wares tM THE DAILY NEWS red ' * 194 i on Published Daily and Weekly by a | CH TO THE SOUTH G * s PUBLISHING © sndo son oO ana x i ; THE PRINCE RUPERT CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. “If She Needs a Navy for This Federal Geological Survey Party W. Elmendorf n of nM ona by the splendid steamers ai —_— ane She Should Mave One,” De- | Has Been Sent to Islands W. J. Elmendorf 7 the : ortl os PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Sy STEM ; ‘ * : | eis ; s ere oO spene . SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: otaree Lavergne, to Investigate. : on ; Loogy er Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria ang ¢ I Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly.) a yeonto. J 19." | a eas or ee ae ok aw 7 ' $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. | oron . . uae 0, consider For the purpose of getting an Harry Gillingham and brid ee Salen i> os Gee a Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. jthat before taking any action | ae, urate report on the coal Meld) ang spending their honeymoon Steamers Prince John ine O¥ince bree | he ne f sbiscite shouldlo ; e ‘har ' inde... : i ce 8 twee ctor ~ i HEAD OFFICE | upon the navy a plebiscite should f the Queen Gharlotte | nd camp, having come up frot meintata, We uly ere Besween Victoria, Van mver a |be taken and the opinion of the he Dominion governme '85) prince Rupert on the last boat bound Saturdays at & P. M. Also Weekly Service 1 Ma, . i Daily News Building, Third Ave,, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98, People learned,” said Mr, Armandjsent out @ geological survey Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays ats p_ } ; | Lavergne, of Le Devoir, -when | party to carefully investigat: — The scently formed Anvox Train No. 2 leaves Prince pale arg TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract | See" '" the King Edward yester-j]Numerous prospects (hat hove hie a ib ses holding a Sturdy *™ ‘ y i day, immediately after his arrival| been reported, Athietic Giud purposes P : SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES Ww a)! poinn rates on application. ’ ’ I bie athlet and acquatie meet . points ea ' . from Niagara, where he spoke on The party, whieh consi (es se routes in counection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY syeTem Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Pho ‘Canadig Nations veforet five me rade w~ JT D. Me-{en Dominion Day at Granby Bay 28th to Sept. 30th. Returninglimit Oct. sist ’ : YP ptly & up ne 98 in anadian ationalism” before n, headed by J. I ! ot, Per weueh Welets, fesereies case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers.|thy Canadian Club last evening.| Kenzie, arrived in Prince Rupert A general holiday will be giv A. &. MoMASTER, Genera! A tae cheeatteies aeenes a iartiienertiintianie hie ie “The principles of nationalisn ; Saturday morning and left by the the 800 employees of the Granby Office 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert . o DAILY BDITION . ' ” =lare opposed to an imperial navy| steamer Prince John at 8 « loc! Consolidated Mining & Smelt —_—_—_—_—X—X—a-,__.__ ' : af uesday, June 24, 1913. |without an imperial parliament.|the same evening for Skide gate ing Gompany —XSS——S_ ——— : — — r AG a If we have an imperial parlia-| They have with the ' plete ON ADVERTISING THE umph. But it suffers severely|ment we must submit to taxation|/camp equipment, including ‘ents J. Fred Ritchie, P. L. 8., who, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ‘Little’ NE CAUSE OF PEACE. from the fact that the cause|»y that partiament and supplies, and expect to spend ]accompanies by Mit. Mine last || ARE_ YOU GOING EAST S WS Agency If Mr. Carnegie succeeds in of war is and long has been I am opposed to the fusion of)at least three months is rived from Prince ape A ast| THIS SUMMER? ——e persuading the Kaiser, Sir Ed- one of the most widely adver-|*Me two races of this country, | parts of the islands Thursday's boat, will survey the beeen Sates ee. wee © Ue #t Feriodicals :: Newspapers ward Grey and President Wil- tised in the world, « The joy of believing that in two strong and; The result of