Thursday, July 3, 2 THE DAILY NEWS 1943. ES etn Double Weekly Service T RUNK TO THE SOUTH by the aplendid steamers , PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prinve Rupert for Wancouver, Victoria and Seattle on Mondays and Fridays at 9 A. M. For Stewart on Thuredaye at 8 A. M. For Granby Bay on ‘Saturdays at 412 P. Mm. : Steaniers Prince John and Prince Aibsri Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert via ueen Charlotte Islands, Valling at Way Ports, Leave Prince Rupert South ound Saturdays at 8 P,. M. Also Weekly Service to Masset and Naden leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at 8 P. M RAILWAY GERVICE Train No, 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to ail points cast via optional THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ; Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ROL TRUNK ent 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.{:) per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE f Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Se eee iA ay Harbor, routes {a connection with the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY ‘ New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Seth So Wiws, bot, Reteeainelin Oot. S400 oa st York City. For through tickets, reservation, etc., apply to Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. A. E. MoMASTER, General Agent : OMice Srd Avenue Prince R t Ph London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Sse med Trafalgar Square. e 9 be Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapen CIGARS ::» TOBACCOS :: FRUITS DAILY EDITION. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ||} ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Special Excursions May 28th to Sep- tember 30th aga D Thursday, July 3, 1913. A TRUE CELEBRATION OF DOMINION DAY. Did we celebrate Dominion the steady labor, the energy and enterprise of Canadians, and the skill and wisdom of vie a tae 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Clube Day as we ought? Did we, not} Canadian statesmen. SERGEANT LANNIN Viewer san’ besa kaae’ ©: wae Aiea bs the citizens of Prince Rupert “Dominion Day commemor- Selected from the Toronto Police |} Vancouver ‘to’ New’ York ana’ “#160? ta eet Tn a all a _ the er the ae Force to become the chief of Votites Sohal e Sense * + - gh : ¥ Janada, distinguish i rom rovince of Canada—now On- olice of Str . hie * POCUID Sis esse ke ses tees ce . Em B | All a, gt ie ee : 1 Police of tratford, which po Vater rae ah i? Midite bh press ow Ing eys any common holiday? Did we tario and Quebec—with Nova sition he assumes on Domin- FOCUPR ooo vee sees digs snes . AND POOL ROOM bear in mind the event for} Scotia and New Brunswick. ion Day. }] Other Points Correspondingly Low. , . Pere 4. @, MoNAB 4 ALLEYS whose commemoration Domin- That was the beginning of the General Agent "hor Srd ave & 6th St * 12 TABLES Srd Ave. ‘ M. EB. ROSS, Prop. q ion Day is set apart, as a kind work which was achieved in Ths IRR oe Princess May, south, 9 a.m. Saturday Prince Rupert Employment Bureau })) of nationa! Sabbath?~ It is to] 1867 and a few years follow- SUNDAY TRAGEDY AT THE WHIRLPOOL RAPIDS. HELPFUL AND HARMLESS 1 emia. o be feared that we did not. ing—the creation of a nation ‘ Drawn by E, P. Gray, However much most of us en- extending’ from the Atlantie to The despatch of Niagara tells of the last awful moments before joyed it as a holiday, we did} to the Pacific, an area about the ine? z ‘ eine . Bai 3 punt: carrying Hubert Moore, aged 12, and Donald Ros- L U M B E R : not use it as a vehicle for equal to that of Europe. That coe, aged 14, entered the Whirlpool Rapids on the way to cer- NERVINE POWDERS. : O L bringing back memories of is something worth celebrat- tain death: “The little fellows, knowing that they Were pine Cir A Sracsir Ge the gtmione atthe But a broader view might doomed, decided to meet death in a heroic manner. They (See avons Ae velp . PEO ROsLy: . © ” . Bo BTOAGEL” VIC W shook hands and waved to the customs officers, who were Us al 9! i j ‘ ia ; ; 4 pee , § ‘ 8, re y [sae N Ww on Ceal, Best on the ment of the vgraaes ean be taken, The day might be powerless to aid them. A few moments later the boat was eae Coast that is now _ coming — into set apart for a general review on the crest of the great waves of the Whirlpool Rapids,” ham 