ae SEALE RSY LT LA EY Mae oe ene & x * MEMO OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O CLOCK A Remarkable Expression of . Public Confidence __ is shown in the statement of this company for the fiscai year ending March 31st, 1913. As compared with one year ago, the following figures are exceptionally in- teresting: Asscts March 31st, 1913 915.72 111,268.60 647.12 Assets March 31st, 1912 Showing a net gain of This Remarkable Gain Is Positive Evidence of the Convenience and Practicability of the C. H. I. C. Plan Nearly One-Quarter Miilion Dollars Loaned to Contract Holders at 5% Simple Interest during the past Fisoal Yoar If You Desire a Homé of Your Own—If You Would Be Independent of a Landlord—tInvestigate This Plan Now The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. “Canada's Old Reliaple’ Home Office Pacific Bidg., Second Floor VANCOUVER, B. ©. Prince Rupert Office Federal Bldg. THE BEST AT THE PIONEER DRUG STORES PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES Shipped by Express from the Factory Se — DO YOU KNOW HEN 72. FRED STORK’S HARDWARE —— Established 1908 Builders’ Hardware Steel Blocks Pipe Fittings Valves Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Rope Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles & Shotguns Ammunition Paint Corrugated Iron Hose Rubberoid Roofing Pumps Stoves & Ranges “We Sell Nothing But the Best” SSSSSSSSSSSes SSESSSSSSSSS= Has the Largest Circulation in Northern British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert’s Artistic Job Printing Establishment : ‘ a == Buy a Birks’ Mesh Bag= THEY ARE MADE IN THE NEATEST DESIGNS, IN THE LATEST FASHIONS AND MOST DURABLE QUALITIES Every woman who is considering the purchase of a mesh bag will be much interested in the illustrations on page 68 of our catalogue. The work and material em- ployed in the construction of BIRKS’ MESH BAG is of the highest order and quality, whether tne article be of Ster- ling Silver, German Silver or Gun Metal. If you should desire something of a more expensive nature write to us regarding it, as we show only a small assortment of our stock of Mesh Bags in our Catalogue. We are always pleased to furnish information to any out-of-town buyer esarding any line of goods we stock. Write for our Mwogue; it is a sure guide to successful Wedding Gift i enry Birks G& Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid, Sykes, Manage’ The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-dat; Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices; 1142 Pender Street West « Vancouver, B.C. ‘ THE DAILY NEWS “The News” Classified Ads. 8 c MANY ARRIVALS ON THE PRINCE RUPERT Vessel Had- Fair Voyage and Brings Good Cargo as Well as Passengers. There were 71 first class pas- sengers and 101 deek class pas- as 200 tons of freight and thirty head of live stock for Hazelton, on the steam- er Prince Rupert when she carne : wall AS Woe sengers. in from the south this morning. The vessel had a good voyage from Vancouver, the weather be- ing mild. Among those on board were: Miss B. Crawford, Mrs. Williams, T. Hill, A. CG. Fleishman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dimmick and child, A. MaclInnes, J. A. McRae, F. G. Bird, Mrs. D. Munro, J. Joseph, Mr. Tippins, W. 8. Johnson, J. Downey, Mrs. J, F.-MeNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Clayton and daughter, Wil- fred Doughty, E. B. Paul, Miss Paul, Mr. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Roe, Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Crosby, Mrs. Stone, Miss Mar- shall, Mrs. Stewart, Douglas Roe, C. Turner, F. Kievenhuser, Mr. Rhindfleusch, Angus Stewart, Mrs. F. E. Woolley, Miss D. Woolley, Mrs. A. W. Carter, Master Carter, A. C. Bowner, Mrs. B. Jones and child, Fred Jones, R. J. McDonnell, 0. T. McDonald, Miss Atcheson, J, C. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H, K. Green, Mrs. 8S. West, F. H. Paul, Miss Simpson, C. Johnston, M. Siveston, FE. Greoch and chitd, Mrs. Borton and child, R, Steven, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kerr and child, K. Me- Naughton, G. Filch, = = CHASE HEADACHES MATHIEU S NERVINE POWDERS. If your dealer cannot supply you, the J. L. