50¢ Another chorus girls’ contest p DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH. “tJ. C. Grethway, E. G. Browning, ‘ to Be Chosen on the Ground a as the judge holds that the work|/. y pong. J. Blenk, G. Gulp, J. feet. They were three weeks|was held at the Westholme The- Oth Particul 4 Vr. F. H. Mobley has just re-}had been inspecting their prop on een Es was engaged Britsen, E. K. Stride. EB. Dela- iar thee he ao atre last night at the conclusion a | 1a cruise to the north serlies venetian ental to a miner's °-lmont, Colonel Harrison, Mr. and), .oo.s the ridge by an earthquake|°! the regular performance, “The| It is expected that at least i the Queen Charlott We left Queenstown at 8:30)°°"" eo *S ah a B. ar ae A. aaa in the summer. Arehdeacon|Girl and the Hero.” All the/|three hundred of Prince Rupert's A ' 7 ne ¢ t » { le ' acieod, Mr CLE aver, Gi. F . . : : — . . | 1s He gives an interesting |2°2* morning and arrived at New AERIAL ACCIDENTS . “nr * ve . re al Stuck confirms the ascent of the|stunts given by the girls were | fans will join in the excursion to f his trip to the News ge = rv Ys 7 Pe r od ae ee 4 ‘wy g. Earle ai B north peak by Lloyd and a com-| good. The first of all, a highland|Old Hazelton on Dominion Day. : atten a ; ee ilies a h Delkatiah and New asset ° Avi Killed and Another} |): : S. Es i » ‘Ipanion in 1940. With glasses ! vere four of us in the}, 1. enterprising little places ne Aviator a Metcalf, Mrs. and Miss Rich- h id the ff ‘ome ena song and dance by Lola Barker,,All the arrangements for the ‘ 181 é ° » could se » agst¢ erecte : > George J. Frizzell, Cap both of which should be of con- Seriously Injured. mond, Mrs. B. Goff and child, Mr. ° ae a =~ . was encepiionstty good. Lola game have been completed and : re ” sequence in the future to Prince Rip pap ORG venrong hawt Ww. oa N.}° ce aes er eae oe aa tla special train will be run with ink, and myse e left specia 7) 1e aily News. Sandy . waCroix, A. K. Nelson, sing, na ce y § ; a | : Rupert I andy, , , , ata 4 it p.m. 08 dume 16th on Krom New Masset we went on} Annapolis, June 214.—Ensign|J. H. Hilditeh, J. Scougale, L. B. Claims on Fiddler Creek. prize. It must be admiited, how- cae te pare i gh ee a a ite Laura F., the property of Mr.}.. » 5 im. to Naden Harbor. where|Billingsly was instantly killed) Hall, M. Desbrisay, A. Beer, J. 8.| J. W. Macpherson and Johnjever. that those who were ac- tive | scociation Bas Celueres Ne | After a pleasant but]. aorived three hours tater.jand Lieutenant John Towers seri-| Pearce, Mrs. Stephens and child,| Ferguson went ent on this morn- claimed the winners by the pop-|picnic in order that there might what rough voyage, ON}i... we were hospitably enter-Jously injured when their hvydro-|J. F. Cork and son, A. Corkindale,}ing’s train to open up four c!aims|ular vote were also quite good. be no rival attractions, Every- Mr. Frizzell and I were the} io ioug py J. E. Gilmour, now]aeroplane collapsed, throwing the]W, Dunn, kK. Bryan, Grace Bou-jon Fiddter Creek, 130 miles up|Frances Ctane sang “A Song of|thiny has been done at this end | es able to eat breakfast, manager of the Wallace Brothers|men into the water ner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, M’s.}the iine. They took with them the Soul” and took first prize.|to make the excursion @ success. \* - hed Old Masset by 91]... Wneries, who used to run the - Lind and child, Mrs. MacInnes, A.ja generous supply of grub and Florence Merrett took second The round fare will be $5.30 he next morning. Herel) mier Hotel here. After lunch Farnborough, Eng., June 21.—]MacInnes, W. Wright, Mrs. Wil-|mining tools. with her exceptionally good bal-|for the trip, including the cost of met by the Rev, Mr.t io vont to the whaling station,|The British army airship Astra) liams and son. _—_— lad, “Tm oa the Way to Reno.” |the bus drives to and fro between d Mrs, Hogan, Mr. Deasy,jo.. miles up Naden Harbor, and|Torres met with a serious acei- satintnsiecanremnyesieietinaninaainiens Body in Hocsall. She is a lively little damsel who|New and Old Hazelton, This ! mn agent, and Henry]... hown over it by the very|dent at the parade ground here. CANADIANS WIN es can certainly cateh and hold the}means that the Grand Trunk Pa- v, the Indian chief. We a ae nee "to charge Lest he envelope sprang a ieak and sal The body of a Japanese is = eye of the audience. Cecil} cific has made the lowest rates town over the town and], ieee hundred and twenty|part of the framework buckled up Special to The Daily News. ported co Dare, sen foune a Breach played a good violin solo.