esday, July 16, 1913, PURCHASE NOTICES. ice that B,C or 188. L. N. MACKECHNIE, . W. MCCRADY, CG. E., Agent, nd dated March 19th, 1013, aAckechnie, N. E, C, r. 14, 1913—June 9, 1913. Range V. ice that I, Dantei Brenton Ken- fing described lands: ing at & post planted at the porner of Lot 5130, thence north thence east 30 chains, thence hains, ence west 30 chains to of commencement, containing more or less. BRENTON KENNEY. DANIEL arch 20, 1913 ii 7ih to June 2nd. d District—District of Coast, Range V fice that Gertrude M. Newell, of Nova Scotia, occupation married ends to apply for permission to ihe following described lands: cing at @ post planted at the Pcorner of Lot 5142, thence wesi thence north 20 Chains, thence Bhains, thence south 20 chains, Pthe meander of the Lakelse Lake, it of commencement, containing More or less, GERTRUDE M. NEWELL. L. H. KENNEY, Agent, pril 16th, 19 2 19 13. Pr. 21, i3—June 16, 1013 ~ Mand District—District of Coast. otice that 1, Sam Ennyu, of y B, C., occupation lumberman, Rapply for permission to purchase ng described land: cing at @ post planted at the sorner Of Lot 182, Range 5, iét, uu the bank of the Ka Yex nce 20 chains west, thence 20 Fih, thence 20 chains east to the of said Lot 182, thence south boundary 20 chains to point of ment, containing 40 acres more SAM ENNYU. | 19th, 1913, 5, 19138—June 30, 1913. tand District—District of Coast, } Range V, Otice that Ole J, Jensen, of kit B. C., occupation rancher, in pply for permission to purchase lug described lands; Aciug af & post planted about le north of the southeast corner No. $5246, thence easterly 40 e or less to the west boundary oO. 35245, thence south 30 chains ss to 4 slough, thence westerly more or less to the east boun- . L. No, 35246, thence north 30 bre or less to the point of com t, containing 120 acres more or OLE J. JENSEN, Locator. T. D. LAIRD, Agent, arch £8tb, 1913. pr, 21, 1913-—June 16, 1913. D PURCHASE NOTICE and District—District of Coast, Range V. Motice that The Prince Rupert ectric Co., Limited, of Prince . C., intends to apply for permis: urchase 40 acres of jand pear the River, bounded as follows: meing 4t @ post planted on the H of Lake Madeleine near the out- é south 20 chains, thence west 20 hence north 20 chains, thence east to point of commencement, con- 0 acres more or le.\s. RUPERT HYDKO-ELECTRIC LIMITED. Per George H, Kohl, Agent. May 16th, 1013. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. and District—District of Skeena. Notice that Samuel KR. Brown Jr., Rupert, B. C., occupation engi- pnds to apply for permission to the following described lands: neing at @ post planted at the t corner of Lot 2626, thence west , thence south 40 chaina, thence chains, thence north 40 chains to commencement, containing 160 wore or less, SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JK April 25th, 1913. May 26, 1@3—July 21, 1913. Land District—District of Coast, Range V. B. C., occupation farmer, intend for permission to purchase the described lands; pncing at @ post planted at the pt corner of Lot 4125, thence along the shore line 20 chains less, thence following the shore therly and easterly to northwest 4125, thence south 5 chains less to point of commencement, & 12 acres more or less. LOUIES AURIOL, May 2tst, 1913. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1913. Land District—District of Coast, Range V. notice that James Jabour, of Rupert, B, C., occupation mer- ntends to apply for permission to e@ the following described property: Reenencing at & post plantell about % ceest Of Mile Post 49 on the G, T. P. » ©€8t from Prince Rupert, on an In the Skeena River, thence south ins, thence east 40 chains, thence 0 chains,~thence west 40 chains to sof commencement, containing 320 More or less, JAMES JABOUR. d June 18th, 19148. June 23, 1013—-Aug. 18, 1913. Land District—District of Coast, Range V. PB notice that Emma Waterous Ag- f Victoria, B. C., occupation married ) intends to apply for permission to é the following described lands: binencing at & post planted on_ the shore of Lake Hayward, near Falls 4 branch of the Hocsall, thence 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, south 20 chalas, thence east 20 more or less to point of commence- containing 40 acres more or less, EMMA WATEROUS AGNEW. ed April 13th, 1043, b. Apr. 21, 1943—June 16, 1913. ha Land Districi—District of Coast, © notice that Margaret B. Grant, of Rupert, B, C,, occupation dress- r, intends to apply for permission to base the following described lands: wunencing at a post planted at the east corner Of Lot 604, Goast District, bh 5, thence east 20 chains, thence 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, e