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends box postpaid on receipt of price, ENGLISH site LA MADE made by the cott of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Our Laces were awarded the Gold Medal at the Festival of Empire and Imperial Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 19tt, DAINTY UY some of this hand wade Pillow Lece, it lasts MANY times longer then any mechine-mede Lace 13 in. deep Lece for every purpose ean be obtained, end within reach of the most modest purse, ve cveg Sale. however Sy s SES — WRITE To — Mrs, RUPERT Armstrong, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM + CIRCUIT NO. 1. Box 125th St. and Srd Ave. Box 13—-6ih St. and 3rd Ave. Box 14—8th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 15—Junction of ist, 2nd and 3rd Aves. Box 16—isi Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) Box 17—1st Ave. and 7th St, (Cen- tral Hotel.) CIROUIT NO. 2. Box 22—3rd Ave. and (Post Office.) Box 238-—3rd Ave. Box 24-—ist Ave. Box 26-—2nd Ave. Box 26—2nd Ave, Box 27—G. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 3. 91—-5th Ave. and Fulton St, 82—Borden and Taylor Sts. @4—7th Ave. and Fulton St. 36—-0th Ave, and Comox Ave. 37—-8th Ave, and Dodge PI. 38—-6th Ave, and Thompson St. 3rd ‘St. McBride St. McBride St. 2nd St. 6th St. and and and and CIRCUIT NO. 4. 414th Ave. and Emmerson Pl. Box 42—-5th Ave. and McBride St. Box 43-—5th Ave. and Green 8:. Box 44—6th Ave and Basti St. Box 45—7th Ave. and Eberte. Box 141-—7th Ave. and Young St. Apply to Mrs. A. EB. Wright, 415 5th Ave, EB. 155-58 | waNTeED & young Woman fer Aiivien and housework; wages $30.00 per Month, with room, Apply to Superin- tendent Prince -—Rupert General Hos- pital, 156tr oe-= a » 2 For Rent ~~ ee ares GOOD rooms with bath, $2 per week. Over Empire Baths, 3rd Ave. 156-57 ~=One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== Wanted KITCHEN HELP — Wanted at Vienna Cafe. 138tf WANTED—A general seryant. Apply to Mrs. D. Cohen, Steel Block, Third avenue, 153tr SERVANT wanted for general housework. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house; five large rooms; corner &th and McBride; $30.00 per month. Phone Black 329. 1470tr For Sale FURNISHINGS of a three-room fat for se. Flat also may be rented. ioapply F, McRae & Co, Lost and Found LOST—Diamond ring. Box 48, Dally News. LOST—Open faced Waltham watch; name on back “Belot’; also chain, Reward $5 on returning to Dominion Baths, 155-57 Finder rewarded, 144tf Miscellaneous I HAVE money custy at 10% per annum, P, to loan on approved Sse- 0. Box 153tf WASHING taken in or work by the day. Mrs. Eaton, 528 7th Ave. W 153-58 C. H. I. C. 5% LOAN CONTRACTS wanted. Will pay more bonus than Co. at ma- turity, or within three of loan. Also buy all numbered under eleven. Wire S. T. Manard, 1885 Beach Ave., Van- couver. Reference, Bank of Ottawa. 151-56 —_—_—X———X—XS—S—XS—X—XS____"" a, hotel : Directory Dn Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Ave. and Second St, European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester » * EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 500 to $f Per Day D. Casley PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, ger ROVAL HOTEL Corley & Burges3, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CoO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St, Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 -Church Services - PIRST PRESBYTERIAN BURCH Services every Sunday Church Hell ct iam, and Sender” Benedl ‘ol aie ym REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McINTYRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. Services every Sunday at 11 &m. and 7.30 p.m: Sunday REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACK Services every Sunday st 11 a.m. and 7.80 p. Sunday Bchool at 2.50 p.m.” REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor, Fifth Ave. and Dunsmuir Place Morning prayer, 11, Even- ing prayer, 7:39. | Sunday 2:30 p. m. REV. E. C, BURCH - Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at am, 3 andép.m. sun- day Schoo! 0 m. Week chool, . 1: le night services Mon- day, W sday, Thurs- day and Saturday, THAT PONSONBY SMILE Swellest Wedding of London Sea- son Next Thursday, London, July 1.