sturday, July 19, 1913, —— SAND PURCHASE. NOTICES, ca Land District—District of Cassiar. e notice that I, L. N. Mackechnie, of uver, B. G,, occupation surgeon, 60 after date intend to apply to the commissioner of Lands purchase yed Lot 915A, Cassiar a River, situated near iniie Truok Pacific, containing ; more or less, L. N. MACKECHNIE, F. W. McCRADY, C. E., Agent, rod aiid inted. Marcti fou,’ 1015. , MacKechnie, N, E. ©. iN Apr. 14, 1913—June 9, 1913. 146, 43.7 nd Distriet—District of Coast, a Range V e notice that of Terrace, B. d to apply for permission to purchase following described lands; mumencing &+ & post. planted at the ast corner of Lot 5130, thence nor hains, thence east 80 chains, thence h 40 chains, thence west 30 chains to point of commencement, containing acres more oF 1es3, DANIEL BRENTON KENNEY. ted March 20, 1949, . April 7*h to June 2nd. I, Daniel Brenton Ken- é., occupation rancher, a Land District—District of Coast, Range V. e notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of outh, Nova Scotia, occupation married n, intends to apply for permission to hase the following described jands; unencing at @ post planted at the east corner Of Lot 5142, thence west ains, thence north 20 chains, thence 20 Chains, thence south 20 chains, wing the meander of the Lakelse Lake, e point of commencement, containing res more or less, GERTRUDE M, NEWELL, i iit, KENNEY, Agent, od April 16th A ie bor. 21, 1918—June 16, 1913. 1a Land District—District of Coast, e notice that 1, Sam Ennyu, of na City, B. C., occupation lumberman, dd to apply for rmission to purchase ollowing desert land: ninenciug at @ post planted at the nhwest corner Of Lot 182, Range 5, District, on the bank of the Ka Yex , thence 20 chains west, thence 20 5 north, thence 20 cha’ns east to the dary of sald Lot 182, thence south said boundary 20 chains to point of p nent, containing 40 acres more SAM ENNYU. ted April 10th, 1913. b. May 5, 1943—June 80, 1913. S35. District—District of Range V. e notice that Ole J, Jensen, of Kit- alum, b, &,, Occupation rancher, in- to apply for permission to purchase following described lands: binmencing at @ St planted abcut a mile north of southeast corner . L, No. 35246, thence easterly 40 ps more or less to the west boundary . L. No. $5245, thence south 30 chains or kess Wo @ Slough, thelice westerly haing move or less to the east boun of T. L. No. 36246, thence north 30 3s more or less tw the point of com rement, containing 120 acres more or na) Land Coast, OLE J. JENSEN, Locator, T. D. LAIKD, Agent ted March 28th, 1913. b Apr. 21, 1015—June 16, 1913. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE na Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Meemeernke notice that The Prince Rupert ro-Electric Co., Limited, of rrince eri, B. C., intends to apply for permis to purchase 40 acres of jand bear Un pull Kiver, bounded as follows: mumencing at @ post planied on tht h end of Lake Medeleine bear the out thence south 20 chains, theice west 20 us, thence north 20 chains, thence east chains \o point of conumencement, con jing 40 acres more or less. RINCE KUPERT HYDKU-BLECTRIC CU,, LIMITED, Per George H, Kobl, Agent. 16th, 1913, 1913-——Jduly 21, 1913. siar Land District—District of Skeena Dated May ub, May 26, ake notice that Samuel R. Brown Jr., Yrince Kupert, B, C., occupation engi- r, intends to apply for permission Ww «hase the following described lands: ommencing @: & post planted at the theast corner of Lot 2626, thence west chains, thence south 40 Chains, thence tf 40 chains, thence north 40 chains to ut of commencement, containing 160 8 more or less, SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JK April 26th, 1013, May 26, 1¥18—July 21, 1913. Land Dated ub, District—District of Range V. Puista, b. C., occupation farmer, intend apply r permission to purchase tne Howing described lands; ena Coast, omimnencing at @ post planted at the ihwest coruer of Lot 4125, thence Blerly along the shore line 20 chains re or less, thence following the shore norte Lot re or hiaiping rly etd easterly to northwest 4125, thence south 5 chains 88 to point of commencement, {2 acres more or less, LOUIBS AURIOL, Dated May 2ist, 1913, "ub, May 26, 1013—July 21, 1913. District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that James ince Rupert, B, C,, occupation nt, Intends to apply for rchase the following deseribed property: Commencing at @ post planted about % Je east of Mile Post 49 on the G, T. P. iiway, cast from Prince Rupert, on an and in the Skeena River, thence south chains, thence east 40 chains, thence brih 80 chains, thence west 40 chains to pint of commencement, containing 320 res more or less, JAMES JABOUR. Dated June 18th, 1049. Pub, June 23, 1013—Aug. 18, 1913. ecna Land Jabour, of mer- eena Land District—District of Coast, Range Take notice that Emma Waterous Ag- mew, of Victoria, B. C., occupation married oman, intends to apply for permission to rehase