Monday June 23, 1913 intends to “apply ter permission to THE DAILY NEWS Jogging Laziness into Activity . The merchant whose business lags in the summer has himself to thank, To slacken the selling pace in the hot season—to lessen Advertising activity—indicates a resignation which has no place in modern business. If we think we cannot. keep our business booming in summer time, we surely will not. What a jolt it must have been to the fur trade, when the first mid-summer fur advertisement was run in a daily paper! Now many fur stores are fc owirg the example of that progressive fur man who dared to believe that fur sales need not go down as’ the mercury goes up. Energy, linked with Advertising, has turned the month of January into the biggest selling season for white goods. Advertisements of a high stimula- tive power, combined with a disregard of “‘seasons,” have opened up automobile selling two months earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising has started Christmas shopping early in October instead of the middle of December. Advertising rises superior to seasons and thermom- eters. The right kind of Advertising strikes a responsive cord in human nature—and human nature is the same in August as in December. your advertising problems is available Advice through any i Conchian odvethinn y, or the Secretary of the Can- adian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write, if in GEO. D. TITE Complete Home Furnisher Third Avenue Our large stock of furniture is selected from the best of the manufacturers’ designs See our windows for displays of BUFFETS, DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS Dining Room Furniture Arm chairs, rockers, and side chairs, all hav- ing leather of Wo. 1 Grade. Special June Prices. | DRAPERIES! Lace curtains, tapes- try curtains, screens, musiins, blinds, brass [ Peten, CotengE, ORs: Go-carts and baby bug- & 5 ee Oe ae and all receive June Dis- counts. tron beds, mattress springs, pillow sheets and blankets at Special June Reductions. —— Eee vp PURCHASE NOTICES. LA ) pistrict—Distriet of Cassiar.| A ar pat 1 be N. MacKechnie, of | ake note? 'C,, oecupation surgeon, 60 | Va sate ‘intend to. apply to the | : : ner of Lands to purchase ninisson oA, Cassiar District, : * sisted near mile 136, geena KN" pacine, containing 43,7) eres 1 LN MAQKECHNIE. mcCRADY, ©, B., Agen per F. “4 sted Maret ioth, 1913 atak 4. Kechnie, N b LN. oe 44, 1099 Fone 9, 1019 om” emcee | irfet——Distriet of Coast, | peens hange V st Emma Waterous Ag ik , B. 6, oeeupation married ig oy . : apply for permission to w ing described lands Mg iy » st a post planted on. the i : Lake Hayward, near Falls; , j f the Hocsall, chence ; thenee west 20 chains, F chains, thence east 20 to point of commence. | yg 40 acres more or less | OMA. WATEROUS AGNEW. | path, 10143 aie) oh, 1919—dune 16, 1048 pr. 2 2 smstiegenghilidipeantaeaiian Bw tre ae hE F ler Mw y “ os al rstrict District of Coast, - ees RESS EX .QUEEN A] i -LIA EX -QUEEN MARIJA-SOPHIA — - f UGENI! mes? that Margaret B. Grant, o J . » sien ; ee cy oecupailon «dress -UGENIE, °F PORTUGAL, OF NAPLES. ; et two apply for permission to Dee ise tne llowing described lands aan g at & post planted at the gorineast corner of hat OO chains, thence THREE NOTABLE EX-QUEE NS NOW VISITING PARIS — wine, tence West 20 chains rhe . ’ chains to eS hoe pre ‘ he gay French capital at the same time was an unexpected coincidence, and amas containin v re or ; - : am ement and conte ‘ ends brought them together at a social function that was quite unique The most MARGARET B, GRANT pathet figure of the three is that of Ex-Empress Eugenie, once the centre around which a th, 19143. . “ ; : pub. Ape. 21, 1918—June 16, 1943. the world of fashion whirled. During the revolution in Paris which followed her country's — —— defeat the Franco-Prussian war she secretlysescaped to England and has since resided at , Land District—District of Coast, Chiselhu Kent. There she mourned the death of her son. assassinated in the Zulu war and sare 2 hange V 2 \ f he h band Napoleo it Her first visit to Paris was in 1881, at the tir when her yaniel Brenton Ken eae , "of Te oh t, oceupation rancher, -- Napoleon Vietor, better known as “Plon-Plon issued his famous proclamation. 