THE DAILY NEWS seam THE,Dasy News. FLOW OF GOLD FROM NORTH raion wrdettcessoecnwenrse | NOT GOING TO SEATTLE NOW GRAND TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers TRUNK PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE eyecubas Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria ang Seatt) Mondays and Fridays at 6 a : SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:!|CHARGES AT THE DOMINION ASSAY OFFICE MORE ADVAN- Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, TAGEOUS TO MINERS THAN THOSE OF SEATTLE For Stewart on Thursdays at 8A. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. ASSAY OFFICE For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 12 p.m Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. ae oe ine and Prince Albert Vaneouver, June 17,.—Vancou-|ing charge of $4 on each melt Maintain, Weekly Orunde Calling at Wey Por wr” Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in|/ver will not be affected adver- was not exacted in the Vancou- Shouna ‘Saturdays as P MS Also Weekly Service to Ma ; case of non-delivery or inattenti , , oP sly » fac Se ; , Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at » | sa r ee ee yen re ene x) a = ania i rat ver office on bullion from the RAILWAY SERVICE reitaliasian “ tient sini tteaiiiliis secure e 0 2 » q 5 1 0. aves Pri Rupert, eastboun yy ——— SSS =I!say charges on gold; neither will Yukon Territory. The Seattle of- me Sow ana | DAILY EDITION. aii Saturday, June 21, 1913.| Seattle be likely to attract more/fice made this charge on all bul- SPECIAL LOW EXOURSION RATES to a! points oy oft > : routes In connection with the GRAND TRUNK Railway == ———— = SSeS gold to her coffers by such ajlion. 98th to Sept, 20th, Returninglimit Oct. gist SYSTEM PEACEMAKER OR considered besides those we|move. A statement originating in] To instance the advantage of For through tickets, reservation, etc., a FUSSMAKER? have ment od. The work of |Reattle and published — in the/marketing gold bullion at the A. E. MoMASTER, General Agen: - . * nglheenencnrinces Phe work of News-Advertiser yesterday morn|Dominion Assay Office he said | OMce Srd Avenue wrines Wupert Phone 260 With the igtention of s¢ the peace prophets is not in ; curing a limitation of arma a S is not lM ling indicating that Seattle hop-|that 84,165 ounces of bullion = a é a ly ta Pe te sg better}ed to recapture the flow of gold|containing 375% thousandths of — ments a even of arranging; educated and broader minded/from the North, has, upon in-|gold and 165 thousandths of sil-| RT. HON, GEORGE WYNDHAM a triple alljanee for the keep- among the inhabitants of |yestigation, proved to be without|yer is charged $55.99 at the . ; | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Little’s NEW ing of the peace, Andrew Car-| Europe may generally recog-| foundation. Seattle office, while the same W = o- last mee th Paris : '|ARE YOU GOING EAST }) ) Agency i j f my » y ar. ¢ ’ orge f as : negie is stated to have gone ame the futility of war, and Interviewed yesterday on the/bullion is charged only $35.31 at oriah amie tax i hy fs ‘ | THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Pe: : to Germany to open negotia- meg regard it only as a last subject an official of the Domin-|Vancouver, making a difference oa hee a c i j I speci! Excursions May S8th to Sep ineane aaa n tions with the fire eating resort for which they must be] ;,,,, assay office stated that con-|of $17.66 in favor of the Dom- Shea a ae . . | "| urning teat BO st ; POBAS FRUITS Kaiser. He is said, moreover,| prepared in case of emergency] gitions at the Seattle office were|inion Assay Office, Furthermore oe . SE ee Vanco. ver to Toronto and 2nd Ave. Bolow Kaien Isiang 0) to go equipped for the enter- and when all other means ; . ‘ : . . re ten the establishment of a returs ; $92.00 ub & PP : rn : less favorable than those at/at the Seattle office there were Peasant Proprietary, and also || Vancouver to Montrea!’ ana prise with credentials from the have failed, we doubt if a great) vancouver, even with the amend|graded charges which were de- aah ao eaiell of Sie ' We. Varn ‘io’ Net York’ aba $108.00 governments of Great Britain part of the people are not as ed charges of the former. The|termined by the quantity of the oa See 2 e a “pr “" “ wneees : $108.50 SSS _ and the United States. eager for war, whenever there} nominion Assay Office was the/bullion, while one — straight 7 w oe mt e at “7 rt ie ae, eee os $72.60 i B ° Does the whole thing mean is a possibility of it, a8 eVer|host market for gold bullion on|charge was made at the local of- ot = ot ae ye n ather-|7 vaicouver to St. Paul and { ress owling Alleys anything more than that a their ancestors were in the the Continent, he said. The melt-| fice. in-law o iana Lister I amet pinta’ ‘Gceveapondinety” tows } AND POOL ROOM millionaire filled with that Middle Ages. - 4 4. @, MoNAB 4 ALLEYe 12 TABLE vague benevolence which is, Moreover, even those averse a — — RELIEVE NEURALGIA General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St || 4. & ROBB, Prop ara 4 We suppose, at least as natural} * to war are all too prone to tind oe Princess Mary, south, Sunday, € p.m. H} Friges, Bupert Employment Burees an accompaniment of a large oe starting up ne — . i SSOERORD peewee ne 264 bank account as of a large dangerous frequency. And as —— - SS = dinner, wishes to confer on in a place where all men walk OLD HAZELTON NOTES NERVINE POWDERS. nie a mankind a portion of the well armed to the teeth, casting “4 L U M B E R 7 being which has accrued in suspicious eyes on the right | O A L such bountiful measure to] hands of their neighbors, there een” enorme, an ( remem ee first ee - 7 oe roo a ym H. BE. Bodine, is reported to) J. L. Coyle of Aldermere is on C O A L ‘ath yop ae a cites. ‘elke ar ; sspteetio aiid have made a good start on the|his way to his old home in Ot- New Wellington Coal. Best on the a > ge “ "C a ie is in the pF “ ced esi? wagon road from Tatla Lake to|/tawa. His trip is in connection Coast ist such as Mr. Uarnegie | , ? Silver Creek. with a new business enterprise, and Phone 116 Rogers & Black likely to meet with more suc-| defence, there is grave peril ouanisasiin in which he is associated with 18 COWSERS FOR GS CENTS Cc lete Line of _ ose Ss —S gage om sp ged —_ an a aa E. G. Baxter, district engineer | Dr. Loring and J. FE. Bell, who if your dealer cannet supply you, the cmp - like Sir Edwar owe i ” conswant renere 1on8 ©'ltor the Provincial government,|left for the capital last week. 5. L. Mathieu Co., Sderbrooks, P. Q., sends BUILDERS SUPPLIES ‘ tal } after all, the statesmen of/ Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Norman]... ine early part of the week box postpaid on receipt of price LINDSAY CARTAGE and al Europe are generally expend- Angell that war is futile and - iediaia. y pe : teres WESTHOLME LUMBER C0., Limited STORAGE : ing their energies to avert peace above all things desir- 7 ' Alex. Pierre, one of the Indians Phone 1586 wars in particular, if not to able may here do some good. vir Warden Clit Clin spent the employed in the construction of DEMAND ; G. T. P. Transfer Agents “ : . ei - Q n’s e é » 4 e § B | : ‘ ¥ . . st | put an end to warfare in gen For, just as when all men early part of the week fighting a Haguelget bridge, was killed on RovaL RESERVE _ | Orders promptiy