} . ; F 4 : : : : Has Arrived of } Peaches Cauliflower i Plums Spring Cabbage Garden Lettuce Cucumbers Hot House Tomatoes Radishes Spring Onions Spring Carrots Spring Turnips Apricots Cantaloupe Gooseberries Pineapples Cherries Bananas Rhubarb : The Prince Rupert Fish & Cold Storage Co. LIMITED FRANK S. EVANS Phone 123 Phone 123 . ————— THE BEST AT THE ————— _ | PIONEER DRUG STORES _ | PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES Shipped by Express from the Factory ; ———— DO YOU KNOW THEM? —-—— ae San Because i FRED STORK’S HARDWARE } —=—= Established 1908 i i Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery it Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “We Sell Nothing But the Best” | Coiumbia Has the Largest Circalation in Northern British THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job , Printing Establishment lige beer highest order and quality, whéther the article be of Ster- ling Silver, German Silver or Gun Metal. If you should desire something of a more expensive nature write to us regarding it, as we show only a small assortment of our stock-of Mesh Bags in our Catalogue. We are always pleased to furnish information to any out-of-town buyer regarding any line of goods we stock. Write for our Catalogue; it is a sure guide to successful Wedding Gift buying. Henry Birks G Sons, Limited JE WELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouvar. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. Sh >, © eran em CRRA <6 vt Se 4 Ea were J expected | congressinen THE DAILY NEWS “The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertio 8 ARTHUR PELKEY WILL MEET GUNBOAT SMITH Tommy Burns Thinks the Death Knell of Fighting in Canada Mas Been Sounded. 30,.—Ar- be June battle will Calgary, Alta., thur Pelkey’s next with Gunboat Smith and the match will be arranged for the near future, according to some of Pelkey’s close friends who have been at his training camp since the death of Luther McCarty here on May 24th. Following his acquittal on the charge of manslaughter by a jury, Pelkey left for his home in Chatham, Ont. He said inat he to re-enter the ring, but that he had not ‘definite en- gagements. A crowd ofg his friends gathered at the station to see him off. Tommy Burns, promoter of the MeCartv-Pe fight, today that he was glad to see Pelkey freed, but that the charge of Chief Justice Harvey te the jury sounded the death knell of fight- ing in Canada. Burns isto be tried in October and expects ac- quittal. they said CHIHUAHUA SURROUNDED An Attack of Constitutionalictse !s Momentarily Expected. (Special to The Daily News.) Chihuahua, Mexico, July 4.— The constitutionalists have sur- rounded this place in numbers exceeding 2,500. An _ attack momentarily expected. The city of 45,000 people entirely cut off from help and sunnlics. is is .SCORES CONGRESSMEN Theodore the Imperialist Desires a Full Sized Navy. (Special to The Daily News.) Newpori, July 4. — Colonel Theodore Roosevelt scores ihe who are opposing the increase of two battleships this year. He dectares they in- vité natienai disaster and humil- igtion and are unfit to govern. Kaiser’s Jubilee Coins. Berlin, July 41.—Six million Jubilee coins, half of them three mark pieces and half two mark pieces, are ready for distribution. The original intention to repre- sent the Kaiser as helmeted on these coins has been abandoned, for some reason. His Majesty appears bareheaded, in the uni- form 6Of the Cuirassiers. Under the Kaiser's figure there will be a laure! wreath and the dates 4888-1913. Nearly a Centenarian. Westminster, *f ~ New July 4.--— Mrs. Elizabeth De Beck today B Bi k ’ M h B celebrated her ninety-ninth birth- — — day. She was born in New uy a ir S es ag Brunswick and came to British THEY ARE MADE IN THE NEATEST DESIGNS, IN THE Columbia 54 years ago. She has LATEST FASHIONS AND MOST DURABLE QUALITIES eighty-seven living descendanis.’ 