1 o apply for permission to purchase rh 1 his friendsh'p with the late Dr. Evans, who had carried out her eseape from Paris, jescribed lands low ig des S pee planted at the Mr. ¢ ey, now of the Daily News, interviewed the still rega ady on the pretender’s aspir- ~~ r of Lot 6130, thence north at for Reuter’s ¢ a ieee ; Seiten , hence east 30 Chains, thence ‘ ! f aud the A ciated Press, : 4 ains, thence west 30 chains to a - commencement, containing _ ——— Pos more OF seas V-ATER \ ITICE. . DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY ‘ March 18th, 1913. For a Licens, to Take or Pen Back a it i 7th to June 2nd. Notices he aiven teat ¢ 7 4 oas Sawie, erin ipert, B. C., will RT ‘ 4 snd «(District—District of Coast, fer & lice : ¢ pen bet 960 bere a feet of W m an unnamed creek, a| ak that Gertrude M. Newell, Of} stream nov nh an easterly direction and} arth Scotia, occupation married | emptying | Bay near Granby Bay| woul en ) apply for permission | powrnsite The water will be stored in aj ¢ liowing described lands reservoir of ¢ gallons capacity, built , t g at a poet planted at the ” to be built 4 feet from mouth of ot 6142, thence west], . : woo ~ oaks . ; ‘ A! 20 chains, thence perpoens ‘1 or > a. j a) enniestion ro PROMINENT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT SAYS POLITICIANS a0 ins, thence south 20 chains,)4 jicense to take and use water, posted FROM DOMINION WITHOUT INFLUENCE « ‘he meander of the Lakelse Lake.) jerewith, on the land described as land IN ENGLAND ye point f commencement, containing adjoining west side of Granby Bay Town ; r less site oe GERTRUDE M. NEWELL This notice was posted on the ground ° 2 L. H. KENNEY, Agent m the 26th day of April, 1913. The ap London, June 19.—A story is;contingent at Westminster. Well, April 16th, 1013 plication will be filed in the office of the ; ‘ p. Apr. 21, 1913-—June 16, 10913 Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. c.|Cabled here from Ottawa today/the man who wrote that does not Objections may be filed th the said : r : District—District of Coast Water Re ” ler r with the Compt? er| that the British Conservatives| know what he is talking about. ake S ce that Il, Sam Ennyu, of | of Water Rights, Parliament Bulidings are offering at least three well| There is not one of the ex-Can- keens y, B. C., occupation lumberman, | Victoria, B C. : apply for permission to purchase 104-10-16-22 G. RK. T SAWLE known Canadian members at Ot-|adian politicians here who has wine Sn rs i i ominations fo tritis a anes at @ post planted at the WATER NOTICE. awa nomination for British any real political influence. The “ rner of Lot 168, Range 5, constituencies Enquiries in the ' tb ' , he = trut is is class near t avs - 4 on the Dank of tence go] For @ License to Take and Use Water. | iohby at Westminster, however, ; is Class nearly alway thence 20 chains east to the Notice is hereby given that The Prince discredit, this story and 4 promi enters the British legislature too said Lot 182%, thence south} Rupert Hydro-Eiectric Company, Limited, I aad a eae aot ae Aur s ndary 26 chains to point of e oe oper’ - C., will Apply - 2 nent member remarked that now “tte In e, eithe oO grasp rit- : ‘ ai ac s more license Ww taXte an use 50 cUbix ee = oO = 2 oble - 0 oe ot, containing 40 acres un second of water out