at ae a gp Maemo ut iy ae | on the Skeena River about the sale, Fiat elo may be rented. | otP feet high and eleven feet in d r. M chat « : . : ; . ‘ | aemates it will also be provided Wind ———=—=s (gtabliehe? 9908 iSth of July, after the close of; FOR SALE—Launch, 96 f% 5 ft. 6 in) ' ndsor Hotel the spring salmon season The} For Rent en TR a erry —, lwith al verhead ome y . eG Skidegate Indians, who have} | Blue 418 138" jhandling coa from “2 Ol Robert Met - Garpenters’ Toole By.lders’ Eerdware Ship Chandlery been fishing off Langara Islands, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $8 ~— rs mn re ar 38 ca will se r 4 cnth mee a eMIe air Royal Hote! Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle are returning home, many Of| ‘633 8th Ave, near Fulton St 145-47) Goeep. “Apply #37 @th Ave. Be. taa-a)fOr 8 a ru power hot = keel : them preferring to fish for do®-|pon paent—p : In front ~ eo ee | Johnsot ‘ “ “ | — Furnished front room in , ' , Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns ifish. They receive 15 cents per! posers apartment. close ip “sahane | Ww be the ship building o d island ; iti | wre ; » oil of : ) ' | '~ he 160 feet by 300 n it Rope Valves Ammunition ae ‘vos oil a Oe ae FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house; five LOC NEWS ITEMS . be placed @ ten ton Savoy Hotel ant e large sums dur >| modern apartment, close in. Over old AL were '® : Henry B Pumps. Hose Paint lsummrer. The B. C. Fisheries| 8k of Commerce igotr | . -e « crane for handling]. * Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron have an oi! plant at Skidegate, ' , timbe to build the pontoons.|/ -, j | 6.50 Wicker chairs and rock “4 ao Ww be placed|™”* e* where the dogfish are treated.| $4.50 Phe - de Camer j . a Relea Z 3 deli, IEEE toed measkane Of Seas Lost and Found jens at G. D, Tite's June prices. |). ihe shed ~ © ‘“ . ” fish at the banks off Tow Hill, aeiaae i ii Phe or and - bincken® | mcDonald e Oo t t which have not been exploited|LOST—Diamond ring. Finder rewarded Angus Stewa — - 7 shoy ated alongside the vet Box 68, Dally News 1aatr | returned from Hazelton tode) eee bewnt, 0 Wal be © etre Wh ie, W vaiiichatililas te dstcs sansa lai sli rom FOUND—An O44 Fellow's gold pin, at the ‘ i age » the] lett, Lake ' _ ——____—— cemetery. Owner can have esine et the) ; vouch (ur : a . , { SH =a = SSS SSS Daily News “ads.” get results. ally News Office by paying for Uns you require 8 chair OF COUCH | 5th walls and f 6 u = | ad. 1100 re-upholstered, get prices at Ge ; ; a sala 1 will be Cunarder Ships Big Guns a > : ’ ’ , , " #tD. Tite's 126-tf Io6 by 150 feet in size Phe London, J - } feet in width, w ficials ant Cy. Peck, of Peck, Moore & : jed with a travelling|the Lus returned from Hazelt this sne of fifteen tons The floor posed to | morning new e of concrete with heavy|for repair } ° ° . ; s necessitated by the] gines, ts 4 Ow e swin In Oo e econ us | For furniture, carpets and are s. In this shop there| high pows 7 joleums, inspect Ge D. Tite's] e installed six 400 h e[ be th ' j}stock for quality 128-tf power water tube boilers, suj armed : | - plied witl automat stokers,| new navy ree ’ * - ) Week of the Great 5 4 adiaehsel, si era : of 8. M. Newton of the Empir From the same set of plans as / returned south this morning aft« he boiler and biacksmith sho; r 2 ha short visit to his father there is to be constructed a ma aii chine shop, so situated as to be! C. C. Westenhaver. of Westen-jeasy of access from the dry dock | Buys 6 acres near Prince Rupern © haver Bre returned | Var and the waterfront e + ecouver on the Prince Rupert this/outfitted with a complete edS!D- | game Lamp morning ‘ f tools The laree . © bei wiii be driven by individual mo GOOD WATER . | Mr. G. H. Collins, of the Atlin} ters, the sma will De worsed SUITABLE FOR Construc tion Company eft fi : P ” ' . - - ne ‘ : * ri TRUCK FARMING Vancouver this morning He} ols pore ome Care SES Tepe j ; will be away about ten day f air tools i ee re f —— SEI ¢ ———EEEE | GD. Tite's stock of house Another Treaty Ratified. : furniture is up-to-date i nhand I June {9.