filled Prices reasonable eral. A Bismarck is a rare minds are centred on peace, Detich” ine’ eolae Whentanhadin | Wednesday by a fall of 35 feet. | OF FICK —H. B. Rochester. Centr Phos’ phenomenon and most war minds are centred on war there , , sate . The fatality was accidental, and WHISKY. UNION $5. COMPANY OF B. C., Lid ministers are peace ministers is likely to be war, so when all . ; a : : . — . ; W. J. Larkworthy returned on/after inquiry it was decided that under another name. The| men’s minds are centred onfyog fase gp Vancouver, Qn ineuest was unnecesoers AGE ® YEARS governments cannot afford to] peace there is more likely to be}. “ “ ao . ta i ‘te camden re The Twin Gerew Steamer '| SMITH & MALLETT . : rishe . & : » peoples re he spent a brief vacation. _—_—_— ae eA a Se Haxeton's* annual Dominion Guaranreco By ” a . errs Se A. E. Faleoner and Hunter|Day celebration promises to be THe VERN MENT |] Plumbing, Heating, St ming @ peoples of Europe did not need| expensive folly and a relic Of}, oo. are back fr hele FCA en e Sheet Metal Wort a Norman Angell to let them] barbarism, it is a fact of which eaceednae oe fi sag. a {rip 'Olone of the best ever held here. ° NADA. |} Office: ted Ave Work sna know that war is a dangerous,| they need frequent reminders.| )OU"@"08 ©0# Beles. Among the big features will be a RECOMMENDED FOR Phone 176 od A dirty, disagreeable business as In public as in private life, men J. T. Bates nei ie Olson re-|!@asue game between New Hazel- Tne INVALIO Qccteen teens Wansouree Geen wasteful of money as it is of] often know what is best but do}, sai die, Cadinanten. 0 a trip|ten and the local nine, and a Tne Home ment i life, a business that brings not think of it at the right as tlie’ tit saa re ae football = ae . : Tne Connoisseur cate — very little profit even to the time and harm follows. Men|” *" mineca Kiver. ootba game between Prince T Pi “Valhalla” of S.H. & EF, vietor like Mr. Carnegie, who have the ee Rupert and the Hazelton club. A ne PUBLIC : aes sl ile . ph rch : aes The plant of the Seymour Lake | program of races and other sports who nafural Salle for Port Simpson, Ness River Points SCAN DIN ANIAN Such is the first view We may ideal of peace constantly be-|, am ie tone eden ‘ i pouty want the best. take of Carnegie’s mission, and fore them, and who are never umber Co. has arrived from the/is being arranged. m0 Sake Gy Wes COS it is a view which is by no tired of demonstrating its vir- const and is now being freighted Ace, Purity : 1 eee avery One ant 6 , : se ‘ to Smithers, where it will be in- Preparations which have been ano MeLLOwNness p.m. in the hall at means altogether unfair. But taes, may serve as monitors lo iatiad Vaal : : derimade at 2 : UNSURPASSED Salle for Vancouver there are other things to be| keep us in the right path. stalled and in. running order|made at 26-Mile seem to indicate ' within three weeks. The saw/the intention of the railway com- DISTRIBUTORS Waenqesare, 8 *. & mill and planing equipment is|pany to make that point the : BD. C. STUART complete, with the exception of|operative end of steel until the Prince Rupert importing Co., Ltd eg the edger, which was broken in|track is laid to Smithers. As PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ° Accountant Prince Rupert by a rock which}|soon as ballasting is completed eenees Regers Steamship Agency 308 2nd Ave. “i Phone 280 crashed into the freight shed|to 26-Mile application for ap- ; THE BANK OF PRINCE RUPERT. 