of Madeline Creek,|that the fiscal question was al-|'sh dome tic problem r gain SAM ENNY( which flows in an easterly direction} iniost buried the Tory party the real confidence of their party. : 19th, 1913 through Crown lands, and empties int : , a. 1913—June 30, 1013. Hocsall River about 13 miles from its} would never think of asking Do rhe rich Canadian who comes ‘ _ —=— mouth on the south bank. The water will : 8 of oe : be diverted at unnamed falls about one minion members to come here|here to fight a hopeless battle 4 ‘ District—District of Coast,j/ mile from mouth reek, and Will bel morely to « ipport that propa generally gets rewarded with a mg “Oy or, oe, eee, re ae ai 1 knighthood. which is all he de- ab thay Ole J. Jensen, of Kit Paar ~ — r exchange within| ga ca ~ i all - : for De nies --4 ‘le parthent This notice was posted on the ground rhe nis Dom niot porllician | se ves ing sescrib 1 lands m the 16th day of May, 1013. The ap-lwh s wanted here by either rhis member further informed nel ; a post planted 6D lication will be filed in’ the office of the ; . at PB a 5 Eas —— Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. | party de@liared this membe isithe Canadian Associated Press . 964 “thence easter ; Objections may be filed with the said . a he xs of monev andithat it was his mviction there rh. ee nem Water Recorder or with the mp troller e who has heay ! n . etl f 45 then ° svuth cha os| Of Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings,| w fight a hopeless battle would be no general election orn od esteriy | Victoria, B. ¢ . ¥ a et se bee to tae cant hous PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRI I see he went this Ol-) here, barring exceptional and un- “rt4, 36246, thence no ce., LTD te cable speaks of there al-/| foreseen events, until home rule , ae ee Hy F By Geo. H. Kohl, Agent we . peas : ara , eut, ‘ ataining 128 beres more or Pup. May 26, 1913-——-June 16, 1913 eady being a notable Canadian|was established. OLE J. JENSEN, Locstor : —— D. LAIRD, Agent WATER ACT. sited March 28th, iets eee oe nog ot antag for we teprane «CANADIAN NORTHERN | TRACK LAYING NEARLY > ape. Bt, SOtD--vame 86, S088 Works, end for Approval of Under- eee eee PORT IN LABRADOR| REACHES MORICETOWN LAND LEASE NOTICE Take notice that the PORT EDWARD TUWNSITE COMPANY LIMITED, of is a aia” Prince Hupert 1B ihe Province oe neice | Short Mail Route to Britain May|Estimated That Steel Will Be } mast, lumbia iil apply ; omp el s Land Deserion ~Dapevene f eer lot Water Rights for the approval of the Be Established by New Across the Telkwa River \ange rks to cons ted for plans of the works to be nstruc A ; ak tice that Frank B. St. Amour of] the utilization the water from Wolf Railway. by August Tenth f Prince Rupert, in the Province reek Skoons Db nee = Cg Poa Le slu pid prospector, intends i tion has Deen made ” ” col an) - a. . eo on i api states "> Tones the follow-|under which aapeent = Permit ne 107 Sherbrooke, Que yom nen J *rince re ‘ PRANK B. Si, AMOUR, Locator. |Ruvert ne Water Recorder at Brine*) dorian coast, « railway line from] im over a slide. It has been given ed the 20th day of Aprii, 1943 | And take notice shat me sate — Labrador to Quebec and another | out, semi-officially, that the steel May 5 , p 30, 1913 WARD TOWNSIT COMP ; E : roan a a ee ITED ae intends to apply under Part] from Quebee to Sherbrooke, con-| will be across the Telkwa River ra a SO Water A ee ine ‘dudertaking| Hecting here with the Boston and/by, August 10th, barring acci- niste ) o pa Pe h 7 : = LAND PURCHASE NOTI Ck of the company as outlined tn the plans Maine line. dent. The Trout Creek crossing and “articaliars how on e ot allel t = aa 8 ; Comptrotier of Water Rights and with the ~ will be reache d by Monday even ene — qpistrict of