4 SSS THE BEST AT THE ——— | | PIONEER DRUG STORES | | PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES if Shipped by Express from the Factory a. ——————- DO YOU KNOW THEM? ——— <2 THE DAILY NEWS “FROM HOME TO HOME.” Dies PSY meeps ; HOTEL ELYSIUM The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. x Excellent Cafe, ql 1142 Pender Street West . " Phone 8500. Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. hee sat SF i att ePID EID Mg te acral a customers at $20). MISSING! Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our Together with patterns we will also send a tape r measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, ALLFREE. You have only to read our book of testimonials and you eee will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for 7 value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, (Dept. 10 ), 449 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Please mention this Advertisement. Hi PP PPP PP PPP FPF FPF PPP FFFEF-F-F-~F ay > i 0-09 _— sa — ° a Essex: RAS rn a . 2 ° OSS Se O’REILLY’S CLOSING OUT SALE CEREMONY OF THE LOCAL ODD FELLOWS D. D. G. M. Douglas Officiates at the Half Yearly Installation of Officers. Assisted by a number of past grands, District Deputy Grand Master A. Douglas, of the Prince Rupert Lodge, I. 0. O. F., offici- ated on Tuesday evening at the installation of officers for the next six months. Those installed were: Past Grand—H, M, Daggart. Noble Grand—W. J. McKinley. Vice-Grand—C, G. Thorne. Rec, Sec.—W. G. Barrie. Fin. Sec.—A. R. Phillips. Treas.—S. M. Newton. Warden—F. Salter. Conductor—D. H, Yelf, Chap.—T. 8. Steedman. R.S.N.G.—A. H. Allison. L.S.N.G.—A. J. Galland. R.S.V.G.—R. Gillis. L.S.V.G.—J. P. Reid. R.S.S.—Wm., Grant. L.S.8.—B. 8. Self. 1.G,—L. Sweder. 0.G.—-R. L. Moore. Finance Committee—A. Doug- las, R. Gillis, C. G. Thorne. Property Committee—F. Sal- ter, W. G. Barrie, T. 8S. Steed- man, Speeches and light refresh- ments brought the evening to a very pleasant conclusion, with the Oddfellows feeling like good fellows after all. Farewell to Mr. McMaster. A complimentary dinner was given at the Windsor Hotel last evening by Mr. J. C. Sheppard as a farewell to Mr. A: E. McMaster, who leaves on Monday next for Regina. About a dozen of his most intimate friends were in- vited. Mr. and Mrs. Wright ex- celled themselves both in the decoration of the table and in the preparation of the menu. Mr. Guttstein officiated at the piano. Find it through a Daily News “Want Ad.” te RG itn ME OR > ¢ a) ; M3 + LI F Hes A Most sales die. a] ‘ , id + we are kept busy. ; ‘ money. + yo Our low prices keep enthusiasm at the boiling point. Thrifty men realize that O’Reilly’s is the only place to buy Read The Closing Out Prices THE SALE THAT'S DIFFERENT This sale will never die until all merchandise has gone out the door. Every day from morning till night and save MEN'S SUITS $10.00 (See Window MEN'S SHOES $4.25 Reg. Values $20 and $25 Reg. Stock, $5.00 and $6.00 MEN’S HATS $1.46 Reg. $3.00 and $3.50 Value $1.50 Dress Shirts.....96c¢ $3.50 Imp. Flannel ...$2.20 $3.00 Pyjamas .......$1.90 $3.50 and $4.00 Working Pants . . $2.45 MEN’S SHOES $2.65 Reg. $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 % Odd Lot ‘ $1.50 Wool Underwear. .900 A 35¢ Wool Sox........-. 20c A 75c Suspenders ..... . .60c ry 90c pair, Big Horn Overalls, See our window for the Extra Specials very Day “esa aaa eal 1 ule NALD ie POOR EI A INE LR BE A These prices were selected ai random, ember that every article in this immense stock is reduced to absolute cost, Martin O’Reilly’s 2nd AVE. STORE Leckie’s Shoes Our Entire Line of Leckie Shoes reduced to cost, You know this shoe, Rem TRC tases AAT NR a LA RAEN Tete gs eta ami a wiv. “The News” Classified Ads. ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —{} 0 Wanted —- WANTED—Second hand trunk with good lock, Apply News Office. WANTED—a young woman for kitchen and housework; wages $30.00 per month, with room. Apply to Superin- tendent Prince Rupert General Hos- pital. 156tf For Rent FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house; five large rooms; corner 8th and Mciiride: ar’ per Month. Phone Black 329. For Sale a three-room flat for FURNISHINGS of snr’? pe Flat also may be rented. FP. McRae & Co. 4 FOR SALE—16 ft. gasdlihe Iaunch with engine and cation complete; almost + ta a bargain. pply 211 Dunsmuir Lost and F bund LOST—Diamond ring. Finder rewarded. Box 63, Daily News. 1440? Miscellaneous I HAVE money to loan on approved Sse- canity at 10% per annum. P. oe EE Ee ee Hotel ; Directory pe Members P.R.!L. Vintners™ Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand ae Pacific Ry. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St. W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Ave, and Second St. European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1 Per Day Beener & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 600 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL -American and European Plan F. W. Henning, ager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave, and Sixth St. European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 Advertise in The Daily News BOARDING HOUSE TO RENT Boarding house and pool room with all equipment for each, in- cluding contract to board 30 smelter men. Fine chance for family to make money. Rent reasonable. For particulars ad- dress or call at pool hall, Cvatthy Bay. 159-61 C. W. CALHOUN Granby Bay, B, C. NEW STOCK OF SEEDS We have just received a ship- ment of TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS CLOVER POTATO SEEDS ALFALFA GARPEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Mail orders Promptly attended to PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. ee A Bb RT LID GER RW et OF aoe = COST COULD BE REDUCED EVIDENCE SHOWS HOW (Continued from page 1) tion for their coal and wanted it left standing in the sacks, which they did not return, In one day a teamster tor Rogers & Black bad picked up six hundred sac ks around the back doors of houses. As there were five sacks to a ton, this meant an expense of 60 cents a ton for sacking. Rogers & Black paid $100 a month for sacks alone. All attempts to persuade customers into wiser ways had been unavailing. If people would, however, provide receptacles for the coal and al- low the sacks to be dumped out, a saving of this 60 cents a ton might be effected. The customary rate ton had been established by Rogers & Black four years ago and had since then been main- tained. There had been no such reduction in the cost of teaming as to warrant a reduction in price. A good deal of trouble had been experienced with team- sters. Mr. Rogers suspected that shortage of weight when com- plained of might be due to non- delivery of part of the coal by the teamster. NEW PASTOR WELCOMED AT METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Mr. Dimmick Receives Cor- dial Greeting from His Congregation The Methodist church was well filled last evening by people who came to welcome the Rey. Mr. Dimmick, the new minister, lo his pasterate. The evening was spent very pleasantly with mu- sic and speeches and at the close light refreshments. Rev. G. H. Raley extended a welcome on behalf of the Methodist church to Mr Dim- mick. Mr. W. R. Macdonald, who has been occupying Rey, F. W. Kerr's: pulpit during the latter's absence, was the cordial repre- sentative of the Presbyterians. He hoped church union was not so distant as it might seem to some. He heartily weleomed Mr Dimmick, of whose labors’ he said a plentiful harvest stood in need. A greeting of the most friendly fashion was given by Captain Eva Stride of the Salva- of S11 a presided and tion Army. Capt. Stride herself has only been in Prince Rupert for a few weeks and welcomed Mr. Dimmick as a_ fellow new arrival. Rev. Mr. Dimmick — re- plied to these welcomes in ap- propriate fashion. The evening was further. en- livened by an entertaining mus- ical programme. Mrs. Hender- son presided at the organ, while solos were given by Mr. Link, Mrs. O'Neill, Mrs. Munro, Mr. Waddell, Mr. Clapperton and Mr. Davey. Further speeches of welcome were made on behalf of the offi- cial board of the church, of the Ladies’ Aid and the Men’s Own, William Manson, M. P. P., wel- comed Rey. Mr. Dimmick on be- half of the Board and Sunday School. Mrs. W. H. Kergin spoke for the Ladies’ Aid and Mr. Bar- rie for the Men’s Own. Others who spoke were Dr. W. T. Ker- gin, A. H, Allison, W. Derry and O. H. Nelson. -Light refresh- ments of coffee and sandwiches were served at the conelusion of the evening. , WILL SURVEY WATER POWER IN PROVINCE Party Sent Out by Conservation Commission to Start Soon from Hazelton. A survey of the water power of the interior is to be made for the Dominion conservation eom- mission, One of the survey par- ties will shortly start out from Hazelton. It will be composed jointly of representatives of the Dominion and Provincial gov- ernments. Mr. A, V. White, con- sulting engineer to the conserva. Lion commission, is expected to arrive here on Saturday from Vancouver with other members of the party. Mr. G, H, Ferguson and Mr. B. Corbould of Toronto were ihe firsl members of the party to arrive. They went to Hazellon yesterday, where they will awail the arrival of the half dozen other members of the sur- vey» The party will come back this way in September or October. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Martin O'Reilly returned yes- terday from Vancouver, snaceestlin Ritchie is giving an Mrs. J. F. this afternoon for “at home” Mrs. Agnew. Mrs, Youngman was those who returned yesterday the Prince George. cteactiiibltne Mrs, J. Hilditeh and gon re- turned ye ee iy from an extend- to the and Sound of on one ed visit coast cities. A. G. Fallowfield, pre-emption in the lotte Islands, arrived Vancouver yesterday Prince George. who has a Queen Char- here from on the Miss Burpee, a nurse of Van- couver, passed through this city yesterday her way north to visit her sister, who is im charge of the hospital at Stewart. on The local company of the Earl Grey's Own Rifles will send a corps to participate in the big shoot of the British Columbia Rifle Association, which is to be held in’ Vaneouver from July i6 to 19. Mrs. 8. P. MeMordie will leave for the south tomorrow morning en route to her former home at Niagara Falls. She will be ac- companied by her husband as far as Vancouver, where he will stay to take part in the B, ©, rifle matches. Mrs, MeMordie ex- pects to stay for some months with her relatives in the east. Reynolds, for the was among the arriva's assistant Quaker Thomas sales Oats Co., by the yesterday. cently completed one of the largest in Western Canada, which is be- ing operated to full capacity order to keep up with the gcrow- ing demand for their products Mrs. Reynolds is also in the city with him, manager steamer Prince George His company has re- atl Saskatoon cereal plauts in THE CRUEL MAID. The butter had refused to come, And with an angry gleam In both her the dairy Got mad whipped cream. maid the eyes, and Schnectady Star. And when she found the punished cream Would neither scream nor beg Elsewhere she turned her cruelty And beat a feeble egg. Scranton Tribune, And still on cruelty intent The plot begins to thicken When hunger’s pangs began to gnaw, She smothered chicken Post, her a Houston Her cruelty it knew no bounds; The day, we'll say, was murky; And after she had done the hen She basted a poor turkey. ~Yonkers Statesman, They caught her at another deed, Then took her off to jail; She called to her a noble steed And tried to bang its tail. Youngstown Journal. Escaping swiftly from the pen, She sought the fertile plain, And when her temper rose again She promptly threshed grain. some —Toronto Star. By now the maid waxing weary, And homeward turned her way, was So wandering down dark lanes and dreary, At last she hit the hay, THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 30.009; maximum temperature, 59; minimum temperature, 54; precipitation, 1.25 inches, Punchod Stranger. A little family squabble among some Russians living at the back of the town engaged the atten- tion of Magistrate Carss this morning, The head of the fam- ily had given what he called a shove and the recipient com- plained of as a punch to a woman who was visiting the house. For his somewhat too vigorous at- tentions he was fined 85, BY RUPERT'S LAUREATE. Let others smile and be serene, You'll hear me still complain- ing Till I can pienie on the green Without excessive raining, Thursday, July 10, THE a, SHO FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK YOUR DEALER. iy FrPrerrcccsoccccscscocccccceseceesy, The Following ee Gee Lot 64, Block 27, Sec. 1, 84 r $1,500 cash, bal 12 and 18 months. Lot 00, Block 20, Sec. 2, 81 $562 cash, bal. G, T. | Lots 19 and 20, Block . y $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to arrange + For exchange, an 8-a Appl rench at North Yakima for Pr Rupert property This Af chance for the right no George Leek PRINCE RUPERT OMces in All Citles In 1 Kingdom Agent for Fort Fraser PRIDE EEEOPOOIM OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Single tooms VW Without Table | Large Sitting Room, |! Priveleges, Moderat« Mrs. G. A. Tessier DYER eer mENTS 2 and 3 Ro: New, Clean and C! Partly Fur 1029 3rd Ave. .Phone Black 334 Large nished ENGINEERING Stationary and Mar. exam) I Engineers, ine, coached for PACIFIC TRANSFER (0. jae Fiupniture, Baggage, Piano Mov ing and General Cartage F Phone ! Office: Suite 9, Federal Block HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. ‘ Phone 300 Pp. O. Box 1633 W. J. JEPHSON Barrister and Solicitor of British Columtja, Alberta cnd Sask atche wan Notary Public Room 11, Federal Block, Prince Ruper BOOKKEEPING - AUDITIN Bookkeeping neg by Private Lesson Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES Phone 112 913 2nd Ave BROWN & BUTTERS METALLURGY AND MINING GEOLOOY Res, Phone Black 413 Box 1% Prince Rupert — en For Rent Fine Comfortable House on Green Street, with Bathroom. $30.00 par Month G. R. Naden Co., Lit. Real Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.