—Definite an- nouncement was made yesterday that the wedding of Lady Gwenith Ponsonby, well known in. smart London society and court circles as the “girl of the Ponsonby smile,’ and the Hon, Wyndham ‘Baring will take place July 10. is the daughter of Bess- The bride the Karl borough, It is expected this marriage will prove one of the most im- portant events of the social sea- son, Besides being one of the loveliest girls in Knglish society circles, Lady Ponsonby is a great favorite at court, where her charming piquancy won for her from the Duke of Connaught her non de plume, which King George and Queen Mary promplt- ly took up. The bridegroom-to-be is a son of the Earl of Craven and is im- mensely wealthy. and Countess TRUNKS AT FREIGHT RATES Railway Commission to Take Up Shipment. Ottawa, July 1.—In future one may be able to send trunks at a freight rate instead of paying for them to the express companies, At the next meeting of the rail- way commission, to be held in Ottawa on July 5, railway com- panies will be required to show why trunks containing apparel! and personal when securely corded, not be accepted for freight cause wearing effects, should riage by eare- service, At a session of the commis- sion, to be held in Montreal on July 8, the matter of the charges for distribution of railway cart- age agents will be discussed, and responsibility for thefts com- mitted on railway carriages or wharves determined. KLONDIKE GENEROSITY Englishman Is Left Unexpected Fortune. London, July 4.—An English- man, J. B, Pringle, will shortly go to the United States to prove his title to a small fortune left him by a wealthy real estate merchant of San Francisco. Mr. Pringle has just heard from a firm of lawyers in San Francisco that he is entitied to $8,000. After landing from the White Star liner Majestic at Ellis Island in 1895, Pringle assisted his benefactor to pass the author- ities by a loan of $20. The man thus aided went to the Kitondike and made a large fortune. Twelve months ago he died, leaving most of his wealth in real estate in Indianapolis. In his will Pringle gets a legacy of $8,000 as a return of the $20 loan. BREACH OF PROMISE Tremendous Influence to Keep Suit Out of Courts. London, July 41.—Owing to the tremendous influence being ex- eried by the family of the Mar- quis of Northampton, the breach of promise suit" brought against the Marquis by Miss Viola Mass, the musical comedy actress, will be seitled before it can be brought to trial next Monday. Tt was learned today that Miss Moss hed! refused an offer of $150,000 made by the family of the young marquis, but his sis- ter, Lady Loch, has insisted that her brother's love affairs shall not he reconsidered in court. Young Aguinaido to Japan. Tokio, July 1.—Despatches re- ceived here from Kobe report the arriva) there of a son of Emilio Aguinaldo, the former revolu- tionary leader of the Filipinos, who is said to be on the way to Tokio. At Kobe young Aguin- aldo conferred with a number of Japanese. His mission is in some quarters believed to be in con- nection with the independence movement for the Philippines. Natural Gas at Tofield, Tofield, Alta., July 2.—A fine flow of natural gas was struck at Tofield yesterday ow the new gas well, The depth%ef the well is now 300 feet. The flow is but an indication of what may be ex- pected when the tower levels are reached, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The Camosun will leave for the south this evening at 6 o'clock, Mrs. KE, A, Woods, wife of the time longer in Victoria. The Princess Mary came in from the south at 6 o'clock yes+ terday afternoon. Angus Stewart, the contractor, returned this morning from a short -visit to Vancouver. Frank A. Ellis leaves on the Princess May this afternoon for a business trip to Winnipeg, E. A. Woods, the city clerk, returned this morning after a holiday of four weeks in Vic- toria. Mr. Tippins, of the Grand Trunk passenger office here, has just returned from a short visit to Vancouver. Mustard returned this morning from Vancouver, where she has been staying with her friend, Mrs, Green. Mrs. Wilfred Doughty, of the B. C, Fisheries, was one of this morn- ing’s arrivals on the steamer Prince Rupert, G. L. Clayton, of the B. OC, Fisheries, accompanied by Mrs. Clayton and their daughter, ar- rived here today on the steamer Prince Rupert. Leek, W. J. Alderman Ledlie and F, ¥. Clarke leave on the Princess May today for Van- couver