Coast, Water Recorder at Prince at, a pli Great College Game. ing or early Tuesday, where the jin connection with the comp: ’ Ta4e notice that The Prince Rupert | cation. : New Haven, Conn., June 19 last big bridge is to be put in, Electric Co. Limited, of Prince]. Cogine of Bee ene eee ate Harvard and Yale played a great|and it is claimed this bridge will ‘bert, &. ©.. intends to apply for permis- | o e ate q : : ’ y . , ; , ton to purchase <° acres or Yand eas the } te gt Reece: oo ee wequing by {4 inning game here vesterday in| be completed within three weeks, hocsall Rive 1 28 the infster © ds as aforesaid, ¢ a lin 5 ; cael " nunencing st a beak planted on the| file in the oMee of the Water Recorder of} the intercollegiate series llar-| which is about two weeks earlier end of Lake Madeleine near the out-|Skeena District at Prince Rupert -— c, vard won, 4 to 3. than the first estimate. thence south 20 chains, thence West 20/and in the oMece of the Comptrolte a “ oT Hains, thenee sorth 20 chains, thence east) Water Rights at Se Daenstans may be er 2. - ” ing 0 cohen ee, eameeenoemant, con aed with the "C mot Her of Water Subscribe for the Daily News. Daily News “ads.” get results. Wining 40 acr t . less. Nee i e oO rn) b : 5 ‘ PRINCE RUPERT. HYDRO ELECTRIC Riehts, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. — - O., LIMITED Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 13th = — — ————— —— — Per George hi, Agent day of June, 1913 ; : Deee ap to eee PORT. EDWARD TOWNSITE COMPANY Put / ‘ 348 MITED May 26, 1043—July 21, 191 LI i, Ae die lien | Abels En | july 14, 1093 “assiar Land District—District of Skeena, nese ee houlce that Samuel KR. Brown ar. | sta apie" wenic° | NEW STOCK OF SE eer, purchase the following described ‘ands “ommencing at & post planted at t southeast corner of Lot 9626, thence west ‘0 chains, thence south 40 chains, theace east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains lye have just received a ship- ‘lit Of commencement, containing 160 f ’ more or less ment 0 ' SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN Ji TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS ‘ated April 25th, 1013 s Pub May 26, 19to—July 21, 1943 | CLOVER POTATO SEED 5 “ent oe “ EEDS keena Land Distriet—District of Coast, ALFALFA ~ Kange V FLOWER Bb. C., oeeupation farmer, intend ‘ ‘ . Ml for Dermission to purchase the | Mai! orders Promptly attended t ‘ihe deseribed lands mane being @t @ post planted N the st corner of Lot 4125, thence 'y along the shore line 20 chains - or less, thence following the shore PERT FEED CO ‘ortherly and easterly to northwest ° t 4625 thence south 56 chains . . . * leek to point of Commencement, ‘Wining 1% aeres more or less e ; LOUIBS AURIOL e ‘ted May @ist, 1043 Pub. May 96, 4043 July @1, 1015 | versi ° Land DistrietDistrict of Coast lange \V . - an I'he Up to-Date louse Decore hotles that Janes Jabour Nupert, BB, ¢ occupation — mie tors of Prince Rupert tehds to apply for persniss) n to the following deseribed property ‘'heneing @€¢ @ post planted ab ul e *,?* st . Mile Post 40 on the G. 7 * a fast from Prince Rupert om a ign Writiag.. nou Skeena River, thenes uth thence east 40 chains, thenes P H in hains, thenee west 40 chains to = g mmencement, containing 32 aper ang ke JAMES JABOUE Our Specialties yun isth, 10418 sune 23 wt Aug, 18, 101 ee SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS ans stroot “Ye Olde Reliable” Phone 166 Green | } | Captain RK, G, Ritson, of A PROMINENT FIGURE IN INTERNATIONAL POLO MATCHES British Polo team, GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher. —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS — FARM Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited — PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 an ee