north 20 chains to place ‘of com- Sment and containing 40 acres more MARGARET B. GRANT. fed April Bth, 1043. bb. Apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 4013, nha Land District—District of Coast, Range 5, ake notice that Mart Swanson, of nce Rupert B, C,, oecupation painter, nds to apply for permission to pur: e the following described lands: ommencing at a post planted at the thwest corner of Lot 8075, thence th 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, ‘ce 40 chains in a southerly direction Nd the shore, thence 40 chains in an lerly direction round the shore to the nt of commencement, containing one Bdred and ty ty acre more or less, MARTIN SWANSON, Jated June 24th, 1913, ub, June 80, 1913-—Aug, 25, 1013. BSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS —E— — d District—District of Gassiar, I, L. N. MacKechnie, ot , G, occupation surgeon, 60 P date intend to apply to the missioner of Lands to purchase Lot 915A, Cassiar District, ver, situated near mile 13¢, nk Pacific, containing 43,7 nd District—District of Coast, 4 rrace, B, U., Occupation rancher, pply for permission to purchase scribed Jands on the west coast of Graham Island: northwest corner of Coal License 8296, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement, containing 640 acres Skeena Land District—District of Queen barrister at law, of the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, in- tend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for @ license to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum over the following described lands on the west coast of Gra- ham Island: mile south from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to place of the beginning, containing 640 acres. Skeena Land District—District of Queen contractor, of the City of Prince Kupert, Proyince of British Columbia, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for @ license to prospect for coal and oil over the following described lands on the west coast of Graham Island; south from the southeast corner of Coal Lease 7432, thence 80 chains north, thence $0 chains east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to the place of be- ginning, containing 640 acres Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, the City of Prince Kupert, in the Province wf British Colummia, prospector, intends to apply for permission to lease the follow- ing described land east coast of Banks Island, British Co lumbla, un the shore of a small unnamed bay apd being about five (5) miles in an easterly direction from, End Hill, thence east eighty (80) chains, thence north twenty (20) chains, thence west eighty chains to point of commencement, and containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or less. Notice of Application for the Approval of TOWNSITE Prince Kupert, Columbia, will apply to the Comptroller of Water Rights for the approval of the plans of the works to be eonstructed for the utilization of the water from Wolf Creek, Skeena District, for which applica- tion has been made by the company, and under which application Permit No, 107 has been issued by the Comptroller of Water Rights, granting permission to the said PORT EDWARD OWNSITE COM- PANY, LIMITED, to make surveys for construction of the works for diversion of two cuble feet per second from said Wolf Creek for: Municipal Purposes. Section One of Section 70 of the “Water Act” as amended have been filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights at Victoria, and with the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C EDWARD TOWNSITE COMPANY, LIM- ITED, also intends to apply under Part Six of the “Water Act” for approval by the Minister of Lands of the undertaking of the company as outlined in the plans and particulars now on file with the Comptroller of Water Rights and with the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C,, mn connection with the company’s appli- cation. 59 of the “Water Act” and of the pett- fea for approval of the undertaking by the Minister of Lands as aforesaid, are on file in the oMce of the Water Recorder of Skeena District at Prince Rupert, B. C., and in the oMce of the Comptroller of Water Rights at Victoria, fled with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. , 1013, PORT. EDWARD TOWNSITE COMPANY, NOTICE OF SALE BY SHERIFF, PURSUANT $971.60 procured by the plaintiff in the action of Stewart & Mobley, against Harvey Creech the following prop- erty will be sold by auction at the Court House, Prince Rupert, on the twenty-first of Jul 1913, at the hou tat Gretock in” ‘the forenoon: ot *A™’ ip ; City, P. } actording i Map or Plan 923 fled in the i Land Rogisiry om B a@ sub- tnd BD4, Skeena Land District, District of Coast, Range 5. property: 1. registered on ¢ under which there remains owing the sum of $371.60 of the plaintiff for $371.60, registered the 5th day of May, 1913 charged upon the payment of $871.00; 157-69 JO . Estate of William Hyde, Tobacconist and be received for the purchase of credits, assets and 4 a nam d William Hyde, which said eredits, assets and effects yremises formerly Witham Hyde, 697 Rupert, The asse the good will Messenge must be in t not later day of July, A.D. any tender not 10913. LAND LEASE NOTICES, italiani ante ntaanisierinal cn Skeena Land District—pis : : “t— trict D Range V. erry Take notice that 1, Hume Babington, of | Prince Rupert, B, &., occupation master mariner, intend to apply for permission to | lease the foliowing described land: Commencing at @ post planted sd at the northwest corner of HH, 5, Hed at, ane | lease application on a small islar 3 Skeena River Opposite Mile as Shanes southwesterly along shore 40 chains to southwest point of island, thence north- easterly along shore 49 chains to H. B Babington’s southwest corner, thence horth about 40 chains to point of com om ae” containing 100 acres more He BABINGTON, ame Dated June 41th, so13) VOCMtOr) Pub, July 7, 1913 Sept. 2, 1913, es COAL NOTICES, Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariotte Islands, 1p ake hotice that JI, Luigi Astori, of Prince Rupert, B. C ,» OCcupation miner, in tends to apply for a license ta prospect for coal and oil over the following de- Commencing at a post planted at the ‘ LUIGI ASTORI, Filippo Panvini, Agent. Located May 14th, 1913. Pub. July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 Charlotte Islands, Take notice that I, W. E. Williams, Commencing from the post planted one W. E. WILLIAMS, Filippo Panvini, Agent. Located May 11th, 1913. Pub, July 7, 1913—Aug. 4, 1913 Charlotte Islands, Take notice what 1, Antonio Christiano, Commencing at @ post planted one mile ANTONIO CHRISTIANO, Filippo Panvini, Agent. Located May 1ith, 1913 Pub. July 7, 1018—Aug. 4, 1913 Range IV, Take notice that Frank B. St. Amour of Commencing at @ post planted on the $0) chains, thence south twenty (20) FRANK B, ST, AMOUR, “Locator. Dated the 29th day of April, 1913. Pub. May 5, 1913—June 30, 1913. WATER ACT. Works, and for Approval of Under- taking by Minister of Lands. Take notice that the PORT EDWARD ANY, LIMITED, of The plans and particulars required by Cc. And take notice that the said PORT Copies of the application, under Section Objections to the applications may be Dated at Prince Rupert, C., this 13th LIMITED. 4 Ww. Agnew, Agent. July 14, 1043. TO THE EXECUTION ACT, IN THE 8U- PREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUM- BIA, Take notice that under @ judgment for Limited r of 10:30 rovince of British Columbia, coat Prince Poe Std There is now registered against the sald Mort Ct ata be Hea ts ‘A certificate of judgment in favor 13. Both of which charges will be dis- HN SHIRLE Sheriff of the County of Atlin. NOTICE. Fruit Merchant, Assigned. Notice is hereby given that tenders " e effects of tho alove are situate at the oceupled by whe seid Third avenue, Prince ts of the assigned iuclide and effects of the City r Service, All tenders he hands of the undersigne: than 12. o'clock noon of the 17\b 1913. The highest necessarily avrupted. aa Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C,, quly 4 *REDERICK GEORGE DAWSON, FREDERICK GEORG AspIBTiee. THE DAILY NEWS MAN WHO JESTS AT FRIEDMAN CURE MEMBER OF WONDERFUL FAMILY r James Alexander Grant, who made startling statements before the Ontario Medical Council re- cently, is a member of a family of ten, whose combined ages total 740 years. In the Sir James (in centre), Col. John P, at right, and. Mr. George P. twins. ————————— Vaneouver, July 12—Mr A, Le- member of the Dominion Geological Department plans for the visit of about fifty International Geological Congress to this pra- vince, The other gentlemen econ- nected with the department who have been here for some time are R. G. McConnell and C. H,. Clapp. The party of famous from all parts of the world will arrive in Vancouver about the end Dr. Alfred Harker of Oxford Uni- Dr. R. W. Brock, director of the Geological Survey, will be STUCK IN THE muUD Loaded with Steel Rails, Stranded, (Special lo The Daily News) Westminster, All efforts to refloat the steamer Steveson, have proyen futile, the vessel being firmly imbedded in — way ficiating. Mr. Miss Alice Greenbaum of San Be aae my Francisco the Bride. Jacob L. Hershberg, one of the pioneer business men of Dawson, where he is engaged in the cloth- steel rails for Port Mann and will|neat wedding