to attend the Orange cele- bration there on July 12th. Rey. F. Dimmock, Mrs. Dim- mock and their child, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. Dimmock will be the pastor of the Methodist chureh here in succession to Kev. C. R. Sing. Mrs. J. T. CG. Williams has come up from Vancouver to join Mr. Williams at Port Essington. She is spending the day in this city with her sister, Mrs. Camp- bell, Rey. H. F. Kingstone, who was in Prince Rupert sinee Wednes- day as the guest of Bishop and Mrs. Du Vernet, went to Hazelton this morning. From Hazelton he will shortly proceed to Telkwa and Smithers, at the last of which places will be his perma- nent headquarters. of Seattle touched here about 10 o'clock last night on her way north with a_ big crowd of excursionists to Alaska, There were 235 first class pas- sengers on board, Thirty-five tons of perishable freight were unloaded for Prince Rupert. Rev. H. H. K. Greene, of Canon Greene of Orillia, Ont., ac- companied by his bride, Mrs. Greene (nee Miss G. Moberly of Toronto), arrived here this morn- mg on the steamer Prince Rupert. Rey. and Mrs. Greene will stay in Prince Rupert until Wednes- day as the guest of Bishop Du Vernet. They will then proceed to the Queen Charlotte Islands, where Rey. Greene will be sta- tioned at Queenstown. The City son USED A MOTORCYCLE To Run Linotypes in Berlin News- paper Office. Berlin, Ont., July 1.—The newspaper office here issued de- layed editions today, owing to failure of the hydro power. The Daily Telegraph used & moitor- cycle late in the afternoon to provide power for the typesetting machines and had the forms on the’ press when the power was turned on at 6:30 o'clock: The News-Record issued a small handbill informing its readers that the power was off. Castro May Raised Sugar. Paris, July 1.—Cipriano Gas- tro, the exiled former president of Venezuela, it is reported, is trying to buy a sugar plantation in Hawaii. If ihe deal is made Casino may settle permanently in Honolutu, The Aztecs ruled America at one time, but the nation, sinee the days ct Hernanda Coriez, has dwindled to less than 1,000 pure bred survivors. Some of these will be brought to San Diego's exposition, with their arts and crafts, There will not be u single case of canned or bottle goods to be seen at San Diego's exposition, All exhibitors who show pro- cesses must remove the product as fast as it is completed. city elerk, is remaining for some}, Saturday, July 1913 — ; rT Y ahaha. MAKES Re-built Typewriters look \ii, ror Pe, freed Rew. Perfect Beck Res for Care WPER UiCh ance An by key SEE The Following LOTS Lot 54, $1,500 months. Block cash, 27, Sec, 1 bal 12 and Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, 8; $562 cash, bal. 6. 1. p Lots 19 and 20, $1,200; Block 2 1-3 cash, bal, to arrang For exchange, ranch at North Rupert property chance for the an Sacre apy Yakima for Prince Th is right man George Leek PRINCE RUPERT OMeces in All Cities in wu Kingdom Agent for Fort Fraser | oes 06 Advertise in The Daily News q CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Towing of Garbage Scow Tenders will be received Wednesday, the @th ins: f of the city garbage scow N be considcred from owners less than 20 hp Full par be obtained at the oMce of The lowest or any tender hot accepted. w. ~ OSBORNE HOUSE 967 Third Ave. McG. MASON, City ! Rooms, W Without Table Board Large Sitting Room, Bath Privelegwes, Moderate Char: Mrs. G. A. Tessier PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Furniture, Baggage, Piano Mov- ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Large Single HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suile 1, Federal! Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. : Phone 300 P, O. Box 1635 W. J. JEPHSON Barrister and Solicitor of British Columbia, Alberta and Sask atchewan Notary Public Federal Biock, Room 11, BOOKKEEPING - AUDITING Bookkeeping Taught by Private Lesson : Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES BROWN & BUTTERS | METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLO'! Res, Phone Black 413 Box 1% Pripce Rupert For Rent Fine Comfortable House on Green Street, with Bathroom. $90.0 per Mon G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. Real Hstate and Insurance Second Avenue. Prince Rupert