en. EE a ge OE = ee ee aa ee Saturday, June 94 THE DAILY NEWS 1919 SS : ———— ——= : a | OLD TIMER DEAD Siesees ~~ +o ees, i Alfred Raper of Van-Anda Passes AS. és at Age of Sixty-six. Y ; a? = —_————— 4 J © } 1e ews” assi oe Special to The Daily News { — Van-Anda June 21,.—Alfred \ , " et | Raper, J. P., an old Umer in Brit Y hy, mt Ore ish Columbia, died here yester ‘ Set Ja = lday at the age of 66. = Cent A Word For Each insertion == |} he ; ra ° ouse 44) PORCHER ISLAND FARMERS s e ne ees 8 yj Will Exhibit at Prince Rupert . w ed —~ o Fall Fair. THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY NEW. FR ant ITEMS : S OM SMITHERS LOCAL NEWS ° Alderman Bullock Webster, KITCHEN HELP Wanted at Vienna) secretary of the Prince Rupert “The I B d ” , a ow £4.50 Wicker chairs and rock Agricultural and Industrial So Lot 6 Block a4 wo uzzar s ie sda yo foes ll he ers at G. D. Tite's June prices ciety, left today ae forte ve tad cash, ba e arre eme ~ or installing . tfsland to meet a number o - ’ an electric and water plant here, For Rent The Prineess Mary arrived be-|ranchers who intend exhibit bet 00, Sloer | == — —— has gone to the coast on busi o =@liween twelve and one o'clockling at the fair to be held here in $562 cash, ba ness connected with the enter-| aw lant , The energetic secre TWO. furnished housekeeping rooms, 98.|/last night September rhe energetic seers , MATINEE SATURDAY 160 and 25c prise. 533 sth Ave. near Fulton st K: 145-47 -_— -— { - reports a growing interest he * rc ' | i ,200 : 48 TO. RENT—-Desk room in large glee, in For furniture, carpets and lin-]in the fair in every quarter of Hi . penitent one Post Gmee Building Apply Copeten oleums, inspect Geo. D. Tite's]the district he has vis'ted. He is For exchange eer al Chicken Lake, has nearly stock for quality. 128-tf [leaving no stone unturned to ranch at North Yak completed his work, and has or- "tn wot coe in’ "Phone ‘ inte the initial fair a huge Rupert propert ‘rs to re » to Fo Fraser. Red 183 130 : . . ” , chance for the ders to remove to Fort Fraser FOR AENT—Iieete. feraished house; five Mrs. M. M. Stephens returned] success THE BEST AT THE —————— - ott forge! rooms, Apply 108 8th Ave., cor from Vancouver today with her Arthur Sibbit the — Bulkley ride 1393t child. DOMINION EXPRESS OFFICE PIONEER DRUG STORES })!::"“isties0."an|" . coset With _— head of horses t d Found If you require a chair or couch Moved into New Quarters on ig] FOr Sey earn. re-uphols! ed, get prices at Geo. Second Avenue. Cor @ ee edie D. Tite's 128-tf PA & H A 9 Pete Schufer, the Hudson Bay|LOST—Diamond ring. Finder rewarded iccailiadinls : Box 68, Dally News taate Rochester & Munre agents PRINCE RUPERT re ee POUND—An Odd Fell 14 pin, ot the} G. B. Hull, the Federal Gov-[¢o» the Dominion Express Co turned from an extended visit , ee te olen nme , ser here, re ate ae ’ OMces in All Cities Shipped by Express from the Factory io thn Genet cities faily "Hicwe, Glee ‘Ey gi DP armen wt engrneee a , returned have removed from the We st. mined — p0. YOU KNOW THEM ad. 110 =| from Vancouver today holme Theatre Block and are now Hai hes ‘vant i= 7 T fis ee located in the Haskamp Block oy ee a oa For Sale Everything in millinery sreatly|gocond avenue ene Gecond up a large tent in the temporary reduced Miss L. M. Kuster ahaa Senate Voudaman & ca Ta eeeee business quarters where maga- 142-45 ; SSS | ; _— Vaughan will open up their cigar zines, newspapers, and wrilin€|PURNISHINGS of a three room, fat 4d on tore al i th nd of next week Lie { » hee ace t > le. 1 t A store abi e end o e ee material have been placed at the i. McRae x to rn 1300 The Men's Own are making|jy ‘the premises vacated = by disposal of the men working ON|FoR SALE—Launch, 26 ft, 5 ft. @ 1.larrangements for a basket picnic the townsite beam, ® horsepower Mianus engine; arrangements for a basket picnic| Rochester & Munroe " newly refitted. Price $450. Phone|On July ist, the details of which mh Sa Buys 5 ac near Prince Rupert . ney 006. 