the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted on the Juth shore of Lake Hayward, near Falls iver, & branch of tho Hocsall, thence orth 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, ence south 20 chains, thence east 20 hains more or less to point of commence- hent, containing 40 acres more or less. EMMA WATEROUS AGNEW. Dated April 13th, 1013, Pub, Apr, 21, 1618—June 16, 1019. Bkeena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that Margaret B, Grant, of District, | ermission to | © A SMART TAILORED SUIT Of natural colored tussore. The skirt is of the corselet charac- ler wilh a pleat down the front While the coat lis built on mo- dified Norfolk lines. It is siiarily strapped and provided with patch pockets, the collar and the cuffs being embellish- ed with shrimp-pink tussore. Skeena Lund District—District of Coast, Hange 5 Take notice that Guy L. fooker, of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation civil en sineer, intends to apply for permissiun to purchase the following described lands: Coumpencing at @ post planted at south- east corner of “Lot 907, Range 6, Coust District, thence north 40 chains more or less to south boundary of J. A. Kirk- patrick 8 application to purchase, thence east 40 chains more or tess following said boundary to horithwest corner of Lot 31, thence south 40 chains to southwest corner of Lot 31, thence east 20 chains more or less to high water mark, thence southerly and westerly following high water mark to point of commencement, consalning 200 acres more or less. GUY L. TOOKER. Dated July 6th, 1913. Pub. July 14, 1913—Sept. 8, 1013. NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. Creditors’ Trust Deeds Act, and Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that William Hyde, carrying on business as a merchant 41 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, in the Provinee of British Columbia, has by deed dated the Sth day of ,July, A. D, 1913, as- signed all his credits and effects, which may be seized and sold under execution, and all bis real estate to Frederick George Dawson, of the said City of Prince Rupert, merchant, for the” purpose of satisfying rateably and proportionately and without preference or priority all bis creditors; And notice is hereby given that a meet- The ing of the creditors of the said Willtam Hyde will be held at the office of Williams & Manson barristers, Heigerson Block, Prince Rupert, B, C., on Thursday, the 17th day of July, A, D. 1913, at the hour of 2:15 o'clock in the afternoon; And notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the said Wil- liam Hyde are required to forward par- ticulars of same, duly verifNed by statutory declaration, to the sald Frederick George Pawson, addressed to him at the said Cit of Prince Rupert, on or before the 30th day of July, A. D. 1913, and that all per sons indebted to the said William Hyde are required to pay the amount due by them to the said Frederick George Dawson orthwith And notice is hereby given that after the sald 30th day of July, A. D, 193, the assignee will proceed to distribute the as- among those parties who having regard only to of which he shall and will not be sets of the estate are entitled thereto, the claims duly verined, then have ivcelved notice, responsible for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or ‘ersons of whose duly verifed claim he Mhall not then have received notice, ate is 8th day of July, A. dD, 1013 Dated this NOILLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for the Assignee, Frederick George Dawson NOTICE. Estate of William Hyde, Tobacconist and Fruit Merchant, Assigned. is hereby given that tenders will Notice be “received for the purchase of the credits, assets and effects of the above naroed William Hyde, which said credits, assets and effects are 1 aieneey see se remises ‘merly oeccupled b he premises formerly occu y a seme Hyde, 607 Third avyeare, The assets of the assigned include the good will and effects of tho | City Messenger Service. All tenders must be in the hands of the undersigne’ not later than 12 o'clock noon of the 17%h day of July, A.D. 1918. i A am any tender not necessarily accepted, Pate yrince Rupert, B. C., July 8th, Dated at Prince Rup iy OS, 1913, FREDERICK GEORG E DAWSON, EDERI Wi'ham Rupert. Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation dress- Maker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the folowing described lands: Commencing at @ t planted at the northeast corner of Let 604, Coast District, Kange 5, thence east 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20° chains to place of com- thencement and containing 40 acres more or less, MARGAR . GRANT. Dated April 5th wise mf Pub, Apr. 24, {918—June 16, 1913, | Skeena Land Disitrict-—District of Coast, Range 5 priike (notice that Martin Swanson, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation painter, ntends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the Southwest corner of Lot 3075, thence horth 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence 40 chains in @ southerly direction round the shore, thence 40 chains in an easterly direction round the shore to the bolnt of commencement, containing one hundred and twenty acres more or less. ARTIN SWANSON. Dated June 24th, 1913. Pub, June 30, 1913-—Aug. 25, 1013. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Alaska : Excursions 7 Days’ Outing of California” sall from on follow=- duly 4th, Steamers “State and “City of Seattle” Prince Rupert at eo le Ing dates:—June ‘2nd, 10th, 1 22nd, and 8th, Aueyee Srd, Oth, 15th, et, and th for all porte of call, Ke’ ohekan, Wran- el, Taku Glacier, Killisnoo, Sitka, Treadwell, arriving at In the morning w' trains take exoursionists to of White Pass and return tn for steamer’s departure In even- Ing. Round trip tickets Including meale and berths $32.00. Secure reservations earl”. ROGERS’ STEAMSHIP AGENCY BARNEY MULVANEY TELLS OF HIS TRIP ALONG NAAS VALLEY COUNTRY RAPIDLY SETTLED THERE 18 STILL ROOM “Barney” Mulvaney, the weli known old timer of these parts, and 8S. EK. Lawyer, formerly of Alberta, are in town after a trip into the valley of the Both Mr. Mulvaney and Mr. Lawyer speak enthusiastic- ally of the country in that re- fion. Mr. Lawyer says it is the finest he has ever The following account 6f the trip is given by Mr. Mulvaney: “Leaving Bay we pro- ceeded to Alice Arm, a trip which took two hours by Butler’s gaso- line launeh, and we were royally entertained there by a number of prospectors, who showed us samples of ore that would shame the wildest of Monte Cristo, ; “From the head of Alice Arm We Crossed the mountains over a low lo Aiyansh, through a country abounding in great min- eral possibilities, and the greatest allilude was but 1,800 feet, obviously offering an easy outlet from the Groundhog coal measures and the vast agricul- tural areas of the Naas River. “A rough trail of about forty miles brought us to Aiyansh, the garden of the Naas, and disclosed Naas River, seen, Goose dreams pass as THE DAILY NEWS SINCE HIS LAST TRIP, BUT FOR THOUSANDS OF . HOMESTEADS. an agricultural district the ex- istence of which one would be lempted to doubt considering the latitude. “Since my last trip into this district the country has rapidly been settled up, but there is still room for thousands of home- steaders, and as a government survey party is working on the reserve for settlers only under Mr. Taylor, the locating of a homestead. is greatly simplified. “In addition to this, it was heretofore very difficult to get up the Naas as far as Aivansh from the mouth of the river, but at present there are several boats running from Prince Rupert to the mouth of the Naas, and W. A. Dunlap, himself a homesteader, is running a launch weekly to the head of navigation on the river, carrying mail and passen- gers, having in his employ one of the most competent Indian pilots. “The land reserved for home- steaders only is the choicest on the Naas, and comprises about a hundred square’ miles. Only about twenty-five square miles are located, the balance offering a glorious inducement to the homesteader.” HAZE The sale of a block of 100,000 of treasury stock in the Mines announced by Duke Harris. The purchaser Ss. D. Trethewey, a Chilliwack capitalist, who has spent several days looking over the camp mak- thorough examination of the American Boy the Harris Mines property. well pleased was Mr. Trethewey with the showings and the character of the work done, that he per- sonally purchased the block men tioned, and dssured the_ officers of the company that further funds would be available if re- quired, shares Harris 1s is ing a group, So The working force at the mine will be immediately increased. It intended to develop the number three vein, with its not- is able ore bodies, by means of tunnels on the vein, starting on the north side of the hill, by which considerable depth may be gained. — 3 LTON NEWS NOTES fw A new schedule providing for three trains a week, is expected shortly. D. L. Purvis is’ installing a water system at his ranch. He will pipe water for irrigation and household purposes from Four- Mile ereek. He has a_ field of alfalfa, which is doing well, and is also experimenting in potatoes of new varieties and in apple trees. Telegraphie orders have been sent for the material required to construct the new South dHazel- ton ferry. H. O. Behrens, of Mountain View, Cal., is on his way to Fra- ser Lake, with a view to acquir- ing some land. Hazelton Secotsmen will meet Monday evening to consider the formation of an association. NEWEST THING IN MOVING PICTURES Film Makers Going to the Bottom of the Sea to Secure a Novelty Accounts in Eastern maga- zines and newspapers of a new device for capturing film records of the denizens of the mighty deep have aroused considerable interest, and it seems that the very bowels of the earth will soon be