Wednesday, 2 ; THE DAILY NEWS July 46, 1914 THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by ‘GRAND BLL TO THE SOUTH by the splendid steamers ‘ THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORCE eyed . le Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victor; eats SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: me Mondaye and Fridays at aa weattle Daily, 500 per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly, For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A. m. o $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.06 per year. rio et al Mar oe" ati2P.m . ; oe ‘ oamers 0 nm an rince Alb Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Maintain, Weekly Service Between Vieuria re, eer | _ > . ; tte nds, Calling at Way Ports Cave Princes | pert y ! HEAD OFFICE eee erate ate A TA Nbc Meth hor i's, ie tone Daiiy News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. Harbor, leaving Prince " EeLaAY "eesys aspy, OM r aR : ‘ . RVICE TRANSfENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING-—50 cents per inch, . Contract Train No, @ leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 10 a.m. Wen... rates on application. Saturdays NYS ang ; SPECIAL LOW EXOURSION RATES {6 ail points eas: yy oo, Hd “a BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES routes In connection with the @RAND TRUNK RAiLWay SYSTEM, on } ot he ; r 28th to Sept. 30th. Returninglimit Oct. gist, 7 hire ee rn Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New For through tickets, reservation, etc., apply to j 1b OER AW: A. E. MoMASTER, General Agent ‘ if Seattle—Puget Sound News Co, OMce 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert Pron ay Ii j & London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand ‘Trunk Building, ccidhiniiiasiiadai eit a a. lp Trafalgar Square. , me Gare Sesh dalivery HF MALIN de he Bole we i eee ei ietaet anh Little’s NEWS | ae y c e part o ne News carriers, ARE YOU GOING EAST Age A = ————=—= — = = THIS SUMMER? Magazines t: Periodicals ! DAILY EDITION. agg yao Wednesday, July 16, 1913. " ; €¥ Gy —— _— OS RO Seabee Special Bxcursions Hay eth :t0 Sep | CIGARS # TOBACCOS :: Fiyp 2 Pet aL PORIR ON LEO ae ae Sees Lhe gee ae Returning Limit October 31st. a “ THE TORIES ARE struction of battleships wher- Vancouver to Toronto and eoivas | &nd Ave. Bolow Kalen laland dy ” THE SPONGES. ever they can be built, and then Vancouver to- Montreal and Q 4 * Ever since. parli TOMER seccseues saa 0-09 i $108.00 ~ e iver ment Par et er from year to year ask parlia- Vancouver 60 Now Vow O0e unde re — ; rogued the Tory pOeae has kept ment for such additional sums VIE etre iis $72.50 | | B i | : up?a steady reiteration of the] 4. may be necessary, 2 || Vancouver to’ St, Paul ana’ ’**’ | Empress owling Alley 4 : ah . . | ROEM co wes bus Cocos Sebnse . & parrot cry that the Liberais If the government of the day Other Points Correspondingly Low. || AND POOL ROOM defeated the Borden naval bill wanted four or five battleships |] General Agen” “her. Ste Ave & 6th st ( wt. a noe, Prop. 7 vane) and féfused to allow Canada to they could build them wherever |} Princess May, south, Saturday, ® a.m. it Prince Rupert Employment Buy do anything but sponge upon they pleaséd under the (Laur- it} — Ladies euee i - ae ier) act of 1910,” | -—--~—----- - Se eee AGENTS i saree eee a But Mr, Berden and his party — ee ar A few days ago the Londen! refused to build battleships | B E R a | j i Free Press said: “The Can-] ‘under the Laurier act of 1940. y : ; adians who are sponging upon They wanted the money more | | ( O A L . ‘ the Empire ave the Canadians} {than the ships. It is Mr, Bor- O A L ; who today insist that Canada} den and his followers who in- owes nothing to England. Their sist upon sponging on England | New Wellington Coal. Best a& ancestors would be ashamed] rather than put into action the : a Coast i of them.” effective legislation for im- | Cc : Phoue 116 Rogers he . nial a4 sed by the Lente omplete Line of ’ i In his great. speech on the perial ik aaa d by the Laut P 4 ct idan aa ( naval bill in the Senate on May} /¢P severnme pas || BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES |) i 27th