B, €,, THURS DAY, JULY 3, 1913, ppt PRCT PO as wt — NEXT MAILS From South , City of Seattle... .. Friday, 8 p.m. Per Souw Prince George...... Friday, ¢ am. | s ee PRICE FIVE CENTS BULGARIA HAS SENT ITS ULTIMATUM TO SERVIA LARG 1N } ‘)- / - _ < —_ - REE VO... 1V, NO, 164. PRINCE RUPERT, r a aa a = ———-—— | —— \* ) MILITANT § CLOSELY WATCHED BY LARGE BODIES OF POLICE OFFENCES OF THE MILITANTS HAVE DECREASED SINCE THE “CAT AND MOUSE” ACT WAS ENACTED AND PUT IN OPERATION. ‘ 30.~ 18 It said]“‘mice’’ who escaped; know that they the country. If they will be arrested, In view of the fact that members of the suffragette party have taken a house at Henley- on-Thames, Seotland Yard has sent thirty plainelothes men into that vicinity to guard against any outrages, while the regular num- ber of uniformed men in the neighborhood has been donbled. Four big bonfires near the houses are kept blazing all night, many spring guns are sel ready for use Heavy though at premium been put on many buildings houseboats. »} London, June Alihe government completely itisfled with the results of the rking of the so-called “Cat and act, by which convicted itant suffragettes are released en they are very ill from hun strikes and are returned to | when they are Convelescent. enees of the militants and strikes have both de- since the law was en- ed. The government will con- » to enforce the law. i it is claimed that the effect of a || act in. deterring hunger es is particularly noticeable, hough since Mrs. Pankhurst’s release the leaders have been to half a dozen is but the po- have all left return they lice the " ywouse iger t ised and insurance, rates, has and secure MARRIAGE AT SEA BY CAPTAIN MADE SPOKANE’S TRIP LIVELY BURNS WAS THE BRIDEGROOM AND THE ert pemerereT TeaeS oe FIRST OFFICER ic CEREMONY WAS PERFORMED WHILE CROSSING qi QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUND. hi Vancouver, June 30. The Pa-|turned into a honeymoon. Miss 4 Coast Steamship Company's! Stevens consented, and Captain i Spokane, which arrived at C. H. White promised to perform a. m, today from Alaska} s, was the scene of a wed-} the ceremony, but in order to do ceremony yesterday when ithis the ship had to be on the vas plowing her way south-|high seas. Consequently the af- d to Vaneouver and was in/fair was not celebrated until the iiddle of Queen Charlotte|Spokane was outside the three 2 { First Officer John R./mile limit in Queen Charlotte | was the bridezroom, and|Sound, and the gallant captain : pped a pilot for life in the | united his male and Miss Stevens B of Miss Amy Stevens.|!m matrimony in the presence of - uple first met in Australia,| 154 passengers. Miss Stevens recently arrived The passengers all declare they his coast from the Gommon- had an excellent time up north xg h As the Spokane was There is one remarkable feature froaking ber first Alaska excursion Of the passenges list, however, lecided it afforded her an ex j al d that is that there are 76] bE ipportunity to. see the} widows among the crowd rhis i coast and. incidentally,| matter was only finally settled a | her choice, day or two ago when the ladies : Officer Burns had had be me friendly and started : talent for taking caked -|eontiding in each other, rhe si f opportunity, and sug-j purse! Sacihin to take a tally, that the trip might bejand 76 widows answered the call. STRAWLER CAPTAIN WINS SUIT FOR ABREACH OF CONTRACT CAPTAIN QUINN WAS ENGAGED AS A TRAWLER, BUT THEY PUT HIM AT DORY WORK, AND THEN REDUCED HIM TO MATE se in Quinn's that he if he was QOuinn, the | Phere was a clay Grimbsy plain William aster of the staunch leontract Canada, who branght wuld: be dis cone essel out from England re- be incapabie, and the was a successful plain- fore Judge Melnnes at} jevmpany at the end of six mon- A ver in a suit for damages | ths, thal he breach of contract asainsi ; perienced al dory fishing, lish Columbian Fisheries | ed b reduced to the pany, I on of mate until such time \ecording to Gapt. Quinn, he é aged by the Rritish Col company to and to serve whit read | found to was inex- order- posi- claiming im to be as he became in the company’s es- timation suflicient!s to be made maste! decision led to Capt. fusal to accept a jmate, and fo the lawsull. After legal arguments the contract His Honor Judge MeInnes said thai he found that Quint was ene :ged for two understanding that awiling experienced This Quinn's re- seairt Visheries he yesse) out, erm of two years as her it $125 a month, the ‘(it being an exper trawl: A After the vessel reachea a ist, the evew became dis- d at the rate of wages Y had agreed to serve for and al inerease was granted ‘he company, which at ihe ‘ine raised Quinn's wages 5 a month, experimenting with steam hing in lowal waters the found that it was nol a it was in the North the reason that -the "AW! brought up | mere non- “hie Tish that edible fish, Fin- vas decided to abandon hing, and resort to. the hing from dories, such 4s i in vogue in eoast wat ‘he loeal fishermen, as position over Capt. years on the he Was work, ant the inexperienced in no ground for calling him incap- able under the contract, The damages he comp ied on the ba- a month, 98 stated in and the 8175 a month he re ‘eo engage in Wi fact that dory ae ’ WOrK Wao i) sis of Siz the contract, basis of the ceived as master, His Honor allowed pay for seve and $35 a montl to make his presen! ©s employ, equal te is engaged a nol on as him full wn weeks he was idle 1 up to December lary ‘of $90 the in another { $125 a month he we » WARTS TRADE NEGOTIATIONS TO BE CONTINUED New Administration in Australia Desires Reciprocal Relations with Canada. (Special to The Daily News Melbourne, July 3.—It is stated here that the negotiations for reciprocity of trade between this country and Canada, which were commenced by the Hon. G. E, Foster on behalf of Canada, will be continued by the’ to the Fisher admmistration. RAILWAY PROMOTION Freight Agent Dewey Has Been Made Traffic Manager successors Special to The Daily News. Winnipeg, July 3—C. E. Dew- general freight of the Grand Trunk Pacific here, has been appointed freight traffic manager of the Grand Trunk at Montreal, to sueceed A, BE, Rose- vear. ey, agent IRISH FUSILIERS Third Militia Regiment to be Raised for Vancouver Special to The Daily News. Vancouver, July 3—An_ en- thusiastic meeting of prominent citizens was held last night at which it was decided to organize a third military regiment to be called the Irish Fusiliers, Ald- erman MeSpadden will be the commanding officer. VADSsO AGAIN ‘READY is Mot Yet Determined. Her Run Definitely After laying up for months for repairs made necessary when she struck a reef in the fog last fall, the well known steamer Vadso of the Union Steamship Company re-enters the coasting trade about July 4, running from Van- couver to northern ports. When the vessel struck last fall her hull was badly damaged and the company offered her for sale, but considered all bids too low. So about $30,000 has been in- vested in repairs, and the old ship is reported now as good as ever. Just what the Vadso’s run been definitely company change in its will be has not determined, The making a complete schedule. is NEW LIBERAL NEWSPAPER Noted Statesmen Will Contribute to Montreal Journal. Montreal. June 30,—Announce- ment war tnade today that a new afternoon newspaper is to appear in Montreal within a few weeks, bearing the title of the Daily Telegraph. No names are associated in the announcement as to the owner- ship, but it is given out that ow- ing to the change of control in one of the afternoon papers, the Witness, a new need has sudden- ly been created for a journal in the interest of the Liberal party and it is to fill this want that the new paper wil! be issued. LORD "STRATHCONA’S GIFT Presents Hundred Thousand to MoGiill for Drill Hail. Ottawa, June 30,—Lerd Strath- eona das given. MeGill Uni- versity $100,000 for the purchase of a site for a students’ drili hall. tt ha on Larne Crescent, ad- neGill gymnasium, L wi joining the Mrs. E. H, Mortimer is visiting Me. and Mrs, Evitt at George- town, where she will probably re- main for a month or two during the —————— summer, ee ena of December Capt. After the | | i 14 ‘ liberty to again he is Oninn is to have BASEBALL Northwestern League. Vancouver 2, Sezttle 4. Portland 11, Spokane 1. Coast League. Sacramento 7, Portland 4. San Francisco 8, Los Angeles Venice 6, Oakland 4. National League. Boston 3, Brooklyn 15. New York 8, Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 4. Pittsburg 4, Ghieago 6. American League. Philadelphia 8, New York 5 Washington 6, Boston 0. Chicago 5, Detroit 7. Cleveland 4, St. Louis 2. - HURT BY OIL CAN Sharp Point Pierced the Hip of -Claxton Engineer. James Lewis of Claxton, the engineer of a gasoline launch, was brought to the hospital yes- lterday as a result of injuries re- ceived a fortnight since when he was thrown against an oi! can, the sharp point of which pierced one of his hips. He is, recover- ing. HIT IN EYE Legault Receives from Tree Branch. Jos. injury Joseph Legault while working up the Skeena on a scow received an injury to his eye which. caused him to come to the Prince Ru- pert hospital yesterday after- noon, There was a log jam against his scow one night about a week ago and he was at work extricating his boat from the jam when he was hit in the eye by the limb of a tree. He re- ported to be recovering. 