2 Eyery woman who is considering the purchase of a “ pi ee i 4] mesh bag will be muck interested in the illustrations on® by oa dle bommat Ae GAs Po iAP page 68 of our catalogue. The work and material em- ing BE a 3 a By I el ae shpat ployed in the construction of BIRKS’ MESH BAG is of the « action against the provincial government for damages from loss of trade caused by his being ordered away from the Govern- ment wharf, 05 Wanted KITCHEN HELP —- Wanted at Cafe, WANTED—Woman to do the day, 12:30 and 1 WANTED—A general seryant. Mrs. D. Cohen, Steel avenue. Vienna 138tf housework . by Phone Green 276 between o'clock, 153-55 Apply Block, 1 to Third 5a SERVANT wanted for general housework. Apply_to Mrs. A. E, Wright, 4 Ave. E. 155 15 5th 58 For Rent GOOD rooms with Over Empire Baths, bath, 82 3rd Ave. per FOR RENT —Nicely furnished house; large rooms; corner 8th and M eee per month. ot, week, 155-57 five cBride; Phone Black 329. For Sale , ab amas 2 of a three-room fiat for sale. Flat also mer be rented. apply H, F. McRae & 139t HORSE and buegy for sale; also young chickens, three weeks o!d aid young haicned, Apply Fieventh Avenue Chicken Ranch cr P, O, Box 59. 152-55 co ® Lost and Found LOST—-Diamond ring. Box 68, Daiiy News. LOST on back ‘“sBelot’; also chain. #5 of returning to Dominion Ba 155-57 Miscellaneous I HAVE money curity at 10% i82. WASHING Mrs. Fato WILL E., sister Nellie, at Wiltshire Hotel, per annum. P taken in or mm, 528 7th ~ork by Ave. W. Wash.? BEE. WILL. pay more bonus than Co. tunity, or within three of loan. bdy all numbered under eleven. S. T. Manard, 1885 Beach Ave. couver. Reference, Bank of Ott 151-56 14 —Open faced Waltham watch; q ns Ps ss Os rs rs ee to loan on approy< Finder rewarded. 144tr name Reward ths. ad se- 9. Bux 1630 the day. 153-58 Lorne J-énton please write to his Seattle 9-54 5% LOAN CONTRACTS wanted at ma Also Wire Van- awa, Hotel : Directory ee eee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager Grand WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Ave, and Second St, Eurepe Peter Black, Prop. ai and American Plan KNOX HOTEL Between Eighth and N European Plan, Psites Per fay Besner & Besner, Props. First Ave., inth 50e to 81 J. Y. Rochester V. EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth ar Seventh Streets European Pian, GOc to $1 Per Casley 1d Day PREMIER HOTEL American and £tro F. W. Henning, nager ROYAL MOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave. and Sixth St. European Plan “* Steam — BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth Phone 102 St. ean Plan Heated co., - Church Services - FIRST PRESB Emp: Theatre at 7.80 p. Sunday School at 2.80 p.m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 83RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. Sovvises, men Sunday at ll a.le E p.m. junday School Bf" m. Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE REV. C. k. SING, B.D. ST. a cer, REW’ $8 ANGLICAN CHURCH ith Ave. aiid Dunsmuir Place Horning prayer, 11. By prayer, 7:30. i, S130" Communion of month, at if a. m, and ‘third Sunday at & eines ap , BURCH ° Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL anville Court ae services a. 5. wi ree Be! eek ednesday day, We day’ cnd Satu at fi PRINCE RUPERT IMPORT!NG LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 ENG LIS H MADE of ¥ BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, er Laces were awarded the Go! Satiae aud Imperial Exhibition, nee sere Plestrons, Jebors, of Berthes Motdkerctnt Sch one res tions, Nedaet Pa Sod 1e-, trom + upto b oy begW hy av Orem ne erp Mrs, RUPERT : oent Pon Free to en pert of the world LACE Gold Medaiu! the Festival of Crystal Paiace, 1911, ort, ond ie ||} been : =i STANDARD OIL. GETS ITS GRIP ON WEST Will Scon Have Compiete Con- tro! of All Undeveloped Oil Fields in the West. Alta., July 1. Oil Gompany -That will, sm all in Calgary, the Standard within a few years, have plete control of practically the undeveloped oil fields Western Canada unless the au- thorities do something to stop the giant octopus from extend- ing its domain, was the state- ment made by H, H. Clarke, of the Clarke Manufacturing Com- pany, Kansas City, who was in the city recently. Twenty years ago Mr. Clarke, whois an oil expert, was em- ployed by the Standard. Oil Com- pany, and he knows much about the inner workings of the big combine. “T am posilive that there is oil in this country,” said Mr. Clarke, “and John D. Rockefeller is also sure of the same thing. In fact, did Mr. Rockefeller wish it, oil would probably be discovered in Alberta today. I know for a fact that a company in this city, at present boring in the vicinity, is practically affiliated with the Standard Oil Company.” HINDUS TO BOYCOTT CANADIAN IMPORTS Holz a Meeting at Victoria and Send Resolutions to the Vice- roy of India. Victoria, June 30.