last, Sir George Ross de- per eo poe Ae gee i 6 90 CARTAGE w clared—and his statement has|PUNCH’S OPINION OF WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited LINDSAY S STORAGE never been contradicted—| THE NAVY BILL. Phone 186 “The navai bill provides for a It is some time since rela- G, T. P. Transfer Agents contribulion of oniy $35,000,- tions between Great Britain and Ot eS ee eee OE | eam Taran. . Desess vesonalll ; if 000. A very generous contrib- Germany have been as friendly ) cme , vs 09g ; ‘ge ; ; f ution which we would cheer-| as at the present moment. It is Lord Sackville Entering His Car ' Lady Sackville Leaving Her Resi- UNION $s. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre st. Fmt ; fully vote if no other consider- appreciated in Germany that on the Way to Attend Court. dence to Attend Court ical iine tnt ale om a —— ; ation were involved. Under the the Kaiser's kindness in re- ; : 2 : es ‘ PRINCIPALS IN THE MILLION DOLLAR WILL CASE. ft: Laurier nayal att of 1910, now leasing the British officers S S 6 Chelohsin ’ SMITH & MALLET! | / in force, any number of mil- has been most handsomely ac- London, July 12.—The endeavor to break the will of the late Sir John Murray-Scott, who left | ome THIRD AVE | my lions could be contributed by knowledged by the action of] to Lady Sackville five miilion dollars, was the talk of England, and indeed of Europe, while it was | FOR VANCOUVER Plumbing, Heatirig, Steamfittingwi| fig parliament if they so desired. the Canadian Senate in rejeet-| on, and the subject is one still talked of since the verdict of the jury in, her ladyship’s favor, Sheet Metal Work | i i # Why then harrass parliament]. ing the Borden Navy Bill.—] She was no relative of the late Sir John, but simply an intimate friend of many years’ standing Wednesdays at 2 p.m. Offive: 3rd Ave. ee Wortie |i ie with. a bill which is not re- Punch. The family fought. the legacy with grim earnestness, as shown by the huge counsel fees paid er econ oe sate harold a i quired for emergency purposes ———o0-—__——_ which were published in this paper yesterday). This afternoon Lady Sackville, as a proof of f sf 2 : and which is not as effective “If the warlike racesQnherit} her gratitude to the jurors, who found there had been no undue influence or fraud on her pari> | S § ‘¢ : he as the act of 1910? If the hon- the earth, as some military ex-| and established her right ®) the fortune left her, entertained them to tea at Knole Park. Seven eUe amosun ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & EF orable gentlemen are sincere] perts insist, we might as well] Oaks, Kentr This enabled the Jurors to inspect the famous house and its even more famous art FOR VANCOUVER let them withdraw the bill now piepare to surrender Ganada to} treasures, which were preserved to Lady Sackville and her family by Sir John’s generous gift to (SCANDINANIAN SoctETY “i g before us and submit to the the Bulgarians andthe Serv-{ her in his will. Also, this legacy settled a love romance favorably, the marriage of Lady Sack- Saturdays at 10 a.m, Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday a! : S ¥ ‘ house a supplementary esti- ians.”’ In these words the Mail] ville’s daughter to an attache of the British embassy at St. Petersburg being contingent upon p.m. in the hall at 319 8rd Ave i} mate for ten or fifteen million and Empire very neatly,exposes; the winhing of this action for the legacy. aoe ws ei — dollars for the speedy con-,' a hoary fallacy. a ini ies ee a ag eal FOR GRANBY BAY D. ©. STUART i —————— —_——_—_—_—_—_—_——— = — = 3 petual coptingalion of the com- Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. ie i ie rrenioe pany and aiso prove advantage- i > ous to Canada and the Empire. 