8. © SPECIAL > SALE from a_ big blast. Another|proval of the Jine to that point 1836 ° S 1913 Phone 116 edger is now on the way from{will be made, according to of- |-————— ieoleitiiied insiis ij . . Vancouver. Omineca Miner. ficials. BritishNorthAmerica | G Aiex. @. Manson, B. A. eee —s — W. E. Williams, BA, 48 — TT Veane in Bvsimces | eorgetown S NEW wi SS LAW. Caprvas ane Guarive Oven $7,600,000 | WILLIAMS & MANSON senna HAND i e O ts DES frricnere cating x american | ENGLISH ttt LACE Sawmill Co. Lid. | sr, seuciers made Ports Must Be Equipped. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Teach The Children | Te, wn 6 In order to reduce our stoch of Boots and Shoes we ~~ accel Pex iacnrtawerdet nc Geld Medalatte teat! The Valine of M on ees en eames are offering exceptional bargains during the next few Seattle, June 17.—All_ the aint UY come of « hed eae Pte oney Lumber days. Remember we have shoes to fit men, women, boys, larger ocean going steamships| }§ 3 thon any caine eatery ed If your children learn, while | ai P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPBRI girls and babies, and there are bargains for all engaged exclusively in the freight we ae he growing, not only how to | . JOHN E. DAVEY ss £ ’ carrying trade and calling at ‘ oat Se spend money wisely, but how, Mouldings TEACHER OF SINGIN Extra Reductions In Men s Boots American ports, with no distine- Toe DAYS Sa ant 2 deeerie by self-denial, to save some- PUPIL OF Wa. FOZON, ONG. A.2.4.u.. 10N., EO Pee ; "he laser-eung i . : | tion of the flag they fly, must be | Bye Mey ay s/s "Bowe tetany thing for the future, yor will A large stock of dry finish- cenmarengtaneenmmean . equipped with wireless apparatus 5 FE? cwcesch ase. havestarted them on the road ing lumber on hand. Boat As we intend to go out of Men’s Boots entirely we effective July 1. The new wire-| | teste cont Pout Woes'te to financial success.* Opena eee te ar tlie —_— HAYNER BROS : . - mn # : . i . c ». ave offering extra special bargains to move the stock less ship act applying to the be thei entire — Savings Account foreachin | Cones rans oth EMBALM quick. freighters of al! nations touch- Every “Sate however the Bank of British North | Our prices are as low as any. ; Funera! Director» ing at American ports will g0| | the spoon © : America, and encourage them Call on us before ordering. Ord Ave. near th St Ph into effect on that date, and a} [ise Vogrn O Fcten — | to add to it regularly. score of steamship companies ESS com ete Gems ae JABOUR B are preparing for its observance,| ES Senaege PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | OFFICks aio wee e Housewives, Look. x P. MARGETTS, MANAGER | — Susavas 00, / E. L. FISHER Preserving strawberries A (PZ, Prise | . and 2nd Ave. a ; « 4 Embaimer THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. large shipment arriving Monday TOs Abad By doing aman a favor you — a PWM OHAROES RRASONABL! Third Avenue Prince Rupert ee Phone your orders.| Rees ir may convert him to the theory 2nd 8t., cor. 2nd = mont o ' . ; ND NIGHT | me 41, Shepard & eee ne See. sean turn deserves a| TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD ee pee ——— | sie te ; j I gh oe From Hentoothetta’s Photo, You Could Hardly Blame Scoop Drawn for The Daily News by "0? Sou KNOW ITS CUSTOMARY, WANDLY GET MEO fli 7 ur { ; THE GIRLS To INVITE THe [7 a Permanenn en ! - NO HEN TooMET YA BOYs Td THE JUNIOR PROM- Miss Herre : —— NoT GVEN TORQ My EXTENDs HER : TTA . DOe AGnr com AND THouGH SHOVEL - x THINK L HAVE NEVER MET BACH . WE HAVE one iN = STHER- WANTS You TS THE MoRGuE_ “WHoueHr HER. so 7 y : = = a” / > 9 ‘ — f a & 7 e * . - / . 23 : j *, : Fike . x | / os e «aA. Puoro . fe q - - oF F ¢ ’ — a HEtTRoTHETTA Pa ° « MT: 2 —— >= FER ayy, 6 = | > Keep A — === ) » 4 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ : 1 ¢ Y \\ \V . . \\ ©) i417 ~ ivi. Sum’ = BATS - me