-—-Conditiona . - tor { some designs 128-tf por fans Su , | Harrison, Gambie & Compan - italy ie pated etmilar rights FINANCIAL AGENTS : new . rei treaties 2 : . 5p Miss Mabyn Jenns lef ne aoe - : Third Ave. Prince Rupert Princess Mary veaterday evening subjects hes if . aa Miss Jenns is takwme : WW the j wee ! w ge ren: pop" ‘ nthe’ trip to 3 nd eit | ert n Japan are ratified tod ENGINEERING : ri; x : *: ® S ‘ ach PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage. Piano Mo ing and Genera! Cartage ; relat ee there 9 The Celtic f Van i 9 rived at the Governmer wharf P ri Ed d okie Gir & iaepent of af a 0 War the Imperial Oi! Cem; i Gryme, from the Queen ©! t Islands, put in here for supplies PRINCE RUPERT'S inNDUS- ; TRIAL ANNEX _< i fe Carriels, who has be« a year past in the C. P. R pas 4 iaunch leaves the = vern- PI senger and ticket office hers efi ment siip for Pos dward Thousands of thrifty buyers have taken advantage of our very low prices in Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Furnish- this city on Saturday evening } every Gay. For particulars _— ings, Etc. This week will be a RECORD BREAKER. the Princess May. He left to take SPRy 10 SAitisee Gamble Phone 240 ja position with the ¢ > _ 2 & Co Phone 51 Sed Ave - r nAfrTr Shimaston be HARRISON W. ROGERS THE FOLLOWING PRICES WERE SELECTED AT RANDOM 7 < ~ ' Architect rr een re... oto dee eehes shbwaeke be ote $8.45 Men's Shoes, for this week, have been reduced stil! Suite 1, Fé ee Sn os. oc cnc east ie ehh 0 Baneee $19.96 more to close out quickly. Dress Shoes, Working Shoes 9 — . ; Leckie Shoes, are all reduced. : F ed St k Hard NE ER Pe ye ee oe ee $16.95 Men's Underwear. r or 8 ware a Ore rors oe Oe er $14.45 $1.90 garment for regular $1.50 stock. ; W J JEPHSON Men's Suits $12.65 @@c garment for regular $1.25 stock te offering fer competition car bad 6.50 os Mbhed bob ohn neh hdened 6 hs one 6 2.65 “ Barrister and Solic'tor ‘ @6c garment for regular 75c¢ stock. + + 4s ET, Suet: op $10.80 i Tieteewael Gen ‘eehes adie. One High-Grade Fishing Rod for the Gentieman min & ss : atobe va AND Rotary Public noe Rupe It Sure Takes O'Reilly To Cut The Price |i} tows to te ty | "mic eer oc Pull what in by ' The heaviest catch of trout to be taken in one single day's Sehing epportunity to ert ei ) with rod and tine by one person. [oe ap 2° seere Som i ; Dolly Varden, Spring Saimon, Sockeye, Steeiheads are barred. i We are expecting every man in Prince Rupert to do his buying at this store while th's stock laste. You save on THIS CONTEST OPENS JUNE 2187 AND CLOSES JULY 15TH WENDELL R. JONES | every article, from the smaliest article in men's furnishing to the most expensive suit you can save nearly one-half. A evade TS cagaet © wate and cepicter tele emctee PRED Phene 98 oe net BROWN & BUTTERS Men's Working Gloves. 26c, closing out price; regular 50c. $1.10, closing out price; regular $1.50 Bc buys our line of Dress Gloves. limit. MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND ™ Res. Phone Biack 41/ Prince Rupert —_ Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and al! the neces- sary little things of a man’s toilet have all been cut the | MEN, DRESS UP! MEN ! ain | 2 DRESS UP ; eee delivered to « liparts of the oy GARON & RASOGATOVITON Prone Sive 306 See Come to O'Reilly's 2nd Ave. store and take advantage of these offerings while you can get a good selection. Buy that new suit for the celebration today, and buy it of O'Reilly. He saves you money. We expect you. Are You I ' CHEAP BUY! Martin : O’Reilly’s |jj | w= tins jo 2nd AVENUE STORE NePricsher Fish cod Sure ta § Price $750 ead . Half (as LIMITED = Look For The Big Red Sign ——= J" Real Estate and In> Second Aveaur