308 2nd Ave. ot Phone i ; = } . As a whole the year must be i . ’ . PRINCE RUPERT. B. C : SEVERAL NEW DEVELOPMENTS |:s::: 2's! 2°Ssvera a”) Rogers Steamship Agency ’ A _ tivity in the land market, while ; ee ie eh chicane —— ff —_—_—————_— the sales reeorded and prices Phone 116 Alex. @. Manson, B. A. i ae LORD STRATHCONA TELLS DIRECTORS OF THE PROPOSED [realized furnish ample evidence W. &. Williams, 8. A, ULE i LOAN AND MORTGAGE BRANCH—UNEXAMPLED that the company had partici.) ~ i ; AMS & MANSON PROSPERITY OF THE COMPANY. pated in a marked degree in the| gr WILLIA® , j wa — prevailing prosperity. The finan- eorgetown Barristers, Solicitors, Eu. , - Presiding Monday at the an-Jered slightly exceeded previous|cial stringency throughout the | Box 286 an ; nual meeting of the Hudson's|numbers. world, which set in a few months | S ill C Ltd. Helgereon Block Prince Rupert, : \ ; Bay Company, held in London, Lord Strathcona went on to/®8, has, however, aided el oO. : 3 sesh ; : ; f : e bringing about a period of com- | i Lord Strathcona said that the|speak of the proposed establish- parative inactivity which was es. | LAND LOCATED 3 profits from trade were the Nigh-|ment by the company of a loan ial) ‘eahla ar ’ ; . Z . pecially noticeable toward the} um r “ wii an agric ra i As we intend going out of Men’s est in the company’s~ histery.J}and mortgage business. It islelose of the fiscal year under re.| 160 acres b pe Valle neal i Suits, Men’s Underwear, Men’s The sum to the credit of the land | Proposed to assist farmers on ap-| view, _ pe rec ted f r pain fet a : ‘oved applics , a as ‘ Aiyansh, located for small | " hirt: de yartment als constituted a prove d applic ations by econvert- eet Ne URNA cate eee cheers poms i rod i Ne Knot | } S 5 and Boots and Shoes we ide “d = 5 - ing their sale agreements into Daily News “ads.” get results. Moul 8 Apply Until Friday, New i are offering the balance of our ee s ey of the osm agreements, for it is felt that Hotel, Room 4. Ss 3 : je conservative policy of tle! hy relieving the farmer of the ne-| > Meese s ay i ~ ae at a tremendous sacrifice. directors in not foreing land sales|vessity of moating installments| CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE A large stock of dry finish. a , i i ‘ yak Men aed Cate het Sera a: Reve ’ ing lumber and, « f ou will easily be convinced at low prives in the past, and the! year by year he wouid be able to ea ee awe oe ‘See Se eens ) ; when you see the wonderful energetic measures taken to re- pul his earnings into buildings MARINO ® made at short notice. HAYN Eps A } :: bargains w fferi ei tain the good will of the people|and stock and thus follow mixed NERVINE POWDERS. ee oe hi 2 gi € are ollering :: of Canada by affording them|farming rather than be so de. Our prices are as low as any. ord Awe. none th Bt. Phone No. # hi 4 a Yagm anitition ada ‘ . vi b PY peoparn sipping facilities are pendent, as at present, on wheat Cal! un us Before ordering. if yeing justified, growing. a eer ee re — : Land was at present the share- It is to the advaitae¢e of Can- i holders’ greatest asset, but it ada, said his lordship, that farm- ae : e was a diminishing one, so thelers should not OFFICE: depend entirely E. L. FISHER 4 directors felt that a proportion upon Ccereal.crops, but go in for EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. m4 : ’ d Embalmer im” : THE House OF GOOD VALUES. of the land sales should be treat- {stock raising, horse breeding and ‘ Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. teeta te eens | ee Third Avenue Prince Rupert ed as capital, and invested in the growing of crops for their use. © .POWTERS FOR a ° eS ———— — 2nd Bt, cor, 2nd Ave. Phone 94 , ‘ trading side. Total sales showed!This fund should be a good diyi-|, If Your dealer cannot supply you, the OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . Bre een ; ' . J. L. Mathieu Co., $b » P,Q, « 7 toe ' eooé a inarked increase. Furs gath-|dend earner, and secure the per-| pox ooamaie. oh aambt peite’ — TRY A NEWS WANT AD —_—_—_— — - —— ———— _ ——— ——= Scoop Is Al O Critici Especialls oop Is Always Open To Criticism—Especially Knockers : : a Drawn for The Daily News by “Hv? THE GUY THAT PENNED (MX Kip @ SO I CALLED To 5 Fur Ss SARE PROM GUL. CTA WIS “YoucHING- UTTLe spasm —? Roto Siew. v0 Fon ee ae ‘i ‘ our Poem HOw Mou WoULD ue (> ONG THAT LIGHTS On FATHERS DEON ane vate 4& FU Sones ies cen CWO POLOWED TO HAVE @ HAMMER_ WE DARE NOT SwaT wir GooDLY ce ac © INs s ; OF COURSE IS FEET WILL START TO sTicics (a Teserion Bounten on YOUR Bean! (81S see No THEN HiT Him wird @ HAMMER Quici<.-/ Write BEAN— ©) 913 - int- sind - Bauto - mp. rey noe