6 & Bla the fulness of its being. Ex-] of Canadian achievement. The , ’ o : Phone 11 Rogers c cellent comment is made in an} explorers and discoverers so| eee : Complete Line of editorial of the Toronto Star brilliantly described by Park- ’ on this neglect of a great op-| man—the toils and hardships SIR WM. MACKENZIE GLOATING 18 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES CARTAGE anc portunity for a truly national of the pioneers and early set- If your dealer cannot supply you, the || WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited STORAGE celebration. Of Dominion Pay] tlers of Canada—the winning Luaaraa Phone 188 the Star says: of responsible government, the . G. T. P. Transfer Agents OVER THE GOVERNMENT'S GIFT “Tt is a holiday, and so far effort of statesmen fo recon- a en — Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. iD as the holiday is enjoyed that cile the differences between PAN RAED iota te 1 ee tian, o is good. But it is not cele-| French-Canadians and those|“THEN BESIDES,” HE OBSERVED, “THE GOVERNMENT HELP- ans DEMAND UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd brated as the birth of a new] other Canadians who traced ED US OUT THIS YEAR WITH GOOD CANADIAN Se sf ane se. nationality ought to be. The! their descent from the British MONEY.” Bay RoyaL RESERVE — Twelfth of July is not a legal] Islands, the building of rail- aes 3 ren The Twin Screw Bteamer SMITH & MALLETT holiday, but it is celebrated ways from the pioneer line to Montreal, July 1—Sir Witl-,gard to the recent depression of } WHISKY. | THIRD AVE. with bands, processions,| the ‘three transcontinentals,||jam Mackenzie, president of the|certain railroad stocks ¢ , > in ating, Steamfitti { speeches and wild enthusiasm. the founding of our school Canadian oribah Railway i Aekcat raid 4 . 3 deni te AGE §& YEARS kg r e ieee Mee ee Work he Canadians surely are a modest| systems. Shines minnie Gen tears Siac Vi eeeiew a Ltt Ree ee SN OMBRR ICR mest ae ecu ery ; e Omaen ted Worksho people. They are willing to “The closing day of the At aaa "rely pe cit clared that the depression of the . GUARANTEED BY Phone iT! 2rd Ave. bet. 7th and sth Sts glorify .any achievement so schools, which comes shortly iaher chace been a boom in shi )- market was tightness of THE GOVERNMENT long as it is not eres before the holiday, might bel) iiaine. All the shipyards he money, which, in turn, was due, OF CANADA. | Arrives from Vancouver Every Fat air ianllg taint 4 % Canadian. They regard their} called Confederation Day or]. Bractts' S53) Salas ea the Balkan. war: of Baro: R MONDAY NIGHT own history as of little import- Canada Day, and be marked Se ee ne eee” ine Ses a ‘on ‘tb re aa pS _—— ‘Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E.F§ ance. It is true that a good] by appropriate exercises. Ad-|). 0) ra cae Wi1N all hie 2 agains} Waianae Ss whe “sua H ite deal of attention is paid to the dresses might be: given on the an it. and Dy. Sir. William prosperity on this continent, All Tne HOME | Sails for Port Simpson, Maas River Pointe (SCAM DIN ANIAN eTY) vietory of Wolfe and the war| work of the fathers of con- ry a ral aga ig: ine ae eee at oes ma Tre CONNOISSEUR } sg aac a paca M 2nd and 4th Tuesday at! of 1843. But these struggles} federation, the work of the/ine tr it to do so before laying| ditional funds in Europe, where The Pusuic ET “vom, inthe hall at $19 3rd Ave. (al and victories would have been| pioneers, and other Canadian] ‘7% *0P ! ee tie he eee REV Sanat eee ene ey orn who nafurall , halaag if it hadnt deen for aihiavainonia,'! down any more keels to his trans|money might be sesured, were want the besf. | Sallie for Vancouver Se 3 3 ad af atlantic fleet. held on account of the troublous AGE, Purity WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. M. — — The C. N. R. magnate is in| times. ; ae I D. C. STUART : : ND LLOWNESS ° ’ town today in connection, it is “You never have any trouble We eettes. sotempsinniy ediiains : stated, with a scheme for provid-|in borrowing money?” . . | C a: F Cc AN ing better harbor facilities for “That's because I make ar- DISTRIBUTORS Rogers Steamship Agency ne. ie af = A -® tl , the C, N. R. steamers. With himjrangements,” he replied with a|Ppince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd h 116 eee DAILY is F. H. Phippen, K.C., general|smiie. “Then, besides, the gov- tee eee aes : Phone counsel. ernment helped us out this yvetr PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. oo Seem EMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK A Remarkable Expression _ of Public Confidence In reply to a question in re-|with good Canadian money.” Alex. @. Manson, B. A. W. &. Willlame, B. A. L. L. t WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Box 286 Prince Rupert, 8. Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Pastor for Smithers. oe | 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. BritishNorthAmerica The Rev. 8S. O. Stephenson, the well known An- successor to . Maigereon Block glican pastor at Smithers, is the Miss L, Bowron of Victoria ar- TT EAS, (6 RRR ERS : eS vs. bs ¢ i) a. rived in the city vesterday by the CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Over $7,600,000. | is shown in the statement of this company for the fiscal Hey. Hy igi an a who. ‘Gr- Prince George. Miss Bowron is Lumber P. 0. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPEE! year ending, Man 31st, srane As compared with one rived here this morning. Rev.| 44 ;nown as sten anainhen 3 Satan and JOHN E. DAVEY year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- Mr. Kingstone’s home is in To-]| a; ” ee eee S rise : A =, : teresting: eet ; , , Sir Richard McBride, and is a | S ” ‘ ’ ea March Sist, 1913 - - 6,915.72 ronto and he is a graduate of the popular member of the provincial A Service Business Men Mouldings TEACHER OF SINGING Assets March 31st, 1912 - - Fist e800 university in that city. He has|civil service. Appreciate PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., LON., BN i nae eee ae e s it Yi 4 re also the advantage of being a Miss Mabel Beatty, sister of | A teal sues ee hi is Remarkable Gain Is Positive Evidence o e talitnte Wallate whit : : sa tty anager Me 3 . , y Bae ot, ‘ graduate in law, which he studied|J. R. Beatty, manager of the| The complete and valuable lho laenll han’; 32 Raae / p t . HLL GC. ; : 3 : | ing lumber on hand, a - ee ene et orice z of ee H. I vee before entering the ehureh. He | Government wharf, arrived in the service rendered by the Bank lumber a specialty. Delivery early One-Quarter on Dollars Loaned to Contract saa t tial tahaae’l bit natevday’ We. thé’. Prinke or F onada ai Wier oeion YNER BROS 7 Holders at 5% Simple Interest during the past Fiscal Year Ray vr ern a at 4ine om o y. JORLCTORY, 2) a FaAneS of British North Americahas | ' HA "i F i ee nt, ey. r. Ingstone wWl reorge, va a ° : UNDERTAKERS anv B. S } TEAS eRIteaE OF ate dlaraactavsolioalk, ep Dae hee proceed on Saturday to Smithers D, H. Hays and his sister, Miss secured and retained the | Our prices are as low as uny. Funcral Directors | . and Telkwa. ‘The pastorate at|M. B. Hays, arrived in the city accounts as well as the con- | Call on us before ordering. 8rd Ave, near 6th St. Phone No. 86 ; The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Smithers has been vaeated by|yesterday. fidence of a goodly proportion } “Canada’s Old Reliable” , Rev. Mr. Stephenson because he - ache pce cet ree of Canada’s prominent busi- Home Office Pacific Bidg., Second Floor ' ae . od son for “ see M o eee roe of a judge u ness men, The same service OF FICE: is chi en's education. ilwaukee at “any woman w : Pri moan role 1 Bid i oH Sout ae htuicaed cat eater skirt hake penx 4 ae awaits abe whether aan EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. E. L. FISHER { : er aes ” Mab . Ladysmith. than twelve inches above the account be large or small, Cor, 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Funeral Director and Embalmer —— ground is liable to a fine in this | CHARGES REASONABLE : Records are fragile things; eourt.” Thus the fame of Mil- PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ; anda eee rit ae. you can’t lower one without} waukee no longer rests upon one breaking it. product. P. MARGETTS, MANAGER = — A — — —— |TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD an Hentoothetta Knows All About The Game Draw: for The Daily News by “Hof -THIS | ~ HEN TOOTHETTA- HE WANTS T'0 Go TS THe GAME ODEN AND YOLD HER. "You Would TICKLED " DEATH ‘WAlte Her: WANG~ 0 MUST Gum" CHARLIE - PLAYING SHORT Yo Dat - in) BALLPARK Je | ve uP Doe - A MAN JUST DROPPED DEAD In THE lilt Ir \ “ @ 1413 - evi -S1ND -BaLTG- MD -