no longer safe from the ubiquitous camera man, The latest invention is a long tube or tunnel down whieh the photographer descends into a chamber at the bottom, capable of accommodating three. In the window of this tube the camera is placed and down in the waters the operator snatches such views of civilization as exists below the surface. At night the waters are illuminated by a tremendous ar- ray of electric lights to attract the crowds of sea-dwellers. MILLIONAIRE BABY HAS NEW PLAYTHING Son of Edward McLean Is Now Feeding Goats and Sheep on His Own Farm. Newport, July 14, —- Vinson Walsh McLean, the $100,000,000 baby, has a new plaything which his father, Edward McLean, says is the most sensible of all. his toys the total eost of which would foot up almost as much as the President of the United States’ salary for the year. The new plaything is a farm with a goat on it. Baby McLean is now on his farm at Black Point, nine miles from here. And, with the goats and sheep and chickens and negro boy whom his father has picked out as a playmate so that the young multimillionaire may grow up democratic, he is having a bully time. TO REMOVE NONSENSE — FROM BOOK OF PRAYER Bishop of Ely Moved Resolution for Appointmont of Revision Committee, London, July 42.—In the upper house of convocation for the Province of Canterbury, the Bishop af Ely today moved a resolution for the appointment of a committee to revise the prayer book and psalter. The resolution was adopted unani- mously. The Bishop of Ely said that all were aware that the prayer book and psalter contained “passages which, to speak the truth, are not far removed from being non- sense.” The Archbishop of Ganterbury, president of the upper house, promised to appoint a commit- tee forthwith, GULF STREAM DIVIDED Atlantic Skipper Tells Story of Interesting Experiment. The story of an _ interesting Gulf Stream experiment was told in the English law courts the other day by Captain EB. J. Can- nons, of the Atlantic Transport Company. The test was made to show that the Gulf Stream divides into’ two portions, The captain said he dropped two bottles into the sea at longitude 50 in the North Atlantic within a yard of each other. One was found on the Hebrides, while the other was discovered eighteen months later on the coast of Portugal, Cap- tain Cannons was. giving evi- dence in the action brought against the owners of the ill- fated Titanic by Mr. T. Ryan, a Cork farmer, who claimed dam- ages for the loss of his son and alleged negligent navigation, “Very good, my friend,” said the latter, “come back again in a year and a day, and if in the meantime the turbot has not been claimed it shall be yours.” ATWELL UH i of Clean-cut Modern Manhood Shaving with the Gillette takes but three refreshing minutes. You waste no time honing or stropping— or fuming in the barber’s waiting row. The Gillette. makes home shaving so easy and luxurious that By making shaving so easy, the Gillette Safety Razor has done much to develop the typical man of to-day —that strong, aggressive, successful individual who ‘scorns to disguise his features with a beard or to appear with an unkempt stubble on cheek it is no more a task, but an agree- or chin, able incident in the morning toilet, There are over 40 Gillette styles from which to choose. Standard Sets, y like the illustration, cost $5.00 —Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combi- nation Sets, with brush, soap and other toilet articles, run from $6.50 up. From the assortment which your Hardware Dealer, Druggist or Jeweler can show you, buy a Gillette—you'll enjoy it. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR. CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED The New Gillette Building, ii wy ey es NTT sae y ; . ee ‘Ef lth ll I ia ‘ er Ren | AAAI TA WAT " “J s ne r pune Ve ‘ WO, Pe + %. HI} When Summer Stops the Swing een Most of us can remember the school lesson in the law of accumulated motion—momentum. If you exert a pound of pressure against a man in a swing, you'll start him moving slowly “to and fro.” If you continue to exert a pound of pres- sure against him every time the swing makes a trip, you'll soon have him going so high that he almost turns the whole circle. If you stop push- ing, the momentum will die out and the swing come to rest at “dead centre.” — Winning trade follows the same natural laws. Advertisements are the force behind the swing of public favor. Each new advertisement increases the momentum. Finally, the accumulated force I of these numerous impulses swings indifference to 1 the buying point. | If you stop Advertising, you lose momentum. The moral of which is: \ Don’t stop the business swing in Summer. Keep adding the pounds of Advertising ‘. pressure. recognized Canadian veriang , OF Secre! Advertise in The Daily News ae | | } 4 4 j vi | if 4 A .| a] al aR a H att Dee I a j gS i Rg y 4) ; { | ees t ora hy . ee Hy : | . Oe 2 aH x y, a eh a oe as } a £ re ru SH 5H ty