FRESH SHIPMENT OF Spring Vegetables FRUITS The Prince Rupert Fish & Cold Storage Co. LIMITED Phone 123 FRANK S. EVANS Phone 123 —— > THE BEST AT THE PIONEER DRUG STORES PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES Shipped by Express from the Factory == DO YOU KNOW THEM? ——— “The News” Classified Ads. a= SHOOTING AS GOOD AS THE BISLEY MATCHES Now Believed That Prince Rupert Marksmen Will Bring Home the Richmond Cup. The contest for the cup pre- sented by the sports committee of 1909 took place at the butts on Dominion Day and was won by the Givilians by the narrow margin of 6, just sufficient to “bring the cup back home.” The cup was held by the Civilians un- til last year, when it was wrested from thein by the militia. On each occasion the contests have been spirited and the results close, The fine shooting of both sides can be gathered from the following seores: Civilian Rifle Association. 200 500 600 Yds. Yds. Yds, Total. D. G. Stuart....... 3 $8 «384 32 99 D. Seas-s a 32 33 95 35 33 98 34 33 100 28 30 87 26 29 82 34 30 98 s 32 30 94 Earl Grey’s Own Association. Lieut. MeMordle ... 30 30 30 90 Pte. McLean 31 32 33 96 Sergt. Brown 32 33 96 Pte. Matheson .. 32 32 91 Corp. Averill . 34 20 98 Pte. Holland . 32 34 97 se | Seret. Jack ....... 3 33 25 90 Col. Sergt. Leek... 29 33 27 89 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Pipe Fittings Valves Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Ammunition Paint Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Rope Pumps Hose Stoves & Ranges “We Sell Nothing But the Best” i FOOUANEOOEOUHGOOOEOOGESOPEEEOSOOAOSUEGOOGOOUOGAOOOUUAAA Has ih: Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment ema < ee. ioe 3 eR oe sie area 4 ware Tet == Buy a Birks’ Mesh Bag= THEY ARS MADE IN THE NEATEST DESIGNS, IN THE LATEST FASHK!ONS AND MOST DURABLE QUALITIES Every woman who is considering’ the purchase of a inesh bas will be much interested in the illwstrations on page 68 of our cataiugue. The work and material em- ployed in the construction of BIRKS’ MESH BAG is ef the highest order and quality, whether the article be of Ster- ling Silver, German Silver or Gun Metal. If you should desire something of a more expensive nature write fo us regarding it, as we show only a smal! assortment oi our stock of Mesh Bags in our Catalogue. We are always pleased to furnish information to any out-of-town buyer regarding any line of goods we stock. Write for our Catalogue; it is a sure guide to successful Wedding ‘Gift buying. Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Mosi Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver, Excellent Cafe. Modersete Prices, Vancouver, B.C. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500, Subscribe For The Daily News count it, count against The Earl Grey handicap spoon was won by Private Holland. It must be remembered that the above scores were made in show- ery weather, which was a trifle uncomfortable for the men who lay prone for eight shots at each range, Outside of this, however, there was nothing to interfere with good marksmanship, and cerfainly that was the order of the day. Excitement began to run high at the finish of the 200 yard range. That ended with no ad- vantage to either team, the score being 248 all. The _ interest quickened at the 500 yard range, and the score of each marksinan was throbbingly watched and canvassed. ~ It ended with three points in favor of the Earl Greys. The opening of the 600 yard shoot was somewhat sensational. By the rules every contestant was granted a sighting shot, and if he scored on this he could vtherwise it wes not to him in the num- ber of his shots. Thirteen out of the sixteen men competing scored a bullseye for every one of these sighting shots, which was certainly enough to start the whole crowd yelling. Then, after four men on each side had shot, the score was still even. But the next two men on either side lifted the score to 10 in favor of the Civilians, and at that result there was only one side to do the shouting. The militia appeared to be defeated. Holland and Averill pluckily and calmly faced the odds and man- aged to reduce them by 4 If you strike the average of the scoring you will. find that the high mark of 94 was made, which its equal to the Bisley shooting and the superior of many important shoots in dif- ferent pafts of the world. The outcome of such scoring will be that Prince Rupert will be amply represenied ai, the provincia} shoot at Vancouver this month, with a reasonable confidence that our marksmen will bring back wilh them the Richmond cup. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. Hal. Peck of Georgetown, whose son Don is recovering from appendicitis in the generai hospita}, is in town. She antici- pates taking her son back to Georgetown in another week, Mr. Kenyon, representing God- frey Phillips, Ltd., London, Eng- land, manufacturers of B. D. V. cigarettes, is in the city on busi- ness. W. R. McGeorge of Stillwater, Okla., was an arrival yesterday by the steamer Prince George. He is here looking after his real estate interests and expects to re- turn south by the Princess May on Saturday. J. Ford Henderson, a former resident of Prince Rupert now living at Chula Vista, Cal., ar- rived in the city yesterday on the Prince George. Mr. and Mrs, Henderson left Prince Rupert early in January to reside in the sunny south. ==()ne Cent A Word For Each Insertio 8 Wanted > CHAMBERMAID wanted at the Bay View Hote}. 