jes a nahin ica naa, Ba * Sr ie ies Aine Pippa SE - 7 EPR SC tants ere: ca 4 | THE DAILY NEWS — Thursday, Se THE DAILY NEws Published Daily and Weekly by THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Daily, $8.00 per year. $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE ‘Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St.,- New York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Go. London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Weekly,| =P. J. Bay they land that property, can now Contract camp is al up. The snow” on }start DAILY EDITION. A CELEBRATION OF OUR DEFEAT. In consideration of the un- heroes of pleasantnesses which frequent- ably there are ly occur in connection with the celebration in this country of the Fourth of July, this year caused small rioting Englishmen and whieh July 4, and “Tt in more than one cily, visitors y stance, that the aGGygeo «Thursday, July 10, 1948. laski being in any danger of]on mountain to the Rocher de Boule becoming one of the owned Russia, to think whai it signifies when Halleron are Barney Thompson trail from road up Rocher national Wonder 3 | HAZELTON MINING NOTES Jennings has a gang of men busy on the trail from Ro- cher de Boule mine to the High. and get train right up to their carap. The the tunnel - sile some of the buildings are already slope is all gone and most of it is gone on the north slope. The prospect holes and the cuts have all been opened up and ready to men on development work beginning the government ——— en development on a D, Featherstone- undertake large scale. KR, haugh, M.E,, Vancouver, fitting for a trip to the property. in with is out. says pack|He is taking six men him this season to continue the started and| prospecting which was last year. Mr. Featherstone- south} haugh secured the ground for the company and he took out some very good samples last fall. He stated that the Omin- jeca Gold Mines, Ltd, is prepar- Billy |ing to put in a largo plant next the|Season and that this year he wag.}|Would complete the preliminary Boule|Plans and have everything on the ground ready for it. the Col. R. G. Steele was in town And _ prob- r group, ‘ yovs. Thev have several weeks’|over the holiday after his trip few who stop . ‘ work ahead of them on the trai'!,|}to the Hudson Mining Company but by the time they reach th. ir} property on Hudson Bay Moun- a feast of|property the snow will have dis-j|tain. During the past winter the make publicly the name of Washington, means, in *y the are celebralt- venerate to work. Colin. Munro some work on first in- has appeared and they can — start in doing West been the Daley company was reorganized and Mr. Steele, who is one of the lar- was elected general man- gest stock holders, vice-chairman and from the great republic who ing the most tragic blunder in|group on Rocher de Boule moun|ager. The company decided to are residing in the Dominion British history, and, in the|tain and almost adjoining Newjcomplete the payment on the would do well to remember second, that they are paying|Hazelton Heights. He un-|property at once and get the that while they are commemor- tribute to the memory of the|covered a vein and brought some|deeds, Mr. Steele has the money ating their own victory they man who brought Britain to|fine samples to town with him.!in Vancouver for the boys and on are also making holiday over her lowest depth of humilia-|The ore is copper like most of}Thursday morning he took Lou our defeat.