1s MORE MINISTERS LEAVE Crothers for Coast, White and Burrell for England. Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, July 3.—Three more ministers have jaft the capital. urothers, the min- ister of labor, has left for British Columbia to inquire into the labor troubles of the Vancouver Island miners. Hon. Mr. White, minister of finance, and Hon. Martin Burreil, minister of agri- culture, are both sailing for Eng- land, Hon. Thomas Bella Coola Potatoes. The freighter Coquitlam same in last night with ten tons of po- tatoes from Bella Coola. for Stewart & Mobley. Pantorium Picneer Cleaners. Phone 4. special Attraction To-morrow Night See the Popular Little Dancer Miss ETHEL GRAY In the Skirt, Egyptian, . Waltz Clog and Spanish . Dances Assisted by Miss Florrie Gray in the Latest Songs First Class Musical Program by the Westholme Orchestra HIGH CLASS MOVING PICTURES Lower Floor 25c¢ Gallery 15¢ Children 15¢ and 10¢ Prices: apply for further velicf af unabie fm tin meantime to ob- tain a sa! 1. $120 a month v0. jsier of militia it is different, very ATTEMPT MADE TO RESCUE PRISONER M. Zaduk Obstructs Constable Sheil in Performance of His Duty. When Constable Sheil arrested Nick Mofigra on Eighth street jJast night for being drunk and disorderly he found himself fol- lowed by Mohgra’s chum, M. Zaduk. Zaduk attempted to res- cue the prisoner from the con- stable and continued his altempts until he found himself in the neighborhood of the police sta- tion, when he was promptly placed under arrest on the grave charge of obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty, an offence which may be punished with ten years’ penal servitude. When brought up in court this morning it transpired that Zaduk was ignorant of the laws of the country and he was accordingly let off with the comparatively light sentence of $10 fine and ten day's imprisonment. Mohgra was fined $5. RIOTOUS EXTRAVAGANCE Colonel Sam Hughes Travels in Semi-Royal State. Prince Rupert is to be honored by a visit of the minister of militia shortly, and certainly the citizens should lay themselves out to give a more regal recep- tion than that given to the Duke of Connaught, the uncle of His Majesty King George, for Colonel Sam Hughes will undoubtedly ex- pect it and it would be a pity to disappoint him. The staff of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and the Princess Patricia when they came here was but a very small and modest one, but with the min- different. He is making a tour in great pomp and splendor, re- gardless of the cost. One private car will not do for Colonel Sam Hughes. He is accorded two pri- vate cars for himself and his guests and A. D. C.’s, and another special car for the horses which accompany the party. Besides these, with orderlies, valets, mili- tary attendants, A, D. C.’s, de- partmental automobiles and other luxuries, the trip will mean a considerable item in the distribu- tion of the $170,000,000 revenue the government this year has taken out of the Canadian people. NEW BOOK ON ALASKA Uncle Sam’s Frontier Wonder- land Well Described In connection with the trip of Seattle business men to Alaska, the members of which spent a day in this city recently, the Al- aska Bureau of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce™has pub- lished an interesting booklet on “Alaska, Our Frontier Wonder- land.” The text is by R. 8. Stretch, one of the pioneer en- gineers of the White Pass Rati- the author of several works way, on mining and mineralogy and the maker of dainty verse. He has made of it one of the most condensed yet comprehensive books that has ever been pro- duced relating to the territory, and it is well illustrated with maps and photographs by Frank H. Nowell (who was sent out by the Alaska Bureau for the pur- pose), J. L, MePherson, Mer! La- Voy, Case & Draper, E, A. Hegg, A, Johnson and others, Copies of the booklet can be obtained by addressing the Alaska Bureau of the Seattle Chamber of Com- merce, On Steamer Chelohsin. Among those who left for the south on the steamer Chelohsin yesterday evening were the fol- lowing: W. E. Parsons, W. E. Webb, E. E. Dougherty, Miss A. Davis, Miss M. Wiloott, J. 0. Church, Mrs, Fred Stork, Miss Miller, Mis& Lender, and about fifleen seeond class passengers, “NEW AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE | ITS TRADE NEGOTIATIONS 1 WITH CANADA ee CUT LOOSE BY COMRADES, WAS FIVE DAYS ADRIFT FRIGHTFUL EXPERIENQDE OF REGINALD SEELEY ON WRIGHT SOUND “é4ITHOUT FOOD OR WATER. A frightful tale of the suffer- ings of Reginald Seeley on Wrighy Seund, where ue was cut adrift in i: boat by the men who towed hina and drifted for five days witheut food or drinking water, is told by A. W. Chapple of this city. Mr. Chapple has just returned from Lewe Inlet, where the unfortunate man was picked up. Seeley, some eight days ago, was being lowed in his launch, which was without gasoline, by his two companions in another launch, the Lavie. Ir itis boat he owned a half interts:. While he was not looking his comrades cut him adrift and mada. off with the Lavie. Seeley, left in hia launch without any means of pro- pelling it and without anything to eat or drink, drifted for five days and nights in a great agony of thirst and starvation. He was at last picked up in an almost crazed condition by Manager Curtiss of the Lowe Inlet Can- neries. Seeley is now in Van- couver recovering from his ex- posure. The Lavie touched in here a few days since and the men in her stated that they were going south. She is stated, however, Lo have been seen later by another vessel and she was then reported as heading for the north. ‘BULGARIAN ULTIMATUM HAS BEEN SENT TO SERVIANS HOPE OF AVEF-‘TING GENERAL WAR IN BALKANS ENDED— UNRECOG NIZE” KY. Special to The Daily News.) London, July 3—A" hope of averting a Balkan war .4 rapidly disappearing. Bulgaria os sent a note to Servia deme iting the cessation of all aggressive move ments within 24 hours, This is regarded as tantamount to an ultimatum. It was to be expect- ed that this would hb*ppen in view of the fact th»; fierce though unrecognized 1: )stilities which have been occuring be- tween the armies of the two na- tions. SIGHTING CONTINUES — GRECIAN is BOES TO THE FRONT morning there has been bloody fighting along the entire line at . Ovchepalye. The Bulgarian los- ses have been enormous and four thousand surrendered, Two thousand Servians have been killed or wounded. London, July 3—The King of Greece wilh his staff left Salon- ika for the front yesterday, in order that he might personally direct the operations against the Bulgarians, which will be con- ducted joinily by the Servians Belgrade, July 3—Sinee early and Greeks. RAILWAY APPLYING FOR AN EXTENSION AROUND ISLAND MINISTER OF RAILWAYS OF OPINION THAT IT WOULD GIVE COMPANY CONTROL OF ALL FORESHORE OlF KAIEN ISLAND (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, July 3—The applica- tion of the Grand Trunk Pacific for an extension of its branch line froin the dock at Prince Ru- pert around the foreshore of Ka- ien Island and thence alorg Sha- watlans Passage was cous.vered by the Minister of Railways yes- terday. Hon. Francis Cochrane said in his Opinion the granting of the application would give the rail- way the control of the whole foreshore of the island, and he would like, before giving an offi- cial approval to see the railway commission in the matter. Mean- time the application would be al- -|lowed to, stand over. eet ABUSE OF LINCOLN CAUSE OF FIGHTING Knife Conflict Followed on Ex- pression of Contempt for Northern Hero. (Special to The Daily News.) Gettysburg, July 4%, — Sever men were stabbed tonight in a fight in the dining room of a hotel, The rumpus started when several men aroused the anger of a veteran in blue by abusing Abraham Lincoln, the hero of the north. Savage fighting with knives soon followed, in which many of those present Joined. As a result there are seven wounded men lying in a serious eondition. THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 29.889; maximum temperature, 64; minimum temperature, 48. OOPS Danve. ena Another dance wiil be held at the Auditorium July 4th, Tiekets $1.00, Ladies free. ° 155 SCATHING CRITICISM OF PRAYER BOOK Anglican Bishop Declares It Con- tains Passages Which Are Mostly Nonsense. (Special to The Daily News) - London, July 3.—Bishop Ely, during the convocation of the Province of Canterbury, spoke before the committee for the re- - Vision of the prayer book and pialter and said that all the prayer books contained passages which, to speak the truth, were not far removed from being non- sense.