133 | will be announced later Presbyterian Services. Wm. Eggleston, of the con-|por saLe—English baby carriage, in rat . foglas : good mndition; cost #835 Will sell ‘ . > Jastor e . s tracting firm of Eggleston and) feip. “apply #87 eth Ave. &. 143-45| Captain Eva Stride, of th a nO - W. Kerr. As-| FINE LAND Sistan i Ice Cream Parlor Smith, left early this week o — : — = — ®iSalvation Army, who is to take rents bh R ae ateae GOOD WATER : e during the absence o re pastor New Hazelton to arrange CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. c the place here vacated by Capt Ice cream supplied for excursion and picnic parties shipping of the Seymour Lake . : Roe, arrived with two assistants|®!! services are held in the Em NTESLS FOR packed in ice. Also put up in bricks for family use. Lumber & Milling Co.'s sawmill Construction of Carpenter Shop and Pump|On the Prince Rupert this morn-{Pres® Theatre. {1 a.m Sunday TRUCK FARMING “Take home a brick and try it.” wi " beuee. ing school and Bible classes 7:30 i Je »s Gar z ‘ rly . acdonald’s subje Our candies are all home made and absolutely fresh. Jame jarling, who formerly] ,.cieq tenders will be received by E. A ‘a p. m., Mr. Macdonald ubject Try our chocolate and be convinced. ran a rooming house in New Woods, hy up 10 12 o'clock on E. Stillwell, of the Westhoime |W!!! be “Secret Sins Phe length) SEE i. i » , . o a oO ond aot 1913, for th on : ’ ‘ ‘ 4 . nani Our fruit is always fresh and up-to-date. We are here Hazelton, has moved hi utfit ane & re , June, 1013, for eee orchestra, returned to town on of this service does not exceed to Smithers and has opened tem- | shop on lane, Block 30, near Fraser street, one hour to stay and our aim is to please our patrons Strangers in the city H > Gamb f } so fo e 8 on © sump | the Prinee Rupert this morning K jand gh for the com tructi = os pum : ' espec ially invited to attend arrison, le Company porary quarters ina tent. |nouse at Shawatler are DROP IN AND SEE US. Ri} may bev seen one specincations R i Jal c By : ' ' FINANCIAL AGENTS Phone rs Deliv ith Block tg at the office of the city engineer Pac Jabour ros advertise ESSN 8 « Orde ered. 8m ) ayment of a d ysit of 5.00, which ite ° m £ . Phone 17 631 Third Avenue COMMITTEE TO MEET will be returned on reseipt of bona fide| Ment on page 2 tf Eotevan in fro Lengara Third Ave. Prince Rupert ten¢ ° : governme u ouse —P CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The ‘council does not ing ttselt to ae} . a nee ligathow : cept the lowest or any tender Mrs. \ illiams. wife of |tender stevan cathe in yester —_—_—— — _ase W. McGEORGE MASON, a anise ecasliiintehs tier Weekes ‘ier ‘Sais, te SRemEEmnG Ce ee ence e ee ee ee ees eee Board of Trade Pia Plans En in | te 45 City Engineer Granby it I turn j ther thi morn Engineers, Stationary } Ms terta mranby, and her son are passen . e¢ ere s Ion » salt a . . : : ine, coached for ex ment for Big Excursion Party "| gers from Vaneouver to Granby From Langara she will shortly se, Coacher : mn" from Seattle. | Bay on the Prince Rupert. They| proceed to Vancouver, and will 654 Ath A ’ ate F ALE were met at the dock this morn-|be in Prince Rupert in a fort E GALLAND e HARDWARE The Board of Trade has de-j5 * ‘OR 5 ing by Mr. Williams, who came fnight, jown to Prince Rupert to meet Sota EEEEEEAT cided lo