}that ‘he Ra: vay Commission 1dmired the fine gardens], hale were brought to this sta- The crew, however, managed to London, June 24—Canadian penare ih 500 Gaeenes! River. ©} The other numbers also were at-jailows. The ordinary one way i : { 8 € Oo ’ ‘ é ’ ‘ 2e 5 > » : ; especially the garden off). at has sufficient capacity|bring the arship in safety to the|bowlers today gained their se- had been missing for some time.) ipactive, : fare is $7.25. . Mr. Hogan, which was ius ; rround and none of them were,ycond victory at Torquay, win- et oS areca The company will give its fare- The officers of the club have . for taking a whale of sixty tons,/sround and none ’ ; ; 1 budding fruit and flow cutting it up end diepecing of it}injured. The aGeident took place}ning by two shots and defeating Sv. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, well performance tonight, albcen chosen and fifteen men Mr. Deasy showed us a fine completely within four hours,}!n the presence of thousands of]the Devonshire team by a score Evening service every Sunday}comedy entitled “The Two Buz-|from whom the team will be ‘ mn of old Indian curios. This year the whaling season has| spectators. of 242 to 240. at 7:30 o'clock. \zards.” picked on the grounds. The of- We left Old Masset at ‘t])11), more than opened, but al- ial S aia . fieers are: V. A, Cole, president; ck the same morning and], adv thirty-three whales have : W.D. Vance, secretary-treasurer; Went to Woden River, fourteen heen brought in Fred Henning, manager; W. s up Masset Inlet. There we) N ns — e Haines, captain. The players i aden Harbor appeared to u . : met by Father MeDonald, o be ae of the best in the north a will be picked from the follow- vho has a pretty little church!) pa. @ fine situation, being ad- ing: Messrs. Fred Wallace, We found about a dozen) i. ont to the best fishing banks Phinney, Crane, Pooler, Henning, es at Woden River, @ £€-/), tho Heeate Straits. Between Vance, Embleton, Brooks, Tobey, re, kept by Mr, Grange.) i+ and North Island there are Kar! Weber, Dr. Evans, MeNiven, her marks of progress eight hundred fishing boats en- Landis, Hatnes, G. Ingle. ! 1 Woden we went on SiX \ ooo. and their eatech is phe- The excursion will leave here es up the river to Queets-|jmenal. The country is low about 6:30 a. m, and will prob- where we arrived by lying and rather heavily wooded. ably return at 7 p. m. Mr. Me- n the afternoon, Here As the soil is rieh it should prove Master, who was in Hazelton last nda fine settlement, There good agricultural district lat- ’ week, reports the residents of a urge hotel and annex, al." 3 that town to be most enthusias- r - ‘ i i : t 0 Ni “tore and a sehodl, There reais Naden Harbor we had a rn tie over the prospect of the tree hundred people or more fne run home, . Leaving there at a match, n the vieinity, We noted 14 o'clock on Wednesday even (\\ cent > id felt its fleet of mor , ‘ slow} > ; Prinea Rupert at ii ocliock on “8. The town is situated at Phursday morning, thus bring- # RUNS MADLY AMUCK head of the inlet, which ir ing to an end a very pleasant i] Fe co mea ole en the | voyage.” i Shoots Other Teachers and Chil- Rother Ge eo a dren, Killing Three and Phesal et beni oe SIFTON STAYS i" Wounding Seven. rence we went twenty five | mm ve } ‘ ako re Dis iS q i | 4 tbe Yak un, © here - Will Not Desert Edmonton to Go t (Special to The Daily News,) h napeaye "peraees aN to London. 4} Bremen, June 2t-——-A_ sehool x developed, The townsite ox vned by PT ley Br This eo os teacher and two ehildren were rt af ay Seger STs | (Special to The Daily News r) a shot dead, while another teacher EL} of the country is noteabl > a.” = thee obihdell S fatall = is stock raising and for the Edmonton, June 21 i . an iree children were fatally en . vamier Sifter = y “df ’ ‘erprise of the settlers in |Stated here »that Pren : be das DR. CHARLES WAIGHT AND MR. F. DEBENHAM, RECENT VISITORS AT PRINCE RUPERT. ene a ae onene San u . fe , here will net resign as was yesteras, ; ' ' az Oe , wae. walk : . nh stated in order to represent Al- After visiting with Dr. Wright's brother, who is engaged in the office of Ritchie & Agnew, the two survivors of the Seott Ant- [sehool teacher, who, armed with we st alten by rr ot berta in England arctic expedition went to Dr. Wright's home in Toronto, There the two famous explorers were given a splendid welcome by | six loaded revolvers, entered the farn hh hood. | — the officers of the provincial government, the city ofMeials, the univers'ty professors and many learned and fraternal soci- |room and started the fusilade. arm in the neighborhood.) Tite’ ‘kk of house eties. They were presented with illuminated addresses referring to their bravery in the successful seareh for the bodies of |He was eventually arrested, i. here also Messrs, Arm G, D, Tite's stock of bh ; ' : y ; : | fur e -date hand- Captain Scott and his companions, and having brought back the famous explorer’s thrilling message to civilization. Dr, — 0’ and Morris. who own/furniture is up-to date in I I Wright was also presented with a gold wateh and Mr, Debenham with a diamond pin, Daily News “ads,” get results, { this country and who | some designs.