th ‘ f| Lipton group of four claims up tember 30th _ CIGARS =: TOBACCO FRUITS son to sign a treaty of alliance the battle and the splendor of separate races we have the nu-/sreat importance t Prine iu American creek the Merry Widow vee atereng pamis Ocraber Siat 2nd Ave. Ssiow Kaien etens iTS for enforcing the keeping of its heroes have been ever two|/Cleus Of a great country We/pert and their report % bejon Red Clif mouniam and tm vancouver to Montreal and —e “ the peace he will deserve that} of the main themes of which{™Might instance here Belgium, awaited with considerable in-|Rosalie claim up the s oe rere return a’. $108.00 a monument of gold be erected our poets have sung and our Switzerland. two strong and con-/|terest. of Glacier creek, be ae s a Vaneosver to New York and qnenas i Seen ‘ to his fame in the capital of story tellers have descanted. tented countries some surveying for the Stewa Vancouver to Chicago and | " a each of the three nations con- A great step forward will be No, IT am not an Imperialist Remarkable Fruit Tree Land ¢ Portiand Canal Minet Vancouver to 8%. Paul and = Empress Bowling Alleys i | cerned. But we are inclined to made when our saga men agree [ am a British *, ene oes ae One of the best advertise nents I t f fr lor Other Points Correspondingly te. }) AND POOL ROOM i g be skeptial of «any such mo- to weave their legends gener-|'™'Ssion in the Canadian militia.|/for Masset is the fact tat a Slow are the steps ¢ eedo : 4. @ mcnas 4 ALLaVe Pn mentous outcome of his visit ally, as some of them, to their|'‘ anada’s st duty is to fortify|young cherry tree, plante! only}>ut her feet turn never back een ie M Ne an & oo St M. © ROBES, Prop. = ae to Berlin. It is yet, we fear, credit, are already doing, about herself. If she need a navy for| five weeks ago in the car’ n of | Ward—James Russe 1 Lowel lary, south, Sunday, p.m. Priges, Bugert Employment Burees } too early to hope for construct- prowess in other fields than this she must have one Rev. W. Hogan, is now full LICENSED AGENTs oe i ive work in international peace that of Mars. The exploits of blossom The tree, with veral aS making. Philanthropists rush the engineer, the seaman, the THE WEATHER. — _jother variet'es, was pu ased FOR FEVERISH COLDS inti * ; in where diplomats fear to] merchant, the farmer are as Pua wemner repert at © o elves trom Br. Biekgrdson of Prince — L U M B E R ( : tread. The utmost good that worthy of record as are those this morning read Barometer,|Rupert and is but four feet in MATHIBnUS O A ; is likely to ensue from this| of the soldier. 39.769; maximum temperature, /beight. NERVINE POWDERS : visit is that it will be @ good et . - 59: minimum temperature, 52. . ile siiiiioas , C O A L | “4 advertisement, not only for Mr.) 90 WE FULLY REALIZE HOW o For furniture, carpets aod lin New Wellington Coal. Best on the Carnegie, but also for the) ppmog People do not lack strength;/oleums, inspect Geo. D. ‘Tite's Coast cause of peace. When the idea eny enews? they lack will.—Vietor Hugo. stock for quality, 8-tf 6 Phone 116 i of the folly of war has been When he was here yester- - Co | at ‘ | Rogers & Black r a hammered into the minds of| 4ay Dr. Alfred Thompson, M. P., mplete Line of Scien } the people of the world and of Dawson, made many remarks a ' " BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES || CARTAGE and their rulers for another quar-! o¢ surpris a surprise at the development 18 POWDERS F OENT: _ a ter of a century the general! oj Prince Rupert. Yet it is ‘ a —S ° WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited STORAGE > > . eS | - ’ your dealer cannot supply you, the 3 temper will have beeeme such only a few months since he J. L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends a oe G. T. P. Transfer Agents that it will be positively dan- was last in this city when on box postpaid on receipt of price gerous to manifest a bellicose his way to Ottawa. i sasiadl Orders promptiy fillet Price: -easenabie and jingoistic spirit. It will Take note of ‘this. all of yor / OPFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre it Phor . s, o ou ; a” t then be recognized that the | who do not realize how Prince | DEMAN UNION $s. COMPANY OF B. c. Ltd j i man who talks !oose mindedly Rapert is developing The | . - ‘ of the glories of war and ] | t | .people who are here all the RVE The Twin Screw Steamer i : shorts for blood and thunder time see so many ehanges thal OVAL E i SMITH & MALLETT ; is nothing but an imeiter to they become dulled. to their | WHISKY. 