—At a mass meeting held at the Sihk Temple yesterday afternoon, which was largely attended by Hindus and by a number of white sympathiz- a resolution embodying the the idea of a commercial boyeott against Canadian imports was adopted, speakers making refer- ence to the Canadian mission- life and other insurance of- Dominion insti- the benefit: of oper ration of in the India ers, aries, fices and similar tutions enjoying protection in the their undertakmegs government. Copies of the resolution will be forwarded to the official and other quarters to notify the authorities of the position adopted. In order that the resolution may have the full force of sup- port of the Hindus in British Co- be held lumbia, a meeting is to in Vancouver tonight to adopt a similar course’ in approaching the British ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice. The resolution adopted on this subject yester- day will be sent also to the Vice- roy of India for consideration by that government. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Inn. W. R. Wilby, Vietoria; W. Field, Vancouver; G, T. Emmons, U. §S. N.: Thornton Emmons, Princeton, N. J.; 8. Woods. Hotel A. Premier. Butt, North North Island; Croken, Island; Rh. ‘George Shilling, Cameron, P. V. Hote! Central. C. Weeks, North Island iiam Watson and family, strong. Gus ; Wil- Arm- Windsor Hotei. George Reilly, Lem Kegg, 8. Seeley, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Briste}, O. W., Hegge, K. MeDoiuald, Royal Hotel. William Selig,*Tom Watts, G, Cristoff, Frank Clapp, D. Wilson, J. McLauchan, M. Stennsen. Hotel Savoy. J. N. Moss, H, Johnson, Louise Bazin, W. S. Hamblin, J. Tyler, H, Tyler, J,.Johnston, FIGHTING CONTINUES Russia still Hopes to Act Balkan Peacemaker. (Special to The Daily News.) London, July 4.—Although ge tual declarations of war have not made, hostilities between Bulgaria and Servia continue to be carried on by both sides. Rus- sia may still be able, however, to prevent their continuance. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and family, who have moved te Prince Rupert from Georgetown, have taken Mr. D, H, Morrison's house on Fifth avenue during Mrs. Morrison's absence in the east, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. Ordagh of Kitwangah ar- rived here yesterday. advertise- tf Read Jabour Bros. ment, page 2. D. L. Pogson left on the steam- er Prince George this morning for Victoria, ! Rh. EB. Beattie of Calgary sailed for Vancouver on the steamer Prince George this morning. local manager of has gone week on J. M. Claney, the Bank of Montreal, to Vancouver for a business. Vernon D. of the Empress Hotel, Gasiey went south this on the Prince George. proprietor and Mrs. morning Casley, vice president of Company, J, the returned George couver,. Pp. Granby on this Graves, Smelting the steamer morning to Van- Mrs. Keen, wife of Canon Keen of Metlakatla, arrived here yes- terday from the interior, Canon and Mrs. Keen expect to leave for England about the middle of this month. P. V. Croken, superintendent of construction for the Domin- ion government telegraph along the line of the G. T. P., returned yesterday afternoon from the in- terior. G, McLeod of Spokane, brother of J. D. MeLeod of this city, went to Vancouver on the’ Prince George this morning. Mr. Me- Leod had been for some time in the Queen Chariotte Islands on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Martin O'Reilly sailed for Vancouver on the steamer Prince George this morning. Mr. O'Reilly will re- turn in a week or so, but Mrs, O'Reilly intends to