152-64 KITCHEN HELP — Wanted at Vienna Cafe. 1398tf WANTED—Woman to do housework by the day. Phone Green 276 between 12:30 and 1 153-55 WANTED—A general seryant. Mrs. DD. Cohen, - Steel Block, avenue, o'clock. Apply to Third 153tf For Rent bnicnstnnecntrncitaitenemamirenh ON room for rent, Phone 154. gtr FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house; five large rooms; corner 8th and McBride; 5 aoe per month. Phone Black 329, For Sale shea ages 2 of a three-room fat for sale, Flat also may be rented. Pr H. F. McRae & Co. 39t HORSE and buggy for sale; also young chickens, three weeks old, and young hatched. Apply Eleventh Avenue Chicken Ranch or P, O, Box 59. 152-55 FURNITURE of attractive four room apartment for sale. In good condition and reasonable, . Lease of apartment If desired. Apply Jay Kugler, Clapp Bidg., Second Ave., and McBride St. Phone 478 153-56 Lost and Found Dyer ring. Finder rewarded. Box 68, Daily News. 144tr Miscellaneous I HAVE money to loan on approved se- curity at 10% per annum, P. O. Box 182. 1530 WASHING taken in or work by the ay Mrs, Eaton, 528 7th Ave. W. 153- WILL E. Lorne Denton please write to bis sister pelts at Wiltshire Hotel, Seattle Wash. ? 149-54 C. H. I. C. 5% LOAN CONTRACTS wanted. Will pay more bonus than Co, at ma- turity, or within three of loan. Also buy all numbered under eleven. Wire S. T. Manard, 1885 Beach Ave., Van- couver. Reference, Bank of Ottawa. 151-56 _—_—_——_———— ee Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Ave, and Second St, European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth Eurepean Plan, Rates 50c to $1 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. Rochester Vv. EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60c to $1 Per Day aie D, Casley PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROVAL HOTEL fs Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth 8t. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 lie ENGLISH iiite LACE made by the cottagers of A BUOKINGH ATER Ee ur Laces were aware eda} Empire aud Imperial tenon ens ison ie ee anne ee eae ager then enymecbine-nate tn imports ques ea as to the possessor, of cometme the village leqg- ~ WRITE TO ~ Mrs, RUPERT o QO math OVER TWO HUNDRED ON PRINCE GEORGE Steamer Arrived Ahead of Time with Big Load of July Arrivals. than twenty minutes to 9 yesterday morning when the ery of the ap- proaching steamer Prince George Many surprise It was_not more siren citizens were taken by and had to hurry their paces in order to reach the dock in time to greet arriving friends and_ relatives. It was just a quarter to’ 9 when the steamer tied up. She had on board ninety-three first class and one hundred and eight third class passengers. Among the first class passengers were: ‘'T. BE. Muir, G. Sheenaman, Miss Muir, Mrs, Laidlaw, Mr. Wilson, H. CG. Crawford, Mr. Robertson, Leurtenaeu, Mr. Tomkins, R. J. Smith, W. Jordan, Miss Beatty, G. G. Davis, William Mitchell, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Rogers, Jo- seph Chew, W. R. MacGeorge, Mr. Christensen, Miss Sealey, Mr. and Mrs. Ames, 8. H: McDonald, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Allison, Mr. Hol- ger, W. G. Bell, Mr. Kilgan, Miss Laflamme, Mr. Mathew, R. Suth- erland, Miss L. Davis, Mr. Mil- ler, L. Danes, Mr. Payne, J. GC, Simpson, Mr. Henshott, Mr. Ken- yon, Mrs. Beveridge, Mrs. Kreitz, A. McDougall, Miss McDougail, Miss Alice McDougall, Marshall Maynard, Mrs. Maynard and two daughters, Miss L. Bowron, M. G. Lubboch, Miss E. M. Porter, R. C. Wallroth, Mrs. Stewart Hoare, G. F. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Burritt and child, Mr. and Mrs. Erickson, Miss F. Fierheller, Miss Fierheller, Mr. Kohl, Mr. Rush, W. H. Steele, W. J. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs, J. Y. Roch- ester, Miss Barbara’ Erickson, Rev. H. F. Kingston, W. F, Stir- ton, Mr. Pettigrew, ©. ©, Van Arsdo!, Alfred Shaw, Cyril Shaw, H. S. Dillabough, Angus Reaton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, R. Devereaux, Miss G. Petit, and Mrs. McCrae, William bald, Mr. McHowe, Stewart son, Mr. Robinson, Mr. D. H. Hays, Miss M. B. A. Cox, Miss Fierheller. was heard. Sib- Jack- HOTEL ARRIVALS. - Ga. T. v.P.1 Inn. S. Danoff, Nelson; W. G. Bell, Vancouver; W. R, McGeorge, Stil- water, Okla.; A. Arthur Cox. Van- couver; Alfred Shaw, C, D. J. R. Mathew, Vancouver; Ericksen, Seattle; Joseph Vancouver; W. J. Kenyon, don, Eng.; H,. Christianson, couver; J. L, Henderson, Mr. Mrs. W. E. Burritt, A. H. Vancouver; J. M. Seeley, York City; M. ©. Lubboch, Vie- toria; R. CG, Wallroth, Victoria. Hotel Premier. Armitage, Mrs. Charlotte Island; H. Christensson. Hotel Centra!. A. Biggs, Vancouver; Dunn, Vancouver; s atchewan Notary Public Federal Biock, Prince Rupert Room 11, BOOKKEEPING - AUDITING} Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lessons § Terms Reasonabie WENDELL R. JONES 813 2nd Ave MINING ENGINEERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOO) Res, Phone Black 413 Box 1% Prince Rupert LAND LOCATED best agricultural River Valley, near located for small fee until Friday, New Knox Room 4, — 160 land, acres Naas Engineers, Stationary and Mar- ine, coached for examinatio: A, FARROW Alfred Str For Rent Fine Comfortable House on Green Street, with Bathroom. $30.00 per Monti G. R. Naden Co., Ltd Real Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.