99) THIRD AVE , national crime. And the importance. But the man who r . rere, DtoamGtting ext genius of a Kipling or a Hen-; is away from the city for even AGES YEARS en e wanes Geeta! Work ley will not save such a man half o veer & | | Ofte: ard Ave. Worksh : é a a year finds on his return oi? — end th te from admonishments — stern that many new things strike GUARANTEED BY east me S . enough to turn him from his eye. It would be difficult to i \THe GOVERNMENT Arrives from Wencouver Every oe in the muck of de- find another place of this size oF CANADA. MONDAY RIGHT cayed romanticism to walk in| on the continent in which s ‘COM P 5 £ the straight and clean path of many new undertakings are The INVALID Pee Se eee. humanity and common sense being constantly launched. And it] Tne Home Cate Cap Paes Clmgean, Many Gieep Petwe Beanem aman The cause of peace, like that it is only as if we were getting Tre Co and Granby Gey Tussdays, 8 « = + of adult suffrage and most up speed now. Think how fast . | The NNOISSEUR | Meets every 2nd and 4ti — * other new ideas, needs constant we shall go when we really get i ne Pusuic p.m. in the bai! at 319 Srd Ave ’ advertisement to make it tri- started who nafural Selle for Vancouver ba —- - aan aati | want the best wansbeeaen. ¢'0.@ en ———<$—$—$———— i _ 4. : . | | = Ace, Puriry ~ 3 | . AR ano MELLOWNESS ie mma UNSURPASSED. r | Accountant ' SPECIAL : SALE eet gl cen ee e [Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd Phone 116 - oe ( ee eed | i —_ G | Alex. @. Manson, &. A. i s oO Boots & | 1836 THe eanx or 1913 eorgetown | oe oe ; WILLIAMS & MANSON BritishNor thAmerica Sa wrrull ( oO. Ltd. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc In order to reduce our stovk ef Boots and Shoes we os - os a ‘ ‘ . v ; : are offering exceptional bargains during the next few | Casrvas ane aioe Te ial eer — a days. Remember we have shoes to fit men, women. boys. an , Lumber oil girls aud babies, and there ure bargains for al! and —~ cummabens. | * .aoV ; Teach The Children Mouldi JOHN ©. DAVEY Extra Reductions in Men’ Boots The Value of M dings ACHER OF SINGI! in Ss oney | TREACHER OF NGING “ | port ao » e.. ALAM on. oe If your children learn, while as ian ears ; > arge stock of dry finish- ——_—-—_——_—___—_— - Ae we intend to:ge out ef Men's Boots iihinies wp — not ~ oat to sane -, —_ Boat are ofiering exira special bargai ; Spend money wisely, but how © 8 specialty. livery ms te meve th : . made , i , | quiek. > ‘Heck | by self-denial, to save some- Oa aaa, ; HAYNER BROS. ' thing for the future, you will Our prices are as low as any. wave <=" apg ee TWO DISTINGUISHED MILITARY MEN COMING HERE | have started them on the road Call on us before ordering. : Phone i It is expected that sometime next month Prince Rupert will t : | = ent —. | some | | the pleasure of enterta‘ning Col. Sam Hughes M ' ‘ o ermep Saeiuet for ee is " Militia, and Sir [an Hamilton, who have tarted : re - the Beak of British North we i : ome . 5 D ‘3 irom ° Teronto to review the militia generally. Here they will in- | America, and encourage them EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. : HER THE HOUSE OF @00D VALUES. spect the site for the $35,000 drill hall. When they get here | to add to it regularly. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. | E. L. FIS Third Av 2 i — no mons me om coptele Stork, whose militia ! . Funere! gered = ince Rupert snthusiasm is unbounded. The upper picture shows Sir lan | RUPERT aes oe une e upper picture shows Sir tan | PIRINCE BRANCH Hh one attend sue rms OPEN DAY AND NIGHT reviewing the famous Highlanders in Toranto; the jower | “NEW wo ANT AD picture shows him in company with the Minister of Militia. | P. MARGETTS, MANAGER ‘TRY A S W As A Class Poet Scoop Is The Duck Soup Kid y LOP HERES Th THE TEACHER WHAT "TEA(HEs THE CLAs5 ~ MAIKES SOME OF US F LUNIK-