remain = in Vancouver for a considerably longer time. T. P. Wilson, who has been here closing the retail branch of the McLennan, McPheely Com- pany, known as the Prince Ku- pert Hardware & Supply Co., Lta., returned this morning on tbe steamer Prince George to Van. eouver. Captain 8. Sigurdsson of Win- nipeg, who has been inspecting the colonizing possibilities of Grahan;: Island with a view to lo- cating a colony of Icelanders there, went south on the steamer Prince George this morning, Rev, George Wiison, superin- tendent of Presbyterian missions on the coast of British Columbia, who came here from Vancouver last Saturday ane has since then far as Hazel- to the travelled inland as ton, will go tomorrow Queen Charlotte Islands, Muir, Miss Anna Laid- Mrs, Muir, Master Elsie Muir and Miss law of Vancouver are in this week, Miss Muir and Miss Laidlaw are popular young iadies of Yancouver who intend spend-}|- ing their holidays here and in ithe interioy. Both ladies !ook forward to bagging some game and to fishin throughout the territory in which they travel. town One of the most interesting social events of the week was the “At Home” given yesterday af- ternoon by Mrs. F, 8. Clements, in honor of Mrs. Dewdney, cf Vernon, who is visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. F. Peters. The host- ess, who looked particularly charming, received in a very pretty gown of white silk, while the guest of honor wore cream serge. The drawing room was profusely decorated with pink roses, peonies and sweet peas. Mrs, Peters and Mrs. Tremayne and Mrs. Carss served ice cream while Miss Denison, Miss Du Vernet, Miss Gamble, Miss Green and Miss Marguerite Young handed the delicious refresh- ments, The guests included Mrs. Dewdney, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Du Vernet, Miss Du Vernet, Baroness De Bernis, Mrs, Clark Durant, Mrs, Ritehie, Mrs. McLennan, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Broadhurst, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Lueas, Mrs. Angus Stewart, Mrs. Carss, Mrs, Tremayre, . Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, Young, Mrs, Cam- bic, Mrs, Lamont, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Bulloek- Webster, Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mrs. Cade, Mrs, Naden, Mrs. Burch, Mrs, MeNicholl, Mrs. Me- Clymont, Mrs. Patmore, Orme, Mrs. Wright, Mrs, potts, Mrs. Pillsbury, Mrs, Nelson, Mrs. Agnew, Mrs, Mullin, Mrs. MeIntesh, Mrs, Me- Neill, Miss Penison, Mrs. Gamble, Miss Green and Miss Marg te Phil- oO, ‘Me- Young, Friday, July 4, 1913, THE PERFECT SHOE for SUMMER SPORTS FOR - EVERYBODY Made In Smart Styles, Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DEALER HAS THEM ene You Might As Well Get THE BEST CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBER CO., LiMiTED, 2 MONTREAL. Prince ]4 The Following Lot 54, €1,600 months, Block 27, Sec. 1, cash, bal, 12 $4,00 and {8 Lot 26, Biock 20, Sec $562 cash, bal. G. T 2, $1,312 P. Lots 19 und 20, Block 20, s+ $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to arrange For exchange, an 8-acre apple ranch at North Yakima for Pr Rupert property. This is a f chance for the right man George Leek PRINCE RUPERT All Cities in the | Kingdom OMmees in Agent for Fort Fraser Lot _ Room 11, BOOKKEEPING - _ AUDITI Phone 112 Res, Phone Black 413 PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mor ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Block Office: Federal HARRISON W. ROGE Architect Suite 4, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C Phone 300 P. ©. Box 16! W. J. JEPHSON Barrister and Sclicitor British Columbia, Alberta sod atchewan Notary Public Federal Block, Prince Ru of Sa Bookkeeping Taugnmt by Private Les erms Reasonable WENDELL R. .JONES $13 2nd BROWN & BUTTERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOO! Box ! Prince Rupert Engineers, Stationary and Fine Comfortable Hciise on Gree Mrs. | GR. Naden Co., Li ENGINEERING Mar ine, coached for examinaltiot A. FARROW sire Alfred ae For Rent Street, with Bathroom. $30.00 per Mont! Real Estate and insurance Second Avenue.