appoint a reception com = ‘ i Phone 300 eee a them Football Game Tonight mittee to entertain the members|} Lots §4-55, Block 34, Section 1 if 2 - . emADY MixED Pavers ic erate ant | pee se [gaya ward eal ae ne eo HARRISON W. ROGERS 5 ’ . a is evening a ‘ { yvetween Made in Bngland. Best in the world. Lowest in Price. — when they =“ ee Lot 123, Block 20, Section 2, $850; ne of the old time citizens Of picked teams of the Caledonian Architect uesday morning on the Jeffer-| $435 ‘cash, balance G. T. P *rince Rupert who returned] Pootball Club As this will be a Suite 1, Federal! b HALL’S DISTEMPER son. The members of the Cham-|% Lots 5-6, Block 9, Section 7, $1,600; from Vancouver today feild gene ton- tha Maks sale as ip PRINCE RUPERT, } a . ee, ensomnanie 1-3 cash, balance 6 and 12 OR : . degen , Ranges, Stoves, Etc. Our Prices Are Lowest in Town. ber of Commerce, accompan'ted } a, “= —_— all members willing to go are re by their wives, numbering 120 in ciate aie ot Geen 0 eheie Angus Stewart, the contractor] quested to turn out all, are travelling to the prin- e000 ak eee et: 32 went to New Hazelton this morn W J JEPHSON cipal ports of the northern coast months. ing. Ba i erm rrister and Solicitor so acl , and then will go on to the cities Lots 28-29, Block 19, Section 7, —_—— Piek on Meking Gig Money. of British Columbia, Alberts Sask ———<—x —— > of the Yukon and Alaska. It is $}: i ae oan Cy Peck, of Peck, Moore and Phat the Indian fishermen at atehewan , proposed that a committee of Lot 94, Block 8, Section 6, 9700; Company, left this morning on a] North Island are making big Notary Public S l t y W. ddi Gi t ladies be appointed to arrange $300 casb, balance arranged short business trip to New Haz-] money this season was illustrated] Room 11, Federal Block, Prince Rupert e ec our e ing l Ss for the entertainment of the vis- Lots 50-51, (Prince Rugers Boule elton. He will be back tomorrow.|!ast week when one man brought itors’ wives. vard), oc 34, ection 8, in £2,000 pounds of salmon in nm _ ‘ 1,500; 1-2 . 1 from Our Illustrated Catalogue The schedule for Tuesday’'s foiged: - a © A. C. Aldous, of Aldous & Mur-|one day and received therefor 4 PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. entertainment was drawn up last ———————————— ray, the agents for Smithers|cents per pound Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- IT REPRESENTS THOROUGHLY OUR LARGE, WELL night by the Board of Trade. The townsite, has been in town in — a - ing and General Cartage ASSORTED, QUALITY STOCKS. . party will be taken by special LAW- BUTLER CO. connection with the Dominion Baptist Service. Phone 1 i With our catalogue in hand you may sit down in the train to Terrace, where they will Day celebration. He returned to] fp the Westholme Opera House| Office: Suite 9, Federa! Block ” quiet of your home and select your wedding gifts as — out ae a” Sona ey Nag a nF ee ne pee tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock satisfactorily as though you could visit our store persov- ° a CO » we ee ee Rev. Wgfren H. McLeod's subject ¢ ally. F view the Kitselas canyon, arriv- Housewives, Look. will 4 The Gindness. of Res in ry ae Oy ves vem 4 The jewellery section of this catalogue will be of ex- ing again in Prince Rupert by 6 Preserving strawberries A} ligion®-Does It Produce Health?’ Pull what im by the ta ~ : z ceptional interest to those who must buy wedding jewel- oe a ah yaaa those large shipment arriving Monday|Everyone is cordially invited to|dghe or ta learn’ Bookkeeping : lery. IL shows the gem set exquisites of the day at prices ; e rae 0 - val < me morning Phone your orders.) hear the discussion of this inter bine within the reach of the average buyer. We emphasize the foe p Oep Me col ee —— nama £4; -Ghepees & Jonns, eating eumiect. . Runday cokes! in WENDELL R. JONES PEARL because it is the birthday gem of June. Pp cw : 144-45 ithe same place at 11 a, m. Write for this catalogue; it will be sent free on re- e committee which will a¢-|we have just received a ship- Phone 112 O08 ane One quest company the excursion on the ment of ee special train to Terrace 's lO\TimMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS : —"s consist of Messrs. F. G. Dawson, |@rover TATO SEEDS Henry Birks G Sons, Limited }}\°:\'s#00/1 Nctachian si ftpncra — QARDEN SEEDS ogers, , ; obley, G. W. Nickerscn and M. P. McCaffery. FLOWER SEEDS JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS - Mail orders Promptly attended to Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C y ARRIV = a Prince Rupert Inn. PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. W. H. Armstrong, A. Morrison. e ° a 3 Silversides Bros. BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINI‘ Res. Phone Black 413 ! OM: Cv = lake Home A Case To-Day You'll be glad to have this pure Beer to serve to your family. it’s brewed from the Prince Rupert Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- PRINCE. RUPERT. Wi ns eiaceneee vor A. Rose. Purest mountain water in TRIAL ANNEX Hotel Central. 7 7 Days’ Outing aD | re The Up-to-Date House Deecera- America. Aged and bottied ee. F. Montieth, G. Munyard, L, tors of Prince Rupert right. Contains the nourish- ment slip for Port Edwa every day. For par! apply to Harrison, &4 Duckitt, F. W. Seott, H. Tun- stall. Sign Writing.. ment of Canadian Barley and ANNEX ERE Test case Be Aes a ht the tonic properties of finest & Co., Phone 54, 3rd A Windsor Hotel. 40., jone vi, ech ecete ath, “tte ee Paper-Hanging eee 2.0 testa, ous a, an ; A Moore, Charles Spengler, J. B. Li wales isk seo nd reture, in time ound - ihe ae the fF *- Singer. Our Specialties eaver Liquor Co., re You Looking { A RES ape Royal Hote a ON 9 $32.00. ° aeiadinilaeniach istributors, Prin R " y j + “ able” ce upert, B.C } Faervaione a on eae baa eau I W. L. Polson, M. Hickes, H. A. Vo Cite Ren ” CHEAP BU ° rnc trace, B. R. Jones, R. Stra nd ee HS STEAMSHIP AGENCY] ‘tne scvonecne' foes |i 1s, Rostra, H Amd ire Phone 488 Gren % iutely first-class in every respect. T Phis 0 The appointments and service Cavey Hotel. Cargo of Cement. —— are equal to any hotel on the — The Leona arrived yesterday Lots 11-42, Block pert Bak J. M Sietean Mr. and Mrs.'With a cargo of e t for the | coast. ’ r. an Mrs & emen r th Ru ery | Stors, iC, B, Sehreiber Company from] q se! fi . i have an —e . . | Todd Inlet. She is the property . rice eac ae fea Third Ave, and —— There was a young iady of |of the Vancouver Portland Cement : —_ of the po es R les: $1 to $3.50 per day. i Bayonne Company. a liparte of the chy” sie make aera : | Who went for a ride on a lion omen ; ‘ - =e Half Cash ° n re ae dont : : ; GARON & RASOGAZOVITCH }O I men there was some in the me THE WEATHER. $30-$75 Underwood, LC. Smith, Remington $30-$75 Balance 6 and 12 M Phone Give 908 | jion’s tum-tum; } The weather report at 5 o'clock oe omen.” wie for booklet tm colors and save 950 . | G. A. Sweet, Manager. | The rest was an angel in Zion ee peneee tee : pancnemeraiig | wear like and 40 work equal te brand now saascal, finish, ¢. R. Naden Co Ltd. low 2 SY; 1 " . re : Exch Find it througs a Daily ae | peaherion Shenses Cleaners.|65; minimum Re aeeanee ral ssa Comte os ~ » a6 A I : é a. i ’ ; 7 J oli a . ; ranee Want Ad. Be eo Phone 4, tf ‘precipitation, .78 inch. oa! Ketate and lnsu Second Avenue.