service being per- have to be lightered. | formed the same evening at the Greenbaum of San Francisco, a|Star. — in charge of the party. JAKEY HERSHBERG MARRIED | Pullen House, Judge Martin Gon-| The itinerary as already mapped of the coal areas of the province, including those along the railway out of Prince Rupert, and a trip A number of local Hershberg arrived here on Mon- day’s train and left evening for Dawson, Hershberg is one of known men in Yukon : : many friends have occasion ing business, arrived from that}eongratulating him on place last Friday and left next|/such a handsome as day for Skagway, where he was|pleasant and sensible met by his affilanced, Miss Alice|/his life partner, — Whitehorse to the Yukon, party thrangh the province. This is ihe twelfth meeting, of the congress and it will be held in Toronto in August. first time Canada has beén hon- One of the main objects of ‘the congress is to make a study of the coal areas of the earth with Daily News “ads,” get results. GEOLOGICAL EXPERTS WILL BE 1ERE IN MONTH OF SEPTEMBER MR, A. LEROY, OF DOMINION DEPARTMENT IS NOW ON THE COAST TO MAKE PREPARATIONS FOR VISIT OF 60 DELEGATES a view to estimating the extent of the coal reserves. With this idea in view, the dele- gales will divide into a number of parties at the conelusion of the formal deliberations in To- ronto and visit different parts of the Dominion. This division was necessary owing to the great ex- tent of the Dominion. Otherwise it would take years to achieve the task in hand. In other and older countries, notably in Europe, the congress was able to keep to- gether, and all the members saw all the different conditions, but in a country with the vast dimen- sions of Canada and the tremend- ous variety of conditions it would of course be impossible to at- tempt to take them in as a whole, and consequently the congress has been divided into a series of parties. TWO MORE STEAMERS Canadian Pacific to Add to Its Pacific Fleet. Toronto, July 16.—It is an- nounced here by Canadian Pa- cifie officials: that the company will place two more new steamers om the Pacific next year. TEN ALLAN CFE RSS) THE TINAL CRASH: SOS) THE FINISH ‘OF O'REILLY’S 2nd AVE. STORE IN SIGHT Prices Have Been Reduced Again, and Low Enough This Time To Finish The Job ~ YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY ~ GET IN LINE Reg. $20 and $25 Val. Fancy Worsteds and SEE WINDOW Men’s Clothing Men’s Clothing Men’s Clothing Men’s Clothing Men’s Clothing $19.95 Reg. Val. $35.00 Imported Worsted and Imported Worsted and $23.00 Reg. Val. $40.00 Blue Serge Working Gloves, reg. $1.50, now....... $1.05 Gauntlet Gloves, reg, $1.75, now....... $1.20 Wool Sox, all colors, reg. 3 pr.- $1.00, now Lot 2 $10.00 Choice $14.65 $16.85 of 80 Suits in This Lot Reg. Val. $27.50 Reg. Val. $30.00 Scotch Tweeds Worsted, Blue Serge Working Pants, reg. $3.50, now........ $2.45 Fine Imported Wool Underwear, Working Shirts, reg. $1.50, now...... - $1.00 suit, mow ....... SPS ge" palegedl batorg Dress Shirts, reg. $1.50, now........... 95c Fine Wool Underwear, reg. $3.00, Cotton Union Suits, reg. $2.25, now... . .$1.45 $1.00 5 doz. odd Wool Undershirts. GAGA? Fc i dns OS 8 Fine Imported Zephyr Pyjamas, reg $3.00, ne Imported Jap Crepe Pyjamas, reg. $2.50, Cotton Night Shirts, reg. $1.50, now..... .65c imported French Flannel Top Shirts, reg. Wool Union Suits, reg. $4.25, now......$3.20 Wool Union Suits, reg. $5.00, now..... .$3.95 $3.50, now .. LISTEN 10 REASON FOLKS get together. We want to Close This Store and do it quick. You want. or will want the Merchandise, so why not We can save you from 1-3 to 1-2 on your purchases Extra Special---$1.35 for $3 and $3.50 Hard or Soft Hats WHY PAY MORE? Our Entire Line of Shoes have bee Leckie’s High-Cut Shoes California Oi! Tan, 12 in. top, reg. $8.50, California Qil Every little want we can supply. O’REILLY’ WE WILL CASH YOUR CHECKS CE: XCD) mY J) heeds Res re $6.90 California Oil Tan, regular top, reg. $7.50, in. top, reg. $9.00, OSE G6 da nie ck Rh Oe NS a OMe . $5. . $7.26 Dr. Vernon Cushion Sole, reg. $6.00, now $4.25 — s, SN n reduced sufficiently to make all other Shoe Sale Prices look Like A Day Light Ro White Elk, 14 inch top, reg. $10.00, now.$7.25 J. T. Bell Special, reg. $6.60, now......$5.45 McKeen (Keen-Kut) Vici Kid, reg. $6.50, Men’s Puliman Slippers, reg, $3.00, now .$2.25 McPherson's Anti-Wet, reg. $7.00, now.$5.85 These Shoes can be had in Black. or Tan, All Sizes. Expert Shoe Fitter at Your Service We have not the space or time to that every article of merchandise in the house is to go at Dress Shoes uote prices, but remember y osing Out Prices ; (i 2nd AVENUE V2 a STORE s¢ < ’ MS COS Maas Maen